Lol I couldn't wait to write this chapter haha, so many people were confused as to why Louis was jealous, so this should explain some things, hope you enjoy x
"Louis Wait!" Harry called, struggling to keep up with the smaller man as he stormed out the exit of the apartment complex, hands balled into fists by his side.
Louis ignored him and carried on walking at a fast pace, his mind swirling with the idea of harry and that, that prick. That prick who looked so much like himself.
"Louis! Just, just slow down babe, can you at least talk to me?" Harry called as he began running, panting for breath as he did so.
As soon as Louis had left the room before harry had sent a scowl towards Jack and ran out the room in search of Louis, leaving the rest of the lads to keep and eye on Jack and make sure he was doing their job.
But right now, Louis wasn't slowing down, not even registering that his boyfriend was running after him. Not even registering that he was nearing a busy road.
Louis was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even realise he was about to step onto the road, just as a large car was speeding towards him, ready to inevitably crush his bones and leave him for dead.
Harrys eyes widened as he saw that Louis wasn't stopping, wasn't even looking at where he was walking.
"Louis stop!" Harry screamed as he picked up his pace into a sprint.
He ran as fast as his clumsy legs could carry him and grabbed Louis by the arm just as he was about to be hit, pulling him down onto the pavement with him with a large thud.
"What the fuck Haz!" Louis shouted as he felt the impact of the floor on his side, the pain shooting through him, but it wouldn't have even compared to the pain he would have felt if harry hadn't caught him at the last minute.
Harry shot up to check if Louis was okay. He patted down his face, sides, legs, anything to see if he was hurt, and he caught the slight wince when harry rubbed along his ribs.
"Fuck, Lou, are you hurt? Where is it hurting? What can I do?" Harry rushed out the words, stumbling over them as he pushed Louis hair away from his forehead.
"You can get the fuck off me for a start" Louis scoffed out, pushing harry away and standing up quickly, dusting off his clothes and wincing once again when he stretched out his torso.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked in a vulnerable voice as he peered up at Louis from the ground, still in the position Louis had pushed him into.
"Why do you care? Run back to your fucking boyfriend" Louis said with a bitter tone, disregarding the frown on Harrys face as he got up from the floor and stood directly in front of him.
"Louis, your my fucking boyfriend. I don't even understand what your saying right now" Harry replied, his voice sharp and loud as he shook his head in disbelief.
"You know what, it doesn't matter. Forget it" Louis said with a sigh and turned to walk away, but was prevented from it when harry caught his wrist and spun him back towards him.
"Louis- your not seriously jealous right now? Of Jack, of all people? You've got to be kidding me" Harry scoffed out, not believing his own words.
"Who said I'm fucking jealous? Of your little play toy who just happens to look exactly like me?" Louis asked in a sarcastic tone, pasting a fake smile onto his face as he spoke, shrugging his shoulders.
"Louis the last time I fucked him was way before the reunion! Before we even began speaking again. We broke up, I don't see what the problem is?" Harry shouted with a confused look on his face, using his hands to emphasise his statement.
"I know that! I fucking know that harry! I know that we broke up, I know that it was all my damn fault, I know that I have no right to be angry, or jealous, or sad. But I fucking am and I can't help it! I can't help that I get jealous when my boyfriends rebound is stood there, looking just like me, talking about how you fucked him and eyeing you up the entire time! Kissing you on the damn cheek and purposely trying to get under my skin. I can't fucking help it harry because I love you and I can't stand to be around someone you replaced me with while we weren't together!"
Louis ranted, spilling all the thoughts that were inside his head while standing in front of harry by a busy road where anyone could see them. He couldn't stop the words from coming out and didn't even notice the look of realisation smear across Harrys face, followed by the look of pity and empathy.
"Oh lou. I never replaced you. I couldn't, nobody could replace you. Not jack, not anyone. Don't ever think that okay. Yeh, you made shit decisions back then, but that couldn't make me replace you. He was just a bit of fun to take my mind of you for at least a night. But I guess it didn't really work, because all the while I was thinking it was you, because like you said, he looked so similar" Harry said in a softer, more gentle voice as he hesitantly reached out and brushed the hair behind Louis' ears before cupping his jaw and holding it in his large hands, staring him in the eye to get his point across as best as possible.
