Chatty man
Can't believe this is at 6k reads already, wtf, thank you x
Currently the boys were backstage at the chatty man show with Alan Carr, waiting patiently to be called on set.
They always loved having interviews with Alan, it was chilled out and the man himself was hilarious, never afraid to say what was on his mind.
Of course though, they were expecting some questions related to their love lives, as usual, and Alan wasn't afraid to push these particular questions to the limit, wanting all the answers.
These questions also happened to mainly be directed towards Harry, and he wasn't so excited about this part.
Each time he was on this show he was made out to be a womaniser, and after a while it got frustrating. He knew it wasn't any sort of dig from Alan, the man was doing his job after all, but he was dreading it.
But on the other hand, it was Harry and Louis' gateway to begin their plan.
Yesterday, they had sat down with the rest of the lads and decided the only way around the contract with management was to simply ignore it, act like they did in the early days of one direction. So this interview was like some sort of test, a test to see what the reaction would be from both the fans and their management team.
They had thought it would be best to start off slow, nothing too dramatic, but something that the fans would defiantly notice and maybe stir up some more rumours.
Hopefully it wouldn't all go to shit.
"Alright, your on in five minutes, I don't want any trouble from you two" Their management lead said sternly, gesturing towards Louis and Harry.
"You know what to do" she said before walking away, the two lads knew exactly what she was referring to.
They had been told that if any sort of relationship related question were to come up they were to hint at occurrences with other women, such as Eleanor and Kendall as the two ladies had been noted of this before hand.
Yeh, like that was going to happen, Louis thought to himself.
"Welcome back, later on we have Ariana Grande joining us for an exclusive performance but for now we have the five boys who don't know how long 18 months really is, it's One direction!" Alan called from his seat on stage, standing up to greet the boys with hugs.
Time to begin their plan. First step, seating arrangements.
They're not supposed to sit together, as instructed by management, but why should they listen to that? It should be considered platonic to sit next to your band mate during an interview, totally platonic.
"Alright alright take a seat boys" Alan gushed in his thick accent.
Louis was the last to take a seat, and he knew there was definitely room for him if the boys were to move up a little, but no one had to know that.
"Move up a little, can't leave our little Louis standing can we?" Alan said jokingly, earning a laugh from the audience and a glare from Louis.
"Hey I'm big!" Louis exclaimed, Harry giving him a fond stare in return.
Harry then looked at him knowingly, tapping his lap slightly so that management wouldn't notice but the cameras would catch it.
"It's alright Mate, I'll take a seat right here" Louis said with a smirk before sitting himself down onto Harry's lap, the taller man sneaking his arm around his waist protectively.
From the corner of his eye, Louis could see the woman from management glaring at him, frantically waving her arms as if to say move over now. But Louis ignored her.
"Jesus Louis when did you get so submissive?" Alan asked teasingly, raising his eyebrows and winking at the boy who blushed slightly.
"It comes naturally Alan" Louis replied in a nonchalant tone, shrugging it off.
"Ok well you two don't shag on the sofa, it was expensive alright, you'd be getting the stains out" Alan said sarcastically, the audience laughing.
At that comment the two boys instantly pretended to be in a heated make out session, turning their faces away from the audience, so much for starting out slow then huh?
"Calm down calm down" Alan said, standing to pry the boys off one another, he then pushed Louis so that he was sat next to Harry and not on top of him, tightly fitting in between him and Liam.
"Stay there" Alan said sternly, pointing his finger in Louis' face, who in return laughed at him.
"Okay would anyone like any drinks, snacks?" Alan asked, moving back to his seat and presenting them with various beverages.
"Oh my god it's hooch!" Niall exclaimed, remembering the drink from years ago when they were on the show.
"Yeh, got it especially for you my little leprechaun" Alan said in a high pitched tone, another round of laughter emitting through the studio.
Alan passed five bottles of hooch down to them, along with glasses if they needed them, before sitting back comfortably and proceeding with the interview.
"Now, like I said earlier on, what happened to this 18 months bullshit then? Did you get lost or something? Kidnapped? I was honestly just about to file a case with the police for a missing band" Alan began, gaining nods of understanding from the audience.
