Plan B
Shoutout to happilylarry , you guys should go check out her new fic and show the love.♥️
Also, I made cookies today and burnt my hand, it was worth it for the food tho lmao✌🏽
"Right. How do we go around this then?" Liam asked as he held his phone tightly into his hand, the display showing recent messages from Simon and management.
"On one hand we can ask why he wiped Louis phone, that way we won't straight up tell him we've been gathering evidence against him. On the other hand we could do that and Simon knows exactly why, making life ten times more difficult for us" Harry replied in a frustrated tone, weighing up his options.
"Well we need to find out if it was really him or not. Your friend did say it would be easier to retrace the footage and everything if we knew where to get it from. So I guess it's our only option" Louis said, referring to the tech guy harry knows.
"Yeh I guess your right. May as well get it over with then" Liam said with a shrug, hitting the call button and putting it on speaker.
The phone ringed twice before Simon finally answered the phone, and the nerves were already kicking in. Everything could go to shit because of this one phone call.
"Liam. Why are you calling?" Simon asked in a bored tone, causing the lads to roll their eyes.
"We've got a serious situation we need to discuss with you" Liam replied, scratching the back of his neck out of habit.
"Well okay then, get on with it" Simon said with a sigh, clearly not in the mood for more shit to deal with.
"Recently Louis phone was wiped. We were wondering if you had anything to do with it, or management?" Liam finally asked hesitantly, the uneasy tone clear as day in his voice.
"So you finally had the balls to ask huh?" Simon said in a mocking voice, the smile evident through the phone.
Everything that could have gone wrong had now happened in just a second.
The lads were holding onto that last little bit of hope that Simon hadn't been the one to wipe Louis phone. Hoping it was just some sort of malfunction. Hoping that when Simon heard the question, he would be clueless as to what's really been going on.
But their hope was shattered when the realisation hit them. Simon did wipe the phone, Simon knew they were plotting this behind his back the whole time, and now Simon had all their evidence in his grasp, locked away from them.
And now, Simon can do absolutely anything he wants with them.
Simon can do whatever he wants because he's got the upper hand. Simon has proof of their 'backstabbing' actions and he will hold that against them for the rest of their lives, or until they find a miracle to get them out of this mess.
They knew that if Simon ever found out he would just up the consequences. He would make them pull more stunts, keep the lads further apart, make it impossible to carry out normal relationships with one another. Simon was going to ruin them, they knew this for a fact.
And their only way out of it would be to gather more evidence, or retrace what they had, but with the knowledge that Simon would be watching their every move from now on, the idea seemed impossible.
A long silence drew out after what he said. The lads looking at each other with worried looks, mouths gaping open and eyes blown wide. They were so fucked.
"What? Got nothing to say now? Maybe start with explaining yourselves" Simon said in a cold voice, almost making shivers run down each of their spines.
"I- Simon it's not what you think" Liam stuttered out, desperate for any kind of redemption, even if he knew it was a lost cause.
"Oh, so taking pictures and videos of me and management under the folder name evidence isn't what we think? You don't seriously think we didn't know what you were up to this whole time? We've heard you little conversations before meetings, you should know the building had thin walls" Simon scoffed out, chuckling to himself.
"I don't understand" Liam replied, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why don't I make it clear for you then. This little stunt you've pulled is going to have consequences, wether you like it or not. I'm going to make sure you regret this for the rest of your fucking careers, and this time, you won't have a way out of it. From now on you'll have someone watching your every move, one slip up and your punishments will just get worse and worse. I don't want Louis and harry anywhere near each other unless it's mandatory, same goes for you and Zayn, if you fail to meet my expectations you'll be doing stunt after stunt after stunt, I'll make sure of it. This is what you get when you go behind our backs, you try ruin me and I'll just do the same"
Simon finished his little rant and left the lads stunned, more angry and upset than ever. The emotions were racing through them, making them unable to get a word out as they gripped their chairs tightly. And just as the thought Simon was done, he spoke up again.
"We've got another meeting lined up before you head to Ireland so we can discuss this more then. In the mean time remember what I've said, and don't fuck it up" He finalised before ending the call, leaving the lads sat in silence.
Louis whimpered and burrowed his face into Harrys chest, clutching onto his shirt for dear life. He couldn't stand the thought of staying away from Harry. He didn't even think he could physically restrain himself from doing it, he needed him 24/7 and the thought of keeping his distance broke his heart. They were back to square fucking one.
"Shh" harry whispered as he held Louis against him with just as much need as his boyfriend.
Harry felt like crying. His chest was tight and his head was spinning. He felt like this one phone call had his world falling apart. It may not seem like a big deal to others, but others haven't experienced what they had to back in the day.
Even when it was just small stunts they had to pull and keeping their distance in interviews was hard enough, he doesn't even think he could handle staying away from Louis for the entirety of tour, for the entirety of his career. He simply couldn't do it.
Louis was his world now, he was every part of him. Staying away from Louis would feel like ripping his soul away from his body, cutting off a limb. He just wouldn't be whole without him.
He knew he had to do everything he could to find a solution to this. He would stay up all day and night if he had to, just to find a way out of this mess. Hopefully his friend could help them.
Zayn's eyes were cold with hatred as he stared out the bus window, thoughts running round his head non stop.
