Twisting the two rings around his finger, Harper leaned against the large wooden door leading out of the room. It had been at least an hour since the two lords had left, yet he couldn't bring himself to join them. He knew that it was his current job to be at Rule's side, but every time he worked up the courage to turn around and grab the door handle, his lower lip began to ache and the rings on his finger became surprisingly uncomfortable.
Master Arthur, why did you go and kiss me?
He had almost hoped that they knew he was a man over thinking that he was a woman. Harper knew that neither of the lords would pursue him if he were a male, but being a female...
The idea of just being a mistress to either man sent an uncomfortable chill down his spine. He had little pride, but what he did manage to maintain would never allow him to do such a thing, even if he were of the correct gender to join in a tryst between the sheets.
Pursing his lips, Harper dug his upper teeth into the slight injury Arthur had given him, making it sting. He has to be playing with me. They always are. Sighing, he dug his fingers into his hair, then spun back around to face the door.
"You can't stay in here all night. They're going to send someone up if you don't come down."
Grumbling under his breath, he straightened his posture and opened the door. The sound of paws thumping in the hardwood hallway drew Harper's attention to the left. He would have slammed the door right then and there, but the beast was already so close that if he tried to keep it out, he could accidentally hurt it by getting the evil creature stuck in the door.
Arthur would be really mad if I hurt his dog.
Biting back his fear, he forced himself to stand still as the animal slowed to a stop before him. It's massive head raised and lowered, taking in his scent with a few grunted sniffs.
"I don't have anything for you and I don't like you. Now go away, dog." He said, trying to nudge it away. When it just grunted and grabbed a hold of the edge of his shirt.
It tugged, growling quietly. "Oh no. I am not following you. With my luck, you'll drag me off somewhere and try to eat me. I know how you beasts work."
Even with his chiding, the animal refused to release him and instead continued to try and pull him away from Rule's rooms.
"You're going to tear this shirt and I'm going to tell Arthur that it was you who did it. He'll put you outside, where you should be." Harper warned.
The dog only stared up at him, almost appearing to roll its eyes. Frustrated, Harper tried to shove the beast aside, but only succeeded in tripping over it. The dog didn't seem happy with his reaction, because it swung around and began nipping at Harper's shoes.
Yelping, Harper stumbled, only to have the beast take his left foot between its teeth. Thankfully, it didn't squeeze too hard, but it did throw him off balance, giving the animal another shot at his heels.
"Alright, alright! I'm going!" He yelled as he hurried forward, taking off at a run to try and avoid getting nipped at again.
The furred demon followed closely behind him, growling every few moments until Harper was moving as fast as he could. He reached the stairs at a dead sprint, panting as he hopped up onto the thick wooden railing to avoid the mogrel's teeth. He slid easily all the way down to the entryway, only realizing his mistake when he dropped to the marble floor and looked up to meet the eyes of several noblemen.
Uh oh.
"And this young man making quite an interesting entrance, is my valet, Hari." Rule said, gesturing toward him with a curtsy.
Straightening with his face likely on fire, Harper bowed to the men and women present. "I apologize for being late, my lord." He was just straightening back up when he felt Arthur's dog nip his backside, making him jump forward with a gasp.
"There you are, Kite. Good boy." Arthur mused with a grin as he gestured for the dog to leave. Harper met the man's eyes once his dog turned and trotted off, but quickly dropped his gaze.
He didn't look up until he felt a strong hand settle on his shoulder and another wrap around his waist. He could tell just by the dress to his left and the suit to his right, that the two were Rule and Arthur.
"Alright, time to relax and have a good time, little Hari." Arthur said as he began to nudge him toward the large ballroom. Rule's hand squeezed his shoulder before he stepped forward to begin welcoming guests.
Arthur took the opportunity to claim Harper's first dance. Since most of the guests were cross dressing, no one seemed to be bothered by the two men dancing together. Granted, he was likely not considered a male to anyone there considering Arthur was clearly not cross dressing, and all of the guests new him.
