22k! Love you guys. Does anyone have any recommendations for good Larry fics, cuz I swear I've read like every decent one out there:)
The music was still pounding through their ears, vibrating off the walls from the speakers as they danced and drank into the early hours of the morning.
They probably shouldn't have even considered having this little party, seeming as they have a show tomorrow, but when your cooped up in a bus for hours on end you need a way to entertain yourself.
Harry was currently pretending to be a stripper. No surprise here.
He danced provocatively against Louis in a dazed state, the alcohol still running through his system as he grinded his ass against Louis crotch, making the man whimper and squirm, wishing he wasn't on this damn tour bus so he could have some real fun.
The lads watched on besides them, cheering in encouragement and laughing to themselves as they watched the drunken men.
"Bit excited there lou?" Zayn called out with a smirk, but Louis took no notice of it, just nodding his head with his eyes closed.
Harry turned around and smirked at Louis before pulling him in but the neck and licking into his mouth sensually.
Louis reciprocated the kiss with such hunger he hadn't felt in years, desperately trying to pull harry as close as possible, needing to have every part of the man.
Suddenly the bus seemed to have gone over a speed bump, making the ground shake and causing Louis and harry to fall right onto the floor with a loud thump.
"Sorry!" Allen shouted from the front of the bus, looking back for a second to make sure the lads were okay before turning his attention back to the road.
All Louis did was laugh into Harrys chest, laying there right on top of him. Harry soon joined in on the laughter and ran his hands through his hair with a huge smile on his face.
"It's alright" Louis called back, sitting up on Harrys lap with glassy eyes.
"What?" Harry asked, noticing Louis was staring at him for much longer than necessary.
"Why didn't you grow your hair out again?" Louis asked with his head tilted to the side and a pout on his lips.
"I don't know, just seemed like it was a part of the past. One direction, our relationship, just everything. I needed a fresh start" Harry slurred out with a shrug.
"But I loved your long hair! I used to braid it and everything" Louis said with a fake scowl, but to harry he looked more like an angry kitten.
"I know love. I was thinking about growing it out again" Harry said with a smile, rubbing circles into Louis hips.
"Do you want me to grow mine with you again? Like we did the first time" Louis asked innocently.
"Well, it's up to you. I do feel more comfortable with it being long though now so you don't need to if you don't want to" Harry reassured, thankful for his kind gesture.
"Hmm, I'll think about it then" Louis said before standing up and offering a hand to help harry.
Harry accepted louis Hand and was pulled up off the floor, then brushing his clothing off once he didn't feel as dizzy.
They turned around to see the other three lads now sat on the floor in a circle, passing a joint around as if they were in some sort of fucking frat party. Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes at the sight but walked over to join the group none the less.
Harry followed and sat next to Louis, resting his head against the mans shoulder and Louis smiled down at him.
"Anyway, What are we doing?" Louis asked the lads who were focused on their phones, or, Niall's phone.
"Checking the fan account. It's been an hour now" Niall replied with excitement.
"Shit, what are they saying?" Louis asked giddily, wanting to know what the reactions were.
"Well, the account has blown up again, it's now got 200k followers so that's like 150k more than last time. The picture has thousands of comments and likes, half of them asking how we got the photo and the other half saying how they knew it was real. I'd say it's going pretty well" Niall explained, still scrolling through his post.
"That's good, we need to post another one though" Harry said as he grabbed the phone from Niall.
"Hey! Give it back!" Niall exclaimed, making grabby hands for the phone.
"Nope, were only posting another photo chill out" Louis said nonchalantly as he peered over Harrys shoulder.
"Or, a video?" Harry suggested with a smirk, making Louis catch on and grin widely.
"Sounds good, which one?" Louis asked, looking as harry scrolled through the folder in Niall's gallery.
"Well, we could post the video from the bar at Wellington, you know, the clear version. Then it will go with the photo we posted as well" He said thoughtfully, watching How himself and Louis made out against the bar in Wellington.
"Fucking hell, they're gonna go mad. You don't think they'll catch on right?" Louis asked, both anxious and excited.
"Nah I doubt it, and if they do we can just blame it on Ed or something" Harry reassured with a chuckle, knowing that Ed was always one to drop hints towards their relationship.
"Sure, Hey, pass me the joint would ya?" Louis suddenly said to Zayn who was taking a drag.
Zayn rolled his eyes and reached over their little circle to give the joint to Louis, who smiled and thanked him before taking a drag himself.
"Alright it's posted" Harry said, locking the phone and tossing it back to Niall.
