Rest In My Embrace
Feeling too dizzy and exhausted Yibo fell on the floor unable to keep dancing, trying to catch breath he placed hand on his chest and closed eyes cause his vision was getting blurry. Its ok, its ok... repeatedly telling himself he finally overcame heart pain and sweetly smiled at his dance group members, who're worryingly looking at him
"Wang laoshi how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine now, keep practicing or take rest as you prefer for now. Think I can't go on today, see you later" faintly answered him and got up using their help, nodding to other dance mentors he walked into changing room and picked his stuff. Guard was waiting for him at the door as always, seeing his lowered head Yibo could guess what he was feeling, gently petting on his shoulder he cheered up "I'm really ok uncle, stop sulking and smile for me please" how grateful he was towards all of this people who genuinely loved him
Staying alone in the van Yibo leaned back and deeply breathed out, without realizing a few drop of tears fell from his eyes. No he wasn't fine at all, he was so damn tired and wasted. Having young and strong body sure was helping him to handle many activities but working without rest last few months made Yibo totally empty from energy. he loved his work, everything he was doing was enjoyable but... there was too many but. taking phone out from his pocket Yibo turned it on and brightly smiled at the lock wallpaper, cute man with bunny teeth was cuddling in his embrace while being kissed by Yibo on his blushing cheeks.
"My love" whispered Yibo and opened the chat to read healing messages no one can count how many times
"Yibo are you already sleeping? You forgot to wish me good night, I'm upset 😠"
"I was taking shower, just lied down on the bed, and please send me the selfie"
"What selfie?"
"of your pouting lips, you look cuter when angry 😝"
"little donkey 🐴"
"this donkey loves you 🥰"
"didn't you miss me while bathing? Usually we do it together 😋"
"don't tease me, or I gonna fly there right now"
"wish you can I missed you Bo di"
"I want to see you like crazy, sweet dreams Zhan ge"
"good luck at the show lil lion, fighting"
"you look so damn adorable surrounding by roses Zhan ge, you're surely the most beautiful flower there"
"blushing 😊"
"will you come at our place today?"
"I'll try... miss you"
so many "miss you" so many "love you" how much he was loving this man. Hearing driver's voice Yibo left the mobile and get off from the car, two hours passed so fast in reading he didn't even realize, walking up on the stairs he sighed in sadness thinking there was only empty home waiting for him. Entering the room he threw cap on the sofa and was going to remove his shirt when sounds from the kitchen reached his ear and nice smell pleased his nose. Being startled and confused Yibo held the trophy won at the race before and slowly walked towards kitchen
"what the hell Yibo" thought him "what kind of thief cooks while robbing?" he laughed at himself and eyes widened in surprise seeing Zhan who suddenly appeared in front of him wearing apron around his slim waist. hardly holding himself to not jump from happiness he kept cool face and waited for Zhan's explanation
"welcome at home Yibo" calmly said him
"but key?"
"I stole it from you, thinking maybe there is something important and I need to come in without you. so..."
"but you're going to the shooting today no?"
"I canceled it"
"why? is something wrong?"
"worry about yourself" Zhan moved closer and wrapped his hands around Yibo's neck, raising his nose up a little he pouted "you're sweaty baby lion"
"I came from dance practice, what're you expecting?" naughty smiling he quickly pecked on Zhan's lips "don't you like me anymore?"
"you have bed smell now, it's my fave. and I always like and love you" turning him back and pushing towards bathroom Zhan softly kissed his neck "but you still need to freshen up"
"as boss says" obeyed Yibo and started taking off his clothes, leaned at the door Zhan noticed new bruises and scratches on his legs and felt pain in his heart. unable to stop he suddenly hugged Yibo from behind and whispered "I love you" Yibo silently waited until Zhan let go of him and left the bathroom without saying anything more. Yibo knew there was something wrong with Zhan from the moment he saw him without wide smile on his adorable face. taking quick shower and wearing free daily clothes he walked into kitchen and sat at the table, watching at Zhan who was busy placing dishes on the plates"
"won't you tell me what happened?"
"let's eat for now" Zhan sat in front of him and leaned face on his palms, sweetly smiling at Yibo tastily eating with full cheeks
"Zhan ge, aren't you going to eat too?"
"just watching at you eating well makes me full too" Zhan nervously started rubbing his fingers "I took a few days off"
"but you had..."
