Retrograde X
Keiko felt stupid. Yusuke said she had nothing to worry about. He said he would always be faithful and she knew he will. She knew she should trust him, but...
"No. I love Yusuke and he loves me. I trust him because I do."
Keiko paced back and forth in her room. She thought of all the promises Yusuke gave her. He have always kept his word, sometimes it would take some time for him to do so, but he always did. He never gave a promise he couldn't keep.
"Yusuke no baka!" said Keiko aloud. She picked up a picture of the two of them when they were younger and smiled.
It used to be so simple then. They never had to worry about stuff like demons and spirits. If only they could go back to the good old days. Keiko frowned and placed the picture back on her desk. She scanned her room for something; anything she could use as an excuse to go see Yusuke. Finally finding an old cassette tape Yusuke once lent her, she grabbed her coat and raced downstairs.
"Step on the cat...step on the cat..." sang Fera. Kurama had been kind enough to teach her a piece on the piano while they were in their house. He said she was a fast learner and she had been proud to be called one. She looked up at Yusuke as he led the way back home. She loves the way Yusuke looks; like a lord way up in his throne. She specially likes the way he grins at her, the way his mischievous eyes seem to shine, and most of all, how this gentle mortal takes care of her.
Yusuke felt Fera's eyes on him and looked up, the pale moonlight gave Fera's skin a faint glow as her golden eyes sparkled with the million stars. He smiled as Fera smiled back at him.
"Did you have a good time in Kurama's place?" he asked, trying to escape the hypnotic gaze.
"Hai!" replied Fera. She leaned on his arm and took a deep breath. "Arigatou."
"For what?" asked the lad.
"For looking after me." replied Fera, "I never would have been this happy if it wasn't for you."
Fera looked up at Yusuke and smiled. A breath taking smile that made Yusuke's heart skip a beat.
"Aa...h-hai..." stammered Yusuke.
"Yusuke, are you happy to be with me too?" asked Fera, still staring innocently at him.
"But of course!" replied Yusuke.
"Oh, I'm so glad!" cried the Menear. She suddenly flung her arms around a startled Yusuke who gave a gasp before they fell on the pavement.
"Yu-chan! Gomenasai!" said Fera as she fused over Yusuke, "Daijoubu desu ka?"
"D-daijou..." replied Yusuke as he tried to sit up. He was met by a pair of golden eyes full of concern. Yusuke froze.
"Gomen, gomen...I didn't..." Fera never finished what she was about to say when Yusuke suddenly pulled her close and pressed his lips gently on hers.
Fera felt something quiver inside her. She couldn't seem to move as Yusuke held her in his arms. finally, Yusuke pulled away. Fera opened her eyes and realized she was quivering, she gave a gasp as a tear flowed down her cheek. Yusuke looked at her with concern.
"Yusuke!" yelled a voice from behind. Fera looked up and saw Keiko standing behind them, shaking with anger and jealousy. Yusuke stood up, leaving Fera on the pavement.
"Keiko...I..." Yusuke tried to explain.
"Baka! How could you?!" yelled Keiko again, big tears flowing down her cheeks.
"Look, it's not..." he tried to explain, but Keiko slapped him hard across the face.
"You bastard!" cried Keiko, "I never want to see you again!"
"Yusuke!" cried Fera as she ran to his side.
"And as for you, you bitch!" said Keiko with remorse, "This is what you deserve!"
Keiko approached Fera, aiming a fist at her. Yusuke was too dumb founded to move. Fera watched wide-eyed as the green-eyed monster came at her, her fist coming at lightning speed. Keiko was so full of rage, putting all her anger in that single punch. It came in contact with Fera's face, sending the frail Menear crashing down on the hard pavement.
Fera lifted herself up. Blood spurted out of her lips as tears of pain and confusion flowed down her bruised cheek. She looked up at Keiko with eyes full of hurt and disbelief, then at Yusuke who stood rooted at her side.
"" stammered Fera.
"You dare ask why?" yelled Keiko as she approached her one more time.
"Keiko, that's enough!" Yusuke finally said.
"" cried Fera.
There was a sudden bright light which sent Keiko stumbling backwards.
"Kyaaaa!"screamed the dumb bitch.
"Keiko!" cried Yusuke as He caught an unconscious Keiko in his arms.
