The silence that followed Rule's soft words was surprisingly comforting. Harper turned in the man's arms and huddled against him, absorbing his warmth. He was still considered a girl, so surely it wouldn't be frowned upon to accept the man's reassuring embrace for a short moment.
A knock at the door a few moments later had them pulling away from each other slowly, though Rule refused to let him get too far. His left arm remained wrapped around him, hand grasping his waist to keep him close. Looking over his shoulder, Rule glanced in the direction of the door in the sitting room as he addressed whoever was on the other side of it. "What is it? I'm currently busy."
Harper's heart gave a jerk at the man's words and his face heated a small amount, much to his confusion. He felt eyes on him as they awaited an answer, making him duck his head, bangs brushing faintly against Rule's shirt.
"Pardon me, my lord, but your first guests are arriving momentarily." The unfamiliar voice on the other side of the door answered.
A soft brush of air rustled the tips of Harper's hair as Rule sighed out a breath, his thumb moving against Harper's side, likely without much thought to the action. It made Harper fidget, but Rule seemed to ignore his response as he replied.
"Very well, thank you for informing me. I'll be down in a few minutes."
The voice answered with a quick "Yes, my lord," before likely leaving, as they said nothing more.
"I suppose we're due downstairs." Rule said with a bored tone. Harper was about to question his lack of enthusiasm when he realized what he'd just said.
"We?" He asked, brow furrowing with worry. He didn't want to be around the guests anymore than he had to. Surely a lowly maid, even one that answered directly to the lord of the estate, didn't need to be in attendance to greet guests.
When Rule smirked down at him, Harper felt his stomach twist into a knot. "Of course. You are my valet now, not my maid, silly lad. Boys cannot be maids."
Harper was about to argue, for the hundredth time, that he wasn't a boy, when he realized the gleam in the man's eyes. Is he poking fun at me again or hinting at the event tomorrow? Harper couldn't tell, and it was making him conflicted on the answer he should choose.
"It's alright, lass. I was just poking fun, come. We've got guests to greet, and besides, you do not look anything short of a lord, yourself. You will act as my friend during this event." Rule stated before turning and walking out of Harper's bedroom.
Stunned, Harper didn't move until he was called, then hurried to the sitting room door in a daze. I cannot act as his friend! I know nothing or the aristocracy besides the behaviors that I've seen! I have no real history myself! And do I pretend to be a male or a female? If he is going to pretend that I am a man, then will be in a dress for the evening?
Unable to focus, Harper walked right into Rule's chest. Before he could jump back and apologize, Rule's hands were on his shoulders, steadying him. "It's alright, lass. Breathe. No one will bother you much, I assure you. Just make up some tale about your past if you do not care to share your true one, which I wouldn't suggest. They will not pay you any mind if it sounds logical. Besides, considering the amount of alcohol these louts tend to inhale, they won't hear much of anything you say, either."
Harper frowned, wondering why Rule was having the get together anyways, if he only planned to get his guests drunk enough to forget it by morning.
"Come now, enough standing about." Rule said as he took Harper's hand and began tugging him down the hall.
He was still unsure of his current situation but Harper bit back another response as they headed down the stairs. Rule didn't release his hand until they came into view of the group of four standing near the entrance. Servants were already taking their coats and hats, and their attention slowly turned to him and Rule once they were finished handing off their things.
"Good afternoon, lord Rule. How are you on this fine day?" One of the women, a blond holding onto a man's arm, but just barely, asked with a smile that almost made Harper cringe. The man she was holding onto gave a slight grin, thought Harper couldn't tell if the man was just holding back a frown or a sneer.
"Hello, Natasha, Michael. I am quite well. If I may introduce my friend, Hari. He's visiting at the unfortunate time that this event is going on. He won't be drinking, a shame, but I do hope you will enjoy his company when not busy with the other guests." Rule said, nodding to Harper, making him take a hesitant step forward and bow his head, then shake each of the guests' hands.
