Continued from last chapter:
"Beautiful song Harold" James said with a fond look once the song came to an end.
Harry didn't reply, just stared out the window with a spaced out look.
The boys didn't say anything, just waited for some sort of explanation or background story.
"The last time I heard that song in person was when you did the carpool solo, you remember that?" He asked Harry.
"Yeah" he quickly realised where he was and snapped out of his funk, "made me sing the whole first verse solo" he said with a smirk.
"You bet I did, anyway, Zayn, chosen to return then?" He said, looking over his shoulder at the model like man.
"Couldn't expect me to stay away forever now could you?" He said winking at the lads who gave him a smile in return.
"Well I don't know, I didn't really know what to expect when you left, what with all the interviews and such" he stated with a pointed look, brows raising.
Zayn scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, looking apologetic.
"Already had this chat, they know it was mainly just for publicity-
"Mainly?" Liam said in a questioning tone.
"You know what I mean" he said shrugging lightly, unbothered.
"I'll never get my chance now, you've stolen my position in the band Zayn, how un loyal of you" James said in a fake frustrated tone.
"Don't worry mate, you can be a backup dancer" Niall said with a snicker.
"Don't you mock my moves Horan, at least I know more routines besides the inbetweeners dance"
"Oi, that dance is genius, like you could do any better" Louis challenged.
"You want a battle Tomlinson?" James said teasingly.
"It's on" Louis replied smugly, high giving Zayn.
A minute later the intro to Stockholm syndrome played out through the car.
"Who's that shadow holding me hostage I've been here for days, who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away" Harry sung melodically, starting off the song.
"I know they'll be coming to find me soon, but I fear I'm getting used to, being held by you" Zayn sang for the first time being in the car, reminding the lads of the old days where the band was a five, not a four.
When the chorus hit, everyone in the car decided to belt out the lyrics, dancing around in their seats and having a laugh.
"Oh, baby look what you've done to me, oh, baby look what you've done now, baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way"
They all screamed "ohohoh" in between the choruses, bringing their hands around their mouths to emphasise the sound.
"Oh, baby look what you've done to me, baby you've got me tied down, baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way"
Then came Louis' solo, he coughed before singing out the notes.
"Who's this man that's holding your hand and talking bout your eyes, use to sing about being free but now he's changed his mind"
As Louis voice hit Harrys eardrums he smiled a little, missing the way he used to sing for him when not in the public, they were the good times, but no matter how many times he thought about the good moments, the bad ones always ruined it, so with that thought, Harry bit his lip to prevent his smile and instead focused on Niall's solo.
"I know they'll be coming to find me soon, but my Stockholm syndrome is in the room. Yeh I fell for you" Niall sang smoothly, not missing a beat.
That was a mistake, Harry thought to himself. By focusing on Niall's voice, he focused on the lyrics, and by focusing on the lyrics, he realised how hard he had fallen for Lou, and how he resented himself for it.
He wishes he could rid himself of his feelings, but no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many people he hooked up with, and no matter how much he drank away his thoughts, they always came running back to him.
He couldn't escape the hold Louis had on him, it was like he was locked into a room, screaming to be let out, but only Louis had the key. And he would never open it. They key wouldn't fit. But breaking the lock was the only other option, and Harry didn't have the strength to break this lock, to free himself from the damn room, he would have to endure it.
By enduring it, he meant filling the room full of distractions. First was the substances. Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Second was the people, many of whom he wouldn't remember the names of the next morning. Thirdly was himself. By creating this certain persona for himself it distracted him from his real self. He couldn't focus on one person and the other, so he ultimately chooses the person he has become now, he'd rather live a lifestyle of isolation than a lifestyle of pain.
He was suddenly brought out of his dark thoughts when James tapped him on the shoulder. He realised he had been thinking for so long that the song had finished, leaving silence in the car.
"You alright Haz?" James asked the man.
"Yeh, I think I just need a drink" he replied.
"I hope you don't mean alcohol Harold, a drunk carpool isn't the best of ideas, although it would actually bring in a lot of views" he said with a smirk, making Harry laugh.
"There's a Starbucks right over there" he pointed over the road. "Think we could stop by for a second?" He asked.
"Sure, however, who's going inside to get the drinks? We don't want a frenzy, we've still go to get back to the studio, youse are meant to be helping me find my way remember" he said with a smug look.
"Well Lou is the only one that can remember all of our orders correctly and Harry- well he has big enough hands to carry all the drinks back, why don't use two go in while we stay here?" Liam said from the back.