A man dreased in a black hooded cloak suddenly appeared behind the fallen Menear. His glass eyes gleaming with the moonlight underneath the dark hood he wore. He suddenly threw the hood back and studied Yusuke from head to toe, giving him an annoying smirk.
"You are no different from your Father." said the youki in a cold monotonous voice.
Toji turned his back against Yusuke and knelt before Fera, caressing the wound that disappeared almost immediately.
"Daijoubu, my lady," comforted Toji, "I would never let any harm befall you."
"Get your hands off her, you bastard!" yelled Yusuke.
"Do you honestly think you could fight me with that trash in your arms?" asked Toji without looking back. "Besides, even if you didn't, you still have no chance against me."
"Kissama..." hissed Yusuke as he placed Keiko down on the pavement.
"Yusuke..." whispered Fera as she saw Yusuke's ki rise.
Yusuke charged at Toji, but he suddenly disappeared, sending him stumbling on the ground.
"Kissa...fight fair, you bastard!" shouted Yusuke, looking for signs of the youki. He reappeared right before him with Fera in his arms. "Fera!" gasped Yusuke.
"Yusuke!" cried Fera, reaching out to the young Mozoku.
"Let Fera go and fight me, you coward!"
"I'd love to," answered Toji, "but I have my orders."
With a grin, a dark gateway opened behind the two youki, engulfing them.
"Fera!" Yusuke cried after them, but they were gone. "Kishou!"
Yusuke ran back towards Kurama's house. He suddenly remembered Keiko and rushed back to take her home first. As soon as he was sure she was going to be okay, he rushed out the house to warn the others.
Fera cried. She tried to get free of Toji's hold and go back to Yusuke, but he was too strong. She was still struggling when Toji suddenly loosened his hold and placed her gently on the ground.
The place was dark and cold. She stumbled immediately to her feet and tried to run away, but as she turned around, Toji was suddenly right before her.
"Let me go!" cried Fera, "Where are you taking me?"
Toji was silent. He stared at her with his emotionless glass eyes without uttering a sound.
"Take me back home..." cried Fera in tears, "Yusuke...tasukete!"
"Fera? Is that you?" said a gentle voice from behind her.
Fera turned around, startled as a wide screen of light scattered across the whole area. She winced as she made out the figure of a tall youki from behind the blinding light.
"It is you...Fera!" said the voice again. It sounded so familiar, but she couldn't seem to place the gentle soothing voice.
"Who...?" she whispered in reply.
"It is I, Mayef." replied the voice, as the image became clearer. It was a man; a gentle looking youki with golden hair which flowed right down to the floor. His pine green eyes, full of sorrow and joy at the same time, flowed with tears as he cried with happiness. A gentle smile was on his handsome face as he reached his hand towards Fera.
" I have suffered so..." said The Youki. "At long last...I have seen you again."
Mayef tried to get closer to Fera, but as his hands touched the screen of light, it sparked and burned him. He quickly pulled his hand away and looked at Fera sorrowfully.
Fera stared at the strange youki. She couldn't seem to keep her eyes away from him. He looked so familiar, and yet she couldn't seem to place where she've seen him. She couldn't understand why her heart was beating so.
"Fera..." said the youki sadly. "What I would do to hold you in my arms right now..."
Without thinking, Fera approached the screen of light and touched it, sending sparks of energy all over the place.
"Aaaagh!" shouted the Menear in pain.
"Toji! Pull her away! Quick!" cried Meyef with concern.
Toji scrambled to the Menear's side and tried to free her from the entangled net of energy as Meyef pushed her away from his side, his arms burning with the effort. Fera felt her arms burn through, yet all she could see was Mayef's face. His sad eyes full of concern. With her right arm, she reached out to the other side and gently caressed the stranger's face.
"Mayef..." she whispered as she felt herself being pulled away.
"Fera..." replied the youki, a stream of tears in his eyes.
Fera fell on the ground next to Toji. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air. She looked at Mayef and saw his flesh hanging loosely in his arm as he held it with the other. She suddenly felt tears prick behind her eyes as the pain in her own arms became evident. She closed her eyes as she fell on the ground.
"Mayef.." she sighted.
"Fera..." answered the youki. "Aishiteru...Fera."
Fera opened her eyes at the sound of lime stones scraping each other. She winced in pain as her wounds greeted her and remembered what happened.
"Mayef...?" called Fera as she slowly rose into a sitting position.