"You lot better be sober by the time we reach Manchester, the paps will notice if your out of it" Allen called back to them, realising they only had about an hour left until they reached their destination.
"Yes mum" Louis called back, laughing with the rest of the lads as they passed around the joint.
Soon enough, they were all pretty high and talking nonsense.
"Hey, how come the sun will light up earth but it won't light up space?" Liam asked in his dazed state, not really sure what he was talking about.
"There's Nothing in space to light up you idiot, it's a vacuum" Harry retorted, rolling his eyes with a smirk.
"Ooo sorry smart arse, sorry I don't read about astrology shit every day, what's your zodiac today Haz?" Liam said back sassily.
"Hmm, let me check" Harry said, pulling out his phone but not actually going on anything.
"Oh, it's talking about past, present and future. And guess what it says liam" Harry said with a smirk.
"What?" Liam asked with a sigh.
"It says that in the past, Liam looked like an egghead when he went bald" Harry said with a fake shocked expression, making the rest of the lads laugh loudly at the dig.
"Heyy, I did not" Liam said with a pout, but was then pulled into Zayn's side as he wrapped an arm around him protectively.
"Don't talk about my little egghead like that" Zayn said with a snicker, causing Liam to shove him off with a slight smack to the shoulder.
"Zayn you fucking went bald once you can't talk!" Liam exclaimed at him.
"Yes love but zayn actually suited it" Niall said with a laugh, the other lads joining in.
"Why did I agree to this reunion again?" Liam said, shaking his head whilst trying to hide his fond.
"Because you love us Lima" Louis said from the other side of the circle, his back now leaning against Harrys chest.
"Yeh yeh, whatever. Anyone know what time it is?" Liam suddenly asked, not knowing where he had placed his phone.
"4am, holy shit we haven't slept!" Niall exclaimed, the realisation hitting him that they were meant to be preparing for a concert later on.
"Shit, we're gonna be nackered later" Liam said, dragging his hands across his face as the tiredness began to wash over him, the same going for the rest of the boys.
"Maybe we should go to sleep for the last hour. We don't wanna be completely drained for the show" Harry suggested, beginning to gently make his way up off the floor, being careful not to harm Louis.
"No, carry me!" Louis whined like a baby, gesturing for harry to carry him to bed because he was too tired to even stand.
"Ugh, your like a fucking four year old you know that?" Harry said, rolling his eyes but a smile playing on his lips all the same.
"I'm your four year old, now carry me!" Louis exclaimed once again.
"A four year old dating a 26 year old would be quite disturbing though don't you think?" Harry said in disgust, but laughing at Louis immature behaviour.
"Yes Harold But that's not the point. The point is I'm too tired to even move and your here. And as my boyfriend you should be carrying me" Louis sassed, not realising the word that slipped from his mouth until he saw Harrys reaction.
"Boyfriend? Am I now?" Harry teased with a smirk playing on his lips.
"Well, I would certainly love that, but I'm drunk so this is not the time to make it official" Louis said matter of factly.
Harry decided to ignore the comment and instead huffed as he snuck his arm under Louis' legs, the other securing him on his back as he lifted the man up without struggle, being that Louis was so light with his small frame.
"Thanks babe" Louis said drowsily with his eyes closed, snuggling into Harrys chest as he carried him over to his bed.
"Wait, no, sleep here with me" Louis said desperately as harry was about to turn to his own bed, pouting at the man with his big blue eyes wide open.
"Lou, there's barely any room in here" Harry said softly, pushing Louis hair back off his forehead.
"Didn't have a problem fucking me on it back in the day though" Louis said with a smirk, grabbing harry's hand and pulling him into the small space.
"We've both grown a lot since then, or, I have, your still small" Harry said with a grin, giving in and deciding it wouldn't hurt to be snuggled up with Louis for an hour.
"Give me a break, I'm big!" Louis retorted, pulling his best bitch face as harry laughed.
"Sure baby" Harry said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"Night guys, or morning, I don't fucking know" Liam said tiredly as he climbed onto his own bed, along with zayn after him, making the other three lads widen their eyes in surprise but they decided not to question it.
Once they were all comfortable in their beds the bus went silent, the only thing being heard was the whirring of the tires on the concrete roads and the occasional beeps from other passing cars.
"I love you Haz" Louis whispered into the silence, harry only just catching the phrase.
"I love you too lou" He replied with a smile on his face, kissing Louis forehead before drifting into a deep sleep, dreaming about the day he can call Louis his boyfriend once again.
"Louis" Somebody whispered.
"Pst, Louis, wake up" the unknown person whispered again.
"Mph, no mum, another five minutes. I don't wanna go to school" Louis replied in a groggy voice, thick with sleep.
