Chapter Seven: Receiving The Message
Back In Auradon
Nobody's Pov
Two years.
That's how much time has passed.
That's how long Malia has been missing for.
Everyone misses her more than anything. Nobody has forgotten about her.
However, the only ones that knew where she really was was her family and close friends.
Aurora, her mother, had gathered her husband along with their other daughter and her friends and told her about the spell she made in order to find Malia.
She also told them that she had helped her out one time when she was in a situation and needed help getting out of whatever mess she was in.
And she told them about sending her a present for her granddaughter.
To say her husband, Phillip, their daughter, Audrey, and her friends were relieved was an understatement.
And while they were sad that Malia wasn't returning home, they were happy that she was safe and happy in her new home.
Malia and Aurora talk as much as they can but lately they haven't been in contact with each other.
Due to Malia having to focus on college as well as raising Emily, alongside Wyatt, it has sure been a bit stressful.
Aurora understands and she wants her daughter to be able to focus on school, her daughter and her boyfriend without any distractions.
She just wishes that once Malia had free time, she would find time to talk with her.
When that happens she will have her husband and their daughter, along with Malia's friends, be present.
They miss her and just want to see her and hear her voice again.
They promised to not tell anyone about being in contact with her or about where she is.
The last thing they want is for Ben to find out and demand for him to be taken to where she was.
Aurora doesn't want that boy anywhere near her daughter, not when Malia has moved on and found love in someone else.
Someone she knows would never hurt Malia the way Ben did.
Aurora, who was currently in her and her husbands room, sighed as she stopped what she was doing.
She had finished some paperwork and right now she just wanted to take a nap since she was really tired.
But before she could do that, something happened.
Her eyes were beginning to shut, ready to give in to her to tiredness, when she heard something in front of her and could feel some sort of light shining on her face.
Which is weird since the only light that was on was the lamp on the bedside table.
Aurora opened her eyes and a gasp escaped her lips.
A bright pink light was beginning to fade away in front of her and before she knew it a letter was floating in front of her.
The letter began falling down and Aurora hesitantly caught it.
A small frown appeared on her face as she examined the letter carefully and began reading it to see what it said.
Hi mom,
I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you in a really long time, things back in my new town have been a little crazy and well so many things have happened and, well, I'm happy. Wyatt and I are in college, the same goes for the rest of my friends, and Emily is doing well. She's four years old and she's really beautiful. Anyways, the reason why I wrote this letter is to inform you that I'm coming back to Auradon. I'm only coming for a visit, not sure how long I'll be staying but it will be for a while. I'm bringing the others with me too so I won't be alone. Please, only tell dad and Audrey. I'm not sure I want the others to know just yet but if they happen to find out either way, that's fine. I miss you, mom. I miss dad, Audrey along with my friends. I can't wait for us to meet again
-Love Malia
Aurora had tears in her eyes and she let those tears stream down her face.
Her daughter was coming back, Malia was coming back.
A smile appeared on her face and a laugh of disbelief escaped her lips.
She quickly wiped her tears away and got up from her bed and rushed out of the room in order to find her daughter.
She made her way into Audrey's bedroom and was going to knock when she saw that it was slightly open.
"Honey?" Aurora spoke.
When Audrey didn't answer her lips pressed together and she pushed the door open and made her way inside.
When she was inside her daughters bedroom she spotted her on her bed with her back facing her.
She could see the way her daughter's shoulders were slightly shaking and she could hear faint sniffles.
"Honey, are you ok? What are you doing?" Aurora asked.
Audrey, who still didn't turn to her, simply shook her head.
"I'm fine, mom. And I'm just drawing to pass the time since I have nothing else to do" Audrey told her mother.
Aurora frowned and made her way towards her daughter.
When she was near she turned around so that way she was looking directly at her.
And she frowned even more when she saw small tears streaming down her daughters face and her hands were shaking as she drew.
Aurora used her hand to cup the side of her daughters cheek and used her fingers to wipe her tears away.
"Honey, don't lie to me. Please, tell me what's wrong" Aurora softly said.
Audrey let out a sigh, knowing that no matter what she said her mother wouldn't believe her.
She stopped drawing and set her pen down and simply stared down at her unfinished drawing for a bit.
Audrey let out another sigh before picking her head up and faced her mother.
"I'm so tired of pretending" Audrey finally said.
Aurora frowned at that.
"What do you mean, honey?" Aurora softly asked.
"I mean I hate pretending that everything is alright when it really isn't. I'm tired of pretending that my life is happy when it isn't. Well, fine, part of it but not entirely" Audrey explained.
"Honey, please elaborate" Aurora said.
Audrey sighed and looked down at her drawing.
