•Annie pov•
'It's so cramped in here' Was My first thought as I awoke I felt numb and tired, really tired but now I'm awake and there is no going back. 'This hurtsi have to get out' I say in my head this truly was painful staying in one position for a long time.
I gave some thought when i first came in my Crystal that i was going to surrender. But what was i fighting for again.....my Father?.....I started to get frustrated all i remember was my dad's face and that was it.
'Why can't i remember?!' I thought i tried and tried but. nothing. i gave up what i needed was to get out of here now.
My uper half body was in so much pain while my bottom half was numb i struggled to open my eye's but eventually got them open. They shot open. I could see people down here it was really blurry i saw another short blonde
'Krista?' I saw something blueish greenish. Thoes where eye's. I then already knew it was Eren i could make out Mikasa and Armin and some short guy. From what i could i see it was the same guy who cut me up and almost killed me.
Once my eye's adjusted i could see shocked looks. I probably looked like a lunatic of how my eye's shot open. Well im off to a bad start. It started to get hard to breathe my breathing was hitched i could see that everyone drew their blades and more people where down i lifted my arm painfully slow and pushed on the crystal as hard as i could.
Its getting harder to breath. I'm suffocating i need to get out now. I kept pushing and pushing blood started to come from my hands. I pushed with everything that i got it finally broke open and i feel face first out. I couldn't move and i was soaking wet for some reason.
I started to shake because of how cold i was. I could hear people arguing
I tried to speak but no sound came out my vision started to blur again i passed out. My last wondering that was
"Will i even wake up?"
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