He then heard a round of quiet laughter but decided to ignore it, snuggling deeper into the sheets.
"Harry died" The voice whispered again.
And that gained his bloody attention.
"What! No! Harry - Haz, he cant, h-he cant b-be dead. Harry cant-" Louis stuttered out, bolting right up from his bed and pulling his hair frantically in worry. But he was soon cut off by a strong pair or arms around his waist, warmth emitting from the person making Louis instantly calm down.
"They're only joking, I'm right here baby" Harry cooed, whispering into his ear whilst stroking his sides comfortingly.
"Holy shit you guys! That's not fucking funny! I almost had a bloody heart attack" Louis exclaimed, turning around and pushing harry away from him as he tried to hold back his sobs.
Louis just couldn't imagine living his life without harry, not again, not after last time. The thought alone scared the shit out of him and he never wanted to feel that kind of panic and distress ever again.
"Babe Shh, Don't worry lou, I'm right here okay? Right here" Harry said as he took a step closer to Louis, wrapping his arms around him once again and hugging him tightly.
"You, you can't fucking do that to me, you just can't" Louis said both to harry and the other lads who were now regretting what they did immensely, just looking at the distressed man and wishing they could take it back.
They also realised how death was a touchy subject for Louis, and they really shouldn't have fucking said that. They can't even imagine what would happen to Louis if he lost harry, harry honestly seemed to be the only person in the world who could keep lou sane. He couldn't have made it through all the tragedy in his life without him, even if he wasn't particularity there for a lot of it.
"Lou, we really are sorry. We were just trying to wake you up, we didn't think, Sorry mate" Liam said apologetically, looking at the shaking man who was gripping onto harry for dear life.
"I-it's okay. I g-get it. Don't worry about it" Louis sighed out, just the smell of harry calming him down.
"You good?" Harry asked, pulling Louis away from him so he could look at his face, only to see the sadness and worry held within his ocean blue eyes.
"Yeh, just scared me is all" Louis admitted in a vulnerable tone, staring back up into Harrys forest green orbs.
"Glad to know you'd care by the way" Harry said with a slight smirk, trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeh yeh, you should be honoured that I'd care so much harry styles" Louis said sarcastically with a chuckle, his blue eyes brightening up instantly.
"Well, I'm glad you do" Harry said before pecking the man on the lips.
"Alright enough of the mushy shit, we've got to get going" Zayn said whilst rolling his eyes at the scene, grabbing his duffle bag and collecting any of his belongings that were laying around the bus.
Louis sighed once he had gotten himself together and began collecting his things, not wanting to stay on the bus tonight as he could do with a good rest in a luxurious hotel.
The rest of the lads did the same and before they knew it, they were shielding their faces away from the crowd of paps that were desperately trying to get a good shot of them.
"Over here!"
"How was the concert?"
"Are they hungover?"
Louis heard the last remark and groaned, not wanting this shit wrote all over the media within a few hours, as he knew for a fact it would be.
"Louis How was the lap dance on stage?" One man called, causing the entire crowd to begin laughing and asking more and more questions related to that particular subject.
Louis tried to ignore it at first, being slightly embarrassed and his cheeks blooming a light shade of red, but he soon got tired of the comments and decided why not speak up?
"It was fucking fantastic, greatest lap dance I've ever received. Now will you lot piss off, haven't you go something better to do?" He said sassily, making his way through the crowd of people who now were a little angry at his attitude.
The shouting became louder and suddenly a large hand gripped onto Louis wrist tightly, tugging and pulling causing Louis to trip and fall down slightly.
"Get your fucking hands off him or I swear to god!" Harry growled at the pap, tearing the disgusting hand away from Louis and pulling the smaller man into his side, a protective arm sneaking around his waist.
Louis was shaking like a leaf. Sure, there had been times in the past where he had been harassed both physically and verbally, but after having a hangover and almost having a panic attack this morning, this 'little' incident didn't do much in his favour.
"Find out that things fucking name, he'll pay for this" Harry shouted sternly to Paul, their body guard, who nodded in return and once he had gotten them safely into the hotel, he took off out of it again in search of the man who had grabbed Louis.
Harry was seething in anger, red faced and fists clenched, But right now his main priority was Louis, so for his sake he calmed himself down and went to comfort him.
"Lou babe, are you alright?" He asked softly, placing his hands gently on Louis cheeks and making the man look up at him, only to see his eyes showing a mix of anger and worry.
"I swear to god if I see that fucker again I'll-" Louis began but was soon cut off by harry pecking him on the lips. That seemed to happen a lot lately.
