Chapter 6
Aslan's How. That's where they were going. Capsian claimed that that was where the rest of the Narnians were waiting for them. Bellona felt hope returning to her.
She could see them in the distance. Centaurs approached the entryway down into the How. They raised their swords, tips of each meeting each other, as a welcome for the Kings and Queens. Bellona paused alongside Caspian, allowing the Pevensies to be the first to enter.
"I was always told you were also a Queen of Narnia," Caspian spoke to Bellona as they started their walk down to the How.
"Only by association," Bellona told Caspian. "I never found the title to be fitting of me. I found myself only going to places when intimidation was needed." She smiled at the centaurs as they got taller and taller.
People were getting straight to work to make weapons. Banging of metal on metal. For some reason, it was a beautiful sound for Bellona.
"Peter, you may want to see this," Susan called out, the six of them walking down a hallway. Carvings of the story of regaining Narnia were on the walls. From Susan and Lucy riding on Aslan's back to the coronation of the Kings and Queens. "It's us," said Susan.
"What is this place?" Lucy looked to Caspian.
"You don't know?" Caspian asked them before grabbing a torch and leading the way. Something felt familiar for Bellona. Or that it called to her. They descended some stairs before Caspian lit something on fire.
The fire went rushing through. Stone carvings made an appearance as the fire went past them. In the middle was Aslan. His carving stared down at them in the middle of the room. Centering Aslan was the broken stone table. Where he had defeated death for taking Edmund's place.
Lucy was the first to speak. "He must know what he's doing," she told the group. Bellona continued to stare at the carving. Even if he does, why must he continue to hide from them?
"I think it's up to us now," said Peter. While Bellona knew this to be true, it was something she still hated. Why must they be the ones to take on another battle?
They gave themselves a day before planning for the battle. Everyone was gathered in the room with the stone table to talk about a plan of attack.
"It's only a matter of time," Peter lead the planning." Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle."
This piqued Bellona's interest. Her grip tightened around her sword. It would be easy to go in there and kill Miraz himself. Leave a message behind that would give a reason for the Telmarines to fear Narnians.
"We need to get ready for it."
"To start planning for..."
Bellona wasn't sure what prompted both Peter and Caspian to talk. The tension was back though. She could feel it.
"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter told the group.
"That is crazy, no one has ever taken the castle."
"Then we'll be the first," Bellona spoke up, swinging her blade by the hilt. "Give me a few minutes alone with Miraz himself."
"We'll have the element of surprise," Trumpkin added. The Telmarines probably wouldn't expect Narnians to attack them.
"But we have the advantage here," Caspian countered.
"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely," Susan added to Caspian's idea.
A debate started about which would be the better idea. Staying in and waiting, or making the first move and attacking. Bellona was all for attacking if it meant that she could kill a few Telmarines.
Peter looked to the leading centaur. "If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?"
"Or die trying, my liege." The centaur told Peter.
"That's what I'm worried about." Bellona looked to Lucy, who was sitting on the remnants stone table. "You're all acting like there's only two options, dying here or dying there."
"I'm not sure you've been listening, Lu."
"No, you're not listening," Lucy corrected Peter. "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?" Bellona looked to Peter, all of them knowing the answer. Aslan.
This seemed to have struck the same nerve as before. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." While Bellona was all for taking action now, she didn't like what Peter said. Something about it rubbed her the wrong way. She didn't like waiting either, but she waited and waited before.
No one argued with Peter though. They would be attacking the Telmarines that night.
Bellona, Peter, Susan, Caspian, and Edmund all flew by griffons to the Telmarine castle. While it wasn't her preferred method of flying, it still felt good to be in the air.
She swung her sword at a Telmarine outside one of the towers. She smiled to herself as the soldier went down with a grunt. There were more to come too. Her swords were ready as they dropped on a crossway between towers. Of course, Peter had to be the one to take down the Telmarine.
"We're not here to slaughter them," Peter's reminder went in one ear and out the other for Bellona as she climbed down a tower via rope.
"Professor?" Caspian spoke quietly after knocking on a window. Bellona held her swords at the ready, watching carefully as Caspian opened the window. She followed after him into the empty and destroyed room. "We have to find him."
"We don't have time, you need to get the gate open," Peter told Caspian.
"You wouldn't be here without him," Caspian countered. "And neither would I."
"You and I can deal with Miraz, Bellona, go with him?" Susan suggested. While Bellona would much rather be the one to face Miraz herself, she nodded her head in agreement.
"We can still get to the gate in time," Caspian added for the sake of Peter.
"C'mon Caspian," Bellona muttered as they hurried through a door. She allowed him to lead the way, as he seemed to have a better idea of where they needed to go, the dungeons.
Caspian unlocked the gated door while Bellona stood guard just outside it. Caspian knelt over his professor, a small smile on his face as he said, "Five more minutes?"
"What are you doing here?" The older male asked.
"Rescuing you," Bellona plainly stated while ignoring a look of awe on the man's face.
"I didn't help you escape just so you could break back in," the professor's attention went back to Caspian, who continued to unlock the chains on the man. "You have to get out! Before Miraz learns you're here!" He continued as Caspian helped him to his feet.
"He's going to learn soon enough, we're going to give him your cell." Both Bellona and Caspian make moves to leave, only to be stopped by the professor.
"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did." This was said to Caspian. It grabbed Bellona's attention though. Something that remained hidden in the history of the Telmarines.
"What are you talking about?" Caspians asked lowly.
"I'm sorry."
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