(Content warning)
Harper awoke later that evening to the sound of the key being turned in the door. He had found his way beneath the bed and was thankful that Arthur's maids were quite thorough. There was not a speck of dust beneath the large bed, allowing him to relax enough to actually drift off for a while.
The sound of two pairs of boots stepping inside made his heart jerk in his chest. One set slowly made its way toward the room he was in while the owner of the other remained to shut and lock the door before following after the other.
When the two lords realized that he wasn't in bed, Harper watched their boots hurry to the washroom. They stopped there for a moment, then slowly turned until both sets of boots were facing the bed.
I suppose this hiding place was a bit obvious... but I didn't exactly have many options.
"Harper. You have to the count of five to come out here." Arthur stated, no doubt crossing his arms and glaring down toward the bed as he spoke.
Harper remained silent as Rule got himself situated on the floor, then leaned over to look under the bed with a small candle-holder lit in his left hand.
"Best do as he says, or your punishment could get worse." He warned, drawing a nervous frown from Harper.
Too bad you're a servant, and they can definitely get punished.
He still didn't want to be. He was old enough to make his own decisions... even if they had been horrible ones.
"You can't punish me, my foots already broken. That would be really mean..." He mumbled as Arthur sighed, then began to count slowly.
Rule chuckled as Arthur got down on the floor beside him, crossing his legs and leaning back on his arms.
"You might just like this punishment." Rule said as Arthur got to the count of three.
Not wanting to find out what could possibly be worse than what was already in store for him, Harper hesitantly crawled out from under the bed enough so that Rule could lean forward and help him the rest of the way out.
"Good boy." He said right as Kite sauntered into the room and grumbled, drawing their attention to where he sat down by the doorway.
"Not you. You don't want to see this... it might scar you. Out you go." Rule said, nodding behind the dog, hoping it would get the idea and leave.
Kite gave him an uninterested look, then turned his eyes to Arthur. The man grinned, but then gestured for the dog to go back to the other room. When Kite left, Arthur got up and shut the door, then immediately turned and stripped his coat and shirt off.
Harper's eyes widened before he turned away, only to have his chin gently lifted by Rule until his eyes were meeting his. "What are you worried about, Harper?" He asked as he tilted Harper's chin until he was forced to watch Arthur approach, then sit back down next to them.
He wasn't sure why, but he couldn't help looking the man up and down. An odd feeling came with the observation, but Harper just pushed it aside and hurried to glance away.
"You're adorable, but I think it's about time to enlighten you on a few things." Arthur said as he leaned in and claimed Harper's lips.
Rule refused to release his jaw, so Harper was forced to wait until Arthur had thoroughly enjoyed himself before he was finally allowed to take a decent breath.
"Breathe through your nose." Arthur stated before leaning right back in and covering Harper's mouth with his own.
It took him another try before he was able to do what he was told. It was tricky, especially when Arthur nudged his tongue between his lips and began intruding his mouth. Honestly, he didn't like that, at all.
Harper reached up and, as gently as he could, nudged Arthur away by the shoulders. "I don't like that, sir." He mumbled awkwardly. Harper knew that his face was on fire, and that this entire situation was awkward, but he wasn't going to do something he didn't find any kind of pleasant. Sure, he was being punished, but at the same time, he wasn't really sure if he was or not.
"You don't? Are you sure?" Rule questioned as he leaned in, his lips only an inch or so away from Harper's.
Not taking the bait, Harper shook his head. "I don't want your tongue in my mouth. I don't like it."
The lords looked at each other, then shrugged before turning their attention back to him. "Alright. We won't do that again." They said in unison, making Harper slightly uneasy.
Is this another trap? They're agreeing with me so easily.
"We'd like to try some things out tonight, little Hari. If you don't like something, tell us, but as part of your punishment, you have to try anything we ask." Arthur said, earning a nod of agreement from Rule.
Still feels like a trap.
He didn't have a whole lot of choice, if the looks on the lord's faces were any indication, though. "Okay?" He said hesitantly.
Nodding, Arthur glanced at Rule, then back to Harper. "Take your shirt off."
Harper's mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't find a plausible reason to disobey the simple request. Reaching over his head, he easily tugged his shirt off and let it drop to the floor beside him.
As he looked back up to the lords, he felt firm lips press against his own, then something warm and wet press against his chest. His back met the bed, but his mind wasn't processing fast enough to register anything but the kiss and the sensation it, along with whatever was happening with his chest, brought upon him.
He realized abruptly what was happening with his chest when he felt teeth enclose on one of his nipples, making him yelp, even though it hadn't been a hard bite.