"Shh, it's okay. I'll deal with him don't worry. Let's just go up to our room yeh?" Harry asked, and in response Louis nodded his head, finally calm.
It's not like Harrys intentions were to beat the guy up, that's not the type of person he was. But when he said he'd deal with him, he meant it in a sense that he would report the man to management and his own employment company, hopefully he would lose his job after the stunt he pulled.
Whilst everything had happened the other three lads had decided to get themselves checked into the hotel, not wanting to waste anymore time that could be spent resting in their rooms before the concert.
They had around four hours until they needed to leave again for the stadium, that time would be spent relaxing and getting settled in, or as settled in as they can for only one nights stay.
"There's your room key, your coming up with us now right?" Niall asked harry and Louis, handing over the key to the taller man.
"Yeah one second" Harry replied before he bent down to grab their luggage, even carrying Louis'.
"I can carry my own stuff you know" Louis said with an amused expression.
"Hm, But wouldn't want you straining them pretty little arms of yours now would we" Harry said with a wink, holding his luggage in one hand and Louis in the other.
"Whatever, be my servant for all I care" Louis said with a smirk before sauntering off at a fast pace to join the lads, leaving harry to trail after him whilst rolling his eyes.
"You alright lou?" Zayn asked the man as he came up next to them in the elevator.
"Yeh, I'm good now, I guess I was just a bit shocked when it happened" Louis said with a shrug, watching as the numbers increased on the wall, showing that they were nearing their floor.
"Good, I'm glad" Zayn said with a small smile, patting Louis on the shoulder.
Once they reached their floor there was a loud ding and the doors slides open, letting the lads walk out in search of their rooms.
"Where the fuck are the rooms!" Louis exclaimed in frustration, having been walking down the same corridor for about five minutes now.
"Louis, your stood right next to it" Harry said with a chuckle before swiping the key card and pushing open the door with a pointed look in Louis direction, as if to mock him.
"I knew that" Louis said quietly as he walked into the room, not really caring about the scene in front of him as after years of staying in hotel rooms they all started to looked the same.
Louis threw himself on the soft sheets of their king sized bed, humming in content after the tiring night and morning he had experienced.
"Quite comfy there?" Harry said sarcastically, smiling fondly at the man who was sprawled out across their bed.
"Yup" Louis said, popping the p at the end of emphasis.
Harry shook his head and dumped their luggage on the floor, not caring for where they ended up before stripping down to his boxers and climbing into bed besides Louis.
"Aren't you gonna change?" Harry asked when he noticed Louis had just been laying there silently for the past few minutes.
"Can't be arsed" Louis replied, his eyes shut tightly as he breathed deeply.
"Suit yourself" Harry said with a smirk before turning his back to the man and pretending to go to sleep.
"Ex-fucking-scuse you? Suit myself? Isn't that the moment where you do it for me so that I can go to sleep peacefully?" Louis whined, bolting upright from his laying down position and grabbing harry shoulder and pulling him over to lay back on his back.
Harry just kept his eyes shut and smirked towards the ceiling. What? It was fun pissing Louis off.
"Harryyy" Louis drawled out, poking said man multiple times on his chest, face, arms. You name it, he poked it.
"Your awfully persistent this morning" Harry said with his eyes still shut.
"I'm always persistent. Now bloody undress me" Louis ordered, making harry laugh at his antics.
"Kinky" Harry said with a smirk as he finally obeyed Louis, moving over to lazily remove his clothing down to his boxers.
"Cheers love" Louis said happily, pecking Harry on the cheek before snuggling up to his chest under the covers, finally getting the rest he needed.
"Your something else" Harry whispered with a smile as he shook his head and pulled Louis in closer, feeling content as he drifted off to sleep once again.
Author notes: please read and comment:/
Idk why, but I really didn't like this chapter. I feel like it was really similar to the last one and I honestly didn't really have a clue what I was saying whilst writing this.
Anyway, there were a shit load of emotions in this chapter, it felt almost bipolic lol (not making fun of bipolar before anyone comes for me, I understand a lot about mental health issues and such:))
I really hoped you enjoyed it even if it was shitty.
Ugh I need to stop complaining all the time:/
What do you guys think about Louis being so persistent and almost baby like? I actually found it funny writing him like that because throughout this fic there hasn't been much of that side of his character yet. It was really different and I hope it doesn't change the way you think of his character as a whole, i only did it like that because that how I imagine him to be when he's drunk/hungover.
Remember to vote and comment, it means a lot:)
P.s- imagine there's Larry proof on the dark web that we don't know about lol
Love you all xxx
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