The music started once the floor was sufficiently full of paired guests, and as Arthur began to lead him, Harper was silently thankful that he was being treated as a female for the dance. He'd only ever learned how to dance with a male leading.
Arthur was a phenomenal dancer, too. He'd seen him waltz a few times while visiting his master's home, but he'd never paid him too much mind, since servants would never dance with gentry.
"Are you feeling alright?" Arthur mused as he gently pressed his palm to Harper's cheek. "I apologize if sending Kite to fetch you worried you. He is really not as mean as he seems."
Oh? He seems pretty mean to me. So he's only slightly less mean then what I think he is?
"Don't give me that look. I raised that dog from a pup. He wouldn't hurt a fly unless I told him to."
He found it hard to believe, but Harper couldn't argue with the lord, so he just nodded and allowed his mind to focus on the steps to the dance. When it had finished, he wasn't surprised in the least to find Rule's hand slipping into his own, replacing Arthur's.
"May I ask," Rule began as he set them up for the next dance. "How you injured your lip, little Hari?" Biting his lip, Hari jumped as the action stung.
Without another word, Rule began to move them to the music. Harper followed his steps, the music bringing the dance easily to his mind without much thought.
"I must say that I didn't think Arthur would do such a thing. I'm impressed." Rule said a few minutes into the dance, making Harper frown. He hadn't thought that Arthur would kiss him, either, and especially not bite him.
As the music wound down, Rule gently tugged him from the dance floor. They wove through the crowd wordlessly. Several noblemen and women tried to take Rule's attention for a chat or dance, but he only waved to them or offered an apologetic smile. When they finally stopped beside the row of buffet tables set up with all kinds of food and drinks, Rule released his hand, only to hand him an empty plate.
"I want to see that filled. You are far too skinny, even for a lass." He said as he began putting food on his own plate.
Being one to never decline food, Harper began adding things to his plate. He was careful, however, to not overdo it. He hated to see food wasted. When he was satisfied with the grilled chicken, strawberries, and bread he'd chosen, he dropped down into a seat beside the table. Rule appeared not a minute later, grinning as he began to partake in his own meal.
The food was delicious, each bite better than the next. As they ate, their attention moved to the guests. Most had dressed up, partaking in the event to its fullest. Most seemed to be enjoying themselves, even dressed as the opposite sex.
"Are you enjoying yourself, Hari?" Rule asked as he reached over to rustle his hair.
Offering the man a smile as he finished up the last bite of his food, Harper nodded, then swallowed. "Yes sir. Thank you for allowing me to participate."
"Of course! I wouldn't dream of not inviting our little Hari." Rule chimed, drawing one of Harper's eyebrows up.
"Oh, there you are Hari!"
Startled, Harper jumped right out of his seat, fumbling with the empty plate in his hand for a moment before turning to face Matilda. He glanced sideways to Rule, hoping that he'd help get rid of her again, but to his surprise, he wasn't in his seat any longer.
"Come dear, we need a hand. It will only take a moment." Matilda said as she reached forward, taking his empty plate and setting it on a table, then grabbing his arm.
Stumbling after her unwillingly, Harper hurried to come up with some excuse that she would accept. "I apologize, but I'm here to help Rule this evening. He told me to remain with him."
Matilda made a dismissive gesture with her free hand as she pulled him out of the large room and into a back hallway. "Nonsense, he just went to relieve himself. You will be back before him, so there will be no problems."
I doubt that. He thought, remembering all the non-problems she'd already brought upon him. "Just one moment. That's all it'll take." She added with a smile back at him that definitely missed her cold eyes.
"What am I to do...?" He asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure that he wanted to know the answer.
When Matilda stopped outside of a large wooden door in a deserted hall, Harper's stomach turned. "Here we are. Just go on inside and see what Mr. Walters needs. He requested a servant, but I am quite busy managing the drinks and couldn't find the time to aid him. I am sure it will only take a moment." She said, nudging him toward the door before knocking once, then opening it and shoving him inside.
