The water splashed beneath Hakuji's feet as he sprinted in the middle of the street during a heavy rainstorm, carrying an unconscious, blood covered woman in his arms. This woman was Koyuki, the love of his life, his fiancé. He had no idea what had happened, but his first instinct was to seek out a doctor.
"HELP! DOCTOR! SOMEONE! IS THERE A DOCTOR?! PLEASE! MY FIANCÉ! SOMEONE HELP US!" His shouts and heavy breaths were drowned out by the thunder that echoed in the sky.
It was almost morning, but no one seemed to be awake yet. Or, the more likely possibility, no one wanted to help. No one would help a criminal like him. That on its own wouldn't be a surprise to him, but to refuse to lend a hand to Koyuki? Someone in trouble? Someone in pain?
He nearly slipped in a puddle, but managed to keep his footing and hoist Koyuki higher on his back. Even if no one wanted to help, even if no one in this village would offer a helping hand to someone as beautiful and precious as Koyuki was to him, then that wouldn't stop him from helping her. Somehow, someway, he was going to fix all of this.
"Are you sure you need nothing else, Hakuji?" Keizo asked as Hakuji prepared to leave.
Hakuji looked up at his teacher with a confident expression. "I'm sure, Sensei. I promise I won't take too long. I'll be back before tomorrow morning."
Keizo shook his head with a grin on his face. "And how many times do I have to tell you? You don't have to call me Sensei anymore. You know you'll be inheriting the dojo after you marry Koyuki."
Hakuji blushed at the thought of Koyuki, his beloved, his precious snowflake. The two of them would be getting married next week. It had been arranged two days ago now, but it all still felt so foreign in his mind. It was strange, and no matter how many times he told himself he deserved it, it still felt like a dream. Even now, he imagined waking up, still training under Sensei Keizo in the dojo, and still caring for a sick Koyuki. Right now, his life felt like a dream, like it was too good to be true.
And then, he found himself waking up every morning, seeing Koyuki much healthier than she was before and able to walk on her own now, even though he still kept insisting on carrying her everywhere as if she were the most fragile treasure in the world. Every morning, he still woke up a day closer to their wedding and Keizo's retirement. After that, he would have ownership of the dojo and he would be a married man. Was he even ready for that responsibility? Keizo seemed to think so, and he hadn't been wrong before.
"I know, I know. Still... I can't believe it. It all just seems so..."
"Fast?" Keizo finished.
Hakuji slowly nodded his head. His sensei always seemed to be able to understand how he felt. "Yeah..."
Keizo put his hand on his prized student's shoulder. "Hakuji, I know you might believe you're not ready for this, that you don't deserve it, but ever since I have brought you into my home, you have shown me over and over that you are the only one I want to inherit my dojo... and the only one I could ever trust with my daughter."
Hakuji looked up at Keizo, his master's eyes betraying no lies. He truly believed in Hakuji that much. Keizo then brought his student in for a hug.
"Despite what you might think... you are ready, Hakujj. You just have to believe it yourself."
Hakuji returned the hug with a smile. "Thank you... Sensei."
Keizo grunted in frustration and they both laughed. "There's no helping you, is there, boy?"
Hakuji stepped away. "Not if you've already helped me enough. I'll be back as soon as I can."
Keizo nodded. "You don't need to rush. Please, take all the time you need. I know how important this is for you."
"Thank you. I won't be long, though. There's just a few things I need to say." Hakuji insisted.
"Well, if you're certain, then do what you need to." Keizo said.
Hakuji bowed his head and walked out of the door. "I'll be back!"
He walked across the yard to the front gates. He could see the other students training. Hakuji smiled at their progress. They'd come a long way, just like this school. One of the students, Hito, saw him leaving and approached.
"You heading out, Hakuji?" He asked.
"Yes. Don't go trying to get ahead of me now." Hakuji smirked.
"Just you wait. When you come back, we'll be able to beat you easy." Hito said before getting smacked on the head by Sugoroshi, another student.
"H-Hey! What was that for?!" Hito exclaimed.
"To get you out of your own head." Sugoroshi said.
Hakuji chuckled. "Well, if you think you can beat me by the time I come back, you'd better be ready for a sparring match."
Hito smirked and cracked his knuckles. "Oh, just you wait, Hakuji."
"Dream on." Another student, Rin, walked over. "Your imagination's better than your fighting skills, Hito."
Hito stared at her in disbelief. "HUH?! Do any of you have any faith in my abilities?!"
Sugoroshi shrugged. "Why have faith in something that never existed in the first place?"
"Fine. Don't support me. But, don't come crying to me when Hakuji kicks your asses." Hito said.
