New rules
Right, just gonna say this now. If it says Hardy instead of Harry, it's because it keeps changing whilst I'm writing it and sometimes I don't notice😂🤭
"You pick Eleanor up, go to the club and start to gradually get more cosy with each other. We will make sure the paps are there to catch it all and the pictures should be up by tomorrow" Management told Louis, who was sat alone, without Harry. Which was weird because normally they get called out for PR meetings together, so they both know what's about to happen.
"Okay and how far should I take it?" Louis asked with a bored tone.
"Make out with her, get a bit touchy, then take her home afterwards so it looks sketchy" The woman explained sternly making Louis grimace at the thought of even doing this.
"Does Harry know about this?" Louis asked, knowing he wouldn't do this without his permission.
"Of course, we already told him about it this morning, he's fine with it, not like he has a choice anyway" Simon said, hiding his smirk beneath his hand.
"Okay then, I'm off" Louis replied with a nod, standing up and walking out the door.
"This should do the trick" Simon said when The door had closed.
"He'll have no idea. There's no way they're staying together after this" The woman from before added on with a dark chuckle.
"Shame, Harry will be so heartbroken" Simon said sarcastically, laughing with his peers, knowing their plan would be successful.
End of flashback.
"But Hazza, I cant be arsed getting up" Louis groaned into the taller mans shoulder.
"Sorry, we have to, we have the interview today" Harry replied with an apologetic smile, playing with Louis' hair.
"Fuck sake, i miss not having a busy schedule" Louis whined.
"Well, that's the price you have to pay to have the life we do. Now get up, I'm going for a shower" Harry replied before jumping out of bed and disappearing off into the bathroom.
Louis sighed and stared at the ceiling for a moment, deciding to grab his phone and check his socials.
He scrolled through twitter and Instagram and realised the reactions from that kissing video hadn't died down yet, it was still all he could see on his timeline and he actually loved it.
He could faintly hear the shower running and Harry singing some unknown song echoing around the room, Louis smiled at the sound and listened for another moment trying to make out the lyrics, but he soon gave up and drifted his attention back to his phone.
He realised he hadn't posted anything since he found out about the reunion, being too busy to even think about social media. His fans were practically begging him to post, let them know what he was doing other than the obvious, that being the reunion.
He clicked the post icon on his Instagram and scrolled through his camera roll, looking for a decent photo to post and stopped when he found the perfect one.
It was an old throwback photo from the early days of one direction. He grinned at the photo, snickering at the outfit choices but then grimaced at his own, what on Earth was he thinking, he thought to himself.
He then proceeded to tag the lads in the picture and wrote out a caption, "missed these lot. Ready to kick off tour" he then posted the photo and watched as the comments and likes flooded in within a second.
He replied to a few funny comments, ones that stood out to him and not long after, Harry was walking back into the room in nothing but a towel hung loosely around his waist.
"Sprite surprise, Harry styles is naked" Louis said sarcastically with a smirk.
"Shut up, you love it" Harry said cheekily while looking for something to wear.
"That I do Harold. That I do. Now, I'm going for a shower and when I'm out I expect breakfast to be ready for me, chop chop" Louis said loudly while getting out of bed, patting Harry twice on the arm while he passed him, only to have his hand caught and his body pulled back into the man.
"Now why would I do that then?" Harry asked, his face inches away from Louis'.
"Because You like me better than the rest of the lads?" Louis retorted questioningly.
"That's true, don't tell them, but still, what do I get out of this?" Harry asked, his arm tightening around Louis.
Louis hesitated before reaching up on his tiptoes to place a soft kiss on Harrys lips, a wave of excitement flooding through his veins as they moulded together like a perfect jigsaw puzzle.
After a while they disconnected their lips and Harry smiled down at Louis, staring into his bright blue eyes.
"Go on, get a shower. I'll be waiting downstairs for you" Harry said, moving Louis' hair from his face before putting on some clothes and walking out of the room to go make breakfast.
Louis smiled to himself for the billionth time this morning, feeling content with how everything had turned out so far.
