Chapter 2 - Pregnant
Chuuya stared at the small device in his hand, his eyes filled with shock, fear and confusion as they were locked on the 2 red lines that appeared. He couldn't believe it, or rather, he didn't want to believe it, but the truth was right there, practically shoving him in the face. As much as he wanted to think that the device was broken or there must have been a mistake, he couldn't because this was the third test he had done for today, a total of 5 tests since yesterday.
After Mori suggested Chuuya to rest the previous day, he ran into Kouyou on the way and she insisted Chuuya on getting checked at the infirmary. Chuuya had been experiencing rather surprising and sudden changes in his attitude and behavior for the past few weeks, and almost everyone in the Port Mafia had started to worry about it, including Mori. So Kouyou had no choice but to force Chuuya to come with her to the infirmary, and since Chuuya found nothing wrong with it, he went with her.
The doctor did several examinations on Chuuya after being unable to define what was wrong with him from answering his few questions. It took them about an hour and a half in the infirmary before the the doctor finally made a conclusion--and a rather confusing and bit disturbing one at that.
"Well, doctor, how is it?" Kouyou was the one to ask once the doctor had returned in the office where she and Chuuya were told to wait. He sat on his chair as he stared intently on the paper he was holding where the results of Chuuya's health examination were written, and he couldn't help but sigh in a bit of frustration.
"Actually, to be completely honest, I am quite puzzled about the result." the doctor replied, his voice sounding rather disappointed as he massaged his temples.
"What do you mean?" Chuuya asked, anxious to hear the result.
"Well... there isn't anything wrong to be exact, Mr. Nakahara is very healthy and he isn't prone to any sort of sickness or disease. But..." he trailed off, staring once more at the result paper then back at Chuuya and Kouyou who were starting to feel more nervous by the minute.
"But...? Just tell us already!" Chuuya suddenly hollered, his voice echoing through the walls which made both the doctor and Kouyou wince in surprise.
"Chuuya, calm down!" Kouyou scolded and Chuuya found himself apologizing after realizing he had gone in one of his mood swing episodes again.
"Okay. I just hope you don't get too surprised with this as much as I am, really." the doctor stated, mustering up the courage to tell his patient about the result of his examination "Mr. Chuuya Nakahara, you are 2 weeks pregnant."
Both Chuuya and Kouyou were silenced after what they heard. It was a rather surprising and disturbing result indeed "Oy, oy, stop shitting with me, doc. How can I be pregnant? I'm a guy." Chuuya asked, trying to hide how nervous the result made him, but his voice seemed to give it away.
"That is what I wanted to know myself. But no matter how many times I checked, the results remain the same and there's nothing else I could do about it. Well, to be honest, there's a small percentage of the possibility of male pregnancy, but most of them were either transgendered or implanted. If you'd like, we could run a few more tests to see how it happened and-"
"No. I'm leaving, thank you for your work." Chuuya cut him off and he headed for the door, walking out and not even turning to stop for Kouyou when she called him.
'Mr. Chuuya Nakahara, you are 2 weeks pregnant.'
The words lingered in his head as he continued to walk away, Kouyou practically running after him and she immediately grabbed his wrist the moment she finally got near the ginger "Chuuya! Wait, are you okay?" she asked him.
Chuuya finally turned to look at her and answered "No. I'm not." his voice hard and a bit shaky. Kouyou was more surprised about the tears cascading down his cheeks, she knew well that somehow, the news about his pregnancy hurt him more than shocked him, and she somehow had the gut feeling as to why that was.
"I believe it's best you head home and rest up, Chuuya. You must be worn out from today." was all Kouyou could say to her pupil, but the sympathy in her tone was very obvious "Don't do anything rash, and don't even think about doing anything that could harm that child inside you, Chuuya. I'll come over later and we'll discuss about all this, okay?" she added.
Chuuya just nodded in response before continuing his way home. The moment he entered his room, he threw himself on the bed and sobbed. He didn't cry from the shock of being pregnant, rather, he felt a slight of excitement from the news. What made him cry was the fact that he knew whose child it was inside him, and he couldn't find it in him to accept the truth, he didn't know if he should tell him about all this or just keep quiet. Questions began to form in his head; how did he get pregnant when he's a man? What was Mori going to do if he found out his executive is pregnant and might be unable to work? How was he going to hide it from everyone? Will he really be able to care for the child? What would everyone say if they found out about the child and the truth behind him? Will they still accept Chuuya? The child?
