Sorry for not posting a new chapter sooner, I couldn't find the time to write with school and everything. Hope you enjoy the chapter, love you all xxx
Louis and Harry woke up about an hour later from the lads barging through their hotel room.
They had been contently sleeping, Cuddled up within each other's arms and blissfully dreaming of the actions that had taken place just before, but woke up startled by the lads shouting and throwing pillows at their heads.
Louis groaned as a pillow hit him right in the face and sunk further down into Harrys arms, pulling the duvet over his head.
"Come on lovebirds, we need to go get ready for the show!" Niall screamed, a smirk on his face along with Zayn and Liam, they all knew instantly what they had been up too.
"Fuck off pricks" Louis said with a groggy voice, only wanting to fall back into slumber with his boyfriend.
"No can do, not unless you want to explain to the fans why you didn't turn up to your own show" Liam replied smugly before grabbing the duvet and yanking it off the bed, exposing Louis and Harrys naked bodies.
"Mate what the fuck" Harry screeched as he searched for anything to cover himself and Louis with, finally grabbing two pillows to place over their crotches.
"Nothing we haven't seen before, now get the fuck up and meet us at reception in five" Zayn said causally and left the room once again with the other two lads in tow.
Once the door had been slammed shut once again Louis sighed and fell back onto the mattress, wiping his hands tiredly down his face as harry looked on fondly.
"Your so beautiful" Harry said as he took in the sight of Louis' tousled feathery hair, bright blue eyes and toned torso.
Louis turned his face to harry and smiled shyly, bringing his hand around Harrys neck and bringing him down for a passionate kiss, lingering a little longer than usual.
"I've got nothing on you Haz" Louis whispered, their faces meer inches apart as harry broke out into a huge smile, his dimples on show.
Harry traced patterns into Louis face, as if memorising every dent, wrinkle and feature on it, the comfortable silence settling around them.
"I love you, but we do need to get going. Come on" Harry said before pecking Louis on the lips quickly and standing up from the bed, stretching out his limbs as Louis watched on hungrily, practically drooling at Harrys toned abs and black ink scattered over his tanned skin.
Louis reluctantly dragged his gaze away from harry and stood up as well, going straight to his suitcase to grab something comfy to wear to the stadium, knowing he would be getting showered and changed whilst there anyway.
He chose some Adidas sweatpants and a lose, oversized t shirt from YSL, making sure to cover his messy hair with a cap and placing a pair of Nike trainers on his feet. Harry wore an equally comfy outfit that consisted of oversized trousers, a Gucci t shirt and his own merchandise hoodie, not caring about his hair and placing Gucci loafers on his feet.
"Haz, you realise your outfit does not match at all right, like, you pull it off of course, but really? What are them grandpa pants all about?" Louis asked, trying to hide his laugh behind his hand.
"Heyy, I don't make fun of your clothing. And besides, it's comfy and I'll be changing soon anyways. Like I care what people think of my outfits" Harry said with a shrug, smirking at Louis.
"Whatever you say babe" Louis replied before taking his hand and pulling him out their room, locking it with the key card before they made their way down to meet the lads.
"Took you long enough" Zayn said when he saw them approaching, getting a middle finger from Louis in return as harry laughed.
Zayn shook his head and they made their way out to the car waiting for them, ready to take them to Barclaycard Arena where they would perform tonight.
Just as they had finally settled in the car, Liam's phone began ringing, it was management.
"It's management. Should I pick up or not?" Liam asked, a hesitant look in his eyes as he directed his attention towards Louis.
"You kinda have to, it could be something important. If they mention anything about the phone or stunt shit then end it" Louis replied, nodding for Liam to answer the call.
Liam gave a look towards Louis that silently asked if he was sure, but when he got the answer he was looking for he finally clicked the green button, the call connecting instantly as he put it on speaker.
"Hello?" Liam asked, hoping nothing bad was to come.
