Worrying his lips with his teeth for the tenth time in the last few minutes, Harper made her way up to her master's quarters. The man was very tasteful with the design of his home and had the top floor of the building laid out perfectly for doing business. The windows were draped in bright reds and light browns that matched the red and gold trimmed carpet, and the halls had comfortable dark gold sitting chairs and tables for relaxing discussions. Sir Marksworth's bed chambers were also on the same floor, but those rooms were far off in the back and the hall leading to them was not vibrant and welcoming like the rest of the floor.
Rubbing at his sore lips with the back of his hand, Harper took a deep breath outside of one of the meeting rooms, then rapped on the door twice. "Come in, lass!" His master called from behind the heavy mahogany door.
After one more moment of mental preparation, Harper pushed the door open, then turned and quietly slid it shut before walking over to the seat his master always left for him. He calmly sat down, a forced smile on his face as he folded his hands in his lap and kept his eyes on the beautifully carved table before him. The other two lords were present as well, one on either side of his master. He had caught them watching him as he entered and didn't notice any hostility or surprise, so he was truly at a loss as to why he had been called to this meeting.
"Good afternoon, little Hari. How was your trip with my good friends?"
Harper knew what answer he had to give. Even if it was a complete lie. "I had quite a pleasant time, my lord. I graciously thank them for allowing me to join them."
There was silence for a few short moments, drawing his eyes up to glance at each lord before quickly dropping his gaze back to the table. He hadn't noticed any odd looks, but then there was a round of hearty laughter from all three men, making Harper jerk his eyes back up in confusion.
"M-my lords?" He asked, unsure what was so funny about the situation.
When the men finally quieted, Rule was wearing a devilish grin while leaning forward on the table in a most ungentlemanly manner. "Little Hari, you truly believe that we would lie and tell your master, our dear and oldest friend, that we weren't anything but cads to you on our trip? He gave us a good tongue lashing for it, but we aren't ones to speak untruths."
Harper raised his eyebrows, getting another round of laughter from them before his master raised his hand, silencing the room. "Alright, we've all had our fun. I called you here today to speak to you about something important." He said.
Harper glanced at lord Rule and Arthur, then back to his master, curious as to why they were both present if the matter involved only him and his master.
"Ah, you are wondering why they are here, too. Well, this meeting has something to do with them. Well, at least whichever you chose."
Harper couldn't think of a time where he had been asked to pick between them... it hit him right after he stopped trying to remember. They had asked him about who he would rather spend time with on their way back from their outing.
But what does that have to do with this meeting? Am I to accompany one of them on another outing in the coming days?
He didn't really mind, as long as they didn't buy him anymore drinks, but if that was all it was, the lords could have simply asked him. He wouldn't have been able to decline.
"I... have not chosen either?" He stated, still very much confused.
Lord Marksworth's eyebrows rose in surprise, then he looked at both lords to his sides before bursting out into another fit of laughter.
"That's my lass! Taught these two boys a lesson, did you?"
Harper sank back in his chair, momentarily forgetting about his normal ladylike posture as he got even more dumbfounded with the direction of the conversation. He just called the two dukes boys. Not that he would be reprimanded for it. The group of them were best of friends for far longer than however long Harper had known them, yet it still was hard to hear either of them being referred to in a negative, or at least, childish light.
Rule's smile only stretched further while Arthur crossed his arms over his chest and looked sideways at Rule.
"It's quite alright, Hari. I'm not surprised that you haven't chosen one, after what they've told me happened over the span of your short trip into town, I'm shocked that you hadn't walked back from town and sworn them off altogether."
He knew that he couldn't do that, but Harper smiled and gave a quiet chuckle, just to appease the man he looked up to as a father. When lord Marksworth leaned forward, Harper straightened back up in his chair and did his best to not fidget with his hands in his lap.
"So, since you didn't decide who you wished to spend time with." He paused and looked at both lords, then back to Harper with a grin on his face. "Or, I'm assuming, they didn't strike your fancy in any way," Harper's face burned red. "Then we shall have to try something else."
Something else? As opposed to simply picking one to spend time with? Did they need a maid on a short journey of some sort?
Harper was so utterly confused.
"Do not fret, lass, this might be quite fun for you."
When Harper didn't comment and only began to slouch back into his chair again, lord Marksworth finally took pity on him and leaned back in his own large chair and folded his hands on the table. His expression suddenly became far more serious, making Harper's heart pick up its worried pace.
"I am not, well, in the best of health, lassy."
The confession dropped Harper's jaw. He quickly shut it, but it slowly crept open again until his master raised a hand. Harper quickly shut his mouth again, blinking back tears he hadn't realized were gathering in his soft purple eyes.
"Now now, do not worry. I am far from meeting my making, but I would like to be prepared for such a time, and not have to worry that any of my loved ones are left at a loss."