He walked to the bathroom and set the shower running, hot steam filling the large room, covering the mirror in a sheet of mist.
After stripping off he walked into the huge shower, the walls covered in a dark slated stone, contrasting with the whiteness of the marble walls and floor on the rest of the bathroom.
Like Harry had done, he began singing melodically to himself whilst rubbing shampoo into his locks and using Harrys strawberry scented shower gel to lather his body in.
He realised that if he spent too long in the shower his food might go cold so he quickly turned off the water and jumped out of the shower, rubbing his body down with a fresh towel and walking into the bedroom to pick out his outfit for the day.
He went with black skinny jeans and a dark grey jumper, casual and comfy until he has to change into a more professional attire for the interview.
Once finished he walked down the huge staircase and neared the kitchen where he could hear faint chatter emitting from.
The smell of bacon and eggs hit his nostrils, making his tummy rumble, only now realising how hungry he really was.
"Took your time" Niall said once he had made an appearance in the doorway.
"Shut up, it takes time looking this good" he said gesturing to himself, when in reality he wasn't wearing anything special and he hadn't put much effort in.
Harry walked over and passed a plate full of food to Louis, kissing his temple quickly before walking back to the food, making his own plate up.
"Thanks Haz" Louis said while sitting down at the kitchen island.
"S' alright" he replied, soon enough sitting down with the rest of the lads and digging into his own breakfast.
"Where did you two disappear off to yesterday then?" Liam asked, easing his eyebrows with a smirk.
"Just spend the day in bed" Louis said casually, not realising how that may have sounded.
"Did you now?" Zayn said with a smirk, his tone teasing.
"Oh my go- not like that you creep!" Louis spluttered out, blushing as he did so.
"What? You are a couple aren't you?" Zayn asked, confused.
"Not exactly" Harry replied.
"What does that mean?" Liam pushed.
"It means we're not official, yet" Harry stated, Louis' mind stuck on that 'yet'.
"Well get on with it then, what's stopping you?" Niall asked.
"We need to build our trust up again. Or I mean, I do. No offence Lou" Harry said hesitantly, which Louis nodded in understanding. "I guess we've still got some things to talk about" Harry added on, knowing they hadn't gone over all the details of what actually happened yet, he still wanted answers from the blue eyed man.
"Yeh I guess so, oh and have you heard from Simon yet?" Liam asked, the thought suddenly hitting him.
"Surprisingly no, I would have thought he'd called by now, after that interview with Alan" Louis said with a smirk.
"That's weird. I assumed he had bitten your heads off and that's why you went into hiding yesterday" Zayn said with a breathy laugh, the other lads joining in.
"Nope, but I'm still waiting for it. I'm sure he or management will say something today, probably try to split us up on the show or some shit like that" Harry said with a huff.
"Don't worry about it too much, just do what you always do, ignore them" Liam said reassuringly.
"Thanks mate" Louis replied.
"By the way, I hope you don't mind but I called Helen up to see if she would be our tour photographer this year and she agreed, she took all my photos during tour and she's really great, I think you'll love her" Harry told them excitedly.
"Shit really? That's great, I saw the photos on your Instagram, they were so fucking good I wanted to get her on my tour" Niall said giddily.
"You should have asked her, I'm sure she would have taken them" Harry replied with a shrug.
"I thought she was too busy with you and Shawn, he showed me the photos she took of him when we went out in America" Niall explained.
"Yeh she told me about that, didn't you collab with him?" Hardy asked.
"Yeh he's such a good singer, proper nice guy as well" Niall said with a smile.
"You may as well marry him Niall, swear he's the only person you hung about with last year" Louis said cheekily.
"Well I'm sorry Louis, not everyone wants to go to a kinky bdsm club every night with a huge group of people" Nial retorted, making the lads snicker at him.
"Your still into that then?" Harry said with a smirk, tilting his head towards Louis.
"Hey! No sex talk at the table" Liam said sternly.
"Sorry mum" Louis replied with a grin.