Will Dazai take responsibility for everything?
The last question was what kept replaying in his head over and over again, he couldn't find the answer to that and he didn't know if he would be pleased or satisfied if he found it.
Hours passed and Kouyou arrived that night while Chuuya was still sulking in his bed, somehow, he just wanted everything to disappear. He wanted it all to just be a dream, that he would wake up the following morning, alone in his bed like usual. And by alone, he meant alone, all by himself.
"How are you feeling Chuuya?" Kouyou asked as she sat on the side of the bed and stroke Chuuya's red locks out of his face.
"Depressed. Broken. Anything else close to that." Chuuya murmured, his voice cracked after all the crying.
"I can't really blame you. Besides the fact that you are a pregnant man, it seems that's not what's trigerring your depressed state." Kouyou retorted.
"How do you know?" Chuuya asked, though the question sounded pathetic in his ears.
"I know you very well, dear. I practically raised you as my son, how can I not know? It's just the same as how I know about your feelings for Dazai-kun." Chuuya felt himself blush red after hearing that, obviously, he couldn't hide anything from Kouyou, she was practically her mother in the Port Mafia.
"So I was right." Kouyou then said once Chuuya stayed silent, proving her hunch to be correct.
"I don't know, Kouyou-neesan. I don't know why is it I feel scared right now, I haven't felt so anxious in my entire life just by something as simple as this. I've been rejected by that asshole for as many times as I can remember, and yet it doesn't bother me as much. But now..." Chuuya trailed off, remembering the many nights he and Dazai spent together and the following mornings he woke up alone. It all didn't bother him, he just grew used to it and it was more easier to cope when he accepted the fact that whatever Chuuya feels is absolutely one-sided only.
"Chuuya. Let me tell you this." Kouyou began and Chuuya's eyes were on her "This is definitely nothing compared to the rejection you speak of, because during those times, it was only you he rejected. But now, if he doesn't take responsibility for his mistake, he's rejecting himself as well, considering how the child you bear is half of Dazai and half of you joined together to form one human being. Rejecting the responsibility to be a father is rejecting the existence of his own."
"How does that explain my anxiety over being rejected now compared to before?" Chuuya asked, sitting up properly to better conversate with Kouyou.
"Because Dazai is rejecting another part of you. A part of you that isn't used to rejection yet. He is rejecting the child born from the love between you two." Chuuya then scoffed after hearing the last part which made Kouyou pause.
"Love between us? You must be joking, Kouyou-neesan." he retorted, hiding the pain he felt from Kouyou's words with a disgusted grin "Whatever happened between Dazai and I is nowhere near "Making Love". It's nothing but lust-filled sex and crap, that's all it is." Chuuya addded.
"How can you be so sure about that, Chuuya?" Kouyou asked.
"Because... I'm the only one in love." Chuuya could feel himself starting to cry by the tremble in his voice when he said this "I'm nothing to Dazai but his ex-partner. His sex toy, someone he takes pleasure from. He never treated me as someone special, and no way in hell will he ever treat me that way."
"Because it's Dazai! He's a numb, heartless asshole excuse of a human being." Chuuya exclaimed.
"Perhaps he's changed. People change once they get a taste of something new. Dazai was trapped in the darkness all those years ago when he was still in the Port Mafia. I've seen what he's been through, it's nothing any child his age should've experienced in their entire existence, so I understand why he's been like that." Kouyou explained and Chuuya remembered all those times during their childhood. When he finished training with Kouyou, he would sometimes, no, usually, check on Dazai suring his training, and he couldn't help but feel pity for him. Mori's treatment wasn't exactly fit for a child, it more like torture than training for him. He even remembered the times he would secretly sneek into Dazai's room to help cure his wounds, scratches and bruises from all the training. But of course, Kouyou knew all that, she caught him once before, too, but she let him be.
"But now he works in the Armed Detective Agency, so it's possible he's changed." Kouyou remarked.
"How can you be so sure?" Chuuya was the one to ask this time.