Arthur withdrew his kiss for a moment, allowing Harper to look down as Rule nibbled at his skin while his right hand settled gently on his waist. He watched for only a moment before his head was guided back up and Arthur leaned back in for a kiss.
An odd shiver shook him when Rule's mouth ascended to his neck. He couldn't help but try to push him away, though he wasn't sure if it felt bad, or really what it felt like.
"You don't like that?" Rule questioned with a smirk on his face and a lifted eyebrow, as if he already knew the answer to his own question.
Hunching back against the bed once Arthur retreated his kiss, Harper shrugged. "I don't know. It felt weird." He mumbled as he wiped at the area where lord Rule's lips and teeth had been.
"Hmm. Let me try it with something else." Rule said as he leaned back in. Harper wanted to ask him why he had to try it at all, but Rule didn't allow him any time to pull the thought together.
The hand Rule wasn't leaning on slid beneath the waist of Harper's trousers. Harper fidgeted as that hand quickly made its way around to grasp his backside, but Rule and Arthur made sure that he was sufficiently distracted in no time with their mouths. Rule had returned to his neck, but each time he nibbled or licked, he moved his hand along Harper's backside.
Arthur took his lips, too, making him have to focus what little attention he could break away from Rule, on keeping his breathing manageable. He sensed the lords moving around him, but couldn't find it in him to open his eyes, which had slipped closed moments earlier.
When he was turned and pushed onto his back gently, he did manage to peak open one eye, especially when he felt lord Arthur's lips turn on his. Why is Arthur leaning over my head and Rule...
The memory of the two together earlier had him trying to get up fast, but a simple hand from both lords on either of his shoulders easily held him where he was. Arthur broke their kiss, allowing him some air.
"Does anything hurt?" He asked, his tone shockingly cautious and caring as he stared down at him, the lord's face so close that their noses could brush if Harper simply leaned his head up just a fraction.
No, nothing does... it's just odd. Awkward.
He slowly let his head rock back and forth on the rug he'd laid down on, earning a relieved smile from Arthur. "Good." He said before reaching into his pocket and taking out a small bottle of something, then handing it to Rule.
The other lord was panting and staring at him like he might possibly be dinner. "Lord Rule? Are you okay?" Harper asked right before he felt something prod at an entrance that he only knew as an exit.
"Wh-what are you doing?" He stuttered, his face burning as he kicked his legs awkwardly, unsure what the man was doing with his fingers.
Arthur chuckled as Rule opened the bottle he'd been given and tapped some of its contents, which looked like some type of oil, onto his hand after he removed it from Harper's trousers. He worked the oil along his hands generously, then grinned down at him before Arthur took his mouth again.
"Relax. It's going to feel good. Just remember the look on Rule's face when I took care of him earlier." He whispered before covering Harper's lips.
The images flashed before his eyes, and there was nothing Harper could do to keep them at bay when he felt Rule's finger begin to push inside of him. He gasped and felt his back arch without a single thought from him to do so. Another finger was added not a moment later and Harper moaned loudly. He was immediately embarrassed, but Rule started moving his fingers in and out of him, removing any kind of useful thought from Harper's mind as his hips began to buck on their own accord.
"I didn't think he'd be so hungry." Rule said, his voice gruff, as if he were struggling to control himself.
Harper shakily lifted his arms and dug his fingers into Arthur's hair, finally hesitantly kissing him back as odd sparks soared through his body. He felt strange. Sure, he'd gotten himself off a few random times in his life, but it had never felt like what he was experiencing right then. It never felt so intense. In fact, he couldn't even consider what he'd done in the closet earlier to be anything even remotely close in comparison.
"Spread your legs, sweetheart. Let me love you."
He hadn't even realized that his trousers had been removed, along with his shoes, but Harper's brain just wasn't up to functioning for such simple things. He did, however, want to please Rule. After all, the lord was making him feel quite good. He spread his legs and immediately felt something begin to nudge at his opening after Rule removed his fingers.
"You sure, Rule? So soon?" Arthur mumbled against Harper's lips, making his fuzzy mind try to question what was actually happening.
"Mm. I can't hold back. You see that he's loving this. God, he loved my fingers in him. I need to be in him now." Rule all-but groaned, drawing a moan from Harper as he unintentionally lifted his hips. He wanted the feeling Rule had been giving him seconds ago, back.
The pressure near his backside continued abruptly, spreading him before pushing inside him. Harper's eyes jerked open wide and he squirmed, but strong hands grasped his hips as Rule hurried to push inside.
"It's okay, just relax. I promise you'll love it. It will be good." Arthur said in a comforting tone. It was hard to take his word for it right then, because Harper felt like he was being stretched to nearly breaking.