Suddenly the ring of someone's phone began to chime through the room, Harry picking it up a second later. He decided to put it on speaker as it was management, knowing the rest of the lads should hear this.
"Hello" Harry said, the rest of the lads going silent.
"A car will be picking you and the lads up in about an hour to take you to the studios for the interview, make sure your all ready to leave straight away" Sarah from management told them in a bored but stern tone.
"Okay, anything else?" Harry asked wearily.
"Oh yeh, Simon is coming to the studios today seeming as you continuously disobey the management team while on set, he wants to speak with you after the show and if there's any funny business tonight then there will be consequences" she said, no remorse what so ever in her tone.
Harry shot his head up to look at the lads who returned his shocked look, this had never happened before.
"Fine" Harry sighed out and ended the call.
"Well shit" Niall said in a small voice.
"How the fuck do we get around this one then?" Louis said in annoyance.
"It's like he wants to fucking babysit us" Harry added on, rolling his eyes.
"Let's just worry about this later, we can deal with it when we're at the studios. Right now we need to go get ready before we get into shit for being late" Liam said wisely, the lads nodding their heads in agreement, knowing that if they were late they're be in even more shit than what's to come.
Everyone took their plates to the sink for Harry and Louis to clean up whilst the rest of them got ready, seeming as they were already dressed.
"I'm so done with this shit" Louis mumbled while drying the plates that Harry passed to him.
"Me too, I wish it wasn't so fucking difficult" Harry replied, understanding how Louis was feeling.
"We just need to push through it. Whatever Simon says today, ignore it. You and I both know he won't do shit and we've gone over this a million times by now" Louis reassured, looking at Harry with a sad smile.
For a while they continued cleaning up in silence, enjoying the moment of calmness. But Harry soon broke the silence.
"What I said earlier on, about not trusting you. Please don't take it to heart, I just- I don't know, I don't want to hurt you but I also want to keep it straight with you. I am trying, for us, but like I said, it's gonna take time for me to build up that relationship we had before everything happened" Harry explained, fumbling on his sentences and desperately trying not to hurt Louis' feelings.
"I understand, take your time love" Louis said softly.
"Can I ask you a question?" Harry asked in a small voice.
"Anything" Louis replied.
"Like, I don't want to have this whole conversation now because I feel like it should be done properly, but, why did you do it?" He asked, desperate to know the answer to the question he's been asking himself for years now.
"Well, I didn't want to, obviously, but you know how persistent management can be, it was just supposed to be a PR stunt-
"Wait, What?" Harry suddenly exclaimed, his head shooting up to look at Louis with his mouth hung open.
"Uh, it was a PR stunt? Why are you so shocked, it's not like you didn't know. Wait, did you?" Louis asked, realisation hitting him straight in the face.
"Like hell did I know! Seriously, it was a PR stunt? Your not messing with me right now?, I swear to god-
"No Haz, I'm not kidding, they told me that you knew about it?" Louis interrupted, anger surging through him.
"What the actual fuck? So all of them years hating you was for bloody nothing then?" Harry said, wiping his we hands with a towel before throwing it onto the surface in anger.
"Well, I mean, technically no, I still ended up getting piss drunk and sleeping with her, but I swear it was meant to be a PR stunt and it meant nothing to me" Louis said guiltily, knowing there was no point in lying to him.
Harry sighed deeply, rubbing his hands across his face, not knowing how to respond to this. All them years he thought it was purely Louis' decision, when in reality it was just another sick set up by Simon. He needed to have a proper conversation with Louis now more than ever, but it would have to wait, they were going to be late.
"I swear I'm so sorry Haz-
"Shh, I'm not mad, well I am, but mostly at Simon, not you. Look we'll talk more about this later, right now we need to get ready" Harry said, cutting Louis off from his apologies.
Harry smiled at Louis and took his hand, dragging him upstairs so they could grab their stuff to take to the interview.
Upstairs the lads were rushing about getting ready, Niall running past them without a shirt apparently looking for something whilst Liam was running out of the bathroom. Zayn must be off doing his hair, as usual.
