It was noon. The sun was at its highest point, its heat bearing down on Hakuji as he collected water from the well. He wiped the sweat off his forehead before lifting the bucket. Koyuki was sick again. Just when he thought she was recovering from last time, here she was getting sick again. It was a constant struggle. Drawing water from the well, cooling her down, giving her whatever medicine he could get. Medicine not stolen or not bought through dishonest means...
Hakuji was at least grateful he would have an easier time taking care of Koyuki thanks to Keizo having money to afford medicine. He just wished Keizo himself didn't have to work so hard as a repairman. Lately, he's been taking on more dangerous jobs. One of these days, he'd hurt himself and Hakuji would have to take care of two people. Why couldn't he just leave everything in Hakuji's hands? That thought lingered in Hakuji's mind as he approached the sliding door and walked through it.
Hakuji saw her. The woman lying on the futon looked as frail and pale as ever. She was sweating and coughing. Hakuji rushed to her side and put his hand on her forehead. She was heating up. He had to cool her down. A weak apology came from her mouth. Why? Why do sick people always apologize? It's stupid. They should just let him take care of everything. He'd have everything under control. They don't have to worry about a thing. He would always be here.
How much of a lie that would turn out to be. As Hakuji would come to learn, no one ever has control over anything in life. They can't stop changes from happening, whether they're good or bad. They're just as inevitable as the seasons. The only thing people can control... is themselves and who those changes turn them into.
Hakuji's eyes opened quickly as he took a deep breath. He sat upright and looked at his surroundings. He recognized this room. It was the room in Urokodaki's house he saw earlier. Wait... Urokodaki! That's right. He made it back to the house! Just in time too! The sun had just barely risen above the horizon. Did that count? Did he pass?
He slowly stood up, and instantly regretted it as his body started aching. All the exercise he endured yesterday, from fighting that demon at the temple to running long distances made him unbelievably sore. He gritted his teeth and grunted as he stood up. His legs almost gave out, but he caught himself on the wall just in time. His muscles ached so badly. Was this how a Demon Slayer trained? Every day? He couldn't imagine waking up every morning feeling like this. Urokodaki was going to put him through hell; that much was clear to Hakuji.
After another minute of giving his muscles time to relax after getting out of bed, he slowly moved towards the door, one step at a time. He put his hands on the wall next to it. His legs were barely working. Every time he moved, he needed another minute to rest before he moved again. He just needed to reach the door. He had to be sure that Koyuki was still okay. She wasn't being kept in the room with him. Was Urokodaki watching her? Was she asleep?
Just as he put his hands on the sliding door, it suddenly slid open. Hakuji's eyes widened before he fell to the floor. His muscles ached in pain from the impact, causing him to groan. He looked up and saw the unmoving mask on Urokodaki's face staring down at him. He must have heard him wake up. The man's senses seemed to be elevated in a way Hakuji couldn't yet grasp.
"Good. You are awake. I prepared food for you. Come." That was all Urokodaki said before turning away and walking back to the center of the room where a fire was lit and a boiling pot dangled over it. The smell was enticing to Hakuji, and that was enough for him to at least crawl on the floor.
A blur of blue in the corner of his eye made Hakuji look over to one side of the room to see Koyuki resting in a futon. Her face... it looked so at peace, just as it did when she slept as a human. It made Hakuji smile fondly at the memory. His smile faded away, though, when thoughts of concern filled his mind. Was this the first time she'd slept in days? Their journey wasn't the most comfortable for her, he could imagine. At least now, she could get some proper rest. He knew he needed it too, but he had a feeling there were more important things to worry about right now.
He finally managed to sit upright after some struggle and accept a tray of food from Urokodaki. He couldn't lie: the food was really good. It was, as rude as it was to say, better than anything Keizo made. Of course, Hakuji knew the man's skill in the kitchen was about as good as a dog's ability to fly. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself about the joke he just made.
"Is something funny?" Urokodaki asked.
Hakuji's eyes widened and he shook his head. He should learn to watch what he thought about around Urokodaki unless he wanted to give him the wrong idea. "No. I'm just... glad she's resting."
"She's a newly transformed demon who has yet to eat human flesh. When humans transform into demons, they expend a great deal of energy so that their bodies can survive." Urokodaki explained.
Hakuji looked over at Koyuki, fascinated by the information he had just received. "Is that right? No wonder she's still fast asleep. She was still awake during our journey as well."
"Then, it is likely that she will be asleep for some time. Demons recover much quicker once they devour a human, but your fiancé is a special case."
Hakuji looked at the floor, frowning in thought. "You've never seen a demon who refused to eat humans... have you?"
Urokodaki silently shook his head. "I am not sure anyone in the Demon Slayer Corps has."
Hakuji looked back up at Urokodaki with curiosity in his eyes. He'd heard this Demon Slayer Corps be mentioned before, but now, since he was going to be training to join them, he wanted to know more about this army he would be joining. "The Demon Slayer Corps..." Hakuji echoed.
