Chapter 30
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Chapter 30- Harry Styles ends up in the toilet.
Aisha's POV
I was running as fast as I could in the thick forest as everything started crumbling. I ran past the never ending trees, in haste to reach him. But the faster I ran, the slower I realised I was. The crumbling earth was a few feet from me. I looked ahead of me at the figure that stood with a smile. "I love you, you can make it." He assured me but I felt hopeless.
"Daddy, I can't." I felt tears running down my cheeks.
I ran faster but suddenly, the ground opened up and I fell into the hole. "Help me!" I screamed as dirt filled my face making me sink deeper.
My legs sank into hot sand and my eyes opens. I examine the environment I'm in. I don't see a single building, plant nor soul. It's completely empty except for the sand my legs are stuck in.
"I love you baby, come to me. We can be reunited forever." I hear a faint voice and in no far distance stood a silhouette of a figure. I could instantly tell that it was my father but I couldn't see his face properly. The sun was too bright I couldn't make out his face but I didn't doubt that it was my dad and his hand was drawn out to me. If I could walk to where he stood, I'm sure he would welcome me with warm hands.
The wind blows right on my face, sending sands my way. Another strong wave blows again and I turn. Far behind me was a sand storm, fastly approaching me. I start running towards my dad once again as fast as I could. Although, the sandstorm attempted to slow me down, I didn't stop. I got closer to my dad, I started making out his face. The big smile plastered on his face, his eyes softens as I approach him.
I try to take his hand in mine but goes through it, I try to touch his face but it goes through it again. My heart drops when I realize his eyes weren't on me but little girl running towards him. I examine the little girl in white gown with little prints of cherries. Her black hair flying everywhere as she ran. Her dimple sinks deeper as she smiled. That's me. The little girl is me. He is holding his hands to her.
His face saddens and I realise, she isn't going to make it. The sandstorm is just a few feet a way from her. My legs move on their own as I run towards her to save her but I'm late. She's stuck in the sandstorm; nevertheless, I run after her into the sandstorm. The sand hits me in every direction but I clutch her to my body protecting from the cruel sandstorm.
Slowly, the sand reduces till I hear nothing. I open my eyes and freak as I see the little girl with blood rolling down her cheeks. Her face turns paper white as more blood cascade down her cheeks, staining her dress. "Help me, he's going to kill me." She mutters.
She points and I turn to the direction but don't see anyone. I look back at her but find no one. At far end if the desert, I see a creature. A enormous beast all black with bloodshot eyes. It snarls and runs towards me. I stand to run but heavy metals draw me to the ground. My legs and wrists are chained, I tried to free myself but fail. I shift my gaze to the beast but don't see anything. I feel a sharp pain on my shoulders. I groan in pain which is replaced with a scream as another intense pain slashes my back. Again and again, the pain consumes me. It felt as if the beast claws were tearing up my back. After a while, it stops and I look ahead of me. I'm not in the desert anymore but in the middle of short trimmed grasses. My backyard. A hand rested on my sholder, I face the man smiling at me. I smile back and hug him, I feel safe in his arms, in my dad's arms.
He hugs me tightly till it starts hurting. I feel my bones breaking and I start crying. "Dad, you're hurting me. Dad?" I try to push him away as the pain envelopes me. I finally push him away and look at him. I flinch as i don't recognize the man anymore. His eyes are red and blood flow from his mouth. His mouth opens widely and I shout as it swallows me in one swoop.
I open my eyes and breathe heavily. I examine the environment I'm in. It's dark but I can make out the drawers and mirror. I touch my side and I lay my hand on Omar's arm. I'm soaked in sweat.
It was dream but it felt so real. I can't help but let the tears rolls. Arms elope me and I feel so safe in his arms. He draws me to his body and I don't resist because I really needed comfort right now. "'s just a dream okay. I'm here." He pecks my head and hugs me tightly. After a little short prayer, he pulls the covers on our bodies. "It's okay, I'm right beside you. You want to go back to sleep?" I shake my head in refusal. There's no way I'm going back.
"You want to talk about it?"
He asks and I shake my head again, I can't even find my voice. He sighs and helps me up. He turns on the lights and takes me to the bathroom. He washes my face and brings me fresh nightgown because mine is completely soaked with sweat.
"Wear this." He gives me and shuts the door. I stare at the mirror and think about it. This isn't the first time I've had this nightmare. It's always the same over and over.