She stayed quiet for a minute before finally speaking again.
"I miss my sister" Audrey softly said.
Aurora's eyes widened slightly at that as realization coursed through her body as well as her eyes.
"Oh, honey" Aurora frowned.
"I miss her so much. So much time has passed and I miss her. I know you told dad and I, as well as my friends, that she's safe and happy in her new home and I'm glad but I just wish she would come back. Not permanently but at least for a visit. I just want to see her again. I want to hug her and tell her everything that has happened while she was gone and just catch up with her. I just want my little sister back" Audrey explained.
She missed Malia dearly.
It feels like it was just yesterday where she and her family received the awful news that she had left and wasn't coming back.
It feels like yesterday she barricaded herself in her room after learning her little sister was gone.
Audrey just wanted to see Malia in person with her own eyes.
She wants to be able to hug her, give her a kiss on the cheek, and tell her many stories about what went down in Auradon while Malia tells her many stories while she was in Seabrook.
"Audrey, I have to-" Aurora started but was cut off.
"I mean, it wouldn't kill her to at least call once in a while. But I can't really be angry at her since she's in college. And college is hard and stressful. Not to mention she still has to take care of Emily" Audrey added.
"Honey, you need to-" Aurora started but was cut off.
"And speaking of Emily, I want to meet her. I want to meet my beautiful niece. I never got to see her since Malia left the day she found out she was pregnant. Oh, I was going to help my little sister raise her baby and that never happened. I obviously don't blame Malia for running away since her sorry excuse of an ex left her for some villain's daughter but" Audrey rambled.
"Audrey, your sister is coming home!" Aurora finally yelled out.
She couldn't hold in the information any longer.
And besides, Audrey was taking forever and probably never would've stopped.
She knows how her daughters are. She, along with her husband of course, raised them after all.
Audrey stopped her rambling and whipped her head to look at her mother.
"What did you just say?" Audrey slowly asked.
Was she hearing things?
Because it sounded like her mother said that her little sister was coming home.
Aurora, knowing what her daughter was thinking, decided not to say anything.
Instead, she handed her daughter the letter Malia wrote.
Audrey raised an eyebrow at the letter before taking it from her mothers hands and began reading it herself.
Aurora patiently waited her daughter to finish reading the letter.
It didn't take that long for Audrey to look back at her mother, her eyes widening in disbelief at what she just read.
"Is this real? Please tell me that this is real" Audrey begged.
Aurora laughed softly and nodded her head.
"It's real, I promise it is. Malia is coming home" Aurora smiled, gently caressing her daughters cheek.
Audrey stared at her mother with big wide eyes, nothing but shock and happiness coursing through them.
Without giving it much thought, Audrey jumped up from her bed and began squealing like crazy.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Malia's coming home! She's coming home! My little sister is returning!" Audrey yelled.
Audrey didn't stop there and started spinning herself around, a smile plastered on her face, while singing a song.
She was just so happy she couldn't help herself.
Aurora laughed in amusement at her daughters actions and merely shook her head.
She opened her mouth to say something when the door to her daughters room opened causing her to turn her head.
Her husband, Phillip, walked in with a confused and curious look plastered on his face.
"What's going on here?" Phillip asked, a small smile on his face.
Audrey immediately stopped what she was doing and rushed to her father.
"Dad, dad, guess what?" Audrey hurriedly asked, the smile never leaving her face.
"What's wrong, honey?" Phillip asked, tilting his head slightly.
Audrey said nothing and simply shoved the letter into the chest of her father.
Phillip coughed slightly in surprise before taking the letter into his hands. He cast Audrey a curious look before reading the letter.
Only a few seconds passed and his eyes began to widen at what he was reading.
He picked his head up and met the eyes of his wife.
"Is this true?" Phillip asked.
Aurora said nothing and made her way over to him.
When she was close she wrapped her arms around her husbands neck and leaned in to kiss her husband on the lips.
She pulled back from the kiss, keeping her arms around her husbands neck, and nodded.
"It's true, Phillip. Our daughter is coming home" Aurora smiled.
Phillip said nothing and glanced between the letter and his wife a few times before his eyes settled in on his wife.
Only a second passed and a huge, relieved and happy smile was beginning to form on his face.
Phillip let a laugh of disbelief escape his mouth before he wrapped his arms around his wife's waist and kissed her.
Aurora hummed and began kissing him back.
The kiss lasted for a bit before they pulled away and simply held onto each other.
They laughed when Audrey joined in on the hug, wrapping her arms around both her parents, to which they wrapped their arms around her.
This was a happy moment for the family.
Their daughter/sister was coming home and they were happy.
They were finally going to be able to see her after so long.
They can't wait. It's going to be amazing.
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