Please read the author notes at the end, it's important xxx
"Shit" Louis muttered, his eyes wide at Paul's figure getting closer and closer to them.
Louis and harry got to their feet quickly but carefully, not really feeling up to falling off a high building tonight.
"What the fuck do you think your doing? Do you even know how worried I was? This is my fucking job! Did you every stop to think about how it would effect me if something happened to you guys? Not only would I be feeling guilty and devastated, I'd lose my job!" Paul ranted once he reached them.
Louis and harry felt immense guilt flood through them when they realised what state they had put Paul in. The older man was dripping in sweat from the amount of chasing he had to do. His hair was a mess sticking in all different directions, probably due to pulling on it in stress. His eyes were wide with fear and his breathing was ragged, hunching over to try and catch his breath.
"Fuck, we're so sorry Paul. Seriously, we didn't realise what we were actually doing" Louis said, ashamed of his actions even though it was the most fun he'd had in ages.
"It's alright I guess. I've dealt with this before, I just thought you guys had matured by now" he said with a sigh but chuckling slightly, now standing straight and running his hands through his thinning hair.
"Yeh I guess we are like little kids huh?" Harry said with a small smirk playing on his lips. "We really are sorry, I guess we just wanted some time alone, you know, away from all the drama" Harry continued, placing his hand on Louis back and smiling down at him.
"I understand, I can see it's all a bit hectic for you lot right now, but just don't do it again. I'm too fucking old to be running round cities anymore" Paul said with a laugh, harry and louis joining in with him.
"Don't put yourself down Paul, your a buff bodyguard, work it man" Louis said sarcastically, over enthusiastic in his tone as he tried to reassure him.
"Yeh yeh, whatever, you may charm harry here but it won't work on me. Now come on I need to take you back to the hotel" Paul said with a roll of his eyes, grabbing the boys by their shoulders firmly but not in a bad way and moving them in the direction of the staircase that led them here in the first place.
Louis and Harry sighed But followed reluctantly, not wanting their night to end but realising they can't be chased around forever. They knew one day everything would settle for them, they would be at peace with each other. They just had to be patient, for now though, they were living the lives of worldwide celebrities.
Harry got lost in his thoughts whilst walking back, thinking about his future with Louis. It's what keeps him sane most of the time, knowing that after this crazy life they're living has settled down a little, he will be able to grow old with his boyfriend. They can get married, get a few pets, buy a home for themselves. Maybe even adopt a child of their own one day. He couldn't wait.
He was broken out of his thoughts by Louis squeezing his hand and asking him something which he didn't quite catch.
"Hm? What did you say?" Harry asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"I asked what your thinking about" Louis said with a grin, finding it funny how harry seemed completely oblivious to the world for a moment there.
"Oh, nothing much" Harry said nonchalantly with a shrug, keeping his head forward as they neared the hotel.
"Come on, I know you better than that Haz. You can tell me" Louis pushed, knowing something important had Harrys mind occupied.
"Was just thinking about the future. When this has all settled down and we can live our lives together. I don't know if it's weird to say, seeming as we've just got back on track and all, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to grow old with you, and I can't wait for it. No more running, no more hiding. Just us" Harry said dreamily, making Louis smile widely and nod at every word, thinking the exact same thing.
"I can't wait either Haz. Just you wait, we'll have the perfect life" Louis said, leaning up to press a kiss on his boyfriends cheek before entering the hotel lobby.
"Right, I'm gonna head to my room, you lovebirds don't get up to anymore trouble alright? I'm not chasing you around anymore tonight" Paul said sternly, but smiling at the two of them all the same.
"Don't worry mate, you won't hear from us until tomorrow. Go get some rest" Louis said kindly, patting Paul on the back before he retreated off to his room.
Harry was surprisingly quiet as they made their way to the elevator, but Louis decided maybe harry was just tired, after all they had ran through the city for half the night and it was pretty late, they're been going none stop for the whole day and they were definitely going to be getting a good nights rest tonight. Or so he thought.
As soon as the doors of the elevator closed harry practically pounced on Louis, shoving him up against the wall and pressing their lips together hungrily.
Louis was surprised at first, not able to reciprocate the kiss, until harry bit into his bottom lip teasingly and broke Louis from his trance. Louis kissed back with just as much hunger as the taller man, them both fighting for dominance, but eventually harry won.
Louis teased harry, not opening his mouth when harry so desperately wanted him to, but this changed when harry smirked and grabbed Louis ass, making him gasp and finally giving Harrys tongue an entrance.
Harry licked into Louis mouth, tasting the traces of liquor and mint in every crevice. Louis moaned into his mouth as harry trailed his hands wherever he could, over Louis back, down to his hips and finally ghosting over his crotch, making Louis whine in need.
Before they could take it any further the elevator dinged and the doors opened wide, Louis and harry barely having enough time to part before an old couple stepped into the confined space with them.
The couple looked weirdly at them but shrugged it off, nodding their way as a hello and pressing the button for their floor of the hotel.