"10 fucking minutes and we're leaving!" Niall shouted breathlessly.
"Yeh yeh we know, hurry the fuck up then" Louis shouted back, laughing at the man.
10 minutes later and they were all just about ready to leave, grabbing their coats and putting their shoes on before walking out the door and jumping into the car that was waiting for them just as management had said it would be.
It took them about 15 minutes to arrive at the studio and when they did a large group of paps were waiting for them, cameras at the ready.
"Can't you pull round the back, I can't be arsed dealing with the paps right now" Zayn asked their chauffeur who was about to stop right in front of them.
"No can do sorry, management instructed me to let them see you" The man replied, making the lads huff in annoyance.
"But we don't have bodyguards?" Liam said in confusion.
"Paul is waiting for you out there, don't worry he will be right here in a moment"
And just as he said, Paul opened the car doors to greet them, the lads put smiles on their faces and stepped out of the car, flashes blinding them.
"Alright alright, step back, we don't have time for this!" Paul shouted to the paparazzi, some of them moving whilst some more rudely stayed put, desperately trying to get the best shots.
"Harry, Louis are the dating rumours true?"
"Is there some kind of relationship going on?"
Some of the paps shouted, the boys ignoring the usual questions. However one of them caught their attention.
"Look it's Harry and Louis, the fags of one direction"
The lads shot their heads up in the direction the statement came from, trying to find the culprit who said such cruel words.
"Like your living any better you fucking looser" Louis shouted into the crowd, only stirring up more questions and pictures.
"Come on Louis just leave it" Harry said, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the studio entrance, finally away from all the shouting.
"The fucking nerve of some people, I should go out there now and tell him exactly what I think-
"No, you shouldn't. We'd just end up in even more shit and the media would have a field day" Harry said sternly.
"How are you reacting so calmly to this? It's fucking ridiculous!" Louis retorted, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Of course I'm angry, I'm just choosing not to let it get to me because I know it wouldn't help our situation anyway" Harry said calmly, grabbing Louis' face in his hands and looking into his eyes.
"Just calm down okay, he's irrelevant" Harry said with a small smile, Louis nodding reluctantly before Harry pecked his lips, pulling away to follow the rest of the lads to the dressing rooms.
They walked inside and weren't surprised to see Louise waiting for them, hair and makeup products set out on the vanity tables and her team chatting amongst one another quietly.
"Alright no time to talk sit down so we can get started" Louise said sternly, pointing to the chairs and turning away dismissively.
"So much for a warm welcome ey?" Louis said sarcastically, taking a seat next to Harry.
"Hello Louis, have a nice day? Are you excited? Do you want tea or coffee? How about a foot massage to go with it?" Louise said, sarcasm laced in her voice as she rolled her eyes.
"Alright alright, a hello would have been fine but now that you've mentioned it, a foot massage would be great thanks" Louis said with a smirk, propping his feet up onto the vanity table and in the process knocking over her equipment.
"Oi, get your disgusting feet off my surfaces! Your not in your pig stye of a room anymore" She retorted, pushing his legs off.
"I'll have you know my room is spotless thank you very much" He exclaimed.
"Lou, sorry babe but don't try kid yourself here" Harry said with a grin, causing Louis to smack his shoulder.
"It's your room too!" He said back, arms thrown to the side.
"Oh so your sharing rooms again, how couply of you" Louise teased, taking her comb and parting Louis hair to begin styling it.
"Shut up" Louis said with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout forming on his lips.
After a while their hair was styled to perfection and their faces were powdered, now all that's left to do was pick an outfit.
"Why don't you wear that suit you bought?" Harry asked Louis, walking up behind him.
"The Gucci one?" Louis asked, turning to face him.
"Yeh, you would look great in it" Harry encouraged.
"Isn't it too fancy just for a talk show thought?" Louis asked, unsure.
"Lou, look at what I wear every interview, that suit is nothing over the top compared to me" He replied with a chuckle.