"Why do you think I left Kyouka to the Agency?" Kouyou asked back and Chuuya was a bit taken aback from it. Hearing how she trusted Kyouka, someone she treated as her second child after Chuuya, to the Armed Detective Agency made him rethink about how much he knew Dazai now. If Kouyou trusted the Agency just like that, which means she saw the change it did to Dazai.
"At first, it scared me, really, because I was in the same situation as Kyouka when I was just a little girl. But after everything Dazai told me, I knew it was the right choice, considering how Dazai was in that same situation as well. From the darkness, he was able to grasp that bit of light and slowly, he managed to escape and become who he is now, a person almost everyone he encounters look up to." Kouyou explained further.
Chuuya hugged his knees tight and buried his face on them as he started thinking of various possibilities when he tells Dazai about his pregnancy and who the father of the child is, but somehow, he can't shake off the feeling of being rejected by Dazai. He wants to trust Dazai ad he wantsto trust Kouyou's words that maybe, just maybe, Dazai has changed at least a tiny bit and that he would take responsibility as the child's father. He didn't have to accept Chuuya, he didn't have to love him back, what's important was he accepts the child, and Chuuya would be happy with just that.
And that's when it hit him. That was when he realized what Kouyou meant, why he was so anxious about Dazai rejecting Chuuya's pregnancy. He hadn't realized that he grew fond of the child already even after such a short time only, anyways, it was his child, how can he not grew fond of the kid. Hopefully, Dazai would think the same.
"What do you wanna do now, Chuuya?" Kouyou then asked after a few minutes of silence between them.
Chuuya lifted his head and looked at Kouyou, still wondering what to do, it all just happened so sudden, he's not sure if he can accept the consequences all at once. But then again, he didn't have much of a choice, he would have to accept it sooner or later.
"I'll give you time to think about it, dear. It's only been two weeks, there's still time to think about what you want to do before your pregnancy starts getting obvious." Chuuya felt a sense of relief from Kouyou's words. Time, that was what he needed. He needed to think about it all.
"Thank you, Kouyou-neesan." Chuuya responded and Kouyou smiled at him.
"It's nothing. But please, Chuuya, don't do anything rash that may damage the child. Pregnancy can get very dangerous when you're not careful, for you and for your child. I suggest you think about what to do with Mori first since there's no telling when he would send you away to a dangerous mission, and you wouldn't want that, right?" Kouyou reminded him and Chuuya stayed silent before nodding in response "Well then, I'll be off. Good night, dear." and with that, Kouyou left.
Chuuya decided to take a hot bath as soon as Kouyou left to relax himself a little. After the bath, he headed for the kitchen to fix himself something to eat since he hasn't eaten anything since this afternoon, he worried it might harm the child inside him.
"Damn. I forgot to buy groceries today." Chuuya cursed after finding his fridge practically empty "Maybe convenience store food shouldn't be bad for the baby's health, right? I should check up about pregnancy later after I've eaten." he told himself as he was grabbing his house keys and jacket from the cabinet since it was a bit chilly tonight.
Once Chuuya was headed home from the convenient store, he passed by a pharmacy and suddenly had a thought in mind. He remembered that women used some kind of device to check if their pregnant or not. It's not like he doubted the result from the infirmary, but he wanted to be sure himself. So Chuuya msutered up enough courage to buy a pregnancy tester. He couldn't help but cringe when the people near him looked at him like he was crazy to be buying something like that. But he just tried to ignore their curious stares and shit.
The moment he finished his dinner, he headed to the bathroom to try the pregnancy test--almost struggling on how to use the device--and waited for the result.
"Huh? What does two lines mean?" Chuuya asked himself and checked the intructions sheet for the meaning of those two red lines appearing in the device's screen "Pregnant." he sighed, or rather groaned out of frustration "It must be broken. Or maybe I didn't use it correctly. Let me try again."
And so he tried the test again and got the same result that night. But still doubting the truth, he tried again the following morning, thinking that maybe it was on the food he ate, but he still got the same result. Chuuya didn't give in easily though and he tried once more that afternoon after lunch and later at night when he got home. But still, it showed the same result over and over again so he decided to give up and accept the truth that he was 100% pregnant and bearing a child inside him.
To be continued...
A/N: Hi! Posted without editing.. might edit it later! Sorry for wrong grammars or typos~ ^^
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