"Don't move too much." said a cold voice from beside her, "It would only reopen your wounds."
Fera looked at the direction of the voice and was met by two glass eyes.
"Where am I?" she asked, realizing he was saying the truth and lowered herself back on the cool wool she was lying upon.
"You're with me." was the simple reply.
Toji was grinding something green and slimy, probably some sort of herbal medicine for Fera saw the same stuff on her burned arms.
"Where's...Mayef?" the Menear asked again.
"Back in Makai." answered Toji, applying the rest of the stuff on himself. "He cannot pass through the gates as you should know by now."
he looked at Fera intensely, making her look away, "It is a good thing you have remembered Mayef-sama, Fera-sama." continued the youki. "I've never seen the Master that happy in centuries. Don't worry, Fera-sama," he continued, "we are all faithful to our master, and we will do everything in our power to ensure your safety."
"We?" asked Fera.
"Yes," replied Toji, "we have long awaited for your awakening, the others may have led new lives and served new masters, but one call is all we need." Toji looked at Fera and smiled, sending chills across her back. "One call and the revolution begins."
"Nani?!?" shouted a loud (as always) Kuwabara. "How could you have let him take Fera away?! You were supposed to guard her!"
"Would you shut up?!" Yusuke yelled back, "I've got enough problems already!"
"Hmph!" snorted Hiei, "We never should have left her with Yusuke."
"Yeah, right, like you could take care of her!" answered Yusuke.
"Minna, we won't get anywhere if we fight amongst ourselves," said Kurama, trying to break the tension, "The problem we have right now is where Toji took Fera and what he plans to do with her."
"If he but hurts a hair on Fera..."
"Daijobu, Yusuke," said Kurama, "he would never hurt her, in fact, he was sent to protect her."
Yusuke was silent. He remembered how Keiko have hit Fera and how Toji have come to her aid when he couldn't.
"It's all my fault..." said the young lad.
"You're damn right it is!" bellowed Kuwabara.
"Baka." Hiei piped in.
"Now, look here you little..." Yusuke was about to pound Hiei, but the little fire spirit vanished and appeared by the window frame.
"Hmph." he grunted.
"Minna, please settle down, we have to think of a plan..." said Kurama. There was a sudden knock on the window as a troubled Botan piped her head into the room. The four lads stared at her as she hopped off her wooden oar and gasped for breath.
"Oy, Botan, what brings you here?" asked Kuwabara.
"The...border..." Botan tried to say, "I soon as I can."
"What about the bourder?" asked Yusuke with concern.
"there was a disturbance..." continued Botan, taking a deep breath. "We sensed a disturbance in the border that separated ningenkai from makai. We sent some of our people to investigate, but none of them came back."
"What do you mean?" asked Yusuke.
"The border which seperates Makai from ningenkai have some sort of detector on it." Kurama answered for her, "It's like a warning devise to see if there are youki who wishes to pass through it."
"Exactly," said Botan, "and what's more is that the disturbance registered from both sides!"
"Both sides?!" asked Kuwabara, "That means someone from the Makai tried to change places from someone from the ningenkai!"
"Or someone from the Ningenkai met with someone in the other side..."
"Fera!" Yusuke said suddenly.
"What about Fera?" asked Botan.
"He lost her." Hiei answered her.
"You did what?!" panicked Botan.
"This is not the time to argue, tell us what happened next." said Kurama.
"Well, the two of them surpassed s-class, the third one was a higher a-class..." replied Botan in a serious tone.
"Did they get through?" asked Hiei.
"Iie, the barriers have a special defense against youki who excede a-clas."
"But who could the other youkis be?" asked Kuwabara who was beginning to panic.
"The ones from ningenkai could be no other than Fera and Toji, since Menears could be considered as semi-gods.." replied Kurama without looking up from where he stood.
"Menears are semi-gods?" asked Kuwabara with awe.
"Hai, that's why they're told to watch the gods in their slumber." explained Botan.
"But what about the other youki?" asked Yusuke.
"Mayef." Kurama answered back as he looked at his companions with dead serious eyes. "The rebel god is back."
Enki stood by the edge of a cliff, a smile in his contented face as he looked at the scene which stretched far and wide below him. It has been two years since the last tournament was held to decide the next ruler of all of Makai. Now, Makai have been flourishing. It was hard, and many were against Kouko and him at first, but now, their dear friend's dream is finally coming true. At long last, he have built a place where all youki alike could live in peace and harmony.
