Omg omg omg omg, Two of us is so fucking good🤭♥️
"Louis you can't just refuse"
"It's in the contract"
"Does it look like I give a shit?"
Louis was currently arguing with management. Surprise surprise.
Turns out, all these Larry questions, which the two lads had no control of, had made themselves known to modest. And of course, the 'only' solution was a PR fucking stunt. Again.
"Your doing this wether you like it or not" the head of management stated.
Louis suddenly looked around frantically, checking his pockets in search of something.
"I can't- seem to- fuck I can't find it!" He exclaimed dramatically.
"Can't find what?" Another lady from the PR team asked, clearly confused.
"The will to live" Louis said with a bored look, causing the lads who were also in the room to chuckle at the disbelieving looks on managements faces.
"Louis fucking grow up will you. This is your job, you singed the contract, you agreed to all of this, don't like it then good luck finding a company that would take on your talentless ass" said the head of management once again speaking up.
Louis and the lads had their mouthes hanging open in shock, that was low, even for them.
"Fine I fucking quit then, have a nice life, asshole" he huffed before storming out the room.
It was only then that management knew they had fucked up, big time.
"You realise what you just did will harm your company more than it will the band, you do know that right?" Zayn said with a smug look.
Anyone else would expect the lads to be panicked right now, hysterical about one of their band members just 'quitting' the band. But no, they know Louis would never do something so selfish that could put his best mates careers at risk as well as his own.
What Louis just did was genius.
By 'quitting' the band, modest would have no other option but to meet the lads needs in order to get him back, because without Louis there was simply no one direction, and vice versa with the other boys. If they lost the band all because of a stupid PR stunt, they may as well throw millions of pounds in the bin.
Now of course there's always the problem with contracts, however, they all know that within them contracts if one person decided to leave then they can do so freely, their only sacrifice would be a few hours of meetings and signatures. They know this well enough after Zayn went through it.
Everyone in the management team were looking around at each other nervously, deciding silently who to blame.
"For fuck sake Richard!" A woman with a high pitched, screechy voice exclaimed.
"What?" He replied loudly, arms flailing about everywhere.
"You just had to open your mouth again didn't you?" She said with a disapproving look.
"He needs to learn how to follow orders! He's tied to a fucking contract, it's the only way to control him" he said sternly.
The lads just sat there with smug looks on their faces, watching management slowly fall apart. They ought to thank louis.
"There must be another solution rather than just doing PR stunts all the time, they're getting old now and don't seem to be helping anyway" she said, they boys agreeing with her.
"Well what do you suggest then" he said with a huff, not liking being disagreed with as it doesn't happen often.
"Ignore it"
"What! You can't be serious? That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life" He exclaimed, eyes wild, shaking his head.
"Think about it, the fans may have their little conspiracy's, however we still have the control over wether they do or don't come out. Even when the fans believe in it they still haven't left the fandom, so why bother trying to conceal it? At this point we're just putting time and money into hiding something that doesn't need to be hidden, they're not even a couple anymore" she explained.
Thank god someone in this damn company has a brain.
"I second that" Zayn said
"Third" continued Liam.
"Me too" Niall said
Harry didn't reply, he watched with piercing eyes towards Richard, waiting for the verdict.
Richard ran his hands over his face and sighed, turning to look at his co workers for their opinion. A few gave him nods and others just gave him a pointed look.
"I can't believe I'm saying this- Fine"
"Thank fuck" Harry breathed out.
"Spoke to soon" Harry then said sadly, slouching further into his chair.
"We try this for a month. Do whatever the fuck you two want with each other, act like you would have before management came in. However obviously no over the top PDA, such as kissing, holding hands etc. Once the moth is up, if we haven't had any bad reactions you two can carry on and we will completely drop the PR stunts, if there is a bad reaction we go back to them. Is that a deal?" He said finally.
"Deal, can I go tell Lou?" Harry asked, ready to get up and walk out the door.
"Sure whatever"
With that Harry bolted out of the room, practically sprinting to tell Louis the good news, or, kind of good depending on how this ended.
Meanwhile back in the meeting room, the lads were sat there confused.