"Hey Liam. We just needed to let you know about some plans that have recently come up regarding your solo careers. Can the other lads hear this?" The woman asked on the other end of the phone.
"Yeh it's on speaker, we're on our way to the venue for the show now" Liam confirmed, nodding his head even though she couldn't see him.
"Okay good. Anyway, as the reunion was so sudden we obviously hadn't sorted out much to do with your solo careers, but the Brit awards are coming up soon and your all nominated as solo acts. Regardless of wether your a band or not you need to attend as there's a good chance of you winning and it will give the band more publicity" She explained, making the lads all raise their eyebrows in shock as they assumed they were completely done with their solo careers.
"Okay, but how's that going to work with the tour schedule?" Liam asked the question that was on everyone's minds.
"Luckily the award ceremony is taking place a few days after you finish the uk leg of tour so it shouldn't interfere with the schedule, however I hope you don't mind taking a day out of your break" She replied, making them groan a little.
They planned to have a weeks break before they head off for the European leg of tour, so they could go see family and relax a little, but now they had to give up one of those precious days for the bloody Brit awards. They were all great full for being nominated, of course, but it did suck when the little time off they get is taken away, for busy people like them time is everything.
"Uh, Yeah, sure I guess. But we really do need to get going, we're nearly at the venue so could you just ring us back tomorrow or something with the details?" Liam asked with a sigh.
"Sure. Have a good show" She said then hung up, Liam putting his phone back into his pocket.
The woman he was talking to happened to be one of the kinder people working for management. The lads wouldn't say she's an angel, but she is significantly less judgemental than the others which was nice.
"Fuck sake" Louis said under his breath, but harry still noticed it and pulled him further into his side, drawing soothing patterns into his arm which Louis was great full for.
"We're here lads, go put on a good show yeh?" Their chauffeur said with a smile, patting Liam on the back as he was upfront before they thanked him and got out of the car.
Paul escorted them to the dressing rooms and once again met Louise and her team there who got straight to work after they had taken showers.
Tonight, Harry was wearing a deep but vibrant blue suit that was detailed with sparkles and beeding all down the sleeves and collar, standing out above his plain black shirt that was unbuttoned half way down his chest.
Louis mouth dropped as usual when he saw his boyfriend, standing casually in front of the mirror as he adjusted the sleeves and ran a hand through his brown locks, looking like someone straight out of a vogue magazine.
Harry noticed louis staring at him through the mirror and smirked a little before saying "take a picture it will last longer" smugly, breaking Louis out of his trance.
Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. He thought about grabbing his phone and actually complying with Harrys remark, but his smile dropped when he remembered the whole phone fiasco, the remaining broken parts of it laying in Harrys bag back at the hotel.
"Why the frown baby?" Harry asked as he made his way over to Louis, a crease forming in between his eyebrows and concern flirting through his eyes.
"Nothing, just remembered about my phone, it's not big deal" Louis said with a shrug, sighing slightly.
"Don't worry about it lou, we're gonna fix it, I promise you. For now though, get changed, we've got a show to put on" Harry said with a grin and pulled Louis in for a kiss, their tongues dancing together as they closed their eyes shut tightly, embracing the blissful moment.
"Jesus get a room!" Louise shouted, groaning as she turned around and walked out of the room, shaking her head as she heard the two laughing loudly.
"Also, keep your eyes peeled on stage. I've left a little surprise" Harry said with a wink before walking away from a confused Louis.
What could it be? He thought to himself, now more excited than ever to get out there and find out what Harrys hiding from him.
Louis shook himself out of his thoughts and continued to get ready, wearing tracksuit bottoms with a Givenchy sweater, paired with his best sneakers. He checked himself once more in the mirror and when he was pleased with his appearance it was time to head on stage, hearing their cue from the speakers in the room.
The lads rushed out the room in a quick pace and got in their positions to set out onto the stage, giving each other reassuring looks and encouragement, hyping themselves up for the concert.
As the stage doors slowly slid open, the stage lights blinded them and they smiled at the sound of 16,000 fans screaming their names in excitement, encouraging them further.
