Lazy day
Nearly at 8k reads, wtf? I love you all so much and thank you for the comments and votes, keep them coming! Xx
"What did you do over the break?"
"Like, during the hiatus, with your solo career and that, what did you do?" Louis explained.
Louis and Harry were laying in their king sized bed, their shirtless bodies covered in silk white covers and their heads leaning against one another.
They had nothing planned for the day as they had just done an interview the day prior, so they decided to just have a lazy day to catch up with one another. They definitely needed it.
"Well, I went to Jamaica to record my debut album in 2017, produced it with Jeff Bhasker and Kid harpoon, it was actually really relaxing, even though I was technically working. It was like, I could go off somewhere that I wouldn't be recognised for a while, and just focus entirely on the music. I loved it" Harry replied, smiling at the memory.
"Really? That sounds amazing, I wish I had done that when I recorded my album, half the time I was cooped up in a studio cause the weather was too shit to write outdoors" Louis said with a grimace.
"Yeah, doesn't sound too pleasant" Harry said with a laugh, his chest vibrating against Louis cheek as he rested his head upon it.
"What was it like there?" Louis quizzed, wanting to go there himself.
"Beautiful. It was so chilled out, I could take my time with writing the music and go enjoy myself at the same time. I went Scuba diving a few times, and surfing. The water is so clear there you wouldn't believe it" Harry said with a smile, rubbing his hands through Louis' hair.
"We should go there after tour, if we have time" Louis said, looking up to Harry with hopeful eyes which Harry cooed at.
"Of course we will, promise" Harry agreed, sticking his pinky finger out for Louis to hook his round, doing a little shake before letting go with grins across their faces.
"Well then, continue, what other adventures did you go on?" Louis said dramatically.
"I went on tour shortly after releasing the music, sold out msg on my own-
"Shit, really?" Louis said in shock, this was huge.
"Yeh, shocked me too. I even re-created that picture from when we went there as a band, you know, the one of me with my arms out" Harry confirmed with a small chuckle, grabbing his phone from the bedside table and showing Louis the picture from his Instagram.
"What the fuck that's amazing Haz" Louis said with a toothy grin and wide eyes, pecking Harry on the cheek quickly in a way of saying congrats.
"Thank you. Anyway, then I modelled for Gucci, which you already know-
"Yeh how did that come about anyways?" Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"Think they just clicked on that I liked their designs, after wearing their suits for so long they offered me a sponsorship modelling shoot. I did a video for them and I had to buy fish and chips, I looked like I was wearing Pj's" He explained with a small giggle, Louis laughing along with him, he would definitely be looking that up later.
"Then I hosted the met gala in 2019 with lady gaga and serena Williams, again wearing Gucci. I swear I got a million tags in clothing that year on what I should wear to it, it was ridiculous" Harry continued.
"Like what?" Louis asked, intrigued.
"Jesus you don't even want to know. One person tagged me in a gold Gucci thong and said they bet I owned it" He answered with a disgusted face.
"... you do own it don't you" Louis said with a straight face, eyebrow raised as if to say 'you can't lie to me'.
"-maybe" Harry replied shyly, smiling but covering his face with his hands.
"Fucking hell, you may as well buy the brand at this point, you own everything they sell!" Louis exclaimed, throwing his arms down onto the bed sheets.
"Heyyy, I donated my rainbow Gucci loafers so technically I don't anymore, wait, that reminds me, I need to order another pair of those" Harry said with a thoughtful look, causing Louis to roll his eyes and shake his head fondly.
"Jesus, anything else?" Louis asked, faking impatience.
"Recorded my second album in Tokyo, whilst there I was featured in an episode of queer eye which was fun, I met the cast and went out for drinks and stuff with them. When I got back to the UK the album was ready to be released and so it did, it got great reactions and I was meant to be going on tour this year for it but then the reunion came up and now here I am" Harry finished, looking down at Louis.
"Wow, you did a lot then. I'm guessing that's not everything though" Louis said with his head tilted like a confused puppy.
"No, course not, there were stuff in between, Like awards and promo but that was the main shit" Harry stated with a smirk.
"I really need to hear your album" Louis said, reaching to grab his phone but before he could Harry snapped him back into his chest, tutting into his hair.
"Nope, your gonna hear it on tour where I can give you a few surprises" Harry said smugly.
"Ugh, I can't wait for tour, that's ages away. I want to hear it now" Louis groaned, pouting.
"Too bad. Anyway, what did you do during Hiatus?" Harry asked, changing the subject.
"Honestly, not much, well, not in the public eye anyway. I was working a lot on the music but it didn't get released until mid last year, the album I mean. Everyone probably thought I was being lazy or some shit" Louis huffed.