Harry sighed in exasperation, silently cursing Liam for his stupid ideas.
Louis pulled a face, unsure if that was the best idea considering the 'relationship', if he can even call it that, that him and Harry have right now. Just a simple trip to Starbucks could end in blood shed.
"I guess I don't mind. Its up to Harry though" Louis said as James parked the car.
Suddenly Harry got out of the car, pulling on his shades and waiting for Louis to join him.
"Wish me luck" Louis said while rolling his eyes.
A camera man had followed them as expected, so when the two walked over to the shop, he followed behind, tracking their every move. Luckily there was also their body guard, Paul, with them standing a little further behind as to not get in shot of the camera.
They both knew they couldn't act out while being filmed, so they kept their usual posture up in order to not raise any suspicions.
When they walked into the shop they obviously got a few stares from teens sat having their drinks, two even came up to ask for a photo, being a little braver than the rest of the fans who just not so secretly filmed the encounter from afar. They were thankful that they hadn't caused havoc while simply buying a few drinks, it was quite surprising really.
When they got to the counter they could tell the server knew who they were but kept up a professional role in front of them, knowing she could get fired if she didn't do her job properly.
"Hello what can I get you?" She asked politely.
Harry ordered first, already knowing what he wanted.
"Can I get a plain black coffee please" he replied with a smile.
Ugh how basic, Louis thought to himself.
Louis gave the rest of the order, being that he was the only one to remember every single persons favourite off by heart. What can he say, he's observant.
For himself he ordered a iced caramel latte, he couldn't deal with hot drinks while out in LA, he's not used to the temperature out here and by getting a normal coffee would only add to his problem.
After giving the order they waited by the pick up place, hopefully by knowing who they are they might actually spell their names right unlike so many other people. Honestly who spells Alesha as 'Aleashia'?
"Larry stylinson?" A man behind the counter called out, causing multiple heads to turn including Louis and Harrys.
They hesitantly stepped up to the counter to collect their drinks, double checking this wasn't just some prank set up by a customer, but never the less they found their correct order with the name "Larry stylinson" written on each cup. How on earth were they meant to explain this to the lads?
Louis looked over and saw the girl who served them grinning behind her hand, looking at him out of the corner of her eye.
If Louis wasn't so shocked right now he may have actually laughed at the situation.
On one hand both the lads thought it was a little funny, on the other they thought it was rude as they had basically just been called out on in front of their own fans.
"Thanks" Harry muttered before walking out with his head hung low, Louis trailing after him.
"They're definitely gonna have to cut that part out" Louis said referring to the cameras.
Harry shook his head "maybe they'll keep it in just to mock us, wouldn't be a first" Harry sighed.
Louis understood what he meant. As much as management didn't want the Larry rumours circulating again, they like to mess with the two of them even more. So the probability of them keeping that little moment in the final cut just to spite them, was very high.
When they reached the car they seated themselves back in, careful not to spill the drinks all over.
Harry handed out the cups and instantly gained a confused look in return.
"Really?" Niall said, confused.
"Larry stylinson?" Liam stated.
"You didn't seriously call that yourselves did you?" Zayn said in disbelief.
"Of course we bloody didn't, the server thought it would be funny to embarrass us in front of all the fans by calling us out" Harry stated with a huff, taking a sip of his drink.
"Bit of a bitchy move to be honest, but you have to admit it's a little funny" James said with a chuckle. "Wish I could have seen your faces"
"Don't worry you probably will, I'm sure management will want that part to stay in" Louis said with an eye roll.
"Yeh I guess so" James said as he started the car back up again.
"Was it hectic in there?" He asked them.
"Surprisingly no, only two girls came for a photo and the rest just watched, they really don't know how to film discreetly" Harry said with a small smirk.
"I bet they caught the whole Larry incident on camera then, even if it doesn't make it to the final cut it's probably on the internet by now" Niall stayed, snickering.
"Give it a rest" Louis called out, but unable to keep the smile from gracing his face.
"I guess we'll find out soon enough" Liam said over their shoulders.
And by then, they were pulling up to the entrance of the studio, James waving them off with a thank you as they exited the car.
Author notes:
Okay so this chapter is a bit longer again as I thought the past two chapters weren't very well written.
It's still late right now posting this but I wasn't as tired or distracted while writing this time so hopefully you enjoyed reading this chapter.
Let me know any opinions in the comments and please do vote.
Love you all xxx
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