As the beat of their first song flooded throughout the arena the lads made their way onto the stage, finally making their presence known and causing the fans to erupt into even louder cheers.
They smiled at one another as they prepared to sing, the adrenaline already pumping through their veins as they waved to the audience. Then finally, Niall sung out the first words.
"Saw your body language and I know what your feeling, you look like the kind of girl that's tired of speaking, standing with somebody, but he doesn't know what you like"
Niall sung loudly, his voice reverberating through the speakers as the fans sung along with the lyrics perfectly.
"You caught my attention, you were looking at me first, all that I can see is you waking up in my t shirt, if your not hooked to anything I can be your vice"
Niall continued with the fast pace song whilst the other lads interacted with the crowd, taking a section each to entertain as they waved and danced for them.
"All you need to know is, you can call me, when your lonely, when you can't sleep, I'll be your temporary fix you control me, even if it's just tonight"
They sung together, the crowd singing "yeah's" every now and again when needed and putting a smile on their faces.
"You can call me, when you feel like, I'm you good time, I'll be your temporary fix, you can own me, even if it's just tonight, let me be your good night"
Throughout the chorus Louis and harry kept sending subtle winks to each other, flirting across the stage cheekily as they enjoyed their moment. The good thing about being on stage was management couldn't come between them at every second, meaning they could banter as much as they wanted and deal with the consequences later.
"The night is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in, there's a million lights I don't care if their watching, your body's saying everything I don't need to read your mind"
Harry sung his verse all the while looking at Louis, once again serenading him. The lyrics meant so much more now that they finally had an intimate moment not even two hours earlier. He could tell harry meant it about them watching, he didn't care whilst on stage and he didn't care out in the public, if only it were allowed.
"Feel you on my neck while I'm calling a taxi, climbing over me while I climb in the backseat, now we're taking off, now we're taking it off tonight"
This was probably one of Louis' favourite verses of Harrys on the album. One, because his voice sounds so fucking sexy it's hard for him to even breathe properly, and two this part is something that actually happened to them while out in Wellington that night, the first time they went all the way.
They all sung the chorus again and then made it to the bridge. Louis and harry walked to the front of the stage side by side and belted out the lyrics, all the while messing with one another and making the fans scream in fondness and excitement.
"We can roll in the darkness, let me touch you where you heart is, and if your feeling the weakness, well I told you baby that you can call me, I'll be your temporary fix you can call me"
They sung together angelically. Their voices mixed together so smoothly it was hard to tell it was even more than once voice and the fans were going wild for it, harry and louis even noticing some Larry signs out in the audience that made them smile proudly.
They all sung the chorus one last time before the music came to a stop and they were all out of breath, smiling widely whilst panting and sending kisses to the fans who cheered and applauded them.
"Have you noticed yet?" Harry whispered into Louis ear behind his hand, his other one resting on Louis bicep gently which some fans undoubtedly noticed.
"No, I don't even know what I'm looking for" Louis replied with a pout, growing frustrated that he couldn't seem to find Harrys surprise for him.
"You'll know it when you see it" Harry said with a smirk, laughing lightly at Louis expression.
"Oh come on, give me a hint" Louis whined, desperately wanting to find out.
"Fine. We used to use it a lot on stage" Harry replied, raising his eyebrows a little and looking expectantly at Louis to see if he was catching on, but Louis still seemed oblivious.
"Uh, buttplugs?" Louis said sarcastically, tilting his head to the side and pasting a confused expression on his face as harry burst out laughing loudly, smacking a hand over his mouth to contain himself.
"Fucking hell, no of course not, but good idea though" Harry said with a smirk, winking at Louis as he laughed and walked off to sit with the rest of the lads at the back of the stage, it was now Niall's turn to perform a solo song.
Louis shook his head and sighed, thinking he would never find out what it was as he walked over to the lads and took a seat next to harry.