"Hey, they don't try and pick a fight with me like you do." Hakuji said.
"Well, you're the best of us, so who better to learn from than you?" Hito asked.
"You'll be learning from him anyway, idiot. He'll be our sensei soon enough." Rin argued.
"Well, it'll be his downfall. Strong as he is, he'll be making an army of people strong enough to take him on." Hito declared, making Rin roll her eyes.
"I'll do the best I can to make sure you have a small chance." Hakuji said smugly.
"A small chance, huh?" Hito teased. "Yeah, okay."
"You know, Hito..." Keizo butted in, putting his arm around Hito's shoulder. "If you're that confident that you can become better than Hakuji, then why not do all his chores while he's away? Surely then, you can prove you're better once he comes back."
Hito's eyes widened slightly as he realized what Keizo was suggesting. "Hey, what?! I said I was going to fight him, not clean for him!"
"Of course, you don't have to, but... how else can you prove that you're better? And, chores are a good place to start."
Hakuji looked up at Keizo with a grin. Clever bastard, he thought.
Hito glared up at Keizo before clenching his fists. "Alright! You know what? Maybe I will! Just to show you and everyone here that I'm just as capable!"
Keizo chuckled to himself as he patted Hito's shoulder. "Oh, Hito... always ready to prove yourself."
"Someone has to. Can't let Hakuji get too high and mighty." Hito said.
Hakuji laughed and patted Hito on the head. "I'll be ready when you are when I return."
Hito smacked Hakuji's hand off his head. "Hey, quit that! Smug little shit!"
Sugoroshi pushes Hito aside to say farewell to Hakuji. "We've kept you around long enough. You'd better get going."
"Say hi to your father for us." Rin said.
Hakuji smiled at her. "I will. I'll tell him all about all of you. Well, except maybe Hito."
"Oh, is that right? Now, it's on, bastard!" Hito said jokingly.
"Like I said, ready when you are, Hito!" Hakuji turned his back to him and began walking to the entrance.
"Goodbye!" Rin waved after him.
"I'll be waiting for ya!" Hito challenged.
Hakuji shook his head at his fellow students. Or, at least his soon-to-be students. It was going to be extremely weird, being a teacher to people he called his friends.
"Hakuji!" A voice called out to him, a tender, innocent, kind, and beautiful voice he knew well. He turned around, seeing his beloved Koyuki wearing her favorite pink kimono with a white circle pattern that turned into a light blue with a snowflake pattern on the lower part. Her cheeks looked slightly pink because she was still feeling unwell, but not unwell enough to not be able to walk around. Still, that didn't stop Hakuji from fretting over her. As she walked towards him, Hakuji ran up to her and gently grabbed her to keep her steady.
"Koyuki! Please, be careful! You're still sick!" Hakuji warned.
"I'm alright, Hakuji." Koyuki said as she removed his hands from her shoulders. "I just wanted to say goodbye one more time before you left."
"Still, you should be more careful! I don't want you to hurt yourself while I'm gone." Hakuji exclaimed in a worried tone.
Koyuki smiled up at him. "It'll be alright, Hakuji. You won't be gone for that long."
"I know, but... I just want to make sure you're fine before I go." Hakuji stated.
"She'll be fine, Hakuji!" Hito walked over, startling Koyuki. "She's got us watching over her, after all! Stop worrying and start walking!"
"Hito! Get your ass back over here! Let them have their moment!" Rin shouted.
Hito groaned before leaving the two of them to themselves. "At this rate, it'll take him forever to go."
Hakuji rolled his eyes at Hito's antics before looking back at Koyuki who was the first of the two of them to speak. "I wish I could go with you."
"It's okay. I don't want you to get hurt while you're already sick. And, there is always next time, right?"
Koyuki smiled up at him. "Right."
Hakuji then clasped his hands over hers and intensely looked into her eyes. "Koyuki, I promise that as soon as you get better, I will take you to see my father."
Koyuki widened her eyes at his intensity. The passion he would put into his words, while it still startled her at times, was meant to be taken as an act of extreme kindness. Hakuji had so much love to give, but he never got the chance to share it until Keizo took him in. Now, he was surrounded by family, and every word he spoke meant everything to him. She knew it had to do with his past, but whenever he made a promise or talked about doing something with her, he always spoke like he was certain that it would happen. He would also do anything to keep the promises he makes. Koyuki wanted to tell him that he didn't have to shoulder such a burden for her, or for anyone for that matter, but he was always so determined. His determination to do anything he set his mind to could never be shattered. It once gave her hope during a time when she was certain her life could never get better, and she liked to believe that he saved her in more than one way. For that, she believed that anything he said, no matter how impossible it seemed, would come to pass.
