"Little Harper, it's time to get up."
Fifty more minutes, please, sir.
"Harper." Rule's voice purred.
Groaning, Harper ducked under the covers, only to feel them slowly pulled back and another purr sounding, this one far too close to his ear as he felt a weight dip the bed in two places to his his left and right. "Little Harper, I can wake you up another way, if you'd like."
Stretching beneath the blankets, Harper felt his leg brush against a solid surface that hadn't been there before. He turned onto his side, but during the action, his leg nudged something on the other side of him.
What on Earth?
Resigned to curiosity, Harper finally let his eyes slowly open as he returned to his original position on his back. He blinked a few times to clear the sleep from his vision, then yawned and rubbed his eyes before focusing his attention on what was hovering over him.
Wait. Not a what... Rule?
The lord smirked, the grin nudging his lips to the right, drawing Harper's attention to them and the stubble of a mustache just barely beginning beneath his nose.
"Good morning, Harper. Nice of you join me this fine day." He whispered, his breath brushing faintly against Harper's face, bringing with it the scent of cinnamon and honey, likely from the lord's morning tea.
He does tend to like his things sweeter. At least, compared to Arthur.
He wasn't sure why he was even thinking such a thing with the lord leaning over him like a man admiring a wo-"S-sir, I apologize for sleeping too long. I will get up right away." He hastily replied, his voice a whisper when he had honestly meant for it to sound normal. His throat was still sore, but he felt much better, so he was unsure why he sounded so strange.
Licking his dry lips, Harper swallowed, then looked up to meet Rule's eyes. "Yes, my lord?"
Rule's head ticked slightly to the side before he leaned down, bringing their faces far too close to each other. "How did you get such a mark on your lip?" He asked as his eyes dropped to the mostly-healed bite Arthur had given him.
Suddenly, Harper wished that it was still dark in the room like the last time he'd been awoken. Unfortunately, several candles flickered within the bed chamber and one of the curtains were pulled back, allowing light in from the overcast day outside.
Glancing away, he licked his lips again, then mumbled, "I mistakenly bit myself while eating too quickly. It was clumsy of me."
Rule tilted his head the opposite way, then lifted his right hand, which had been pressed into the blankets to the left of Harper's head. When Rule's finger moved to gently press against his lip, Harper caught his breath and held it.
"You see..." Rule said quietly as his thumb pressed in gently, his nail faintly running along Harper's tooth as the pad of the digit massaged the healing tissue from Arthur's bite. "This doesn't quite look like a wound that would be cause by such a reason as the one you are giving me."
The faint patter of rain against the window pane took over the silence that stretched within the room. Harper was forced to release his breath or risk passing out, leaving him panting quietly, his breath brushing against Rule's finger until the lord finally removed his hand to run it through his hair. A moment later, he climbed off the bed, grumbling something Harper was unable to understand.
When he disappeared into the sitting room, Harper finally gave a huge sigh. His eyes closed for a minute before he opened them again and hurried to the edge of the bed, not willing to be caught in such an odd situation again.
"Here, get dressed."
Looking up, Harper saw Rule step up to him and offer some clothing. My maid uniform. Relieved, he stood and took the garments, then looked around awkwardly when Rule just continued to stare at him. He realized then, that he was in torn trousers and that was it. Face heating, he gave the lord a quick bow, then hurried to his borrowed room to change.
The clothing had been washed, and as Harper finished getting dressed, he couldn't help but feel more relaxed. If Rule was giving him back his female clothing, then that meant that he was going to allow him to continue on as he had been... or at least, that's what he hoped. Deciding not to worry too much, or risk becoming sick with it once more, Harper took a calming breath, then stepped out into Rule's sitting room.
The lord was already there, lazily draped over one of the large armchairs, his eyes on Harper the moment he appeared. There was something in his gaze that Harper couldn't figure out, but it was gone after only a few moments, leaving him puzzled.
"You will remain as my personal valet during your stay here. You are to take orders from no one but me. You shall fetch our meals, eat with me, clean these rooms, and help me in any menial task I ask of you. This includes dressing, bathing, and other basic things."
Without hesitating, Harper bowed slightly. "Yes, my lord."
When an uncomfortable silence took over again, Harper licked his lips and looked up. "Would you like me to fetch your meal for you now, my lord?" He asked.
Rule slowly shook his head, but didn't afford him with a reply besides that. After another minute, Harper glanced around the room, then returned his gaze to Rule. "A-am I to clean, then?" He questioned.