"Well hello there," came a voice from within the darkness of the room.
Swallowing down his worry, Harper clenched his fists and took one hesitant step forward. "Hello, my lord. Matilda informed me that you are in need of assistance..."
He didn't dare move further into the room with no other light source besides what little moonlight managed to slip around the thick drapes hanging over the windows.
"It's this dress. I decided to partake in the festivities, but I'm afraid my valet has tied me into it far too tightly, and I cannot seem to locate him. Would you mind just helping me loosen the strings so that I may redress?"
The man's reason for needing aid seemed logical, but Harper was still careful as he approached the middle of the room. He could see the shadow of the man by the window, but as he got closer, his large frame blocked out most of the meager moonlight. Fear began to swim in his gut, making the food he'd recently eaten weigh uncomfortably in his belly.
It doesn't look like he's wearing a dress...
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm always gentle with what Matilda brings me. She's honestly the best of all of the servants, but I'd never decline such an adorable gift as yourself, even in that outfit."
Stopping abruptly, Harper narrowed his eyes on the shadowy figure. "I don't believe you are in need of any assistance, my lord. I will take my leave now." He gave a quick bow, then turned and nearly ran for the door. The knob turned easily in his hand, but when he pulled back on it, the door wouldn't budge.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, it only hurts a little the first time." The man said, his voice suddenly far closer than before.
Harper didn't even have time to spin around and try to defend himself as arms encircled his waist and easily lifted him from the floor. "Put me down!" He screamed, flailing as hard as he could to try and throw the man off balance.
Unfortunately, when he succeeded, they both landed on the bed. The larger man easily pinned him down with his weight, forcing a gasp from Harper's throat as his chest constricted painfully.
"I like the sound of that. Just wait one more minute and it'll be so much better." The man cooed as he hurriedly shifted his weight back and forth, likely trying to get at his pants.
Harper buried his face in the pillow his head had landed on and tried with all of his might to push the man off of him, but he only managed to lift him for a short moment before being easily shoved back down.
"Now there will be none of that." The man stated, as if he were talking to a disobedient child and not trying to rape a young lady.
Wait. He thinks I'm a girl.
Reluctantly, Harper forced himself to remain still as the man began to tear at his clothing. He didn't want anyone knowing that he was a male, but at least if the man figured it out, he would stop. He also couldn't breathe a word of it to anyone else or risk having to explain how he came upon such a knowledge. If he panicked about it, Harper could just say that he didn't wish to dress for the ball and was just there as help.
Renewing his struggle, Harper switched his determination from getting away, to flipping over. It took a minute, and his shirt was already torn partially down the back and along the left seam encircling his arm, but the moment he dropped onto his back, he knew that he could relax. The man's eyes bulged as he stared down at him, Harper's chest clearly visible through his tattered clothing as he panted, trying to calm himself.
"What the... you. You're a boy."
Harper was hoping to hear disgust, but at least the man seemed confused and more than a little bit shocked.
"Yes. Now get off of me!" He yelled, putting as much anger into his words as he could manage through his quivering lips.
The lord remained where he was, making Harper nervously bite into his lower lip. The faint sting from the nip Arthur had given him earlier offered a small amount of strength, but as he watched the man's eyes in the dark room, he knew that something was wrong.
"That Matilda... she must have known that I've been curious to bed a boy. What luck that she'd send you tonight."
Mouth dropping open, Harper could only give a quiet cry of shock before the man was leaning down to try and steal a kiss. Harper jerked his head to the side but he wasn't focusing as much on the lord's face as he was on his wandering hands. His cold fingers felt like ice moving along his thigh and torso, sending disgusted shivers through him like lightning.
"You must stop now! Master Rule will not stand for this!" He yelled, trying his best to sound sincere, but he could barely even hear himself due to the sound of blood rushing in his ears.