The boys looked awkwardly to one another, waiting for someone to answer, Louis finally did.
"I think we just kind of estimated the time wrong I guess, we really did think it wouldn't be too long but in the end we were having such success with our own individual careers that each of us had multiple projects with music and shows that needed to get done before we could fully put our attention back into the band" he explained.
"Why now then?" Alan pressed.
"Simon was getting a little impatient, which is understandable. Your know in the back of our heads it was always there, we knew we had pushed way over our time and the fans wanted this reunion just as much as we did" This time Liam answered, the lads nodding in agreement.
"Oh I see, I was thinking you'd never get back together at one point, I actually cried myself to sleep thinking I bought a bigger couch for nothing" Alan said dramatically.
"Yeh wouldn't that be awful" Harry said sarcastically with a laugh.
"I've heard you've got a tour planned and maybe an album, you just finished with the American Promo didn't you?" Alan asked.
"Yes we actually just got here a few days ago, as much as we love America it feels good to be back in England" Zayn replied.
"You don't have to play it cool Zayn, I know you just missed me" Alan said with a wink, making Zayn shake his head in amusement.
"How's James Corden then? I still haven't got an apology for not being invited to that bloody wedding" He continued, rolling his eyes and leaning his head on his hand with raised eyebrows.
"Still holding a grudge then?" Louis said with a smirk.
"Excuse me Louis, it's alright for you, you were invited. Me and Zayn here had to scroll through all the updates about it on twitter while you were having the time of your life, it's tragic really" He said with a fake hurt expression.
"Fair enough" Louis replied.
"How's your love lives going then? Still single or have you been snatched up?" Alan questioned, the boys mentally groaning.
Liam, Zayn and Niall explained their situations before it landed on Louis and Harry, thinking how to go about this.
"Harry, there were some rumours about you and Kendall again after you were both at the same interview in America, we've got some pictures here that were taken outside the studio" he said before said images were displayed on the tv screen behind them, one of Kendall getting far too close to Harry for Louis to be clenching his jaw tightly.
"You looked a bit cosy there don't you think?" Alan pointed out, looking expectantly at the man.
"Not really no, we're just friends that were catching up while we had the chance" Harry stated, dismissing the fact that he was meant to be encouraging the rumour.
"I expected a more exciting story if I'm being honest, 'Harry styles and Kendall Jenner reunite as a power couple', could even throw Taylor in the mix and spice it up a little" Alan said in a disappointed but joking tone.
"No sorry, strictly platonic there" Harry said with a chuckle.
"Louis?" Alan asked, turning to the man.
"Well I thought I was married to Hazza here but I think we'll be getting a divorce now" Louis said, making a sassy face and turning away from Harry, crossing his arms over his chest to act annoyed.
"You wouldn't dare" Harry exclaimed, gasping and pulling Louis' back into his chest, holding him tightly while the man giggled. The audience laughed and cooed at them while the lads smirked at their behaviour.
"Um excuse me. A wedding? Another bloody wedding I didn't get invited to! That's it I'm off" Alan said in a shocked tone, standing up and walking towards the set exit, waving his hand dismissively while the audience laughed.
He then flipped a middle finger at them over his back before turning around once again and making his way back to his seat.
"Do we have beef or something?" He said as he took a seat, the lads laughing at him.
"No don't worry, you can come to our renewed vows ceremony after tour" Louis said sarcastically, winking at him.
"Oh thank god for that, and hey, maybe you can even get me tickets for tour as an apology" He said pointedly.
"Yeh sure" Harry replied, leaning his head against Louis shoulder.
"Okay were going to take a break but once we're back we're having another dance off, I mean you've got to have upped your game by now, I know how Harry gets on stage, I've seen your tour all over social media" Alan said, pointing a finger at the man who raised his arms in a shrug.
Once they had gone back stage the shouting commenced, ruining their moods once again.
"What the fuck are you doing out there? Simon will kill me for not keeping you under control!"
Their manager shouted in their faces, flailing her arms around as she spoke.
"We can do what we want, we're not teenagers anymore, we're adults who can make our own decisions" Louis said sternly, rolling his eyes at the woman.