Another head shake from Rule made Harper's heart pick up pace in his chest, nerves drawing his hands together before him, fidgeting. He knew that the lord would pick up his distress and likely taunt him, like he and Arthur usually did, but when no words came, he dropped his shoulders and frowned.
"I don't understand. What would you wish me to do right now, my lord?" He knew that he should sound more focused, intent on serving his master in whatever way he wished, but he was still tired from being sick and was slowly losing confidence without Rule's guidance and agreement on what he should do.
"You would like to know what I would wish for you to do, Harper?" Rule asked, the question widening Harper's eyes slightly.
Nodding, Harper replied. "Yes, sir. Please."
When Rule chuckled, Harper shifted on his feet and looked down at them.
His name on Rule's lips brought his eyes back up to meet the lord's, drawing a small smirk from him. "I would like you to come here."
Just... stand before him?
Confused, Harper shuffled his feet against the carpet runner as he hesitantly moved forward, stopping in front of where Rule rested in his large chair. He flinched when Rule's hand reached out, his fingers wrapping around his wrist, but doing nothing more, yet.
"Little Harper..." Rule murmured, his eyes narrowing on Harper's. "I would like you to stop lying to me."
Out of surprise, Harper tried to jerk his hand away, but Rule was much stronger as he was suddenly pulled forward, right into the man's lap. "Do you know, Harper... that the letter the magistrate's friend left you was strangely simple?"
He read it?
"Considering your circumstances, I believe I had a right to look into the note. It simply stated that things will turn out just fine, because you are loved." Harper's mouth opened to reply, but then closed when he could come up with no response.
Rule leaned his head on his arm, which was propped up on the armrest, then slanted his gaze back up to meet Harper's after having glanced away toward the fire burning in the fireplace for a moment. The light from the flames danced across his face, making his smirk seem sinister.
"Tell me, Harper. Does Arthur already know? Has he known? Because this letter makes me think that perhaps, I'm the last one to figure this little situation out." Harper wished to get out of the man's lap so that he could think straight, but Rule's other hand was securely pressed against his lower back, keeping him right where he was.
"I-I... Arthur does not know, my lord." At least, he hoped not. The man had given no indication that he had, at least.
Rule was quiet for a moment before leaning back against the chair, bringing Harper with him. "I do not like being lied to." He stated, bringing a worried frown to Harper's face where his head was pressed against the lord's chest.
"I swear to you, I am telling the truth."
Looking up at the elaborate ceiling, Rule heaved a sigh. "I don't know what to do with you, little Harper."
Hating the silence that followed, for it never seemed to end well, Harper looked up as Rule returned his attention to him. "Must you do something with me?"
That drew a grin from the man as he scrubbed a hand down his face. "Oh yes, Harper. I must. Because, you see..." Withdrawing his hand, Harper fidgeted at the look it revealed on Rule's face. "I find myself jealous for some outrageous reason."
Before Harper could utter the one word question, jealous? Rule's mouth was tasting his. The man was forceful, unwilling to cede even a fraction of his power over the situation. Hiarper's mind was swimming as he tried to take in enough oxygen to calm his racing heart while Rule pinned him down in the chair, easily fending off his useless struggles until Harper felt an abrupt sting right where Arthur had bitten him previously.
Harper's struggling stopped as he tasted blood, but Rule didn't. His teeth claimed three more locations on Harper's lower and upper lips before a knock at the door snapped his attention to it. Seeing the conflict flashing across the man's face, Harper tried to curl into himself on the chair. His movement drew Rule's attention back to him, his hungry eyes still wide with determination, but a second round of knocks on the door saved Harper.
Rule literally growled out a curse as he reached up, jerking a thick red wool blanket down from where it sat, unbeknownst to Harper, atop the back of the large chair. Without a word, Harper buried himself in it as he heard Rule stalk over to the door. There was a short, hushed discussion, something about some mix up in the kitchen, then the sound of Rule leaving the room met Harper's ears. When the door clicked shut, he drew the blanket away from his face and wiped his mouth with his the back of his hand, looking at the blood on his skin as he withdrew it.
What am I to do now?
He had absolutely no idea.
Dropping his hand to the chair, Harper squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into the fabric. He wanted to yell, to release some of the stress and confusion that had steadily built up in his mind over the past several days, but all he found he was able to do was cry.
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