Louis just stared back with wide eyes, his mouth parted slightly with regret. He regretted ever blaming harry for this when he was the one who was being a prick. He hadn't even considered Harrys feelings during hiatus and he couldn't really blame him for finding a rebound, it was only natural.
"I'm sorry Haz" Louis whispered, shaking his head as he looked down at the ground, mentally cursing himself for making such a big deal out of nothing.
"It's okay, I understand where your coming from" Harry replied with a small smile.
"No, it's not okay. I made a big deal out of nothing and was being dramatic as per usual. I think, he just got under my skin, that's all. I would have probably understood more if he wasn't fucking with me the entire time" Louis said with a bitter tone.
"I'm sorry about him. He seemed nice when I first met him, but I didn't realise he was going to egg you on like that. I knew he would do something, after telling him about you, but that's just- not what I was expecting I guess. I really am sorry on his part, I understand why you got so angry, I would have too if someone was blatantly flirting with you like that" Harry said with a small chuckle.
Louis furrowed his eyebrows at one thing though. What was harry saying about him?
"Jack, he hinted that you weren't saying pleasant things about me. What was that about?" Louis asked hesitantly, staring with wide innocent eyes up at his boyfriend who suddenly tensed around him.
"I-Uh, when I first met him, I was having a really bad time. I drunkenly told him what had happened between us and may have talked a bit of shit, but he knows how I really felt about you, seeming as I told him that when I was sobered up. I'm pretty sure he would tell you all about it if youse had gotten on anyway" Harry said whist scratching the back of his neck, a guilty look in his eyes.
"Oh great, cant wait to hear that" Louis replied sarcastically, shaking his head in amusement.
"Yeh, anyway we should probably head back inside, he's gonna run us through what needs to be done to your phone. But you know I love you right and don't take anything he says too seriously, I wouldn't even dream of leaving you for him, you have nothing to worry about lou" harry said with a gentle voice as he pressed a kiss to Louis forehead, making Louis close his eyes in return.
"Alright, I love you too Haz, and I'm sorry, again for this" Louis said with a sheepish smile.
"Stop apologising you oaf, come on" Harry said with a small laugh, pecking Louis on the lips before pulling him back in the direction of the apartment complex, finally feeling somewhat peaceful.
Harry pushed open the door to the apartment and strolled in with his arm around Louis shoulders, keeping the now scowling man as close to him as possible.
Louis didn't want to go back inside. He didn't want to see this prick again. He didn't want to hear his comments and he didn't want him flirting with his boyfriend. The only thing he wanted was the footage back so they could get the fuck out of here and get the concert over with.
To say he was in a bad mood was an understatement.
Sure, Harry had calmed him down a considerately large amount, but it wouldn't keep him from feeling utter hate towards this man.
So, with a deathly glare and tight lips he walked inside with harry and ignored Jack as best he could.
He felt the eyes of each of them on him when he came back in and honestly felt a little embarrassed having just stormed out before for little to no reason. But he kept his head held high when harry rubbed his shoulder in a comforting manner, deciding to not let this bother him.
"Finally calmed the fuck down then?" Jack spat out upon seeing Louis, a smirk lingering on his lips.
"I'm gonna day this one more time jack. Shut the fuck up. I thought you were a mate but all you've done so far is cause trouble" Harry said with a frown, shaking his head in disappointment.
"What the fuck Haz? It's not like he didn't do shit as well!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, getting defensive and causing both Louis and Harry to roll their eyes.
"I don't want to hear it, and I don't want to hear that nickname either. You know as well as I do what you were trying to do before. I mean, what would you expect when trying to flirt in front of my boyfriend?" Harry scoffed out, laughing a little and gaining a smirk from Louis.
"I-" Jack began, a nervous look now on his face as harry cut him off.
"Save it. If you've got some bitchy comments then take them somewhere else, I didn't come here for that so I don't expect to receive any" Harry said harshly, sending daggers to Jacks head.
As harry sighed and took a seat with Louis tucked up close to him, Jack stared and pondered for a moment, a look of regret crossing his face immediately before he spoke again.