After changing, I knock on the door and he opens it. I sit on the bed as he goes downstairs. Shortly after, he returns with a cup of orange juice. I drink it slowly as I watch the show. Tom and Jerry helps keep my mind off the nightmare. I play with Omar's hands that are holding me against his body. I lean my head back on his chest.
"Thank you." I mutter.
He says nothing but kisses my cheek. I can't seem to understand my nightmares no matter the number of times I've dreamt about it. The same dream, over and over again.
"I'll always be here for you." He hugs me tightly making me to nod. I can't tell if he said that because he felt like that was the appropriate thing to say or because he mean it. Whatever the reason, I'm glad he's here with me. Our little kiss in the booth kind of changed things. Our skirmish decreased and he has being pretty nice to me. It affected me in ways I didn't want, disliked. I found myself unconsciously looking at him or trying to impress him. Sometimes, I think of his reactions about certain things like food, dressing. I feel the need to please him.
Oh Allah! Help me through this. I don't understand my feelings anymore.
The night pasts so fast. I didn't know I had fell asleep until Omar wakes me to perform wudu. I lazily drag myself to the bathroom. As I sit on the toilet to pee, I notice little red dots on my panty. I wash the stain off and poke my head out the door.
"Yeah?" He steps towards me.
I don't know how I'm going to tell him about a pad because as long as I'm in the bathroom, I'm not leaving.
Cos I'm a lazy ass bed potato who doesn't feel like walking 30 feet to the drawer. In short, I'm in energy saving mode.
"Err...I need your help. Can you open my bedside drawer?"
He raises a brow. "Why?"
"Just do it!" I snap. God, this is just the first day and I'm all snappy already.
"No." He folds his hands across his chest.
"Stop being the certified idiot you are and open the drawer! Gosh how hard is that?"
He frowns and leaves the room. Good talking Aisha, you angered him. Now you have to get the pad yourself. After waiting for ten good minutes, he opens the door and enters. Yep, I counted because I was glued to the bathroom. I poke my head out the door again.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"What do you want bozo?" He rolls his eyes and smiles.
"I need you to open my drawer."
"Hmm..." He rubs his chin. "Say please."
I scoff at him. "I don't want to."
"Me neither." He turns to leave the room again.
"Okay please?" I plead.
"Please who?"
"Please Omar." He's so childish. How old is he? Five?
He rubs his chin again and settles on the bed, smiling evilly at me.
"How about you say, 'Please The Most Handsome Star to ever live, can you use your gracious hand that awesomeness flows in it to open my drawer, please amazing Omar'?"
"What the what? How about use that crappy hand of yours that reeks stupidity to open my drawer and clean the handle you touched?" I raise my brow.
"Open my open the freaking drawer will ya?"
"Say it first."
"What?" I'm starting to get annoyed by his delay.
"Please The Most Handsome Star to ever live, can you use your gracious hand that awesomeness flows in it to open my drawer, please amazing Omar?"
"No!" I stubbornly refuse.
He tsks and says, "You're so stubborn. Why can't you just say it and get this over with?"
I shake my head. "I'm not stubborn, I refuse to submit to you."
"Women amd their arrogance." He huffs
"Men and their big fat ego."
"You do realise that you're wasting your time right?" Well, he is right about that. I sigh and give in. "Okay, Star, can you use that hand of yours that blah blah blah awesomeness flows in it to open my drawer, please amazing Omar."
"That's not how I said it."
"Just shut up and open it."
He smirks and opens the drawer. "Anything for you WIFE." he emphasis the 'wife.' I roll my eyes at him.
"By your left, there should be a pink pack. Open it." He does as I say and grins stupidly.
"Seems like someone has an appointment with mother nature." He wiggles his eyebrows, dancing to my direction.
"Give me that!" I snatch it from him and shut the door. I can hear his faint laughter. "There's something called thank you!"
"There's something called shut up!"
I place the pad firmly on a fresh panty and slid it on. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I tie hair in a messy bun and leave the bathroom.
"Assalam Alaykum." I descend the stairs to the kitchen. I stop and watch Omar handling the utensils. I didn't talk to him but stay and observe his cooking. He washes any utensil immediately after use which is impressive.
"Assalam Alaykum! What are you cooking?"