He thought about having to keep his distance from Liam, the man he was just beginning to get back on track with again. He thought about the pain Louis and harry must be experiencing, having a love so pure and rare as theirs ripped away from them. He thought about Liam feeling powerless to the situation, when normally he was the one in control, always finding the solution. He thought about Niall being stuck in the middle of this, undeserving of all the drama going on around him when he hadn't done a single thing wrong. And finally he thought about his hatred for Simon, the man who just seems to ruin every chance of happiness they could get.
Zayn knew he needed to be strong for the other lads, bringing out his calm demeanour in this messy part of their lives. All he wanted was for them to be happy and at peace.
Liam knew this was all going to go to shit at some point, and he regretted even calling Simon in the first place. Sure, he had it tough right now, but he knew he wasn't experiencing anything like what harry and louis were.
He had watched the two of them blossom into their relationship, from the early days of the X factor to now, with all the stress and obstacles in between.
He had watched them cry, shout, scream, argue, but he had also seen them kiss, smile, hug, hold hands, stare, even make love, although that last one wasn't exactly something he wished to have witnessed. Either way, he had seen the good sides and the bad sides, and he knew they were perfect for one another.
Their love was like nothing Liam had seen before, it was like something out of a damn movie. They completed each other in ways nobody else could imagine. Harrys cheeky, confident and kind nature balances out Louis' loud, sassy and outgoing one. He had seen just what being apart lead them to, and he wouldn't wish that on his greatest enemy, (or maybe he would on Simon but nobody needs to know that).
Being apart even just for a few years lead to Louis' depression, being withdrawn and quiet, his smile didn't quite reach his eyes or make them crinkles besides them, he wasn't as energetic or silly. He had become a more serious, sad version of himself, and it was honestly the saddest thing he had ever witnessed, but harry shocked him the most.
Being apart from Louis, had turned harry into the exact opposite of himself.
He took substances he would have rather burned in his past, inevitably trying to destroy his body. He treated people like they were the dirt he walked on. He developed a cocky, reckless demeanour in which the people around him despised him for. He withdrew himself from his loved ones and didn't speak to them under any circumstances, isolating himself from the real world. He couldn't even apply his utmost rule to himself anymore. To treat people with kindness.
If Liam ever saw the two of them like that again he didn't know what he would do. He would rather kill Simon than have him put his best mates through that situation again. But he did have hope. He knew they would find a way around this, even if it meant sacrificing things along the way.
And Niall. He felt helpless.
He didn't know what to do at all. He felt his heart break at watching his best friends going through this again, watching on with sad eyes as they gripped one another as if they would float away at any second.
He knew he was the most fortunate right now, being that he didn't have relationships on the line and wasn't constantly belittled by Simon and management every day, all for something the lads couldn't change about themselves.
But just because nothing significant was happening directly to him right now, it didn't stop the ache forming in his chest and the feeling of his lungs being filled with water.
He felt like he couldn't do anything. He wanted to help his friends so badly, make sure everything is going to be okay, but he doesn't know how. All he can do right now is offer his support and keep high spirits up, he vows to himself that he will make sure they're happy in any way he can. He won't let Simon ruin this for them, not when they've just gotten back on track.
"So, What now?" Zayn asked, a small but sad smile on his face.
"I have no fucking clue. He can't do this though, it's just not right" Niall said with a huff as he pushed the hair back from his face.
"You know what. Let's just forget the phone call. I don't give a shit what Simon said on the phone, it doesn't change any of our plans anyway. Yes he may be threatening us with distance and more stunts, but as long as we keep on track, eventually we will have this sorted. First we need to go see Harrys mate, see if he can fix Louis phone, then we will gather more evidence, but we will need to find more ways to do it seeming as we're gonna he watched 24/7, once that's done we can continue with getting our lawyers onto the case. All we can do right now is support each other and try not to worry about it too much, we've come too far now to give up on it all. There's no way Simons getting away with this" Liam said once he had gotten himself together, finding a way to fuel his anger into determination.
Louis listened to what he was saying with his head still hidden in Harrys shoulder, not wanting to remove himself from his boyfriends grasp. But as soon as Liam had finished his little speech, he was feeling more ready than ever.
Louis sat up slowly and smiled at harry before pulling his head into a long, passionate kiss. Harry smiled into the kiss and then withdrew himself, needing air, and pulling Louis into a hug, wrapping his long arms around his body tightly as Louis sunk into his embrace once again.
"Liam's right. We're gonna get through this. I don't care how long it takes, we will find ways to stay close with one another and we will find ways to gather more evidence. We could even buy a separate phone just to store everything on, one that Simon and modest won't know about" Louis said proudly after taking his head out from Harrys neck, smiling widely.
"Fuck that's actually such a good idea lou, we could get one before seeing jack, that way anything he can retrace from your old phone he could put onto the new one, so that doesn't get wiped again" Harry replied with a grin, finally feeling like they had a solid plan.
"Thank fuck. Let's just hope it all works out this time around" Niall said with a smile, all of them ready to get this going as soon as possible, this time without fail.
Author notes:
Okay, so this chapter was slightly boring but at the same time I'm proud of it because I've been needing to write a chapter purely on their thoughts and feelings for a while now.
I felt like as there's so much going on with it all the time I never really get to fit in the parts that show their own thoughts, how they feel about one another and the situation they're in, so I'm actually glad I wrote this one.
I hope you enjoyed and sorry for not posting this sooner, I've been busy with revision for my mocks next week ughhh.
Please leave comments and votes, they make my day:)
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Love you all xxx
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