Chapter 7 - Confusion and Poison
Fear ... panic ... heart beating so hard it banged against his chest ... all this Mathias felt as, face covered with sweat and clenched with terror, he ran, just as fast that he could through twisting corridors plunged into semi-darkness, a strong and terrifying blood-red glow seeming to pursue him and come closer and closer to him. In addition, a sinister, evil laugh seemed to come from the depths of that red light ... a voice that Mathias recognized as that of Lady Dimitrescu.
_ "Run! Run as much as you want! You can never escape me!" cried the voice of the countess like a threatening echo.
Shivers of fear running through his body, Mathias continued to run desperately to try to get away. All around him, other ghostly echoes of voices were heard, encircling and tormenting him incessantly. He could hear the sadistic laughs from Bela, Daniela and Cassandra, the bestial roars of the lycans ... but not only ... he could hear his mother's voice, screaming his name, as if she was crying for help and in great pain. Around him, as the voices redoubled in intensity to the point of hurting his head, the walls of the corridors began to transform, the tapestries crumbling into pieces like dead leaves, only to gradually turn into walls covered with rust and dried blood, as well as the floor...
And looking over his shoulder, having to lean against a wall to catch his breath, Mathias saw her ... About twenty meters from him, appearing like a ghostly shadow coming straight out of this infernal red light, Lady Dimitrescu walked slowly but confidently, still chuckling ominously. With her long, sharp claws, she began to scratch one of the rusty walls, in a shrill metallic friction and letting sparks emanate. All this while continuing to walk towards Mathias, who guessed even without seeing her face hidden in the darkness, her eyes piercing on him.
Mathias, overcome with fear, found the adrenaline rush of running until he reached a carved wooden door he hoped was the exit.
But when he was finally able to get out, believing he was escaping Lady Dimitrescu, Mathias found himself frozen in front of a completely surrealist vision.
He was standing outside on rocky ground covered with a thin layer of snow. It was inky night and a few flakes were falling from the darkness of the sky. But yet, the place where he was was completely unknown to him. It seemed to be on the heights of a rocky hill. Mathias took a few steps on this large flat space at the top of this hill. In the middle, he could see this great old stone symbol on the ground, mesuring several meters in diameter, and still representing this strange octagon, surrounded by the coats of arms of the four families of the lords: Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Beneviento and Moreau.
Four great stone pillars were also arranged in a perfect square around the great symbol, and each of the pillars, equally worn and ancient, had been engraved with a coat of arms of one of the lord families. Flaming torches had been arranged in a circle all around this ancient stone site, as if for a ritual ceremony. Thanks to the light created by the many torches, Mathias could see that the top of this hill was completely surrounded by what appeared to be very old ruins, of what perhaps made up a kind of medieval fortress ...
As if drawn by an indescribable and very powerful force which emanated from this place, Mathias walked slowly towards the large symbol on the ground. As he advanced, around him he could see several people gathering around the site and staring at him, in complete silence. He recognized Lady Dimitrescu, but who this time was not stalking him and was perfectly neutral and upright, standing near the pillar engraved with her coat of arms. Lords Heisenberg, Beneviento and Moreau were there too, each standing motionless beside the pillar marked with their family's coat of arms. Standing in a perfect square around the site, the Four Lords followed Mathias with their eyes as he made his way to the center of the ceremonial site. Oddly, Mathias no longer felt any sense of fear, on the contrary, he felt curious, drawn to this place and a deep desire to know more.
Mother Miranda was there too, her face still hidden by her golden mask. Her raven wings spread out from her back, still giving her that mystical allure, she looked Mathias in the eye and with a wave of her hand slowly stepped aside and invited the young man to enter the main circle of the ceremonial rock site. Mathias did so, without asking any questions. It was then that he saw a fifth stone pillar, rise slowly and come out in the center of the site. Immediately, the Lords Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Beneviento and Moreau set their eyes on this central pillar, without moving from their positions.
On the surface of this new pillar, Mathias could see there, engraved on its surface, a fifth coat of arms, but which he had never seen before. This coat of arms depicted a dragon, surrounded by a circle of flames, roaring skyward and spreading its wings with majesty. Immediately, and without knowing why, Mathias felt irremediably drawn to this coat of arms, as if ... deep inside ... he had known it forever but without ever having seen it ... it was a sensation more than strange, but surprisingly satisfying...
Mathias suddenly felt a new presence, this time very familiar and reassuring, right next to him. Turning his head, he gasped in amazement.
_ "M ... mum? ..." he breathed in surprise.
Indeed, she was there, her mother, however deceased and seeming to be doing very well, dressed in a large white tunic, as for a ritual ceremony and wearing around her neck a pagan pendant adorned with bird skulls and in her center, a little flat and round stone, again representing this dragon coat of arms. She smiled tenderly at her son, touching her cheek with the palm of her hand, and he could clearly feel the contact on his skin.
Without him noticing it before, Mathias saw that the Lords Dimitrescu, Heisenberg, Beneviento and Moreau had approached the center of the ceremonial site, this time forming a square around the central pillar. Mathias met Dimitrescu's gaze for a moment, which was still neutral, but deep inside, he could felt that she was waiting something very important from him.
_ "There you are, my son ..." then said Mathias' mother with support "... it is time for you to discover your heritage ..."