They still didn't know anything about Louis and Harrys small heart to heart the other night, to their knowledge they should still be at each other's throats and Harry should still be a moody playboy. But no, it's all changed within 24 hours and they knew nothing about it.
After a few text messages Harry made his way to Louis' hotel room, ready to tell him what management had said.
Harry watched as Louis opened the door, he appeared fresh out of the shower, with damp hair splayed across his forehead and wearing only a pair of sweats. He gulped and pried his eyes away from Louis' ink covered chest, looking him in they eyes before he gestured for him to come in.
"Sorry, just had a shower, what did management say then?" Louis asked while pulling a t shirt over his head, making it a lot easier for Harry to speak to the man.
"Well, I should be thanking you really" Harry replied as Louis turned around once more to look at him, eyebrow raised.
"Why? I could have easily just ruined your career just then, I was being stupid and reckless" he huffed out, taking a seat on the bed and patting the spot next to him, allowing Harry to come sit by him.
Harry sat down and shook his head.
"No lou, you just got us out of stunts for a month, possibly for the rest of our careers if this goes right" he said with a dimpled smile.
"What? What are you talking about? They said that?" Louis stumbles out, shocked that what he said actually worked.
"Yeh, Jess from management basically confronted Richard, said that they're wasting time and money on the stunts when they're getting nothing from it in the end, she's the one that suggested we drop the stunts actually, so then Richard agreed and said we have a one month trial to see how this works, if it goes well it will be permanent, if there's a bad reaction from the fans, which I know there won't, we have to go back to how it was before, which sucks I know but I'm sure this will all go smoothly" Harry explained, Louis nodding along the way.
By the end of it louis was grinning so wide, eyes sparkling with a light in them he hadn't seen in years, they almost felt free, almost being that they still can't come out.
Suddenly louis' smile disappeared, causing Harry to frown along with him.
"Hey, what's up? Aren't you happy?" Harry asked softly.
"Course I am, I just- what are we?" Louis asked suddenly. Harrys eyes widened, he hadn't thought about this at all yet.
"I- Uh, I'm not, really sure" he replied awkwardly, scratching his neck.
"We need to talk about this, about what happened" Louis said sternly, pleadingly.
"I know I just- I'm still not completely over what you did back then, but you asked me to try, so I'm willing to do that as long as you don't break your promise" he said stiffly.
"I'd never break a promise to you again. But, when you say try?" Louis trailed off.
"I mean we start from the beginning. I'm not just going to jump back into a relationship with you right here right now, I need time to adjust to this. Let's just say we're friends" he said with a small smile, putting his hand out in front of Louis to shake on it.
Instead, Louis grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a huge hug, wrapping his arms around the man like a teddy bear, never wanting to let go.
After getting over the slight shock, Harry chuckled into Louis neck, smile wide, nuzzling his face into his shoulder while closing his eyes.
Eventually they pulled apart, looking at each other for a moment before shyly looking away again.
"We have some catching up to do" Louis said with a laugh, breaking the silence.
"We sure do. Your gonna have to show me some of your solo stuff, I couldn't bring myself to listen to it during the hiatus" Harry replied with a sheepish look.
"Oh my god neither, I felt too ashamed" Louis blurted out, eyes crinkling as he smiled.
"We can do a sort of music swap then, you listen to mine and I'll listen to yours, although, you've already heard some of mine" he said.
"Guess mine is more of a surprise then" Louis retorted cheekily.
"We'll see about that on tour" Harry replied with a wink.
"Wait, what?" Louis asked the man.
"Just you wait tommo" he said with a smirk, before standing and walking back out of the room.
Louis sat there wondering what on Earth he had planned.
Author notes:
Okay, it's short and quite boring, I know.
But I haven't been feeling so good lately hence why I haven't posted the past two days, that and WiFi issues.
But today's a better day seeming as Louis William fucking Tomlinson dropped his single🎉🎉🎉😶
So like, I couldn't not post🤷🏽♀️
This of course was just a filler chapter, next chapter I'm gonna get some flashbacks in there as promised so you guys can maybe find out a little of what happened to them before the hiatus🤫
Please comment and vote so I know if your enjoying it, and also 600+ reads now wtf, swear I had 500 like a day ago🤭♥️♥️
Love you all xxx
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