Retrograde XIV
Keiko held on to Yusuke's arm. She was so happy and there was nothing in this world that would take her happiness away from her. Absolutely nothing. Her anger the night before have all vanished now that Yusuke had proposed to spend the rest of his life by her side. They made their way to Genkai's temple, Yusuke, being his carefree self, and Keiko wondering how they would look when they walk hand-in-hand in their golden years. Her thoughts was broken when a gust of wind came their way.
"Oy Hiei, what's up?" Asked yusuke.
"Hmph." grunted Hiei, "About time you showed up." He looked accusingly at Keiko and disappeared.
"Yusuke," called Kurama from behind them, "Something's happened in Makai, we need to leave Ningenkai soon!"
"Leave ningenkai?!" repeated Keiko.
"Why? What happened to Ma-?" Before Yusuke could finish, another gust of wind blew their way.
"Hiei!" said Yusuke annoyed, "Would you stop that?!"
"Yuu-chan!" said a soft young voice, "Ohaiyou!"
Yusuke was surprised to see Fera in front of him, wearing a pale green suit, her hair tied back in a neat braid.
"Fera!" said Yusuke, "I thought you were Hiei!"
"Ha-ha!" said Fera happily, "We're playing hide and seek! I'm still looking for him!" Her cheerfulness suddenly disappeared when she saw Keiko stabbing her with her eyes.
"Yusuke, as I was saying," Kurama said, trying to get the lad's attention back.
"Yusuke, why don't you tell them the good news?" butted in Keiko, not taking her eyes away from the Menear.
"Ah, hai...!" said Yusuke, "Kurama, Keiko and I are going to get married." he looked at Fera with a smile as the Menear looked at him questioningly.
"We're gonna be married, Fera." Keiko said with a cold voice, raising her hand for Fera to see the engagement ring Yusuke gave her. "As soon as possible."
"That's great Yusuke, but we need to leave for Makai soon." said Kurama.
"What did happen anyway?" asked Yusuke.
"It's Mayef, he have conquered all of Makai." replied the red head, his eyes dead serious, "Yomi, Mukuro, Kokou and Enki have all fallen..."
"kissama..." hissed Yusuke, "This is bad...when can we leave for Makai?"
"What?" Keiko chirped in, "Yusuke, you said no more missions!"
"But this is important, Keiko!"
"No! I will not sit in my room worrying about you all day and night! And if you think I would still be here when you come back, then you'd better think again!"
With that, Keiko turned around and went away.
"Keiko, wait!" called her fiancé after her. Kurama and Fera were left at the temple steps as the two argued more.
"Kura-chan," said Fera.
"Hai?" answered Kurama.
"What is an engagement ring for?" she asked.
"An engagement ring is given by a man to the woman he loves." explained Kurama, "if the girl wears it, it meant she accepts his love and will love him in return, if she gives it back, then she doesn't want to repay his love."
"Why not?"
"Well it could be that the girl doesn't love the guy or doesn't love him any more."
"Oh," Fera said thoughtfully, "does that mean I love him?"
"Love who?"
"The tall youki with white hair...he had a funny drawing on his face."
Kurama fell silent. He staired at Fera with wide eyes.
"Did he give you an engagement ring?"
" was a gold ring full of bright stars...but otou-san burned it..." Fera said, her eyebrows together in a frown. She looked at Kurama, waiting for his reply.
"Do you love him?" asked Kurama.
"I don't know...he's always...hurting..." a big tear suddenly dripped down from Fera's eye. Kurama saw her surprised expression when she noticed she was weeping.
"Fera, do you know his name?" he asked, though deep inside, he knew what the answer would be. Fera looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears, she held on to her chest as she wept.
"I don't know..." she replied in a low whisper
Just then, Hiei appeared behind Fera and pushed her playfully.
"Baka, what's been taking you so long?" he asked with a frown.
"Hiei-kun!" said Fera happily, wiping away her tears with her sleeves. A big smile spread across her face. She flung herself on Hiei who disappeared immediately.
"Hey, no fair! I found you already!" she called after Hiei, disappearing herself.
Kurama smiled despite of himself, he watched the two chase each other. Fera have obviously caught the hearts of everyone in the group, even Hiei, surprisingly enough, but there was still a dark past surrounding her. Secrets hidden behind her disturbing past. If they could only find a way to open them up, but then again, it would mean awakening the demon inside her as well.
"Minna-san, sorry I'm late!" said Yusuke as he entered the room.
"It's about time you came here!" said Genkai sternly.
"How's Keiko?" asked Kurama.
"She's fine...finally persuaded her to let me come with you guys." answered Yusuke.
Just then, Fera enters the room, a piece of bandage in her hand as she approached Kurama.
"Kura-chan, look what I've got!" exclaimed the youki as she handed him the piece of bandage.
"Hey, isn't that bandage from that little twirp?!" bellowed Kuwabara
"Hmph." Hiei grunted, suddenly appearing beside him. He was already replacing the bandage in his arm.
"Don't ask!" snapped the fire spirit.
"Everybody settle down. Ko-Enma and the rest will be here any second now." said Obaa-san.
"At least tell me what's really going on." said Yusuke.
"Mayef have taken over makai." answered a voice from behind them, "And your friends' lives are in danger unless you take them out of there."
"Ko-Enma!" greeted Yusuke, "but why do we have to take them out of Makai? Why not beat the crap out of that jerk Mayef?"