"Hakuji, you don't have to make a promise out of it. Because... it's already going to happen someday. We'll... be spending the rest of our lives together, won't we? We're going to do so much together." Koyuki spoke. Whenever he made a promise to her, she wanted to have the same conviction he had. Even though her body was weak, she wanted her spirit to be as strong as his was.
Hakuji's eyes widened at her words before softening as he smiled. "That's right. Do me a favor, and try to get better soon, okay? I'm sure my father would love to meet you." He encouraged.
"I will, Hakuji... for you." Koyuki said.
After a few moments of awkward silence between them, Hakuji placed his hand on the side of her face. "I love you, Koyuki. I'll be back."
"I love you too, Hakuji. I'll be waiting." She placed her hand on the hand he placed on her cheek, gently rubbing it with her thumb.
"Ew! Hey, lovebirds! Don't you start making out in front of the dojo! You'll scare off potential students! Is this how you wanna run your dojo?!" Hito shouted.
Hakuji paid no mind to Hito. He was about ready to leave anyway. He stepped away from Koyuki who smiled up at him with all the kindness in the world. Seeing her smile could clear the most dangerous of thunderstorms.
"I'll be leaving now. See you later. Don't let Hito mess up on his chores."
Koyuki giggled. "I'll see you later."
With that final farewell, Hakuji took his leave, walking out onto the dirt road. He turned back one final time and saw Koyuki, Keizo, and all the students waving goodbye. He smiled widely and waved back before finally walking down the street. As he walked, people gave him weird stares and even avoided him while walking past him. He knew why they were wary of him. The three bands tattooed on his arms were a permanent reminder to them of what he was willing to do to protect what he loved. But, that wasn't him anymore. He had long left that life behind and traded it for a better one. That wasn't going to stop him from protecting the family he has now, however. That image he kept in his head, the one that showed them all smiling, he wanted to keep that image in his head. He wanted to see those smiles forever. Hakuji would never want to see that happiness destroyed.
Whenever happiness is destroyed... there is always... the scent of blood.
The sun had long since set by the time he arrived at the cemetery. He walked past the gravestones, already familiar with where he needed to go. He walked until he finally found where he needed to go. He sat down in front of the gravestone that bore the name of his father: Haruki Nagahi.
"Hello... father. It's been a long time... hasn't it?" Hakuji sighed as he gave a sad smile to his deceased father's grave. "I know that it's been a long time since I last visited. I'm sorry. I have so much to tell you, father. I... started living a better life, just like you told me too. I met someone.... A man named Keizo. He owns a dojo, and he took me in. His daughter... Koyuki... I'm going to be marrying her soon. I wish you could meet them. They're wonderful people. They... helped me so much. Thanks to them... I have the life you wanted for me." Hakuji placed his hand on top of the gravestone. "I want to tell you all about them."
He crossed his legs and began his story of everything that happened to him over the many years since the death of his father, not skipping over a single detail and speaking with such fondness in his voice whenever he spoke of Keizo or Koyuki. He may not see him, but he knew that his father was smiling and was proud of what his son had become. That thought at least made Hakuji feel content.
Whenever happiness is destroyed... there is always...
The scent of blood.
Hakuji didn't know what, but he knew something was wrong. Ever since he came back down from the mountainside where the cemetery was located, he had a bad feeling. It was like something was eating away at his diaphragm and making his hair stand on end.
He couldn't help but run. He ran down the mountain and back through the town, running over puddles and down muddy roads. Something had happened. That was the only explanation why his body was feeling this way. Something had to have gone wrong.
His mind immediately thought of Koyuki, of the dojo he left unprotected during his absence, and he began to run even faster. He hoped he was wrong, begged that he was just nervous about the wedding and he was just overreacting.
It's fine! Hakuji thought to himself. Nothing's wrong! Nothing can be wrong! It can't be! Not after... NO! Koyuki's fine! They're all fine!
He couldn't stop the fear from rising like bile in his throat. He was getting closer now, but the feeling didn't stop. His body moved on autopilot and he couldn't stop running. The thunder roaring in the sky above him was like his mind right now: loud and blaring in his ears. It was right there. The dojo was getting closer now! It was so close, but... Hakuji couldn't feel anything!
No! No, no, no, NO, NO! Hakuji's mind was in a panic as he finally reached the dojo. He ran past the front entrance and through the front yard, but stopped suddenly. To his right, there was a hole in the wall of the dojo. He looked even farther right, and lying on the ground was a body... Hito's body. He shook his head frantically before screaming and running to Hito.