"Fuck, look. I didn't mean to cause any drama, even if it seemed that way. But, after not seeing you for so long and you having told me all this shit that Louis did, I don't know, it made me want to get back at him, if that makes any sense? It sound stupid, I know that, but we're close Harry, even if it's just as friends, and I felt so angry at Louis at the time you told me, even though I didn't even know him. I felt like I couldn't miss my chance to at least do something to remind him that he fucked up and left you with me" Jack began, nervously picking at his fingers and never releasing his stare from the ground.
The lads listened with furrowed brows, in some way understanding what he was trying to do but at the same time thinking it was fucked up.
"But I messed up and it was the wrong move. I realise that now and I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to try and split you two apart or anything like that and I should have just kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry Louis, and you too Harry, forgive me?" Jack continued, now looking the two men in the eyes with a pleading look, desperate for reconciliation.
Louis and Harry shared a look, a mix between anger and understanding, before Louis sighed and stuck his hand out with a pointed look, gaining a confused one in return.
"What?" Jack asked slowly, eyeing Louis hand with caution.
"I forgive you" Louis said with a bored tone, gesturing to his hand once again.
"Really?" Jack asked in surprise, not understanding why Louis would even consider this.
"Yup" Louis said, popping the p at the end and rolling his eyes when jack still hadn't shook his hand.
Jack finally smiled and reached out for Louis hand, grasping it in his tightly and giving it a shake. But suddenly Louis pulled his harshly, drawing his face up close to his with a sarcastic smile playing on his lips as he stared into his eyes.
"But I'm telling you now jack, if you ever flirt with my boyfriend in front of me again, I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you until you land in hospital. That clear?" Louis asked with a menacing tone, the smile never leaving his face as he watched jacks eyes widen in horror.
"Y-Yeh, I promise I won't" Jack stuttered out, and got a final nod from Louis before he withdrew from his hand, falling carelessly back into Harrys side as harry hid his grin beneath his hand, amusement evident in his eyes.
"Good, now can you help us or what?" Louis asked brightly, his normal self back which had harry smiling gratefully.
"Oh yeh, sure. I've already gone through the main bits with the other lads whilst you were out but I'll go over the basics. First I need to fix your phone, which will be hard but it shouldn't take more than half an hour or so. Then I can use the SIM card to try retrace everything that was wiped. Once we've hopefully gotten that I can transfer it for you into a new phone and you should be good to go. If you'd like I can also set up this thing on your phone which blocks other people from wiping it again, maybe that'll get management off your case" Jack explained with a smile, already sorting through the broken pieces of the phone and figuring out how he will fix it.
"Sounds great, cheers for this" Louis said with a smile, grateful that he would even want to do this for him after he almost attacked him.
"No problem mate. While I work on this you could go buy another phone or something to transfer the evidence onto" Jack suggested with a shrug.
"Sure, we can go, come on lou" Harry said with a smile as he tugged Louis up who groaned in return, not wanting to leave again as he couldn't be bothered.
"Fuck sake I'm too tired for this shit" Louis whined, rubbing his eyes as he followed behind Harry, sending a wave to the lads who were laughing at his laziness.
"Don't be pathetic, it's not like we're walking there" Harry teased with a laugh, shoving Louis to the side slightly.
"Oi! I am not pathetic Harold Edward styles. I'm merely exhausted from our travels" Louis said with a sarcastic voice, eying harry with a smirk.
"Sure thing, whatever you say" Harry replied with a shake of his head, smiling down at the ground as he walked to their car.
"I don't appreciate this harry, where's the support?" Louis sighed dramatically, pouting up at Harry who let out another laugh.
"Oh, I'm supposed to support you buying a new phone now am I?" Harry asked with eyebrows raised.
"Of course you are. Buying a phone takes a lot of effort, you have to pick the brand, type, colour, case. It a whole ordeal when you think about it" Louis said with a shrug.
"Yeh and that's why most people don't think about it when they buy a phone, they just find one they like and buy it, no big deal" Harry argued, though the smile never left his face.
"No, that's what you do because your impulsive with money. Jesus I'm surprised you haven't just bought Gucci yet" Louis laughed out as he got into the passenger side of the car, harry taking the wheel with a smug look on his face.
"If I bought Gucci it wouldn't be the same when wearing the suits" Harry replied as he started up the car before turning to face Louis as the engine rumbled.
"Either way you look damn good wearing them" Louis said and winked as harry laughed and brought him into a kiss with the back of his neck.