"Could you tell me about it?" He asked.
"I will tell you everything you need to know before you join the Demon Slayer Corps." Urokodaki answered.
Hakuji listened with anticipation as Urokodaki began to explain what the Demon Slayer Corps was.
"The Demon Slayer Corps has around several hundred members. It's an organization unrecognized by the government, yet it has existed since ancient times, and we continue to hunt demons today." Urokodaki explained.
"Unrecognized by the government?" Hakuji asked. "Does that mean it's a secret organization?"
"That's right. Many in Japan have no clue that demons even exist."
Hakuji was bewildered by this information. "But how?! If demons have been around for so long, how is that not common knowledge?!"
"Did you know that demons existed before your fiancé turned into one?" Urokodaki questioned.
Hakuji looked down in thought. He had a point there...
"The only reason the demons have not completely overtaken Japan is because the Demon Slayer Corps continues to hunt them and decrease their numbers, but new demons are always made."
"Tomioka told me that demon blood has to go into an open wound in order for a human to turn into a demon." Hakuji recollected.
"That is correct. However, there is something you should know about demon transformations."
Hakuji looked at Urokodaki curiously, wondering what he had to say.
"The type of demon with the blood that can turn humans into demons... there is only one. That's it. In the entire world."
Hakuji's eyes widened in surprise. "Just one?"
"The king of all demons. He was the first to ever become a demon over a thousand years ago. He's your target, the one who attacked your family."
Hakuji could feel his own heartbeat quicken. He could feel the pressure building up in his face as all the blood rushed up to it. His eyes felt like they were going to burst. His fists clenched so hard, they were shaking, and the veins were visible, pulsing even. It felt like all of the blood in his body was literally boiling from this revelation. It would have been one thing if the demon that ruined his life was just some random demon that wasn't special at all. But, this is more than he expected. The demon who attacked his family... was the first ever demon. Why? Why go after his family? They were no one special. They had nothing to do with this secret demon war. They were innocent, complete and total bystanders, so why did this demon target them? Why?!
"Moreover, I believe he's also the one who knows how to turn your fiancé back into a human."
Hakuji's eyes focused on Urokodaki for a moment before they flicked back towards Koyuki. The first demon... he might know how to turn her back?
"That demon's name is..."
"Muzan Kibutsuji."
The moment that name left Urokodaki's lips... it felt like everything fell into place for Hakuji. He understood what he had to do now. His single minded purpose of turning Koyuki back into a human... became something much more. He now had a way to do it, a person, no, a demon that he had to find. Muzan Kibutsuji... Hakuji would remember the name of the demon that took away his family.
"And, he is the one... who turned Koyuki into a demon?" Hakuji asked.
"Yes." Urokodaki responded.
Hakuji narrowed his eyes. That demon... that was his target. If he wanted to keep his promise, he would have to make another one. He swore that he would...
"Then, I will find Muzan Kibutsuji... and make him turn her back. I don't care what it takes." Hakuji's eyes seemed to light on fire as they glowed with a deep, burning glare of conviction behind them. "And, when I do... I'm going to kill him."
Urokodaki stared at him silently from behind his mask before speaking up. "You... are a fool."
Hakuji's face twisted into one of disbelief. "What?"
"Don't tell me you believed that finding him was going to be easy. No Demon Slayer in hundreds of years has ever encountered Muzan Kibutsuji and lived. That demon... he is powerful beyond comprehension. But, he has remained hidden from the Demon Slayer Corps during its entire history."
Hakuji narrowed his eyes as he processed the new information he's being given. Hiding? But, doesn't he have unimaginable power? Why doesn't he just slaughter the Demon Slayer Corps? Why hide?
Hakuji quickly came to a realization, one that made him tremble in anger. Of course. Because he's a coward. A coward... killed Keizo? Turned Koyuki into a demon? That's... that is...
Urokodaki's voice brought him back to reality. His anger still remained, but he was now focused.
"I won't deny that you have talent. However, as you are now, you are not prepared to fight and kill demons. You were lucky that the demon you and your fiancé encountered was a weak one."
Hakuji looked at Urokodaki with curiosity. "Weak? As in they get stronger?"
"Correct. The more humans a demon eats, the stronger it becomes. They can change their bodies, their appearances, and even develop magical powers if they consume enough human flesh."
Hakuji grew more fascinated the more he learned about demons. Magical powers? This all sounded so strange to hear. How have they gone unnoticed for so long?
"After a demon consumes a certain amount of humans, it will develop what is called a Blood Demon Art."
"Blood... Demon... Art?" Hakuji repeated the words.
"Supernatural abilities that vary from one demon to another. Each demon is unique, but they are all dangerous in their own right." Urokodaki explained. "The demon you fought at the temple was nothing compared to the regular demons that demon slayers face every night. Your fists will mean nothing to a demon capable of using a Blood Demon Art."
Hakuji looked down at his hands in disbelief. These hands... the hands he had honed to their maximum potential, the hands he had been using to fight, to defend, to protect for so long... were weak against demons?