"I bet they didn't. Your fans are understanding, they would have known you'd be working your ass of for them, don't put yourself down" Harry said soothingly, stroking his arm.
"Yeh, I know, I'm just being over dramatic I guess. I think I was just a bit too much of a perfectionist when making the album, that's why it took so long to release. I felt like if it wasn't up to my own standards of what I would listen to then nobody would like it, so i spend a lot of time writing and re-writing, and re-writing again, which was weird actually cause I was so used to getting a new album out practically every year with one direction. It was nice to have a bit of freedom to do everything on my own accord" Louis explained, Harry nodding when needed.
"Yeh I get what you mean. With the band, making music is usually quite hectic, What with all the demands from management, but when your on your own you can make more decisions and take your time, it almost made me want to stay solo to be honest" Harry admitted.
"But then I thought how much I missed you guys and how devastated the fans would be if we didn't return, I realised it wasn't even a choice anymore, it was a duty of sorts. Our responsibility is to do make career choices based on what would make them happy as well as ourselves, and if they are happy having us as a five, then I'm happy to comply" Harry continued, Louis smiling away at the heart felt words leaving his mouth in deep whispers.
"Your so kind, you know that right?" Louis told him, looking up into his eyes.
"Id hope so" Harry replied, holding his gaze for a moment before asking another question.
"So, What did you do then?" He asked Louis.
"Well, Uh, you know, my mum-
Louis didn't like talking about this topic, his voice beginning to crack at the mere thought of mentioning it.
"Shh, miss our that Part if you want babe" Harry comforted, rubbing Louis' back in circles to calm him down. Louis took a deep breath before continuing.
"Yeh, well um, just hold on got released, but you came to see that, even if it was just because of publicity" Louis said sadly, thinking about how if he didn't have to, Harry most likely wouldn't have showed up.
Harry felt guilty, hearing the sadness in Louis' voice when his spoke them words made him clench his jaw tight and inhale deeply.
"You know I would have still came to that performance right? Even if we were on the worst possible terms I would still support you through loss, I didn't turn into that much of a prick" Harry reassured, hugging the man tighter.
"Yeh I guess. Okay let's move on, I don't wanna talk about that-
"Thats fine, but if you do want to talk about it I'm always here, even if I wasn't before" Harry said softly, Louis giving a nod and a squeeze in return.
"I did a collab with Bebe Rexha, back to you, we actually filmed the music video in Doncaster. I was dressed like a right little chav with my matching tracksuit, but you know, that's me anyways" Louis said with a chuckle, Harry nodding in agreement.
"Yeh, I can see that" Harry said cheekily, earning a small smack from Louis on the arm.
"Oi, don't diss my style, at least I don't own golden Gucci thongs" Louis retorted smugly.
"You got me there, but in my defence, they make my ass look good in jumpsuits so I'll take it" Harry argued with a shrug.
"Yeh yeh whatever. Okay so I also realised two other singles, miss you, which I also did a video for, you need to watch that one by the way-
"Why?" Harry interrupted.
"You'll see" Is all Louis replied, winking for emphasis.
"I'll do it later"
"Alright. I did the X factor And then my latest single was Two of us, i wrote it for my mum, I'm the most proud of that song above all the rest I think. Just because it has so much more meaning than anything else I've ever written, it felt like a proper goodbye to her, a way to tell her what I was feeling indirectly" Louis explained with a sad smile.
"I actually listened to that one. I mean, how could I not? I loved your mum, she was so kind" Harry said with a sigh.
"Yeh, she was. That's why I put so much effort into not only the song but the promo. We even had this hotspot thing around the world where you had to go find them to unlock part of a video, it was really cool. The fans even went into places like water fountains and mountains just to unlock them, it was crazy" Louis said excitedly, eyes brightening once again.
"That's so creative, did you think of that?" Harry asked.
"Well it wasn't all me, worked on it with my team" Louis corrected.
"Still, I'm proud of you" Harry said, kissing his forehead and making Louis blush.
For a while, silence filled the room as the two men listened to one another breathing, taking in the relaxed atmosphere and wishing they would never have to leave this moment of pure bliss.
"I really fucking missed you" Louis said, breaking the silence.
"I missed you too, so much" Harry replied with a smile.
And for the rest of the day they were in and out of sleep, talking about everything and nothing, taking the time to relax until it was back to their busy schedule.
One more interview and tour would kick off.
Author notes:
I know this was a boring chapter but I felt like this needed to be written, I couldn't go on any longer without them both knowing at least the basics of what they got up to during hiatus.
I will try write the next chapter tomorrow if I'm not too busy with homework:)
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Love you all xxx
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