Harper looked to both lords, wondering what his master wished for him to do to help the men when he passed. There was silence for a short time before his eyes were drawn back to his master as the old man gave a quiet laugh.
"You misunderstand, Hari. I have no worries about lord Rule or Arthur managing my passing. They are both very wealthy and their lands are fruitful. Even my other servants have places they can go, as I've checked with each and every one. You, from what I understand, however, would have nothing if I left."
The truth of his words hit Harper hard. He really would have nothing when lord Marksworth passed. He would find himself right back on the streets, stealing small amounts of coin from anyone he could get close enough to, only to barely fill his belly with stale bread.
"Now now, lass, don't look so down. That's why I called you here. I will never let you go without after all of the years of hard work you've done for me. So, I had planned to have you set up with one of my fine friends here, however, you haven't picked one that you like quite yet so perhaps we can handle this situation a bit differently."
Harper was having trouble processing the first bit of information, let alone the fact that his master was considering giving him to Rule or Arthur!
"I think you're scaring her." Rule noted with his usual cheerful tone.
Arthur tilted his head, watching Harper with his own intense gaze. "Or mentally scarring her. I would be worried, too, if I had to spend any significant amount of time with Rule."
Lord Rule scowled at him for his comment, but when Arthur just smirked, Rule rolled his eyes and returned his attention to Harper.
"Well, be that as it may, I will not have my favorite lass back on the streets once I am gone. So, I've decided that you will spend a week at each of my good friend's homes to see whom you like serving the most."
Even though he wished to speak on the matter, Harper bit his tongue. He didn't know what he could really say to make his master change his mind. He would be perfectly fine staying at his home and serving whomever he passed the land to, but at the same time, he only knew of one of lord Marksworth's relatives, and the man had been none-too-kind when he'd visited two years prior.
"Alright then, who would you like to visit first, Hari?"
Wait. Tonight?
"Tonight?" He asked, mirroring his worried thoughts.
His master smiled and nodded. "Yes. Whomever you choose will leave with you this evening while the other remains here, as I have quite a bit to discuss with both of them, but I must see you settled, at least for the time being, before I can truly begin to relax and plan the rest of what needs to be done."
Harper really didn't want to leave with either man, and especially not so soon, but he would never wish to hinder his master. Harper could not find it in himself to even hesitate.
"I understand, my lord. I will visit lord Rule first, if that is alright?" He asked, meeting his master's gaze before turning his eyes to meet Rule's. His stomach knotted when the lord gave him a large grin.
"That is perfectly fine, Ms. Hari. My servants will be with you shortly to help you pack up your things. We'll be off once you're all set." He said, surprisingly serious.
Harper gave a shaky nod before turning his attention back to his master. It was hard to accept that he was ailing. He didn't look much different than always. Sure, his eyes appeared a little more sunken and his hair was stiff and dull, but the man was quite old. It was normal to not look his best every day... yet to think that he was dying.
"Now none of that, Hari. Be off with you, lass, you have some packing to do for your new journey." Lord Marksworth said, effectively dismissing Harper.
Reluctantly, Harper stood and bowed. "If you'll excuse me, my lords. I shall go get started on packing my personal items in preparation for departure."
He didn't lift his eyes until he was outside the room, the large door firmly shut behind him. His heart was racing as if he'd just run about like one of the new foals in spring, yet he felt as miserable as he'd ever felt in his life.
Tears welled up at the edges of his eyes. Harper blinked repeatedly to try and keep them from spilling over, but as he ran through the house, down the service corridors, then into the servant quarters, he couldn't fight the sadness in his mind from infecting his heart. He did not want to leave, even if just for two short visits with the lords.
Maria sat upon her bunk as he stepped into the large room. Several other servants were present but none paid him any mind as he trudged over to his bunk and dropped down onto it, sniffling. His friend was at his side not a moment later, but what could he tell her?
When her arms came around his shoulders and she pulled his head down to her shoulder, he allowed himself to cry. Lord Marksworth had told him that the rest of the servants already knew and had places to go, which meant that Maria likely understood why he was so upset. That he'd just been told what was going to happen.
"It'll be okay, Hari. You'll see. Our lord will not let you suffer." She whispered against his hair.
He knew that, and greatly appreciated lord Marksworth's kindness. He would do his best to make the man proud and pick whichever lord he thought he would benefit better. He knew that he had to pack, too, but he couldn't fight her comfort. He would allow himself to cry for just a bit longer, than he would stand tall and do his best to face the new obstacles placed before him.
"I will be back soon, keep things together for me?" He whispered back.
Maria nodded against his hair. "Of course. I'll be waiting when you come back to pick fun at you and steal kisses."
Harper chuckled at her hushed words. He would miss her. Hopefully his visits wouldn't be bad, but he was already worried enough to not even consider eating anything for the day.
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