And that's how she found herself standing outside the locker room with Peggy.
Somehow, Peggy managed to convince Dooley to let her and Juliette to come along.
She was more excited than she'd thought she'd be, she was finally being taken on a field mission and would finally get to see the Howling Commandos again.
Unfortunately, there was only one locker room they could go into, a mens locker room.
Jack came round the corner, a few buttons untied and his tie undone around his neck.
He said words but Juliette just stood there, extremely flustered and mouth agape. She had no idea why she was so attracted to this asshole of a man but here she was.
He winked at Juliette when he saw her staring and she got embarrassed and decided a changing room for guys would be less embarrassing so she just walked in.
The guys let out groans of discomfort and more when Jack and Peggy walked in. Her and Peggy got their own side if the room, the only thing separating them being a wall of lockers. Jules just focused on getting changed, not listening to Carter or Thompson's voices or her thoughts would get carried away from her.
She was pulling in her pants, only a vest over her top half, when she saw Daniel come round the corner.
"SOUSA! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!?!?" Juliette's yell was louder than Peggy's.
Luckily she was mainly dressed but Sousa's presence made her jump.
"Found it!" Jack called out and Jules heard the snickers from the other men.
Peggy and Daniel awkwardly interacted and Jules came round the corner to Jack, Li and Ramirez.
Li and Ramirez made weird sounds of discomfort again but Jack just smirked.
"Like what you see, Johnson?"
"Jack Thompson will you ever be able to be a decent human being or are you content with your career as a professional asshole!" She scowled and yelled.
"Some people are trying to get changed here" Li scoffed and Daniel left.
She flipped the three men off and went back to Peggy.
"I'm proud of you Stevie" 92 year old Juliette croaked with a smile.
"I missed you, Jules"
"I'd hope so, you bastard" She teased. She may have been in her early 90's but she'd never stop making fun the man. "Can't believe we're 92! I think I'm looking much better than you though" She grinned slyly.
"Oh you do" Steve nodded, putting a hand over hers.
"You met up with Peg yet? I'm proud to say I whooped her ass at shuffle board"
"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" Steve tried changing the subject.
"Uh Stevie, why don't you wanna go see Peggy Weggy?" She teased again.
He hesitated before sighing, looking into Juliette's brown eyes"She got married, right?" The pain was apparent in Steve's voice.
"Steve, you kissed the girl once. I get you loved her but we all gotta move on one day. Look at me, I got married! Didn't think I ever would but I ended up marrying an asshat" She grinned and patted his shoulder as she sat up in the hospital bed.
"Careful" Steve helped her sit up but she batted his arms away.
"I am perfectly capable, Stevie"
"Whatever you say" He pressed a kiss against her now white hair "Sorry I missed your wedding"
"You better be. It was great! I got very drunk" She nodded satisfied "I married an asshat but he was a cute asshat, turned out pretty well in the end. I have five kids! Can you believe it! Five!"
"And nine grandkids" Steve added and she groaned.
"Stop making me feel old Mr Super-soldier-serum-stopped-me-aging-also-known-as-icepop" She hit his arm again.
"You really haven't changed have you?"
"You mean I'm still a stubborn bitch? Hell yeah. And a smart one too!"
"Whatever you say, Ju"
"Hey I've lived a long as fuck life. Most didn't." She paused. They both knew who she meant. Her breathing turned a little shakey and she coughed a few times. Steve moved to help her but she held up a hand, saying she was okay without words "You didn't get to. And that makes me sad, alright? And you know how grumpy I am when I'm sad." She croaked.
"It's not your fault Jules. Buck may really be gone. But I'm not. I'm here."
She smiled at her old friend, tears filling her eyes. She'd missed him every second he'd been gone from her life. Now he was back, she felt the empty hole in her heart fill a little more.
"Make me tea now, I'm a poor old lady" she grinned happily.
"How'd you take it?" He stood up to get her a tea from the hospital cafeteria "Two sugars, two tea bags, right?"
"You remembered?" She asked through a cough.
"How could I forget?" He smiled and walked out the room to get her a tea.
He came back to find the heart rate moniter had flatlined. His last best friend was dead.
And ultimately she'd died alone in her hospital bed.
Jack's breath was shakey as he prepared to jump, his leg trembling as he sat.
Juliette had never seem him like this. He was a mess. She nudged his knee softly with hers as she sat next to him, but refused to look at him. Staring ahead.
"Relax, you'll sprain something" Peggy called to him "It's just as you remember it"
"You a mind reader? Or that your women's intuition speaking?" Jack scoffed, rubbing his hands together. He was clearly still nervous.
"How's this for woman's intuition? This is your first jump. Don't tell me I'm wrong" Juliette piped up.
"Ninth" He admitted ad a shakey exhale "Eight training jumps"
"You've infiltrated hostile territory before. You'll be fine" Peggy reassured, not looking at him while fixing her gloves.
Juliette elbowed him, smirking as she whispered smugly"Just follow our lead, blondie"
"Thanks you two, but I already got a mother" He rolled his eyes as he muttered his words ungratefully.
"-PREPARE FOR DROP-" buzzed from the speakers.
Jack started talking to Peggy about needing soldiers but Jules just scoffed and got up.
"Let's go boys! It's go time!" Jack called.
As they made their way to the rendezvous point, their heard a faint gun cock.
Everyone instinctively pointed their guns at the direction, Juliette realising she hadn't been given one.
"Hey why don't I get a-"
"Don't move" a familiar voice said "Emu!"
Juliette's expression folded into a soft smile "God Dugan" She whispered under her breath.