He wishes me back and tells me to sit, ignoring my question. I pull out my phone from the pocket of my robe and scroll my Instagram. Laura posted some of our pics and tagged me. There's a photo of us by the pond where Aliya pushed me in, completely soaking my clothes. Omar had to bring fresh clothes for me to change into. I smile at the memories and proceed to checking my followers. My eyes open widely as I watch my 30k followers shoot up to 20million. How the hell did that happen? I had about 15million last week. How fast can your followers increase simply because you're married to a billionaire. I check our fan page Aimar. People and joblessness. Our dance on the Halloween party was posted and fortunately our kiss wasn't seen. I was grateful for that. I don't think I would be able to handle everything when I decide to avoid social media because of it. Why did I even kiss him back?
I check his account, he has over 40million followers without even posting a thing. I mentally note that I'm going to steal his phone and post something.
"Enjoy." Omar's voice breaks me from my thoughts and I look down at the mouthwatering spicy beefsteak, latte and fruit salad.
"Thanks." I mutter and say, "Bismillah." I take a bite of my beefsteak.
"This is so good."
"Of course it is." He rolls his eyes. Cocky cook.
He sits opposite me and starts eating his steak. I keep looking at him as the question pops up in my mind.
"Yeah?" He looks at me.
"About the kiss. Do you have fee-"
"No!" He snaps cutting me before I finish the question. "Whatever it is you have in mind. No!" He says sharply and I nod.
He doesn't have any feelings whatsoever. I mentally sigh. Then why did he kiss me? He's a pervert, maybe he just felt like it. I feel like a complete idiot. I thought maybe he liked me. What was I even thinking? At least he's sure of his feelings. I'm here like a moron wondering if I like him or not. He might be a cocky, arrogant, annoying jerk. But I like him. Yeah, I do like him.
After breakfast, I take a shower and wear an ash oversized sweater Omar got me on Saturday at the store with jeans and white bedroom slippers. I find him seated on the couch. Avoiding him, I take the next couch and keep my eyes on the TV.
I can feel his eyes on me, like he's trying to figure out something about me which terribly disturbs me. Why is he looking at me? He's making things hard for me! After ages of silence, he speaks up. "You want to go shopping?"
I look at him suprised because clearly said he hated shopping with me. "I thought you despise the thought of shopping with me?"
"Are you coming or not?"
"I'm in."
I rush upstairs to get my veil when my eyes catches an envelope on his drawer. I know I'm not supposed to check it, but I find myself being drawn to it. Invading someone's privacy is wrong, well, unless if you're doing it to satisfy your curiosity right?
I open the envelope and bring out the paper.
My eyes open wide in confusion and surprise.
Name: Faisal Abdulsamad
Age: 27
Blood group: AB
Genotype: AA...
What's this?
Why is this here?
Why is Faisal's info with Omar?
Anger overtakes me as I stomp downstairs to him.
"What's this?" I throw it at his face. He picks it up, looks at it then at me.
"Wait, I can explain. Just sit." He tries to touch my hand.
"Don't you dare touch me! Why do you have this?"
"Err...I just...curious why-"
"Why I was smiling at him at the party? And why I was texting him in the car? Why are you stalking me? He's my friend, what's with you and who I'm friends with?"
"I'm not stalking you, I just want you to be safe." He looks into my eyes.
"Why?" I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him.
"Because I lo..." He pauses. "Because I don't want your foolishness to ruin the deal." He groans.
"Oh my foolishness? How about you being a pervert, huh? Faisal is my friend and he's in love with Aliyah! I don't even know why I have to explain this. Stay out of my life!" I roar at him and go to my room. I have my own room I decide to use when we fight.
I get into the shower although I did an hour ago. The warm water cools my body and also my heart, washing away the anger. I really hate him this time. First, he kissed me then says he feels nothing for me. Now he calls me foolish.
I wrap the towel round my chest and walk out. I go into the kitchen to prepare lunch and decide to cook turkey stir-fry with spicy curry. I do love spicy foods.
After getting the ingredients, I prepare the meal and arrange it on the table. I walk to the parlor but don't find him. Where is he? I check the whole house but don't find him.
Should I call him? No! He insulted me. I ask the guards for his whereabouts and they said he left a while ago. I proceed to eating and share some with the guards which they appreciated.
I watch some YouTube videos and read a couple of books on Wattpad to keep me busy. As much as I hate him right now, it's pretty boring without him. I don't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't miss him, he's a big jerk! An idiot!