"Raizen..." said Enki under his breath, "If you where only here right now, you would surely have loved this place..." Enki smiled to himself as he remembered his dear friend, he was about to leave when he felt a presence behind him.
Turning around slowly, he prepared himself for a fight, what he saw, however, made him gasp with disbelieve as a familiar face greeted him.
"Mayef!" gasped Enki, studying the tall yuuki before him.
"Enki, how are you, old friend?" said the other in reply
Enki was speechless, he looked at Mayef and noticed that his sleeves were thorn and soaked with blood though his arms showed only minor scratches. He wore a black hood which blew with the wind, his cold green eyes shining underneath its shadows.
"'s been so long...where have you been?" stammered Enki, "I thought you were..."
"Dead?" Mayef continued for him, "You are right, I was dead, but now, I am resurrected."
"What do you mean?" asked Enki.
"My beloved have reawakened," Mayef answered back, "I am once again, whole!"
"Fera..." gasped Enki, stepping back.
"Hai..." Mayef approached Enki and smiled, his eyes still as cold as ever. "The time has come to take what is rightfully mine, Enki, and I have come here to extend to you my invitation."
"An invitation?" Enki repeated.
"Join us, old friend, we will stand against all the others and create a world which is fit for us!"
"No!" said Enki, "It is enough that we've created a place where youki could live in harmony..."
"live in harmony, or live as the cowards you are?" said Mayef, raising his voice. "We deserve something much better than this! Why live in a wasteland when we can have the ningenkai?"
Enki looked at Mayef wide-eyed. He knew where this conversation was leading to.
"We are not allowed to enter Ningenkai, Mayef, our late friend Raizen made that clear."
"And now he's dead." continued Mayef, "I give you this invitation as a warning as well." he continued. "If you are not with us, then you are against us."
With that, Mayef disappeared into the mist, leaving Enki alone by the edge of the cliff. Enki fell to his knees, cold sweat dripping down his chin. He knew what Mayef was capable of doing. He knew he was stronger than him. He knew no one could stop him.
"It seems you know more than you are telling, kitsune." said Hiei, eyeing the red head intensely.
"It's been so long Hiei, I don't remember much..." Kurama replied, "I do remember, however, the Rebel god Mayef..."
"Mayef is a god?!" asked Kuwabara with a howl.
"Some how, Mayef didn't 'sleep' like the other Gods did, some said he was left to fulfill a promise to a dying friend and thus, refused to rest until he did so..."
"But how did he become a rebel god?" asked Yusuke.
"He broke his promise and went against the one he have sworn to protect," said Kurama thoughtfully, "and against the law of the gods."
Law of the what?" asked Kuwabara.
"Law of the gods." replied Botan, "Not to mingle with the lives of youki and ningen."
"I still don't remember much, but I do know that he went against Raizen because of the beautiful Menear." continued Kurama.
"Are you saying that Fera have been against Raizen all along?" asked Yusuke.
"No." Kurama said abruptly. "I don't remember...but no." He was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Seiichi, honey, there's a phone call for you." called Shiori as she handed the phone to her son.
"Domo, Kaa-san, said Seiichi with a smile. "Hello?" said Kurama.
"Kurama, how are you guys doing there?" asked Genkai across the line.
"We're having problems here, Obaa-san." replied Kurama.
"Let me guess," Genkai piped in, "you've lost Fera, right?"
"How did you..."
"She's right here." said the receiver, "Our good friend Toji left her here with me."
Fera watched as Genkai placed the receiver down and turned around to face her.
"Come, child, let me take a look at your wounds. said Obaa-san as she reached out for the Menear's arms.
Fera approached her, raising her arms up for the other to see. It was still covered with the green mixture Toji placed earlier. They no longer ache, but she didn't remove it just the same. Genkai surveyed it for a while, then took a basin of water to wash it away. The wounds were completely gone, leaving only small scratches.
"It's gone!" said Fera with amazement.
"Yes, you heal very fast."
It hurt so much earlier, but not so..." said Fera, still looking at her slim arms.
"What do you mean not so?" asked Genkai with a smile as she washed the rest of the green goo away.
"He makes it hurt much, much, much more than my wounds..." answered Fera.
Genkai suddenly looked up at Fera's remark. The Menear was still studying her now clean arm with a proud look in her face.