"Your in the business and you have a contract. Do you think this is some sort of game? Just wait till your careers go down the drain when Simon drops you, then it won't be a laughing matter will it?" She said, hands placed on her hips.
"He won't drop us, we know this for a fact so everything your saying is bullshit and we will continue what we're doing no matter what you say" Harry replied, Louis nodding his head in agreement.
"Your making a mistake here" she said frustratingly.
"If we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into we wouldn't even consider doing this. If we really knew it would affect ours and the other lads careers we would drop the act, but I'm 99% sure that all these fucking threats are empty, so say what you want, it won't make a difference" Louis barked back at her, grabbing Harrys hand and making their way back on set.
"We're back with one direction! To finish the interview off we're going to have one of our traditional dance battles, but let's face it, they can't dance for shit and I win every time so don't be surprised when they lose" Alan said sassily, making the lads glare at him.
"Our guest judge is none other than miss Ariana Grande, who will also be joining us later on after the break" Alan announced, the whole studio erupting into cheers.
Ariana then walked on set wearing an all white, silk outfit, with baggy styled heeled boots and her hair in her signature high pony tail.
She walked over to quickly greet the boys before taking a seat to watch the performance.
"This time I'm going to be going first, hit the music!" Alan called out before taking his starting position and beginning his dance.
He did numerous moves and actions that correlated with the lyrics, swinging his arms around and moving to the beat, he made it funny to watch as he made different facial expressions to the audience and the boys who laughed on while watching, it looked like some sort of sia music video.
Once he finished he was panting and went to grab a drink of water, chugging it down before turning to the boys and getting up in their faces, trying to intimidate them but he had no effect.
Ariana was giggling to herself after his performance, smiling wide and clapping for him as a well done.
"Beat that bitches" Alan said sassily, sashaying away from them.
The music began once more and they began doing their usual moves that consisted of arm and leg thrusts, grasping the air and bopping their heads.
Even doing the most simple moves they were uncoordinated and lacked style, but they pulled it off never the less, that was until they ran out of ideas.
"Freestyle" Louis shouted to them when none of them knew what to do.
Harry started jumping around energetically, looking like a crazy person as he moved about the set, punching the air when the bass beats dropped. He then walked up to Alan and started lip syncing the words in his face before turning and slowly walking towards Louis, gesturing with his hand for him to come closer.
Louis walked up to him with a smirk and the locked hands, jumping around the room to the music like they were teenagers all over again, laughing loudly as they did so.
They twirled each other around with their fingers interlocked and they were so close their chests were grazing up against one another, the crowd noticing and shouting a range of 'oos'.
Behind them the boys had stopped dancing all together, just standing and watching Louis and Harry interact with smirks etched onto their faces, glancing at one another with knowing looks.
Management looked more furious than ever, red faced and knuckles white with how hard they were balling them up. It was a funny sight to the lads.
Louis and Harry felt like the only people in the room despite the cheering from the crowd and loud music pounding through their ear drums, but they eventually had to stop when the music got turned off completely and the clapping began from around them.
They broke away from one another grinning and laughing, hands still laced together as they made their way back to stand with the boys to wait for the verdict.
Ariana stood up and walked between Alan and the boys, ready to announce the winner.
"This was a hard decision as you all did so well, but the winner is... One direction!" She said loudly, congratulating them while Alan stood with his mouth open in shock.
"Grande get off my stage now" Alan said in a mock angry voice, pointing to the exit.
"Look who did shit now Alan?" Louis said, cocking his head to the side with his arms crossed.
"It was just an off day for me, I have a cold okay" Alan replied, coughing for affect.
"Yeh Whatever" Harry said with a smirk.
The lads hugged each other with huge smiles gracing their faces and this may just be one of their best interviews yet.
Now Louis and Harry just had to wait for the reactions that were yet to come.
Author notes:
I hope this chapter wasn't too bad, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was busy with school work:/
Please let me know your opinions on the book so far, I hope it's not getting too repetitive.
I'm loving that more people have started to comment, whenever I get a notification that someone has commented I get so excited haha, keep them coming:)
Don't forget to vote, love you all xxx
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