The man just laughed at his words, the sound vibrating through his chest and into Harper's, drawing out another set of shivers and a gag that Harper barely managed to stifle.
"Now then, over you go. I've waited long enough." The man said, flipping Harper back onto his belly with little effort.
Before the lord could rest his weight back upon him, however, Harper managed to swing his left foot back and land a kick to the man's chest. The lord barely leaned back from the blow, but it gave Harper enough time to scramble toward the edge of the bed. He'd nearly gotten off it when he felt a painfully strong hand grip his ankle and yank him back.
"I said that there will be none of that, boy!" The lord roared, shoving him down into the blankets as he began feverishly tearing at Harper's pants. Harper clawed at the man's arms and tried to push him away, but his efforts were fruitless.
This isn't fair!
The one scream earned him a punch that shook his mind until his eyes blurred to near-darkness. He could hear the man speaking again, but couldn't decipher what he was saying over the ringing in his ears. When he managed to pull himself together enough to take stock of what was going on, there was a sliver of light striking across his face from the open door to the hall.
Rule? Rule!
Opening his mouth to yell for the man, Harper grunted when lord Watlers' hand silenced him. He tried to bite him, but even with his attention now focused on Rule, who remained standing in the doorway, he easily managed to avoid Harper's teeth while still keeping him silent.
"Sir Walters, might I ask why you are not allowing my servant to speak?" Rule questioned, taking a step further into the room.
The lord, still positioned quite inappropriately atop him, was silent for a moment before leaning back and removing his hand. Harper took that chance to turn away from Rule as best he could while his legs were still pinned under the other man. Hopefully there wasn't enough light in the room from the candles in the hallway to reveal anything. He couldn't risk Rule finding out that he was a male.
The man above him looked down at him for a moment, a light flashing in his eyes before his attention returned to Rule. "She asked if I would enjoy a tumble in the sheets. Surely you can allow your servants to choose their bed partners, lord Rule?"
Harper's chest tightened uncomfortably, forcing him to start panting again from the stress of the situation. The man was playing him. He figured out that he was pretending to be a girl so easily!
There was silence for several tense minutes, the only sound in the room that of Harper's panicked breathing. When Rule finally spoke, there was a hint of solemness to his words.
"Hari... do you wish to sleep with lord Walters?"
The word was stuck in his throat. No matter how hard he tried to scream it, he could only look over his shoulder at Rule and stifle a sob. When Rule sighed and took a hesitant step closer, Harper jerked his head back away from him and hunched, trying to hide his chest with his arms.
"You're making her nervous. Have some respect for the lass's first time trying this, my lord." Lord Walters said, frustration seeping into his falsely caring voice.
When silence took over again, Harper chanced another look over his shoulder after wiping away a stray tear and sniffling.
His name on Rule's lips drew a shaky breath from him.
"Hari... I am not blind."
That simple sentence sent a shot of ice to his gut far colder than any of lord Walters' disgusting caresses. He saw. The thought was terrifying, but if Rule knew...
"Master, please!" He yelled, rolling back over to face Rule with pleading eyes.
A strong hand dropped to his neck, but before much pressure could be administered, the sound of flesh connecting with flesh rang out like a gunshot in the silent room. The second lord Walters was off of him, Harper stumbled to his feet, only to fall directly into Rule's waiting arms.
"You would do best to abstain from touching any of my servants again, dear lord. For I will not be so lenient next time." Rule ground out between clenched teeth as he easily carried Harper from the room, his hold on him nearly cutting off his air.
They said nothing as he was carried through the darkened halls of the estate, then settled back on his feet in Rule's sitting room, the door firmly closed behind the lord. Harper wasn't sure what he could say to right the situation, and quite frankly, he was so nervous that he feared he would vomit what he'd eaten earlier at the ball if he dared try to speak. Rule paced before him, his fingers mussing up his hair to the point where it would have looked funny if the situation was anything but grave.