"Hito! Hito! No! No, no! Hito! What happened?! Please! Please be awake!" Hakuji fell to his knees to check on Hito to make sure he was okay. He did his best to shake him awake, but nothing worked. Hito wouldn't respond, not as long as the lower half of his body was missing that is. Hakuji finally looked down and the reality set in. Hito was dead, and from the looks of it, he had been dead for some time.
If he was dead then...
Hakuji's head slowly turned to look at the hole in the wall, eyes widening in fear as the realization hit him. He saw no one. The other students were likely nowhere around. Hito was the only one who stayed late. Then that had to mean...
Hakuji stood to his feet and ran to the hole. Just when he reached the hole and he had a chance to look inside, his heart stopped. The lantern in the room was still turned on, and it casted a light on every corner of the room painted in red, all of it seeming to have spilled out from the unmoving body of Keizo, his sensei, his second father.
He looked closer and saw that he was holding onto something. His body was lying atop another one as if to protect it, and when Hakuji saw whose body was under Keizo's, he shook his head and let out a strangled cry of disbelief and pure agony. He ran to their side. They have to be okay! They have to be! Please! Keizo! Koyuki! Please be okay!
It took a great deal of effort to pull Keizo away from Koyuki. He was holding onto her so tightly, that Hakuji almost couldn't break his grip. Finally, though, he was able to separate them. He closed his eyes and prayed that they were okay.
The first one he checked on was Koyuki. She wouldn't wake up, but... but she was still breathing! She still had a pulse! But, there was a deep gash in her stomach going diagonally up to the left side of her chest. He immediately took off the top half of his kimono and wrapped it tightly around her and tying the sleeves together. He didn't know how long she was like this or how much blood she lost. His eyes trailed over to Keizo, blood staining the entire front side of his gi. Hakuji realized that Keizo was grabbing onto her so hard not just as a means of protecting her from whatever happened, but also in order to stop the bleeding with his own body. He knew he was going to die, and he made sure his last act would save Koyuki's life. Hakuji looked at Keizo's body, seeing that his back had been sliced apart.
Hakuji's mind immediately thought of the Kenjutsu Dojo, a neighboring dojo that trained its students to use swords, and one that had a grudge against Keizo's own Soryu Dojo. Hakuji remembered the dojo's heir and how upset he was about losing against him. Hakuji knew they were willing to do anything to get back at him, but this?
Hakuji gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. They took away his home and killed Hito, a dear friend of his. They took Keizo, a man he could've called his second father, and they hurt Koyuki... all because they couldn't face him like men. He hated them, every last one of them, and he wanted to make them pay. He wanted to kill all of them, every last one!
But, he needed to focus. He had to try and save Koyuki first. She's the only one still breathing, so he had to focus on doing everything he could to save her. Her wounds were too severe for him to do anything about them, but perhaps a doctor could help.
As gently as he could manage in his panicked state, he picked up Koyuki and carried her in his arms out the door and away from the dojo. He needed to find a doctor quickly. He had to save Koyuki. If she died, then he would've broken yet another promise to protect someone.
Hakuji breathed heavily as the rain was beating down on him. His eyes frantically looked around for signs of anyone who wanted to help, or a sign for anything that could help Koyuki. He continued to shout for help. There was no one. The rain was too heavy, so people were staying inside, but can't they lend a hand? What was stopping them from helping someone who was in pain? Someone who was going to die?!
Hakuji kept looking. Koyuki was still breathing, but she wasn't awake yet. Hakuji had to press on. He could not give up! Help would come! He just had to keep going!
In his arms, Koyuki began to stir slightly. He looked down in surprise, and saw her eyes starting to open. He stopped dead in his tracks.
"Koyuki!" He said to her, relieved but also worried about her condition. He then felt a weird tingling feeling. Hakuji blinked in surprise, then looked down in disbelief as a small pink aura began to glow out of Koyuki's body. Her... Fighting Spirit?!
She began to move a lot more recklessly in her arms, shaking her head and groaning. "Koyuki, stay still! You've been hurt and the wound's pretty deep! But... but I'm trying to find a doctor, so please stay still, okay!"
Koyuki didn't seem to hear what he said as she started thrashing around to where it was getting harder for him to keep his grip. At the same time her Fighting Spirit seemed to glow brighter, a low, guttural growl unlike anything he had ever heard from her usually gentle voice rose from her throat and erupted into a primal roar. Hakuji's eyes widened as she suddenly leaped out of his arms and slammed into his body with a force that he never knew she had. It was enough to make him stumble back and struggle to hold her as she continued to thrash and scream.