"Listen carefully, Hakuji. Whether you use fists, or knives, or boulders... nothing will kill a demon... except for two things. The first... is sunlight. Every demon is weak to it and will burn to ash if exposed to it."
Hakuji's gaze moved back up to meet Urokodaki while he spoke. Burn to ash... now I know why I have to keep Koyuki out of the sunlight.
"The second weakness, and the most effective way for a demon slayer to kill a demon... is by decapitation with a nichirin sword."
"Nichirin?" Hakuji repeated the word with a look of confusion.
Urokodaki hummed and nodded slightly. "Also known as Scarlet Ore, nichirin metal is the only thing that can harm a demon. But even then, it is still the neck that must be severed. If you attempt to cut it anywhere else with a nichirin sword, it will still be able to regenerate."
This all was starting to make sense in Hakuji's mind. He could kill a demon. It wasn't impossible. All he needed was a nichirin sword. Hakuji used to hate the idea of using a sword. In his eyes, swords were always a way for someone to flaunt their wealth and status, not a true weapon. The fist was always Hakuji's closest comrade in a fight. His whole body was the only weapon he could ever need, and what a deadly weapon it was. Now, he was being told that using a sword had to be a requirement when killing demons. It was frustrating, but his mind was more focused on the durability of demons to worry too much about it. To think they could regenerate from anything was baffling. To an average civilian, a demon must be unstoppable. He was truly lucky that Koyuki didn't go feral. If she did... Hakuji knew that he would never fight back. Even if she tore him apart and ripped his flesh off his bones, he would not be able to see her as a demon.
Now, things are different. She was his responsibility now, and he would protect her and make sure she retained her humanity. But, now he understood how dangerous she potentially could be. As much as he wanted to hope she'd stay in this docile state, she was still a demon, something that can kill people. He would not let her become a monster.
"But, don't be fooled. It is not easy to kill a demon, even with a nichirin sword. The training course you took on the mountain last night is nothing compared to the hardships you will endure in a fight against a demon." Urokodaki continued.
The more Urokodaki spoke, the more... bleak this war against demons felt. Hakuji didn't know if it was just the way he spoke, but he really wasn't feeling anymore motivated. He just felt like giving up. If demons were such a powerful threat, then what's the point?
"Demons are powerful, almost unkillable." Urokodaki continued. "Almost." He added after a moment. "All Demon Slayers have to fight demons with are swords. They can't regenerate. Once a limb is gone, it's gone for good. Tell me, boy... do you think a lost limb stops them from doing their duty?"
Hakuji furrowed his brows in thought. Demon Slayers are truly against impossible odds from the sounds of it. Even so, against all odds, they are still standing. That kind of strength was the kind he admired. To keep your chin up and keep fighting... that took a special kind of warrior. It's the resolve of the heart that's the strongest, and if the hearts of the Demon Slayers were so strong, that they could keep fighting no matter what they lose, then he could fight to cure Koyuki.
"It does not!" Urokodaki answered for him firmly. "Because, while demons may be stronger, that does not make them unstoppable! Humans have the potential to defeat even the strongest of demons, but if you don't believe you can, then you will fail and die a pathetic death, and you will achieve nothing. No matter what, a Demon Slayer cannot die without first accomplishing their greatest mission: protecting humanity! Hakuji, will you fight to accomplish that mission? Will you fight and die for humanity if that is what your duty requires?"
Hakuji's eyes met the mask Urokodaki wore. His deep blue eyes, now more than ever, shined with the glow of resolve... unwavering resolve.
"Yes." He said firmly. "I will fight. I will keep fighting and never stop. I will protect whoever I need to and keep getting stronger until I reach Muzan Kibutsuji and make him turn Koyuki back into a human. Then... I am going to kill him."
This was different than before, Urokodaki thought. When Hakuji first swore that he would kill Kibutsuji, he did mean it, but his mind was only focused on that one desire without putting a single thought into what he had to sacrifice as a Demon Slayer. Now... now, when Urokodaki looked into his eyes... he could see it. That look in his eyes... that was the look of a Demon Slayer.
"I will teach you everything you need to know to kill demons."
"Don't hold back on training me." Hakuji said while glaring at Urokodaki. "I don't care what you throw at me. You could threaten my life. Just make sure..." Hakuji's eyes wandered towards Koyuki's sleeping form. "I become as strong as you can make me."
Urokodaki hummed. This kid... may become a capable Demon Slayer yet. "I won't."
Cultivators train the vast majority of Demon Slayers who enter the Demon Slayer Corps. They mostly consist of high-ranking Demon Slayers who are experienced enough with their breathing technique to teach it to others. Sakonji Urokodaki's training regiment is relentless and overwhelming difficult, but that is because while most Cultivators would teach their students the bare minimum needed to survive a low level demon, Urokodaki teaches his students with the intent to make them the next Water Hashira. His former student, Giyu Tomioka, was already more skilled than 86% of all Demon Slayers a few months after passing Final Selection.
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