Jack lowered his gun from the voice slightly, he was more than a little confused "What?" He whispered back.
Another voice made them all turn the other way "Ostrich,man, ostrich!" The deeper voice exclaimed.
The first voice called again "Shut up! Emu"
Voice two sighed "Carter,Jules Dugan forgot the password again!"
A man stepped out of the shadows as Peggy said "Password is eagle, you apes"
"Oh, hi, peggy" Dugan grinned at her then saw Juliette "Long time no see, Doc. Fellas."
"Miss me, Dugan?" Jules smirked.
"How could I not?"
"Thompson" Mike was visibly fangirling "That's Dum-Dum Dugan!"
"Jack Thompson, Mike Li, Rick Ramirez, this is 'Junior' Juniper-" Peggy is cut off by Juliette.
"Junior!" She yelped and ran over to the youngest commando, the two hugging tightly.
Jack's jaw clenched when he saw her hug the man. He just cleared his throat and waited for Carter to continue.
Peggy smiled at Jules and then continued "as I was saying, 'Junior' Juniper, 'Pinky' Pinkerton, 'Happy Sam' Sawyer, and you seem to know Dum-Dum Dugan. The 107th, our tactical team."
Jules went around, hugging them all. No one from the office had ever seen her so excited, Jack was torn between his smile from her happiness and the knot in his stomach from not getting a hug from Juliette.
"You guys are the Howling Commandos!" Ramirez said disbelievingly.
"I hate that name" Happy Sam grumbled.
"I came up with that name" Junior pouted.
"Bucky loved the name, I do too" Jules whispered to Junior, her arm still around his waist and his over her shoulders.
Happy Sam was still grumpy as usual "That you did"
Rick turned back to Dum-Dum "Dugan,you fought side by side with Captain America, didn't you?"
Juliette laughed softly at how hard Li amd Ramirez were fangirling over the people she'd spent so long with.
"Yeah" Dugan's mustache smiled softly "But not as long as she did" He nodded at Peggy.
"Not as long as her though" Peggy pointed to Jules, still clinging onto Junior.
"I missed you guys" Juliette grinned and moved over to hug Pinkerton "You miss me, Pinky?"
"Sure did" He grinned and hugged her too.
An awkward silence hung in the air by it ended by Jack stepping forward "Agent Jack Thompson. I'm running point for the SSR." We head East till we hit the border."
"We'll hit a walk of Reds before we reach the border" Dugan said back immediately "Let's head up into Lithuania cross over into Russia at Ashmyany"
"You planning on walking halfway across Lithuania?" Jack smirked.
"Well, you can if you want" Dugan smirked "But me? I'm taking these" they walked through a clearing in the trees to some Army Trucks lined up"Peg, Ju, let's go"
Jules ended up separated from Peggy, inbetween Junior and Pinky but opposite her sat Jack Thompson.
The truck was more cramped than the one Peggy and Dugan were on so they were all cramped together in a small space between the benches. Jack's legs were bent and had Jules stuck inbetween his legs facing him, her own knees pulled against her chest.
The two of them shared awkward glances at their strange position, just praying that the ride would end sooner or Pinky or Junior would move over a bit.
"So," Junior grinned at Jules "Comfy there, Doc?"
"Not in the slightest" She laughed a little and elbowed his ribs.
Junior turned his gaze to Jack like he was so close to teasing him. Jack cleared his throat, Jules noticing a red tint to his face, and looked up at the ceiling.
"Hey Jack?" She said, in fake sweetness.
He looked at her, a little too fast "Yeah?"
"I still hate you" she smirked.
"I said sorr-"
"You said alot of things" She cut off his apology "Alot of things."
"Ju, this is the 107th. Dugan gave them all nicknames, so here's Dum-Dum Dugan, Junior Juniper, Happy-Sam Sawyer and Pinky Pinkerton. And of course Captain America" Bucky explained.
"And James Bucky Barnes" She grinned.
He shared her smile and turned back to the group "This is Dr Juliette Johnson for those who haven't met her"
"Jules is fine" she beamed, shaking every man's hand.
"Ah I see, Bucky's gal" Pinky grinned.
Juliette's head whipped round to face Bucky and the two started to laugh.
"No way am I 'His Gal'" She said through laughter.
"Yeah, what gave you that idea?" Bucky sounded almost too serious.
Pinky pointed at Junior who pointed at Dugan who shrugged and said "Saw that hug when we came home. That can't be nothing"
She awkwardly cleared her throat "Well uh, me and James are just friends" she reassured.
"I'll believe it when I see it" Steve grinned and Jules elbowed him hard to the ribs.
Steve smirked and watched as his two best friends denied what they all knew.
The Howling commandos, Juliette and Peggy, took their time of rest to catch up.
They all chuckled while they ate their beans, Juliette leaning against Happy Sam's side.
"Coast is clear" Jack's gruff voice made everyone look up as he sat down, Junior sitting down too."Li and Ramirez are on the night watch. We should be good to go at first light"
"Which means, we stand relieved" Junior added.
"See any abominable snowmen like the one in Tibet?" Peggy teased.
"Uh I never said 'abominable snowman'"
"In fairness he did specify Yeti" Pinky added, making Juliette laugh.
She moves over and sat next to him, nudging him with her knee and he puts an arm around her shoulders, leaning against her.
"Just a little baby" she teased him with a whisper.
"Hey I'm not that much younger than you" He pouted.
"Sshhh baby needs his nap. Unless you wanna go Yeti or abominable snowman hunting"
Junior smiles and they all sit down continuing their talk.
A/N-This is my favourite episode so I'm excited to write this!! Don't forget to vote and comment :)
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