"This is slow hands, sing along if you know the words" Niall introduced to the crowd, making them erupt into more cheers.
Niall stood with his guitar strapped to his front, microphone on its stand in front of him as the backing track began to play.
He strummed along with the music, hitting the right chords effortlessly as he began to sing, swaying in his spot whilst he did so.
"We should take this back to my place, that's what she said right to my face, cause I want you bad, yeah I want you baby"
He sung softly into the mic as the lads behind him swayed along to the song, enjoying every moment of the calmness that seeped through them as they watched the fans put their hands in the air and swung them side to side slowly.
"I've been thinking bout it all day, and I hope you feel the same way, yeah, cause I want you bad, yeah I want you baby"
Louis rested his head onto Harrys shoulder as Niall continued to sing, feeling at ease besides his boyfriend and the comfort of their fandom. Harry smiled down at Louis when he looked up and they kept their gaze lingering for a moment until Niall go to the chorus and the lads joined in on certain parts.
"Slow hands" all of them sung.
"Like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry" Niall continued.
"No chance" they all sung again.
"That I'm leaving here without you on me" Niall sung.
"I know" the lads joined in again.
"Yeah I already know that there ain't no stopping, your plans and those, slow hands" Niall finished the first chorus and began with the rest of the song, pointing his mic out to the audience when he wanted them to sing and then quickly going back to his guitar.
During the song, the whole audience had gotten out their flashlights to create a sea of stars under the arena whilst the stage lights were dimmed and the spotlight was placed on Niall. It was beautiful, but harry still thought the most beautiful thing in the entire stadium was the man sitting besides him.
Louis didn't need flashlights to create a sea, he already had the ocean in his eyes.
Louis continued to gaze over the stage, his eyes dragging across the fans to the boxes placed next to Niall, and that's when he noticed it.
Right there, perched upon a speaker box, was the two bears of which Louis and Harry used to expose their love with.
The rainbow bear and sugar baby bear.
He thought he had lost them. He thought harry had thrown them away when their relationship had ended. But harry had kept them all this time.
These two, ridiculous stuffed bears would seem stupid to outsiders, why would grown men be carrying around teddy bears on tour? But to Louis and harry they meant everything.
Back in the day, it was their only way of showing their relationship to the public whilst they were trapped in rules they were too afraid to break.
Fans caught onto it after a while, and it was great to see all the support they had gotten from it. It was the first time they really felt comfortable with coming out, but if only they could.
Louis whipped his head back up to harry with a huge smile and harry knew he had found the little surprise. Louis suddenly got up from his seat, not caring if Niall was in the middle of a song, and strided over to the bears, grabbing both of them in his hands before running back to harry and straddling his lap to give him a huge hug.
"You kept them" Louis whispered and harry could feel his smile against his neck.
"Of course I did lou" Harry replied, sneakily kissing Louis neck whilst his face couldn't be seen.
Louis pulled back and gave harry the bigger bear before grabbing his hand and pulling him up, the other lads watching with interest.
Niall continued to sing as Louis and harry danced for the audience, swirling around each other whilst tightly grasping the bears, huge grins on both their faces as they laughed with one another.
Niall couldn't contain his laughter into the mic when he saw harry almost fall, due to his long limbs and clumsy nature, but luckily Louis caught him at the last minute making the audience coo at them.
Niall finally finished the song and Louis and harry bowed to the audience and held the bears high above their heads, showing it off to their fans who screamed in realisation.
They knew they were gonna get so much shit for this. But it was worth it.
Author notes:
Rbb and Sbb are back!!! I had this suggestion from a reader and I loved writing every second of it, so thank you for that :)
Again, sorry for the slow ish updates, I hope you enjoyed this anyway even though it was a tad boring lol. I seriously need to stop complaining when you guys are amazing to me, sorry haha.
Don't forget to comment and vote and leave suggestions, I will take them all into consideration.
Follow my profile for announcements regarding new chapters and shit like that lol.
Love you all xxx
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