I am sorry, my lord.
Harper couldn't say the words, but he meant them. To each lord that he had fooled. Marksworth, Rule and Arthur. Neither of them deserved to be lied to, and especially not for such a length of time, but there was little Harper could do about the situation now.
"All of those times we'd joked..." Rule finally said, stopping to settle a glare on Harper that made him shudder and duck his head, eyes on the floor.
Rule continued to pace for another moment before leaning back against the door with a loud sigh. "To your room until you're told you may leave it."
Without a word, Harper bowed and ran to his borrowed room. As soon as his door was shut, he ran for the bed and buried himself beneath the covers. That is where he spent his evening. The music from the ball flitted in and out of the room during each song crescendo, but there was no joy in his mind for the festivities any longer. He worried at his injured lip, reopening the wound if only to have something to focus on that wasn't his likely impending doom. He would be hung for impersonating a female, especially for so long.
The magistrate is even in the house this evening. How god must be laughing at me right now.
Harper remained awake even as the music died down and the guests retired to their rooms to sleep off their alcohol and recuperate for their trips home the next morning. Every time the grand clock ticked past another hour, Harper's heart thundered in his chest with worry of who might come into his room and take him away to be tried, then hung.
When no one came after midnight, then one and two o'clock, he shakily got out from under the covers and stood, facing his door in the dark room. His body was exhausted and his muscles ached from shaking. It was likely that he'd worried himself to the point of literally becoming sick, but as he began walking, he couldn't find it in himself to care if he was going to have a fever come morning.
His feet moved him without consent from his tired mind. A smart man would have turned toward the entry doors once he stepped out into the empty sitting room with only a candle to wish him a safe departure, but Harper was not a smart man.
In his tattered clothing, he slowly made his way across the room to pause at the large wooden door before him. The light from the candle danced along the faded wood, illuminating the handle with an almost-enticing glow.
Pressing his palm to the cold metal, Harper turned the handle and slowly pushed the heavy door open. The utter darkness of the room was surprisingly comforting. Quietly shutting the door, he turned and made his way toward the bed, shuffling his feet upon the wooden floor to be sure he didn't trip over anything.
When he felt the large bed bump against his legs, he halted, allowing his fingers to reach forward until they found smooth skin and soft hair. Lord Rule. You told me earlier that I was always welcome in your bed. His heart hammered painfully in his chest as he ran his thumb along the man's skin blindly. He could see nothing, but just hearing the man's even breathing and feeling his warm skin beneath his fingertips was reassuring.
He has known you for many years. Surely he would at least grant you a fair trial, even if you are only a servant. Not that it will help me, honestly. I refuse to lie any longer.
Harper jerked his hand back when Rule slowly rolled over, giving him his back. Finding his opportunity, Harper removed the remnants of his torn shirt and carefully lifted the heavy blankets and slid beneath them. He settled into the spot Rule had just vacated, the warmth left behind from his body calming some of his shaking.
He was just getting settled enough to finally rest, his back to Rule, when he felt the blankets shift. His heart stopped in his chest when a firm hand pressed against it. It paused there before allowing its fingers to spread, heating his skin far faster than the blankets ever could. When he was gently guided backward by that hand until his skin was pressed against Rule's firm chest, Harper let a worried whimper slip from his lips.
A slow, deep inhale of breath from the lord was the only response he got. A moment later, warm air rustled his hair before Rule settled his arm more comfortably against Harper's chest, his thumb softly brushing over the spot where his heart beat wildly. There was no doubt in his mind that Rule could feel how stressed he was just from his heartbeat, but the older man gave no more signs of wakefulness over the next half hour. His breathing had quieted and his hand slowly drifted down along Harper's skin until it rested against the blanket.
Lord Rule... thank you.
Understanding that he was being allowed to rest with Rule until morning, Harper settled in and finally closed his aching eyes. His tired body fell into unconsciousness in mere seconds, finally allowing his heart to calm in his chest.
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