"Who hurt you, Fera?" asked Obaa-san.
"Hmm?" Fera asked absentmindedly.
"Who is it that have hurt you much much more?"
Fera looked at her thoughtfully then shrug her shoulders.
"Is it Mayef?" asked Genkai.
"Iie, not Mayef, he's very nice to me!" Fera answered back.
"Is it...Raizen?"
Fera was silent. She looked back at Genkai with her eyes full of confusion.
"I don't...know..." she finally answered back.
"It's okay, you don't have to force yourself."
Just then, tears started flowing down the pale youki's cheeks. Fera looked surprised and wiped the tears away.
"Doushitano?" asked Genkai with concern.
"Wakaranai..." Fera answered back.
"Fera, do you remember who Raizen is now?" Genkai asked the weeping Menear.
"Iie..." Fera replied with uncertainty.
"What about Mayef?"
"Mayef..." Fera repeated, "When I saw him in that strange place...I felt like I wanted to be near him..." she continued, "but the barrier wouldn't let me through..."
"A barrier?"
"Hai, Obaa-san, it was like a screen made of hurts to touch it..."
"Is that how you got those wounds?"
"Hai..." replied Fera, looking down at her arms which were now completely healed.
"Obaa-san," called Shio from outside, " Yusuke and the others are here."
"Fera!" Called Yusuke as he ran to the Menear's side, "Thank gods you're okay."
Fera didn't move from where she stood. She just looked at him with big sad eyes full of hurt. Yusuke wasn't able to help her back there. He just stood by Keiko's side. By the side of that frightful woman who was so angry with her. If only she knew why.
"Is there something wrong?" asked Yusuke with concern.
"Fera didn't reply. She simply turned away from Yusuke and went to Genkai's side, digging her head on Obaa-san's shoulder.
"Fera told me what happened, Yusuke," said Genkai, "She told me how Keiko have hit her."
"She did what?!" bellowed Kuwabara from behind, making Yusuke wince.
"No wonder Toji arrived," said Kurama, "we all know how Keiko gets when she's angry."
"Fera said you kissed her." Genkai continued. All eyes fell on Yusuke who almost shrank to the ground.
"No wonder Keiko got pissed-off..." said Kuwabara.
"Shut up, baka!" shouted Yusuke. He looked at Fera who immediately looked away. "Look, Fera, I really am sorry, please, I know I'm stupid..."
"He finally admits it." said Hiei. Yusuke gave him an angry look.
"Fera, onegai...can you ever forgive me?" begged Yusuke.
Fera looked at Yusuke. he looked so Familiar with that sorry look in his face. With a smile she reached out to him and gave him a warm hug. Everything was okay again. If only she knew why all of these seem so familiar.
That night, Genkai decided to let Fera stay with her. Kurama and the others decided to stay as well, while Yusuke was sent home to patch up his relationship with Keiko.
"Keiko's upstairs." said her Father when he saw Yusuke approaching.
"Hai...arigatou...Tou-san..." replied Yusuke.
"A-ha-ha-ha..." replied his future father-in-law. "Anytime, son."
Yusuke climbed up the stairs and stood before the door to his fiance's room.
"Keiko." called Yusuke as he knocked on the door. "Open up...I need to talk to you."
"Go away!" answered Keiko, her voice quivering, "I don't ever want to see you again!"
"Please, Keiko, I just want to apologize..."
"I said go away!" Keiko shouted back.
"I won't leave until you open this door." replied Yusuke stubbornly. "Keiko, open up!" he repeated, "Open up! Open up! Open up! Open up! Open u-"
Keiko suddenly opened the door, her eyes swollen with tears, her tear stained face full of anger and pain. What she saw, however, made her freeze as all her anger seem to slip away.
Kneeling before her was Yusuke. He held a bouquet in his hand and a crystal box containing a beautiful engagement ring on the other.
"Keiko," said Yusuke in a dead serious tone, "I'm so, so, so, sorry, but please, will you still accept me?"
Keiko was speachless. She stood rooted before Yusuke as she stared wide-eyed at him. Without a word, she knelt down before him and leaned over to give him a kiss.
Next chapter goes back to Fera's past, if you're a little confused and are beginning to wonder who the bad guy really is, this chapter can explain it all to you! (unless the story excedes 10 pages, then I'll have to cut it short again...)
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