"Koyuki! Calm down! You're going to undo my kimono if you keep moving!" Hakuji said desperately. He did not know what happened to her or why she was behaving this way, but he needed to find a way to calm her down. If she kept moving like this, it could undo his kimono that he wrapped around her, and he did not want her losing anymore blood.
"Koyuki!" He shouted more firmly, hoping a louder and angrier sounding voice would get her attention.
Suddenly, his feet slipped, and his grip on Koyuki loosened. Her actions earlier made him stumble back far enough to trip and fall down into the nearby river bank. They both fell into the water with a splash. Hakuji quickly got up and coughed. He looked around frantically, his eyes searching the dark for Koyuki.
Then, he saw her standing up just a few feet away from him. "Koyuki!" He ran up to her, scanning her body for anymore injuries she may have received during the tumble. She was soaking wet. Hakuji panicked. She must be freezing, her skin looked as white as snow. Her hair had come completely undone and her light blue hair fell down her shoulders and back.
Light... blue?
Hakuji had to blink again. That wasn't right. Her hair was always black. Was there something in the water?
Koyuki's head snapped up to look at him, and a pair of bright pink eyes that glowed in the dark looked right at him. Her eyes weren't normal. Instead of having circular pupils, her pupils were now vertical slits, making them look like the eyes of a monster. Her teeth had changed too. Her canines were much longer and sharper, and she was drooling from her mouth as she bared her teeth at him.
Her Fighting Spirit increased as Koyuki growled and leaped on top of him, pushing him into the water. In his shock, Hakuji fell back and let Koyuki fall on top of him. He lifted his head from the water just in time to see those sharp teeth of hers headed right for his neck. Thanks to his quick instincts, his hands quickly went to grab her head to push her away, but all he could do was hold her head away. He was confused. She was so much stronger than before! She was even stronger than him! Not only that, but her body felt heavier. Seeing her kimono suddenly start to stretch made him look down. Is she growing?! Hakuji watched as the size of her body increased. She now looked and felt around the same size as Keizo! The muscles on her arms now looked much more defined. Now, thanks to her sudden growth, it was that much harder to hold her head back. She growled as she kept biting at him like a savage creature.
What's... going on?! What's happened to Koyuki?! I can't get her off of me! I can barely even push her away! Her Fighting Spirit... it's increased, but how?! Everyone has one! That just comes with being human! But, hers was always small and only grew in size during rare moments when she was sick! Something's changed! She's... Is she... is she... a monster?! No! That can't be! She's a normal human! She has to be! I took care of her for years! She was never a monster! Not before...
"Did..." Hakuji began to speak in a heavily strained voice as he started to realize what might have happened. "Did the Kenjutsu Dojo do this to you?"
Koyuki did not stop trying to tear into his flesh. She was growing more agitated by the second. Hakuji's arms began to give from the weight. He could not keep holding her back like this forever.
Hakuji wanted to be angry at the Kenjutsu Dojo for doing this to Koyuki. He wanted to pulverize their skulls for doing this to his beloved. But, in that moment, all Hakuji could feel was guilt.
"This... this was my fault!" He spoke. "I let this happen! You're angry at me, aren't you?! Angry that I couldn't keep my promise! That I wasn't there to protect you!" Hakuji began to cry. Koyuki was still getting closer.
"You must've suffered so much, haven't you?!" He shouted in despair. "You suffered because I wasn't there to protect you!" Hakuji's cries turned into pained sobs. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Koyuki! I'm sorry I let this happen!" He looked into her eyes, hoping that even a little bit of her humanity was still remaining so that he could try and get through to her. He refused to give up on her just yet. As long as she was still alive, he would never give up on his promise to protect her!
"Please! Please, just try and fight this! PLEASE, FIGHT THIS, KOYUKI! HANG IN THERE!"
A tear fell on his cheek. Hakuji gasped in shock. Koyuki stopped struggling. She no longer tried attacking him. He looked up at her, seeing her start to cry and whimper slightly. Hakuji couldn't say a single word as he brought her in for a hug, doing what little he could to try and comfort her.
Then, Hakuji felt it again. That same feeling as before. Another Fighting Spirit was approaching! And, it was approaching fast! Koyuki looked up and growled at whatever was coming at them. He grabbed onto her and with all of his might, he pushed both of them out of the way. He felt a sharp blade barely slice against the back of his neck, drawing blood as they both rolled away. The two of them laid down in the water, holding onto each other tightly. Hakuji could feel Koyuki's body shrink back down to its original size.