They stood directly in front of Louis and harry, so that they were facing the door instead of the two lads which they were thankful for.
"Fuck" Louis whispered under his breath, but harry caught the word and a smirk pulled on his face.
Slowly, harry moved his hand down Louis arm, his fingertips barely touching the golden tanned skin making Louis' breath hitch. Harry heard it and smirked even more, finally letting his hand return to Louis' crotch and palming him through his jeans, making Louis have to place a hand over his mouth to physically retain himself from moaning.
Harry didn't look at Louis, instead keeping his focus trained on the old couple in front of them to make sure they didn't turn around for whatever reason. They didn't, so harry continued with his act, just listening to Louis' ragged breaths and tiny whimpers that escaped his beautiful lips now and again.
"S-stop it" Louis said in barely a whisper, squeezing his eyes shut in order to control himself.
"Stop what Louis?" Harry teased, leaning over to whisper the words in Louis ear provocatively.
"You fucking k-know what you tease" Louis spat out, but still keeping his voice lowered.
"I don't think I do though" Harry replied, giving an even tighter squeeze which made Louis almost lose it, but thankfully for him the door dinged again and harry retracted his hand, standing as if nothing had happened.
"Goodnight" The old man said to the lads with a smile before walking with his wife out of the elevator, leaving harry and louis alone once again.
"Jesus Christ and they call me the tease" Louis huffed out, adjusting the crotch area of his skinny jeans as they rested uncomfortably against his member.
"You are a tease, that was just payback" Harry said smugly, itching towards Louis again.
"Payback for what?" Louis asked, backing away from harry until he hit a wall.
"Don't you remember that morning, we were sat with the lads and you made a comment about me sucking your dick, yeah, that" Harry said with a grin, before leaning in once more and reattaching their lips again.
Louis sighed into the kiss and brought his arms up around Harrys neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss and pulling on his hair harshly which he knew drove harry insane. Harry always did have a pain kink, something Louis often used to his advantage.
When they reached their floor the doors opened and the two made their way out into the hallway, not letting go of one another for even a second.
Luckily for them, their room was only about two doors down from the elevator, so they didn't need to stumble far to reach it. Once they did reach it harry pulled out his key card from his back pocket mid kiss and pushed open the door, letting it slam against the wall behind it.
They stumbled into their room whilst in a heated kiss and kicked the door shut behind them, leaning up against the desk that was placed nearest to them, but stopped when they felt eyes on them.
They broke the kiss and looked with wide eyes at each other before slowly turning around to see their entire family and the lads seated around the room, mouths hanging open and shock written all over their faces.
It was silent for a moment, nobody daring to speak as the awkward tension filled the room, but Louis decided he had had enough of it.
"Uh, hi?" Is all he could get out and mentally face palmed.
Everyone suddenly burst out laughing, hunching over and clutching their stomachs as they tried to breathe properly, wiping tears from their eyes as harry and Louis just stood there sheepishly, blushes coating their cheeks.
"H-holy fuck that was f-funny" Niall exclaimed, still laughing hysterically.
"Alright alright, it's not that funny" Louis said, rolling his eyes.
"Sorry mate but yes it was. We did tell you we would be waiting for you to return. Didn't expect to see a porno though" Zayn said whilst still laughing, calming down a little now though.
"Shut up" Harry said, drawing out the last word and hiding his face in the crook of Louis neck.
"Hey you know we can leave if you wanna sort, that, out" Liam said with a grin, nodding down to their quite obvious boners. Great, Louis thought, shaking his head.
"Oh yeh thanks Liam, thanks for pointing that out mate, good one" Louis exclaimed, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
"Seriously though, if you want us to leave we can" Anne said, her tone a mix between seriousness and teasing.
"No were fine, you can stay, just let us get sorted and we'll be with you in a minute" Harry replied with a blush before taking Louis hand and dragging him into the en suite bathroom.
"Oh my fucking god that was so embarrassing" Louis said, placing his head in his hands.
"Wasn't it. I don't think I've ever been so mortified. It's one thing getting caught by the lads, it's another being caught by all the family members" Harry said, shaking his head but he also had a small smile playing at his lips.
"What? What are you smiling at?" Louis asked, placing his hands on his hips and looking at harry expectantly.
"When you think about it, it was kinda funny though" Harry said with a small chuckle, his dimples on show.
"Only you would think this is fucking funny" Louis said, shaking his head fondly.
"It was though, since when were you uptight?" Harry teased, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
"Oi! I am far from uptight, embarrassed is the better word Harold" Louis retorted, putting emphasis on the nickname, knowing harry didn't really like it when it came from Louis. He preferred Haz.
"Whatever you say, Lewis" Harry said with a smirk, gaining a small smack on his arm from Louis who was acting like an angry kitten.
"Call me that again and this relationship is over" Louis replied, pretending to be unbothered.
"You wouldn't dare" Harry said, gasping in mock shock, causing Louis to bite his lip in order to contain his laughter.
