(Kinda the second half of the last chapter lol Meant to put them together but ran out of time last time.)
The sound of the door creaking open several nights later had Harper stirring from a deep sleep. He was wrapped in Rule's arms, but the blanket he'd been tucked in with was long gone, likely having been kicked to the floor with how much both of them tend to move at night.
Rolling over, Harper tried to blink some of the sleep from his eyes in order to see who had come in, but with only a faint few rays of moonlight to illuminate the intruder, he couldn't figure out who it was.
It wasn't until he felt the bed shift in front of him as the man knelt on the edge, that he realized who it was. "Lord Arthur." He whispered in excitement right before the lord's hand clamped over his mouth and he gave a quiet "Shhh."
Confused, but not wanting to disobey, Harper remained quiet and let himself be gently pushed down into the sheets, then watched silently as Arthur climbed over him to get to Rule.
Uh oh. Is he trying to start another fight? And so soon?
He was just reaching over to tug Arthur back when Rule jerked up and grabbed the other lord in a tight hug. Arthur froze for a moment, then sat down in Rule's lap and returned the gesture, albeit a bit slower and with more hesitation.
"Didn't realize you were awake." Arthur mumbled as Rule pressed his face into the crook of his neck.
Harper couldn't help but grin as he sat back up, watching the two lords in the dim light. They were mainly just shadows, but he could tell that they had greatly missed each other, even if they didn't say it very well.
"Are you feeling okay, lord Arthur?" Harper asked as he scooted a little closer.
He noticed one of Arthur's arms moving up and down Rule's back slowly and smiled wider.
"What's that look for, kid?" Rule mumbled, drawing Harper's attention to where he'd moved his head to be tucked beneath Arthur's chin. While he couldn't see his face, he could definitely feel his eyes on him.
Jerking his head down, Harper shrugged. "Nothing, sir."
A deep chuckle resonated in the room, though Harper didn't look up to see which lord it had come from. He felt his chin being lifted a moment later, anyways. Arthur ran his thumb over his cheek, his eyes now on Harper as well. Having both lord's attention made his stomach fill with butterflies, but when he tried to avert his gaze, Arthur grasped his jaw.
"I owe you an apology, little Hari." Arthur finally stated in the darkness.
Harper wasn't sure what exactly he needed to apologize for. Mainly, because lords had no reason to do such a thing unless they were speaking with another of high status, but also, Harper couldn't think of any reason he needed to be sorry.
"I shouldn't have pushed you to go to the magistrate, or in general with your gender."
Unsure of how to respond, Harper just gave a slight nod. Besides, his jaw was still being held, so talking would be awkward.
"Also, I owe you my life, and my thanks."
Harper's eyes widened as Arthur leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead as his hand fell from Harper's jaw. Before Arthur could pull away, Rule's head nudged his upward, giving himself enough space to steal a kiss on Harper's lips.
A growl that had definitely not come from Kite slipped from one of the lords as Rule was pulled away and pushed down by Arthur. "I thought we've been over what happens in this situation, Rule."
Harper reached out, trying to think of a way to stop them while separating the pair, but Arthur caught him by surprise, and soon he was lying between Arthur's arms right beside Rule.
"Looks like I've caught two troublemakers." Arthur murmured with a lopsided grin.
Fidgeting, Harper shook his head a little. "I haven't started any trouble, my lord." When he looked toward Rule, wondering what Arthur was talking about, the lord was already waiting for him, and stole another kiss.
Before Harper could react, Arthur was grabbing Rule's jaw and yanking him up until their mouths crashed together. Harper flinched at the sound of their teeth hitting, but neither lord seemed to be affected by it, as they had both frozen in the position.
When the silence grew awkward, Harper hesitantly pushed himself up. "My lords?" He asked, his voice sounding far too loud in the dark room all of a sudden. At first, neither of them moved, but after several long moments, both lords began to slowly turn toward him.
Rule's head tucked beneath Arthur's jaw slightly, as Arthur leaned forward just enough to nuzzle against Rule's hair as their heads turned. For some reason, Harper's heart jumped in his chest and began pounding as if he'd just run a mile.
"M-my lords?" He asked again with a slight catch to his voice.
Rule chuckled, drawing one from Arthur, too.
"I like the sound of that." He said, then turned his attention Arthur. "Though I don't know how I feel about sharing."
Arthur ducked his head as his laughter grew for a moment, then cut into silence before he lifted his head and spoke. "We've shared quite a lot, Rule."
When Rule only grunted in response, Arthur leaned down and nibbled at his ear, earning a moan and shove that barely moved him an inch. "Still just as sensitive there as I remember. Harper?" Arthur said, turning to look at him.
Leaning away a little more, Harper replied with a quiet, "Yes, my lord?"
"Bite his ear."
Without thinking about the repercussions of his actions, Harper shook his head and scrambled off the bed and hopped out the bedroom door. Before he could get to the stairs, however, strong arms wrapped around his waist, easily halting him from moving another step.
"Now now, I was just messing with you." Arthur mused, though his tone didn't sound so much amused as it did worried.
It wasn't that Harper was afraid to do what he'd been asked, but it was just not something that happened. Sleeping next to a lord like Rule was already hard for him to handle, as he was still a servant, even if they disagreed, but to touch one so informally... he couldn't, especially without Rule's consent. Not to mention, they were all males.
"Hey, I'm sorry, Harper." Arthur said as he released him and stepped back.
Harper turned to face him, but couldn't lift his eyes.
"Are you doing something you might deserve a beating for, my lord?" Came Lady Lelynn's voice from behind Harper, making him jump and whirl around to face her.
Wait. Where did her cane go? Why does she have a shovel now? Did Kirin take her cane?
Stepping around him, Arthur stood between Harper and Lady Lelynn. "I'm afraid I've come close, though I do hope my apology will be accepted and we can get back to bed without anyone being assaulted by your new walking shovel, my lady."
Biting back a smile, Harper reached forward and took Arthur's wrist, then gently tugged. "I accept your apology, my lord. May we go back to bed? I am quite tired."
He could see Lady Lelynn scowling at Arthur's back as he began to tug him toward their room, but when Harper gave her a warm smile, she huffed. "You lords better behave. I don't take kindly to pushy peacocks."
Nodding, Arthur stopped at the door, handing Harper off to step into Rule's arms, who was hiding just out of view. "We understand, ma'am, and thank you for your hospitality. We will behave ourselves."
With a final huff, Lady Lelynn disappeared back down the stairs, leaving the trio to their rest... though Harper had no doubt, as he settled in between the two lords, that she'd be listening for anymore disturbances as she looked for more weapons to store away for when Kirin confiscated her new cane.
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