That presence! Hakuji's head jerked around to stare at their attacker. Just ten meters away stood a man wearing a strange black button-up uniform covered by a haori. The right half of the haori was maroon red while the left half was a geometric pattern of yellow, orange, and green. His long, spiky hair was tied into a low ponytail. When he stood up straight and turned to look at the two of them, Hakuji could see his face. His eyes were sapphire blue and he had an emotionless expression on his face. Who's that? Hakuji's eyes then wandered down to the man's right hand.
A sword? In the man's grip was a katana, strangely though, the blade seemed to be dark blue in color. The bottom of the blade had kanji on it, but Hakuji couldn't read it from where he stood. Hakuji looked at the man's fighting spirit. It was blue like his blade, and it seemed to match his facial expression. His aura was calm and smooth around the edges. It flowed out of him like a gentle stream, but at the same time, it was incredibly bright. This man, Hakuji realized, was a warrior. Hakuji brought Koyuki close. Earlier, he came out of nowhere and tried to attack both of them. Whatever reason he had, Hakuji wasn't going to let him anywhere near her. He could keep her safe from someone like him. Swords were no problem for him.
"Why are you protecting it?" The swordsman asked.
It? Hakuji looked down at Koyuki who was growling and starting to thrash around in his grip. Is she talking about Koyuki?
"She's my fiancé!" Hakuji declared as Koyuki tried to break free from his grip and attack the swordsman. Hakuji grunted as he tried to keep a firm grip on her, but she was moving too much. All he could do was hold her back. "Koyuki!" He shouted in a strained voice.
The man stared at them, his face still betraying no emotion. "You call that thing your fiancé?"
Hakuji glanced up at him. Thing?! What is he talking about? Does he know about what happened to Koyuki?
Before he could voice his thoughts, the man suddenly lunged at him so quick, his speed caused the water behind him to part briefly. Hakuji flinched at his speed and curled up to try and protect Koyuki. When he felt for her, however, he could no longer feel her in his grasp. He looked up and gasped in horror as he saw the swordsman holding her by the hair and holding his sword to her neck.
"Koyuki!" He cried out as he stood to his feet. He clenched his fists and growled in anger. "Let her go, shithead!"
The swordsman remained unmoving. "Don't move. Your fiancé has become a demon."
Hakuji blinked in confusion. "A... demon?"
"A monster that eats humans. My job is to slay demons. Needless to say, I'm going to decapitate your fiancé." The man explained quickly and straight to the point.
Hakuji's eyes were blown wide open in shock upon receiving this new information. A... a demon? Koyuki?! Wait... he's going to kill her?!
"But, she hasn't killed anyone!" He shouted, hoping to convince this man that Koyuki was innocent. He knew Koyuki couldn't be a demon. She would never eat humans! But... before he came, she tried to eat him. But, when he reached out to her, he could see the humanity in her eyes, so a part of her was still in there. The man holding her hostage just had to see that.
"Please, you have to listen! She and her father were attacked! When I found them... her father's body was lying on top of hers as if to protect her! I don't know who did this, but I know for a damn fact that it wasn't her! I've known her for years! She is not a monster! I don't know how this happened to her! Please, believe me!" Hakuji pleaded. It was a gamble, but one he was willing to take. He would take even the smallest chance at ensuring Koyuki's safety. This man stood his ground and seemed to remain resolute in his claims about her.
"It's quite simple why she became a demon. Because her wounds were exposed to demon blood, she turned into a demon. That's how man-eating demons multiply." The man explained.
Hakuji stared at him dumbfounded. The one that did this to her... was another demon? He couldn't understand it. Why go after his family? They were completely innocent! The more Hakuji learned about these demons, the more he began to despise them. Keizo... Hito... Koyuki... they were completely innocent. They never did any wrong, and yet these demons targeted them anyway. Hakuji's blood started to boil as he looked at Koyuki who was still acting savagely and trying to escape the swordsman's grasp. The demons had taken something more than precious to him and turned it into something twisted and corrupted. Because of that, Hakuji believed that demons were evil and deserved to be eradicated. Even so, he still had faith that Koyuki was still in there. He knew that for a fact.
"But, Koyuki would never eat humans! That's not like her at all! She would never hurt anyone! Koyuki is too kind and would never hurt anyone!" Hakuji reasoned.
"You've got to be kidding." The man spoke in slight annoyance. "Just now, you were going to be devoured."
"You're wrong! I'm sure she knows who I am! I could see it in her eyes! She's still in there! I won't let her hurt anyone!" In that moment, Hakuji knew what he had to do to keep Koyuki safe. "I will turn her back into a human! I swear I'll fix this! I'll heal her!"
"You can't heal her. Once you become a demon, you can never go back to being a human." The swordsman replied.
Hakuji looked at Koyuki, feeling his heart break for her. She couldn't be turned back? No way. He refused to believe that!
