"When Stark walks into this building, you're outta here. For good" Dooley Barks at Peggy "Carter, you're outta the SSR!" And stormed off.
After finding out Peggy and Jarvis couldn't leave until Howard got here, Juliette wasn't sure how to react.
But when Dooley said Peggy was out of the SSR she felt her heart in her throat.
Peggy slowly turned to see the four eyes in the room on her. Before she could speak Juliette stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her friend.
Peggy half smiled, hugging her back, before turning away to pack her desk.
After she had, her and Jarvis were left in the briefing room.
"Don't let her out of your sight" Juliette watched Daniel order to another Agent.
She turned to see Jarvis and Peggy talking. She couldn't make out their words but Peggy looked pretty down.
She as dragged from her thoughts at the comforting hand on her waist and lips brushing against her ear "Hey, are you free this weekend?"
"Maybe, why?" She asks, turning to face Jack who just grinned.
"Well, we could, you know, get dinner or something like that"
She smiled and nodded "Sure, why not take everyone at the office? Hey and my parents you'll have to meet them soon and-" she couldn't continue with her joke as Jack's face froze in horror. She burst into fits of laughter, wheezing slightly but calming herself "Kidding, Thompson. Yes I'd love to go out"
"Just us?"
"Just us."
"Can't we get Dr Johnson to help?"Jarvis asked Peggy while they stood in the briefing room.
"I don't think she wants to talk to us right now" Peggy sighed, watching Jack and Juliette talk.
She smiled. Even if there was the possibility of Jules hating her, she was happy she was happy.
Juliette fell asleep at Jack's desk for the second time that day. She felt exhausted even if it wasn't from lack of sleep.
She as awoken by Peggy yelling to Dooley "It's a fake"
"Why are you pulling this Carter?" Jack asked as Juliette sat up straight.
He looked over at her, smiling at her now messy brunette hair.
"Howard Stark isn't coming" Peggy said, making Juliette shoot up to her feet "Huh?" She walked over in a hurry.
"The confession is a phony,the signature a forgery." As Peggy spoke, Jules went over to the window, staring out intently before turning back to face the group.
"Agent Carter-" Dooley started.
"It's Miss Carter, I don't work here anymore, but if you want a confession, if you want the truth I'm ready to give it to you"
And the Juliette blacked out.
The world slipped away with pain that shot into her back.
Juliette's eyes blinked open as she slowly sat up on the hospital bed.
She looked to her right, seeing the top half of a blonde man, crouching over next to her.
He held his head in his hands, his body shaking with the sobs that erupted from him.
She forced a small smile, feeling a little dizzy as she scanned the room. It was just her and Steve here then.
Jules brought her attention back to the blonde and reached out for his hand, taking it gently "Hey" her voice soft and sweet like velvet as she spoke.
Jack looked up, a smile erupting from his tear stained features and he leapt forward to hug her "Jules!"
Her face dropped, pulling away from his hand "Who are you?"
Jack felt his whole body freeze as he lowered back into his seat "What?" He cringed as his voice cracked, holding back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"Who are you? Where's Steve? Is Bucky here?" Juliette looked over the room again, panic visible on her face.
Jack looked up at the Panicking woman with confusion "Jules, what?" He reached his hand out for her again but she pulled herself away. Feeling rejected he sighed, releasing a shakey breath before wiping his eyes "Steve and Bucky are dead Jules. They died a long time ago"
Juliette froze, her whole world crashing down on her head as her throat tighted around her words.
That's not fucking funny" She pulled out of his hug "Where are Bucky and Steve?"
"Jules I'm sorry they're-"
"No!" Tears streamed down her face, everytime Jack tried to get out the words she'd scream at him to interrupt.
"Juliette, they died a long time ago. The war ended a year ago"
"Liar" she whispered "Liar, where are they?"
Jack moved his chair closer, reaching for her hand but she flinched away in fear. One tear escaped his eyes and he sighed "Juliette, They're gone"
"Liar!" She screamed, her vocal cords raw from her yells, tears running down her face,"They're not gone. They're not gone" she kepts shaking her head.
Some nurses rushed in at her screams, some trying to pull Jack out the room but he wouldn't move a muscle. He couldn't leave Juliette. He had to understand what was happening.
Eventually someone pulled him out the room, despite his protests. Frustration left his mouth dry as the questions burned a hole in his head. He walked over to the front desk and looked at the young woman sitting there "Can I use the phone?"
A/N-HIIII so I rewrote the ending incase I wanted to do a pt 2 but thank you for reading this if you did :)))))) Anyways, vote for this if you like this storyyy, Leave a review if you want :)
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