"Easier said than done, Yusuke," answered the other, "for you have no idea what Mayef is capable of doing."
"But then, where will the rest of the youki stay?" asked Kuwabara.
"We have prepared another dimension for them to live in for the time being," replied Ko-Enma, "Tou-san have arranged plans for them to stay in a new dimension he have prepared, until we think of a way to deal with Mayef and his men."
"You mean, you're just going to leave Makai to Mayef?" asked Kurama.
"We have no choice," replied Ko-Enma, "I know that most of the yuoki would regret to leave their homes, but it's the only way to keep them safe...for now..."Ko-Enma approached the others, a serious frown in his face, "Come. We have wasted enough time, lives are on the line here.
"Ready when you are!" said Yusuke, standing up from his seat.
"Yuu-chan, where are you going?" asked Fera.
Yusuke looked back at the frail Menear, her head tilted to a side. He went to her side and smiled as Fera did the same.
"We'll wait for you outside." said Kurama, understandingly.
"Fear," said Yusuke, "I'm afraid we'll be gone for a while, we're going to Makai."
"Can I go to?" she asked with a smile,
I'm sorry, Fera, but you can't..." Fera's smile suddenly disappeared, "Daijoubu, Fera, Baa-san will take care of you, right, Baa-san?"
"Of course!" said Genkai with a gentle smile in her wrinkled lips.
"You promise you'll be back soon?"
"I promise, we'll be back before you know it."
"Okay." With that, Fera gave Yusuke a brief hug and a warm smile.
"You take care of yourself now, you hear?"
Yusuke gave the Menear a final glance before he turned around and headed for the door. Genkai and Fera followed him to the yard where Enma Daio's men have opened a port hole to Makai.
"Hurry up, Yusuke! We can't hold the gate way for long!" said Ko-Enma, "If Mayef's men find it, we'll all be in big trouble! Remember, as soon as you find the others, contact me through the special phone I gave you, we will take care of the rest!"
"Right!" said Yusuke, standing by Kurama's side. Hiei have already disappeared while Kuwabara was getting ready to jump in himself.
"Bye-bye, minna-san!" said Fera cheerfully, waving her hand. She was not aware of the danger that awaits her friends.
"Jaa" replied Yusuke.
After the four have passed through, Ko-Enma and the rest closed the portal hurriedly. Fera watched in amazement as the dark hole vanished in thin air.
"Baa-chan, when yuu-chan and I go to the see, can we use one of those?" she asked cheerfully.
"Of course you can." replied Baa-san, "Though I doubt if they can make it back safely..." she added silently, " better..."
"HWAAAAAAAAA...OOOFF!!!" belowed Kuwabara as he landed face first in the ground.
Kurama landed neatly beside him, his silky red locks falling on his back like a red curtain. Yusuke came next, kneeling before the two. They have finally arrived in Makai, or what's left of it.
"I know Makai is a waste land, but this takes the cake!" said Yusuke with a low whistle.
All around them lay decaying corpses, bodies of dead youki, mutilated beyond recognition. Kuwabara held his nose from the stench and gagged. The carnage stretched as far as the eye can see. Not a single living thing was in sight. No mountains, no hills, no boulders of any sort. Nothing but a desert full of corpses. Yusuke was trying to decide where to go when a voice called to them from behind.
"This way." said Hiei, his jagan shining a deadly red in the twilight. "And quick! A band of youki are headed this way."
The small group went on their way without looking back. They went as fast as their legs could carry them. They had no time to fight. they only have one mission in mind; get their friends out of there.
"Kisama...will this wasteland never end?!" complained Kuwabara.
Hiei suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"Another group is heading for us from the other direction." he said seriously.
"Then I guess we'll just have to fight!" replied Yusuke with a mad grin.
"Iie." Kurama said suddenly, "We can't take that chance, Yusuke, our friends need our help!"
"This way!" Hiei headed for another direction.
"Are you sure about this?!" asked Kuwabara.
Hiei gave him a dirty look before he disappeared.
"We can't just run away!" Yusuke tried to complain, but followed Hiei as well.
They were still running when they saw the view of an island floating in the air. It was partly hidden by thick clouds. Hiei was going straight to that direction, but suddenly stopped at his tracks.
"Now what?" asked Kuwabara and Yusuke in unison.
Hiei was silent. He slowly took the bandage off his arm. Kurama took a crimson rose from his hair. Yusuke knew they could no longer run now.
"Rose whip!" cried Kurama, a long thorny whip appeared in his hand.
"Rei ken!" yelled Kuwabara, brandishing his sword.
Without a word, Hiei summoned a sword of black fire and spat on the ground. Yusuke's battle aura gave a blue glow.
There they stood, back to back, waiting for the youki to attack The silence was unbearable. They never came, though. They have all turned back. Kuwabara shivered. Another presence was approaching them. A presence like no other. It felt as if a cold vacuum was sucking out his skin and making every hair particle in his body stand up. He kicked the thought out of his mind and concentrated on the fight, his rei ken shining brightly.
Yusuke saw him first. Descending from the dark twilight, a figure surrounded by dull yellow light. His eyes had no glow; no life. No emotion was present. He looked mad; an un-living lunatic out for blood. The very thought made Yusuke shiver.
"Welome," said Mayef. "Mozoku"
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