He whimpered, but Rule didn't pull out of him. Instead, he pressed further, until Harper could feel the faint brush of the dust of hair around the base of Rule's length against his own skin.
"Damn." Rule said as Harper felt a shudder pass from the lord's body and into his from where they were now connected. "We needed to do this earlier. So much earlier. Dammit." Rule groaned.
Arthur moved away suddenly, making Harper feel a little lost, before Rule's body weight sunk down onto him. The man's mouth took over where Arthur's had left off, then his hips began bucking forward. The first few movements had Harper raising his hands to Rule's shoulders, trying to get him to stop, but he just couldn't find the words because there was something else, along with the pain, that he was starting to feel.
His body shook with an intense shiver as Rule picked up his pace. His motions brought up the images from earlier, with him and Arthur. Harper jerked his head back and arched his body into Rule's, moaning his name far louder than he intended.
That seemed to have been what Rule had needed, though, because not a moment later he felt Rule shudder hard, heard him call his name, then a wet heat filled him before the man collapsed his remaining weight onto him. Both of them were breathless, their bodies shivering as they slowly began coming down from their high.
I didn't know something like that could happen. It felt, so odd, but somehow, amazing.
"I see that smile." Arthur said with a chuckle as he gently brushed a few strands of hair away from Harper's face. "Did you enjoy your punishment?"
Harper was going to reply, but he only managed a moan as his hips bucked and a shiver shook him, likely from the fact that Rule was still buried inside of him.
Does he want to do that again? It hurts some, now that I'm thinking straight, but...
"Rule." Arthur said, earning the other lord's attention after a moment.
The man slowly pushed himself up after giving Harper a soft kiss, then carefully pulled himself out. "Damn, I want to be back in. This is going to be torture. Just glad that we remembered to bring the good oil, he doesn't look like he's hurting much."
What? What's going to be torture?
Arthur leaned over and scooped Harper up, then settled him in the middle of the large bed. The crisp sheets were cold against his sweaty body, but when Arthur climbed overtop him a few moments later, his clothing completely gone, a wave of heat sent a cold shiver down his spine.
"You want me, too?" He asked, surprised and a bit hesitant.
He wasn't sure what was normal, but people didn't normally take two wives.
Not that you're a wife.
That made him wonder what he was. Before he could question himself and worry, Arthur lifted his hand to his lips and kissed the two rings that rested on his finger there.
"We both will always want you, Harper. You accepted Rule... may I have you, too?"
Arthur's eyes were so serious. Their color darkened and the irises dilated with the same hunger that Harper had seen in lord Rule's eyes. He could only nod after licking his slightly bruised lips.
There was no hesitance when Arthur entered him. He had expected the calmer man to be more gentle than Rule, especially after he'd already taken the other man, but he was rutting faster than Harper's hips could even keep up with.
Rule appeared at his side as Arthur worked his body, stealing a kiss since the other man was focused more on his task, his hands gripping Harper's hips tightly as he thrust into him.
"He gets very distracted sometimes. Moan for him, love. Watch what it does to him." Rule whispered against his lips. Just the mention of doing it had the sound slipping from his lips.
Arthur groaned immediately and leaned forward, pushing faster and harder. His backside was beginning to really ache, so Harper decided to try and help Arthur finish before he got himself in too deep and couldn't get out of bed the next morning.
Pushing himself up, he carefully moved himself forward enough to make Arthur lean back just enough so that he could slide onto his lap. The lord barely slowed enough for him to get situated before he began thrusting hard again, just upward instead of forward. Harper wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck and buried his face in the man's neck, smelling his heady scent as he did what Rule had done to him earlier, nibbling at the lord's neck.
Arthur's arms hugged him to him like a vice as he made love to him until they were both screaming each others' name. When they had finished, Arthur dropped his forehead to Harper's shoulder and they both panted heavily until their breathing managed to calm.
"I agree, that needs to happen more. Much more." Arthur whispered as he took Harper's mouth in a kiss briefly, then gently lifted him free of him. Rule took him without a word and carried him into the washroom as Arthur followed.
They all bathed, but neither got in the tub with him when he was set inside first. He was curious as to why, but when both lords quickly got visibly hard again, he realized that they were saving him from not being able to get up the next morning.
Instead, they both took turns scrubbing and kissing him, until he was deemed clean and lifted from the tub to be dried thoroughly. The moment he was clothed, though with only a soft, large shirt from Arthur's dresser, and settled beneath the covers of the bed, he was out cold. At some point later, he awoke to the rustling of the blankets and the press of the lord's warm bodies against his, but he didn't stir for more than a moment. It was just enough time for him to feel Arthur and Rule press a kiss to his forehead and cheek before he slipped back off to sleep.
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