"I'll find a way! For her, I'll do anything, no matter what! So, please... please... don't kill her! I'll hunt down the one who turned her and I'll make them fix her! I'll make this right!" Hakuji swore. Even though he put his everything into that promise, his pleas fell on deaf ears as the swordsman proceeded to raise his blade to strike Koyuki down. Hakuji began to panic. He didn't know what else to say that would convince him to let her go, so the only thing he could do was beg. "Don't do it! Please! DON'T DO IT!" Hakuji was screaming as he begged the man with everything he had. Seeing the man still unwavering, he fell to his knees and bowed.
"Don't take anyone else from me." Hakuji begged quietly. "Don't make me break another promise. If I break this one... I will have nothing. I'm begging you. Don't kill Koyuki. Please... I'm begging you." Hakuji began to sob as he let all of his emotions pour into his words. This was it. This was all he had. If this didn't work, then the man was going to kill Koyuki. Then, he would be alone, forced to bear the burden of failing everyone he loved. His sobs were tuned out by the rain, but his entire body still shook and heaved.
"Don't ever give others a chance to murder you!" Hakuji looked up as the man suddenly shouted, his face turned to an expression of anger. "Stop that pathetic groveling! If it were even the least bit effective, her father wouldn't be dead right now, and she would still be human! Can a weakling who can't take the initiative in such a situation heal the one he cares about?! Hunt down the enemy?! Don't make me laugh! The weak have no rights or choices! Their only fate is to be crushed relentlessly by the strong! The demons might know how to cure your sister, but don't think for a second that a demon will respect your will and wishes! Naturally, I have no respect for you either! A weak man who couldn't keep his wife-to-be safe in her time of need! Why did you throw yourself over her earlier?! Was that your way of protecting her?! Why didn't you attack when you had the chance?! Why did you show your back to me?!" The swordsman pointed his sword at Hakuji. "All these blunders led to your beloved's capture! I could've skewered her along with you!"
Hakuji breathlessly stared at the man in shock. He wanted to scream at him. How dare he call him weak? He wanted to crush his pathetic skull right now. But... he knew the man was right. No matter where he tried to put the blame, he was still the one who left them unprotected. Like an idiot, he believed that nothing could go wrong in his life anymore, and he could always protect Koyuki and Keizo. Why did he always have to make mistakes? Why did god have to make him look like a liar?
Don't cry. The swordsman thought silently while watching Hakuji. Don't despair. Now's not the time for that. I know you're devastated. Your loved ones were massacred and your fiancé's become a demon. I know it's painful. I know you want to scream. I get it. If only I'd gotten here half a day sooner, I could've prevented all of this. But, there's no way to turn back time. Feel the rage, the powerful pure rage of not being able to forgive will become your unswerving drive to action! With such a fragile resolve like yours, you can't protect your fiancé or heal her, or get revenge for your family!
The swordsman tightened his grip and thrusted the sword into Koyuki's chest, making her cry out in pain.
"STOP IT!" Hakuji roared in newfound anger. His emotions were in complete control of his next action. He picked up a few rocks from the river and threw them at the swordsman who deflected them effortlessly with his sword. This didn't deter Hakuji. He knew what to do to save Koyuki. He just had to get close. The rocks might not have done anything to hurt him, but it still prevented him from beheading Koyuki, giving Hakuji enough time to close the distance. He picked up two more rocks and threw them at the man. They were also blocked. Hakuji felt a much larger rock under the water and threw that one. Instead of being deflected, the large rock was sliced in half by the man's sword, making Hakuji's eyes widen in surprise. The swordsman in front of him was incredibly skilled. Could he pull this off?
"You fool!" The swordsman shouted as he lifted up the bottom of his sword into the air, hoping to incapacitate Hakuji. He brought it down like a hammer, but Hakuji evaded the blow and readied his next attack, one that was sure to disarm the swordsman.
Hakuji clenched his right fist and backhanded the blade at just the right angle and speed, breaking it in two as easily as snapping a twig. This was his most favored move, and he was glad it worked.
The swordsman's eyes widened in shock as he looked down at his broken blade. What?! He broke my sword?! How?! His eyes looked into Hakuji's. The fear in them was gone, burned away and replaced by eyes filled with single-minded determination. This guy...
Hakuji screamed in rage as he went to punch the man in the face, landing the hit and making him let go of Koyuki and stumble back. Hakuji wanted to knock him out. He couldn't let him be a threat to Koyuki anymore. He went to throw a punch at the man's chest, intending to break his ribs, but the swordsman crouched low and kicked Hakuji in his sternum, stunning him long enough for the swordsman to knock him out with a swift chop to the neck. As well-trained as Hakuji was, the swordsman was still much faster. Hakuji landing Bell Splitter was a lucky feat on its own, but unfortunately, he still couldn't keep up even if he tried. The swordsman moved at a speed Hakuji simply could not counter. Still, the swordsman recognized his potential.