God! I can't figure out what's wrong with me. I wish eveything would go back to the way they were, long before I met Yousuf. When it was just my family and friends, not that I had many. Long before I was transferred to this company that changed my life. When everything was normal, when I was single. When my feelings for this idiot wasn't tangled.
I need someone to talk to. I don't understand myself anymore and it's freaking the hell out of me. Who should I call?
She will have a heart attack.
I need a female, she will understand better.
She's pregnant, don't want to stress her.
She will probably hate me for keeping this from her but I'm really in need of someone to talk to.
I bring out my phone and dial her number.
"Assalam Alaykum."
"Wa alaykum assalaam." She says.
"Are you busy?"
"Nope, what's wrong? You sound down."
"I need to talk to you, can you come over please?" I plead.
"Sure, I'll be there in a minute."
She disconnects the call and I continue reading.
In fifteen minutes, she walks through the front door. I sigh and explain the whole story to her.
"I can't believe you kept this from me for three months! I'm hurt." She frowns.
"I'm sorry, I really am. It's just that we made a deal to tell no one but I'm confused and in need of an advice. I don't even get what's happening to me!" I huff.
"Love, that's what's happening to you." She grins.
I furrow my eyebrows and laugh.
She thinks I'm in love with him.
"You are. You just don't want to admit it. When he's close to you. Doesn't your stomach flutter or don't you feel like butterflies in your belly.
"Well, I do when I'm hungry. When he's close, all I feel is this intense annoyance."
"Okay forget the whole teenage love story stuff. If you don't love him, then why did you kiss him back?"
I honestly don't know the reason. "I don't know."
"You know I don't like arguing and all, so you love him and he loves you. Period!"
"We don't!" I defend. "Even if I do which I don't, it doesn't matter. He made it clear he doesn't like me." I grunt with annoyance. Deep in me, I know I like him more than the actual word, 'like." But I don't want to. I don't have an extra heart to break. I would have to bury that feeling.
"If he doesn't love you, he wouldn't kiss you. He wouldn't go to the mall with you even though he hated it, he wouldn't follow you to the park, he wouldn't wear that costume that was so itchy."
"Maybe he was just being nice."
"And when is he ever nice? And if you don't love him, it shouldn't bother you." She's got a point there. "Then how do you explain Faisal?"
She rolls her eyes. "The guy is obviously jealous and overprotective. You guys are just too stubborn to admit it. I'm gonna leave you to think about it. You might as well talk about it with him. All I know is that you two lunatics are in love. I'm pretty sure one look at him and Harry Styles ends up in the toilet."
I let out a laugh. "What brought Harry Styles into the picture."
"He's the only guy I wouldn't mind being stuck in a picture with.'
"You're so weird." I push her off the couch and she laughs while she hits the floor.
"Says the woman in a marriage deal. Anyway, I have to go. I'll meet you tomorrow."
"Okay, thanks." I hug her.
"I'll have to wait for Omar." I say to myself as she leaves.
Minutes turns to hours without a sign of Omar. My heart starts beating fast as I'm dead worried. I'm worried that something bad happened to him. I pick my phone and call him twice but he doesn't answer. As I'm about to call Adam, my phone rings and his name appears above.
"I'm on my way home, we will talk when I get back." He cuts the call and I'm left with no choice but to sit and wait for him to appear.
He later comes home and immediately our eyes meet, he engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. Still surprised by the gesture, I don't hug him back.
"What's with the hug?"
"I know I acted like a jerk, I'm sorry."
"How can you act like something you already are?" I wink. "It's okay, sorry for calling you a pervert."
"Nah, I totally deserved that. So are you still in for the shopping?" He asks, slightly frowning. Yet his eyes sparkled.
"Yeah, but you have to eat first. I made turkey stir-fry with spicy curry."
"Yummy." He licks his lips dramatically.
Shopping was fun, especially when I picked some clothes for him too. He sulked throughout complaining that I was treating him like a child. When we got back, my whole body was sore.
"Omar, can we talk?"
"Sure." He drops his phone and looks straight into my eyes.
I swallow hard and look back at him. "About the kiss?"
"Why do you keep bringing this up?" He groans frustrated.
"Because it's disturbing the shit out of me! It might not have an effect on you, but it does on me."
"I'm not having this conversation." He stands up to leave.
I open my mouth to talk back when the doorbell stops me. I walk to the door and immediately I open it. My heart drops and I stare, totally flabbergasted at the figure.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!
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