"Oh but I would, could call it off right now you know, maybe I'll get back with elan-"
Before Louis could finish the sentence he was slammed against the sink counter and harry attacked his lips for what felt like the thousandth time tonight, he was sure he would be left with swollen lips tomorrow morning.
"Don't fucking say her name, ever" Harry growled in between the kiss, now picking Louis up and placing him on top of the counter.
"Haz w-we can't, our f-family" Louis said, struggling to get the words out in between their heated make out session.
"Fuck sake, maybe we should have told them to leave" Harry said with a smirk, tracing his fingertips over Louis thighs, making Louis tremble.
"Too bad, come on" Is all Louis replied, jumping from the counter and away from his boyfriends grasp, sashaying away with a swing to his hips to tease the taller man, who groaned in frustration.
He walked back into the room to see their family members still there, some laying on their bed whilst some were seated on the couches in their large room.
"Took you long enough" Lottie said with a smirk, making Louis flip her off before he plopped himself down on the bed with a sigh, tired out from the long day.
All he wanted right now was to snuggle up with harry in bed, maybe share a few sweet kisses or maybe even take it further, and talk about everything and nothing. But he can't, because everyone is here and he should feel grateful for that, having not seen them in so long. But his desire to spend every minute alone with his boyfriend is much stronger than his desire to do this right now.
Harry joined him on the bed and lifted Louis up so he could slide in behind him, resting Louis comfortably against his chest as he ran his hands through the smaller mans soft, feathery hair as the people around them cooed at them.
"So, What did you get up to?" Anne asked curiously, wondering why they took so long out and about in the city.
"You don't even wanna know" Harry said, before realising how that sounded and his eyes widened a little as he saw everyone's reactions.
"Wait, no not like that! I meant as in we went to so many places I can't even begin to explain it all" Harry rushed out, sighing a little.
"Hey, calm down yeh? We get what you mean. Just explain it simply then" Gemma said with a smile, noticing her brothers distress probably due to his tiredness.
"Well, we snuck out the back and may have accidentally broke a shit ton of bottles of Jack Daniels, oops" Louis said with a smirk, causing harry to laugh at the memory.
"You better have paid for that" Anne said sternly, looking Disappointed at her son.
"Mum don't worry, I'll pay before we head off tomorrow" Harry reassured, not wanting to upset his mother.
"Alright, then what?" Anne asked, relaxing a little.
"We almost got caught by a staff member so we legged it to a club in the city centre, but then Paul showed up so we ran from him. We ended up in a casino, Harry betted away £5000 but we won £10,000 back so it worked out I guess" Louis said whilst laughing with harry , everyone now looking with wide eyes.
"Harry edward styles you did not bet that amount of bloody money!" Anne said and scowled, her eyes turning to slits as she glared at her son.
"Mum I've got more money than I can handle, it was just a spur of the moment type thing, it's not a big deal" Harry said whilst rolling his eyes, but Anne wasn't having any of it, but decided to let it go as there was no use in arguing over it.
"So then Paul showed up again out of nowhere and we went up to the roof of the building. We were sat out on the ledge and I... I asked harry to be my boyfriend again" Louis said shyly, a blush returning to his cheeks as everyone gasped.
"You said yes right?" Gemma asked her brother with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Of course I did, I love him" Harry said fondly, kissing the top of Louis head as Louis smiled blissfully, snuggling into Harrys embrace even more.
"Finally!" Almost everyone exclaimed, now sagging down as if they were relieved. How dramatic did they want to make it, Louis thought to himself.
"I love you too" Louis replied to harry as harry tightened his arms around him.
For a while everyone stayed and they talked about random things, enjoying themselves as they mingled with their family members. Once they left the room, harry and louis were too tired to do anything else, so they snuggled up under the covers and fell into a peaceful sleep.
Author notes: (please read)
Right, I'm sorry for the shit chapter, I know it was boring but I hope you enjoyed it regardless.
A few of you who follow me will probably know why I didn't update as soon as I would've liked to because I explained it as an announcement, but to those of you who don't follow my profile I'll fill you in.
Basically I was planning on writing this chapter last night but I had to go to the doctors about my sleeping problems. I got told that I'm not allowed my phone or laptop after 10pm now to try and help me and that's why the chapter hasn't been written until now.
I'm getting really stressed out with this because I now feel like I'm restricted to a certain amount of hours to get my school work done and get a new chapter out. That's why I feel like this chapter is so shit because I've barely had any time to write it, I feel like it's rushed and not well written, and I'm sorry for that.
I'm not sure how this whole update thing is gonna go, but if a chapter isn't out as quickly as you would expect/ like then please bare in mind I'm trying to juggle homework, revision and writing all at the same time.
I'm going for a blood test on Thursday to see if there's any other causes for my sleeping problems but if you follow my profile I will be posting announcements regarding the situation and when new chapters will be out.
Your comments and votes make my day so please keep them up, and enjoy the rest of the story.
I love you all xxx
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