"work can wait I don't care and you have to do the same"
"what are you talking about?" Yibo got confused "why I..."
"I already called your manager and she agreed, actually I made her to do" Yibo gasped, Zhan looked really scary now, he just stayed silent cause knew he wasn't done "you're walking half asleep, dozing off even while eating, your eyes is always red and tearing. you need rest"
"I'm ok, it's just..."
"you can make others believe but not me, I know you better than myself. Bo di..." Zhan softly held his hands "you're hurting for me too much when I had problems no?"
Yibo didn't say anything, just turned his face a little pouting cutely, Zhan sadly smiled with slowly forming tears in his eyes and cupped his face "know? you look exactly like Lan Zhan now, this is adorable. I could see everything you're doing Yibo during those time. so called network errors, viruses in my phone and many other things, you think I didn't know that you're trying to stop me from reading hateful comments? after locked in the bathroom for hours you think I couldn't notice your red eyes?" Zhan's chin started trembling "if not you next to me, how could I overcome everything? Yibo my Bo di ... thank you and gege is very sorry"
"there is no need for this two words between us" Yibo wiped his tears and tried to smile at Zhan "what I did was silly no? but soft person like you reading that kind of comments, I was scared... I know you're still strong but if you broke and did something..." Yibo stopped lowering his head
"I know, that is why you're texting and calling me in every hour and checking if I was still... maybe everyone thought you're totally ok just calmly doing your work but only I know you suffered not less than me... so my love don't act strong always, show me your weaknesses too, cry when you feel like this, I'm here to hold and comfort you. complain when you can't keep going, there is nothing wrong about this we're all humans. why are you hiding when I can notice it anyway? Let me to take care of you too, I'm not asking you to stop loving me but try to think about yourself more not concentrate only on me"
"I'll try" mumbled Yibo
"good boy" smiled Zhan "so let's spend this days together here, only the two of us"
"but if we disappear together for a days, our shippers will guess and..."
"I don't think they need any specific reason to think we're together, they are always totally sure about this"
"the reason you..."
"I saw the video" breathed out Zhan "as soon as that happened someone uploaded it in the internet, what kind of reaction should I have watching you in this condition, unable to help and comfort you. I know you'll always keep making me worry with your dance traumas, dangerous races but as soon as... you'll come back to me it's enough for my happiness" Zhan got up and sat on Yibo's lap being instantly trapped between his arms he leaned down and met Yibo's warm lips waiting for his. Breaking the kiss Yibo hugged Zhan with all his strength
"I was scared too, I wished you to be next to me too, yes Wang Yibo isn't as strong as it seems, sometimes I'm just baby who needs petting, it's only you who can always guess how I feel, thanks for loving me zhan"
Finally feeling calm after letting go off his emotions and making Yibo do the same Zhan covered his face with kisses and cuddled on his chest while carried to the bed. placing him down, Yibo lied next to him and tightly held Zhan's slim waist, capturing his lips again, Zhan stayed still while Yibo kept hungrily tasting it, only after feeling his naughty hands moving down he moved back and gently hit Yibo's chest
"no sex today"
"what? why?" Yibo pouted in disappointment and looked at Zhan with pleading eyes
"we gonna have too many time for this, you're very sleepy and tired today, let's forget about being lion and just be my little kitten now ok?"
nodding with happy smile Yibo willingly fell in Zhan's tight and warm embrace and closed his eyes, yawning nonstop. slowly caressing his back Zhan planted soft kisses on his hair.
"scratch me" murmured him, Zhan laughed and slip fingers under Yibo's shirt, running nails on his back, he giggled with pleasure and whispered "thanks Zhan ge, I really needed you"
"I can never pay enough to you Bo di, even million "I love you" and kisses won't do it. just I'll stay by your side and lend my body anytime you need to cuddle in and take a good rest. this gege loves you too much" hearing calm breath Zhan looked down at Yibo who was already peacefully sleeping with little smile shaking his full lips, Zhan felt too relieved finally seeing Yibo was safe and well. planting soft kisses on his face, he closed eyes too and soon they're both wrapped in the colorful dreams.
I wasn't planning this one shot but after watching Yibo's video a few hours ago started writing it to kinda calm my hurting heart 😞 this little hardworking boy really needs rest, I'm worrying about him and hope he stays healthy and safe. Better in Zhan's arms😊
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