It was a short but passionate kiss, no tongue, just the two perfect lips moulding together for a brief moment, sending sparks up each other's bodies and butterflies to erupt in their stomachs. Their intimate moments never ceased to affect them.
"I know I do" Harry replied smugly, causing Louis to laugh and shake his head as harry finally broke away and turned the car down the road, heading for the apple store.
When they arrived they soon realised they should have brought Paul with them.
The shop was crowded with people and the streets were alive. They were sure that as soon as they step outside the comforting confines of the car they were done for. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Haz were gonna get murdered out there" Louis said with wide eyes, flitting from one stranger to another, his mouth agape.
"Don't worry about it. I'm sure as soon as we enter the shop they'll close it off for just us anyway" Harry said with a reassuring smile, grabbing Louis hand and giving it a tight squeeze.
"But, what if paps are there and management find out. Simon will kill us, we're not meant to be together" Louis said in a desperate attempt to make harry recoil and go back to the apartment, but the man was so stubborn.
"Fuck Simon and fuck management. I don't give a shit, we will have this sorted soon. They're just empty threats anyway, it's not like they're drop us from the label" Harry said with a scowl.
"That's not the point Haz" Louis replied sadly, shaking his head.
"Look, if you wanna Wait here while I go in then that's fine, but we need this bloody phone Louis" Harry said determinedly, placing his hand on the door handle as if ready to get out.
Harry stared at Louis for a second but saw no movement and sighed as he stepped out the car, slamming the door shut from irritation.
Louis bit his lip in anxiousness as he watched harry walk around the car. He was going to stay put until he began seeing strangers noticing Harry and making their way over to him. And fuck no. He was not about to just let harry walk into this sea of people who could potentially harm him without any form of protection present. No way.
'Fuck sake' louis mumbled as he quickly got out the car, rushing over to Harry who was a few steps away from the car and took his hand into his, holding it tightly.
Harry looked down in surprise, flinching a little as he thought it was a fan, but released a breath when he saw it was only Louis, and a bright smile graced his face at the sight.
"Thank you" Harry breathed out, glad he wouldn't have to face all the fans alone.
"No problem" Louis replied with a squeeze to his hand which harry reciprocated.
As expected, they were suddenly surrounded by a large group of people who were screaming and grabbing at them, tugging on their shirts and arms whilst fighting over one another to get up close.
One girl tried to pry Louis and Harrys hands away from one another but this only made them hold on tighter as they pressed through the crowd and neared the entrance to the apple store.
Just as they were about to enter, a hand came out of nowhere and dragged Louis body to the ground, him letting out a chocked scream as he fell onto the hard floor, his head crashing onto the surface.
Gasps erupted around them and everything seemed to stop at once.
Louis could faintly hear harry shouting his name as he drew closer towards him, but his vision was blurry and he felt numb, the ringing in his head doing nothing to help.
"Fuck, Louis!" Harry screamed as he pushed past the last person hovering over Louis' body, only to find his boyfriend lying on the cold ground, his head gushing blood and his arm bent in, well, the wrong direction.
Right next to Louis was a man. Sitting next to him on the pavement and rubbing his elbows which were now grazed and bruised. Harry had definitely found the culprit.
"What the fuck have you done?" Harry exclaimed angrily to the man, who was probably in his early twenties, as he rushed to the floor to cradle Louis limp body.
"Fag deserved it" The guy spoke, with a small laugh as he got up from the floor and steadied himself on the wall Louis probably just hit his head on the corner of.
Harry wanted to knock the guy out, he really did, but he knew that would only do bad rather than good. So instead he cursed him out a few more times before ushering a nearby fan to call the police whilst he called an ambulance.
Once that was done he focussed all his attention back into Louis. He felt extremely guilty. It was him who said it would be fine, it was him who reassured Louis they would be okay even when Louis had his doubts, it was him who got angry when Louis refused to leave the car. It was him who lead Louis into this mess, and he felt so, so guilty.
A stray tear dropped down his face as he looked at Louis unconscious body. He must have fallen hard, like really fucking hard. Harry glanced up and could still see the mark in which Louis left on the wall as his head impacted the hard stone. He had seen how Louis had landed on his arm, his whole body weight collapsing on his frail bones beneath him as he tried but failed to instigate a softer landing for himself. But the fall was so sudden that Louis couldn't have done much about it, and neither could harry.