"Yeh but that's you, I'm just the chavy one who wears trackies and t shirts, not thousand pound suits" Louis said with his eyebrow quirked upwards, hands on his hips.
"And? That doesn't mean you can't show up to a talk show rocking a thousand pound Gucci suit. Change doesn't hurt and the way you look in it makes up for it anyways" Harry said, kissing his temple before walking away to get changed.
Louis contemplated it for a moment before deciding to at least try it on again.
Why not? Fuck it he muttered to himself before grabbing the suit off its hanger and changing into it.
Once it was on he turned to look into the mirror. Hmm, actually not too bad, he thought.
"Bitch you better be telling me your wearing that" Niall exclaimed, making Louis jump.
"It's not too over the top is it?" He asked shyly.
"Fuck no, you look just as good in it now as you did the first time you tried it on. If you don't wear it I swear to god I will go home tonight and burn all your Adidas clothing" he said sternly.
"You wouldn't" Louis said, eyes squinted.
"Oh I would, now go out and wear the damn suit" He said, patting him on the back and dragging him over to the rest of the boys.
"Told you you'd look good" Harry said when he saw him, placing his hand on his lower back.
"Yeh Whatever" Louis mumbled back, fighting back a smile.
"Hello lads" an all too familiar but not pleasant voice sounded from the doorway.
"Simon" Liam nodded.
"Glad your all ready to go on, you've got five minutes. Louis, Harry, a word please" He said, gesturing for them to follow him out the room.
They sighed but complied, following the man out of the room and into a quiet hallway.
"What is it?" Louis asked harshly.
"No need for attitude, I just though I'd fill you in on what's going to happen if there's any more shenanigans like the other day" he said with a smirk.
"Get on with it then" Harry said through gritted teeth.
"As you know, you have two years left on this contract" he began, the lads humming in agreement.
"I know for a fact that your planning on leaving Syco when the contracts up, don't even try to deny it. However, if I hear any more shit from you two, then the contract is going to be prolonged for another two years on top of the time you already have" he explained, making the boys faces drop in shock.
"You can't fucking do that! We've signed it, that's the whole point in a contract, it stays the same as said in the details until the times up!" Louis exclaimed, anger boiling up inside him.
"Maybe if you read the contract better you'd see that head of management can change it how they wish, said person being me. If after this you decide to ignore the demands I will change it to a further five years being added on, you want to change it? Take it up with your lawyers, but I doubt it will do any good" Simon said with a chuckle.
"Fine, we fucking will" Louis said before grabbing Harrys hand and walking off, but we're once again stopped by Simon.
"Oh and Louis" he called out.
"What?" He said, seething.
"Nice suit" he smirked before walking away.
Louis looked down in embarrassment, wishing he hadn't put the fucking thing on.
"Don't you dare fucking listen to him, you heard everyone in there, you look amazing" Harry said soothingly, knowing how insecure Louis gets with his looks.
"It doesn't fucking matter, I know I look like shit, you don't need to lie" he said frustratingly.
"Lou, when would I ever lie to you?" Harry asked, hurt lacing his tone.
"You wouldn't, but it's not like I'm going to listen to myself, let me just go change and then we can go on the show" Louis replied, but just as he was about to tear the clothing off they were called onto set, only having about a minute to get out there.
"Look at me Louis" Harry said sternly, gently lifting his chin upwards.
"You look great and about what Simon said, we will get our lawyers onto this, Ive had enough of his shit now. The only way to get out of this is legally, we just need to get through this then we can call them when we're home" Harry said determinedly, speaking the truth with every word.
"I'm so fucking lucky to have you" Louis said quietly, kissing him before they rushed off to set.
Author notes:
Extra long chapter today seeming as the last few were shit:/
I hope you enjoyed this as it took me almost all day to write, I'm proud of this chapter as I feel like I wasn't lazy with it as I usually am, I actually put effort into it for once:)
Please keep the comments and votes coming. You have no idea how much I love reading the comment and I've had loads of them today, I had to keep pausing in between writing to go read them because I was too excited to see what they were haha.
Love you all xxx
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