While he was busy pondering the skills of the boy lying unconscious in front of him right now, he was unexpectedly kicked in the stomach by Koyuki. The kick sent him flying backwards and he struggled to regain his footing. He then looked up in realization and saw Koyuki rushing towards Hakuji, her clawed hand outstretched. No! Because I failed to kill her sooner, that demon's going to devour him!
He was about to rush forward as quickly as he could, but his body froze once she reached him and his eyes were blown wide open in shock.
He stared at the demon who was standing in front of Hakuji protectively, growling and shielding him from harm as she stared down the swordsman.
"Would never eat humans!"
Those words echoed in his mind. Long ago... someone said the same thing, only to be eaten by a demon. When a demon is starving, it will kill and devour even its own parents and siblings. Because they're nutrient rich. I've seen it happen more times than I can count. This girl has been wounded, and she's expending so much energy to heal those injuries. She must've drained large amounts of her strength as she transformed into a demon. That means she's severely starved at this moment, without a doubt. She must've wanted to feast on a human right away, even if it was her beloved. Yet, she protected him instead, and even intimidated me for a moment.
Koyuki growled before she suddenly leaped at the man. He put away his broken sword and stepped back, still unsure if he should go through with what he was about to do. I wonder... if these two are different from others.
The man's hand chopped into the girl's neck swiftly, causing her to let out a chocked gasp as she fell into the water unconscious.
Hakuji's eyes were closed, but he could feel everything around him. For some reason, he felt no rain, no water flowing around him. Instead, it felt like he was somewhere different entirely. It felt... warmer.
"I'm sorry I had to leave you behind, Hakuji. Please, take care of Koyuki for me, alright?"
"Keizo?!" Hakuji's eyes opened quickly as he thought he heard the voice of his mentor speak to him just now. The first thing he saw was Koyuki sleeping with some king of muzzle made from bamboo covering her mouth and tied around the back of her head with a piece of cloth. Was she okay? Did the swordsman hurt her? After taking another second to focus on his surroundings, Hakuji realized they were on the river bank. Someone pulled them out of the water.
"You awake?" A familiar voice called out. Hakuji looked to his left and saw the swordsman standing several feet away with his arms crossed. Hakuji brought Koyuki close. The man's fighting spirit was smaller than before, so he meant them no harm at the moment, but he still felt uneasy around him.
"Go see an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki who lives at the foot of Mount Sagiri. Tell him that Giyu Tomioka sent you. She's alright for now, and if it continues to rain during the day, she may be fine, but don't ever let her be exposed to sunlight." The swordsman, who Hakuji now knew was named Giyu, said nothing else before he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Hakuji looked around, but there was no sign of the man. He looked back down at Koyuki whose eyes were beginning to open as well and smiled as he gently took her hand in his own.
The two of them stood in the rain, silently staring at the two freshly dug graves in the cemetery. Hakuji buried them next to his father. He failed to protect them, so the least he could do for them was bury them and pay his respects. He silently prayed for them and looked over at Koyuki who silently stood next to him and was blankly staring at the graves. Hakuji frowned at her. It was like she was someone he didn't recognize anymore. She was still there, but her mind seemed to have changed forever. She wasn't even allowed to grieve her own family as a demon. Hakuji promised to make every single demon pay for tearing his family apart. First, he and Koyuki had to leave. The rain was beginning to stop and he wanted to find shelter before the sun came out. He took Koyuki's hand and both of them began running deeper into the forest.
Since childhood, Hakuji always had a sixth sense. He can detect a living thing's presence, specifically their "Fighting Spirit." All but a select few have one. When he's directly looking at someone, it appears as an aura of varying colors, shapes, and sizes, depending on their personality and intentions. If someone wishes to fight, their Fighting Spirit grows. Hakuji can also sense a Fighting Spirit when he's not looking at someone. He can feel it as a tingle in the back of his neck, or for a more intense Fighting Spirit, a shivering sensation. This has always helped him detect other people and discern their intentions. To him, Keizo's Fighting Spirit was always yellow like the sun and had a curvy outline like the curves of a river. These curves would sharpen whenever Keizo was fighting someone however. Koyuki's Fighting Spirit was always small before becoming a demon and was simply a pink glow surrounding her body. She only had a Fighting Spirit because of her will to live and fight her sickness.
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