"A pleasure to meet you both." He said, trying his best to keep his voice from shaking. His palms were beginning to feel clammy, too, and he hoped that he would not have to shake anyone else's hands for fear of giving his nervousness away.
Thankfully, the other two were just offered simple introductions with a pleasant smile. Another man and woman. Marius and Juliet. Once the guests were on their way to get settled, lead by two servants, Harper finally released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"You did well, Hari." Rule complimented, making him relax a little more.
He thought that they would be going on to their next task, but the sound of boots on the marble floor of the entryway brought his eyes from Rule, back to the doorway. Oh no. Standing before them with his arms crossed, wearing a pair of perfectly tailored brown breeches and a dark red coat, was Arthur.
Why now? Why when I am wearing this clothing!
He felt light-headed in an instant, his face draining of color, but somehow he managed to remain on his feet. The look that Arthur was giving him when he managed to raise his eyes high enough to look, twisted his insides to the point of nearly forcing him to vomit.
Before he could bring his numb body to react, Arthur was in front of him. Firm fingers grasped his chin, forcing it up so that the man could run his eyes over his face. Arthur then took a small step back, but didn't release him as he took in his outfit.
His gaze was harsh when he finally released Harper's chin... and like a scared child hiding from their governess's wrath, Harper ducked behind Rule, clutching the back of his shirt without a second thought and pressing his forehead against his back.
He felt the lord fidget from the action, but then straighten and chuckle. "You've scared our kitten, Arthur. Tsk."
Arthur gave a frustrated growl as he took a step forward, his boots easily audible on the flooring. "Do not joke with me right now, Rule. Clearly you are not so blind!" He shouted, making Harper flinch.
Rule must have felt his reaction, because he glanced around the foyer for a moment, then grabbed Harper's wrist in one hand and Arthur's with the other. He then proceeded to drag them both down a short hall behind the staircase and into a small library Harper hadn't known was there.
The second the door was shut and locked by Rule, Arthur was on him, fire burning in his angry eyes. "Rule, this is ridiculous!" He shouted, getting only a raised eyebrow from Rule as he sauntered over to drop into a large stuffed chair. He looked like a lazing cat as he stared up at Arthur, a smug grin on his lips.
Harper had ducked to the far end of the room and was glad that Rule put himself between him and the fuming lord.
"True, I shouldn't have dressed her up until tomorrow evening, but when I saw how good she looked in the outfit, I wanted to surprise you."
Wait. He knew he was showing up this morning?
Harper couldn't hide his scowl, drawing Arthur's narrowed eyes.
"He does not seem pleased." Arthur stated, his tone of voice calming the slightest amount. He couldn't keep his eyes from continuing to asses Harper, but at least he was doing it from afar.
"I didn't need to tell her. I gave you the option to come today or tomorrow." Rule said, his voice indifferent as he leaned back to look behind the chair at Harper. "You don't care that he's here, right Hari?"
It would have been nice to know that he was coming... and saved me having a near-heart attack.
Of course, he knew that he couldn't say such a thing. So, he bit his tongue and smiled. "Of course not, my lord."
Rule's smirk fell to a confused frown, but Harper was no longer in any mood to be around either of them. Since Rule hadn't ordered him to do anything and had just pulled him into the room, he awkwardly skirted the area until he was standing back by the door. It put him far closer to Arthur than he wished to be at that moment, but he wanted to leave.
"If I may be excused, my lord? I'd like to see that our rooms are taken care of."
He'd noticed that Rule's sitting room had needed a good bit of cleaning earlier. He could do that. He was comfortable cleaning.
Rule was just opening his mouth to respond when Arthur raised a hand, effectively silencing him before turning to Harper.
"That is a good idea. We'll talk later, Hari. You're dismissed."
With a quick bow, Harper unlocked the door and darted from the room, leaving the two lords to their own devices.
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