But he was hopeful, as he knew at heart Louis would be fine. This type of fall couldn't do any serious damage, Louis was most likely just suffering from a concussion. Which yes, is a dangerous thing, but Louis would get the best help possible and he would make sure of that.
Harrys head shot up when he heard the ambulance making its way over to them in the street, the horn being blared when fans were in their way. Harry shouted for them to move in which they did, now making a clear path for the medics to attend Louis in.
"Over here" Harry shouted to the woman who was getting out of the car, rushing with her other team member to help Louis.
"Name" The woman said as she hastily checked Louis pulse and checked over his broken body.
"I'm harry styles, this is Louis Tomlinson" Harry replied, not once taking his gaze away from his boyfriend.
"What happened?" The other man said and he cushioned Louis head to protect it from any further assault.
"He was pulled to the ground by this guy we don't know, Louis hit his head on the corner of the wall over there and landed on his left arm" Harry explained with a grimace.
"Alright thank you, we'll take it from here love" The woman said with a reassuring smile, the man attempting to lift Louis up.
"Please, let me" Harry said in a rush as he took Louis body into his arms, lifting him delicately as he always did and taking him to the back of the ambulance.
"Thank you Mr styles, but we best get Mr Tomlinson to the hospital now" The man said in a soft tone, clearly seeing the distress written all over Harrys face.
"Wait, I need to come, I'm his boyfriend" Harry pleaded, his eyes darting between the two paramedics before settling on Louis once again.
"That's fine, just take a seat in the back" She replied to him and gestured for him to get in, before climbing in with him and closing the door shut.
"Will he be okay, Natalie?" He asked, reading her name off the name tag pinned to her uniform.
"Oh, yes of course. He isn't suffering any major injuries, just a concussion which will pass shortly, although his arm will most likely need to be operated on and he will need stitches for his head" She said with a small smile, cleaning up Louis wounded head as best she could whilst harry held onto his hand tightly.
"Thank god" Harry breathed out, letting a smile cross his face at the relief.
Once they arrived at the hospital Louis was immediately taken into operation, the staff must know who they are, and harry was ordered to wait in the waiting room.
Harry was reluctant at first but took a seat eventually, and decided to use his time to ring the lads, Liam picking up on the second ring.
"Harry, God I was just about to ring you, is it true?" Liam rushed out, the panic clear in his tone of voice which instantly made harry confused.
"How do you know?" Harry asked, bewildered.
"It's all over social media. News outlets are already talking about it Haz. Please tell me he's alright" Liam asked desperately.
"Yeh, Yeh he's going to be fine. Some dickhead pulled him to the ground and Louis hit his head, got a concussion and has broken his arm" Harry explained with a sigh, resting his head in his hands as he hunched over himself.
"Thank fuck for that, you called the police right?" Liam asked, a new found sense of relief in his voice.
"Yeh, I'm pretty sure they've taken him in for questioning. We'll probably hear back from them soon enough" Harry said with a smile.
"Good, now, what hospital are you at, we're coming there right now" Liam replied with a stern tone.
"No, no Liam you can't come" Harry rushed out.
"What? Why? We need to see Louis" Liam said in a defeated tone.
"I know you want to, but he's having his operation now so there's no point, you can see him afterwards. But in the mean time I need you to finish what we started today. Get the new phone, take Paul with you, and get the evidence sorted. Tell me what you find out later when Louis has woken up alright. Also, you'll need to ring management to let them know we can't perform tonight, they should know why anyways if its all over the media" Harry instructed.
"Shit, okay fine. But you ring me if there's any updates on Louis, if you need us we will be right there okay. We will get the evidence back, don't worry" Liam said reassuringly.
"Yeh, I hope so. Thank you Liam. Talk later mate" Harry replied with a small smile before ending the call.
So harry waited, he waited to hear the results back on Louis and he waited to be able to see his beautiful face again, hopefully no new drama would arise.
Author notes:
Right, sorry for the late update, took me a while to write this.
I had my first mock exam today and it wasn't that bad tbh, but I still feel like I did shit on it lmao.
Q: what do you think about Harrys met gala looks?
I hope you enjoyed and please don't forget to leave comments and votes.
Love you all xxx
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