Then, with a dagger, she slowly slashed the palm of her son, who oddly, didn't look shocked and didn't feel any pain, seeing the red blood begin to trickle down his hand.
_ "Now touch it and embrace your true nature ..." his mother said pointing to the dragon's symbol, only a yard away.
He was about to do it, as if always attracted by this invisible but very real force deep inside him, but suddenly everything went black again...
Mathias suddenly opened his eyes, panting as if he lacked air, and quickly straightened up, breathing heavily, to realize that he was again sitting on the old shabby mattress, in that grimy, dark cell in the prison beneath the castle. It was wet and cold, Mathias shivering a little, wearing only his jeans pants and boots, and now finding himself shirtless. A throbbing pain in his chest made him wince, and when he looked he saw that his chest was fully bandaged. He remembered now that he had indeed been slashed three times by Lady Dimitrescu, to punish him for almost killing her daughters over a stupid mistake, but which he could never have foreseen. However, Mathias did not understand this logic ... why lacerate him like this, and then have him treated? It didn't make any fucking sense. She could have chosen to let him bleed, to let him suffer with these wounds ... decidedly, the logic of this countess still escaped her. What did she really want from him?
At the same time, Mathias felt deep distress, but also anger and incomprehension. Everything was mixed up in his mind, which tortured him even more.
He could choose to end it right away ... all he had to do was break the pitcher of water on the ground, and take one of the pieces to cut his veins ... the idea crossed his mind, but then deep down, he couldn't bring himself to do it ... he wanted to stay alive, not just for himself, but for the promise he had made to his mother ...
Thinking back to her, Mathias then remembered that very curious dream or nightmare he had had, and which seemed more real than reality itself. All the details came back to him like flashes in his head... the pursuit in the infernal corridors by Lady Dimitrescu ... then, this ritual site at the top of this hill, worthy of the sacrificial places that one could see in stories of dark fantasy ... and finally, this mysterious dragon crest that let emanate such a powerful attraction ... her mother's words also still echoed in her mind ... discovering her heritage ... embracing her true nature ... .
_ "Mom, what are you trying to tell me? Help me ..." Mathias sighed heavily, passing his face in his hands, completely confused and tired by so much mystery and incomprehension since he was arrived in this cursed valley.
But as he was lost in his thoughts, he was brought back to reality by the metallic sound of the lock of the cell which was undone and returning to the present moment, saw the door open with a still unpleasant creak. He saw the daughter Bela, step into the cell, with the zombie jailers behind her. She showed the young man a cold, closed gaze, making it very clear that she was still angry with what had happened last night.
_ "Mother wants to see you now ... put this on." she said icily, and threw an old damaged white shirt at his feet so he could cover his upper body. Mathias took it without saying a word and obeyed, putting it on, but visibly feeling that this shirt had not been washed for a while. But well, better that than being shirtless in that cold and damp cell.
Once he had put on the shirt, Mathias saw that two zombies had approached, and by order of Bela, bound the young man's wrists with chains. Yes, clearly, after that mistake he made last night, they weren't going to allow him to move around freely. Mathias offered no resistance, knowing it was unnecessary.
_ "Let's go. Mother hates waiting." ordered Bela who left the cell, followed by Mathias, his hands chained in front of him, and pushed behind the back by one of the zombies to get him out faster.
A few minutes later, Mathias was finally brought into the countess's office. The latter seemed busy examining carefully a shipment of bottles of wine that had just been freshly delivered to her. All the bottles had been arranged, perfectly aligned on the large desk and carefully studied by the mistress of the chateau, who already seemed to have tasted several of them and to have divided them into several categories, perhaps according to their consistency and their quality.
_ "Mother, here is the prisoner." Bela said after a curtsy.
Prisoner. This word sounded so harsh in Mathias ears, but it was, so why bother to deny the obvious.
_ "Thank you, Bela. Leave us alone and lock the door." Dimitrescu replied in a neutral tone and without looking back at them, still holding a glass full of wine in her hand and which she was examining intently by the light of the candlestick on the desk.
Bela obeyed without arguing and after a final bow, walked out of the office, followed by the two zombies. The doors were closed, trapping Mathias alone with Dimitrescu. Deep inside, the young man feared what was going to happen to him this time. Had she judged that last night's punishment wasn't enough and was planning on giving him another even more terrible one? Mathias expected everything, not daring to move or say a word, while he had to wait long minutes before Lady Dimitrescu finally decided to focus on him.
_ "Did you sleep well last night?" was the first question she asked without turning to him, and in a rather cold manner.
Mathias looked at her, wondering if she was really serious about asking that after what had happened? Was she laughing at him or what? He felt the urge to yell at him and tell him the back of his mind, feeling the anger boil, but deep down he knew that would only trigger more problems for him.
_ "Not really ..." answered Mathias, also in a cold way "... a rather strange nightmare ..."
_"Oh really?" the countess then said in a detached tone, ignoring the rather gloomy way in which he had answered her. "And what was that nightmare?"
Mathias preferred not to mention the part where she was chasing him in these corridors, not wanting to give her the pleasure that she scared him, even in dreams. Instead, he decided to tell the rest of the nightmare.
_ "Well ... I don't know where I was, but ... there were these ruins of a fortress, on top of a hill ... there were also a ritual site, and these stone pillars ... and you were there, with the three other lords, as well as your leader, Mother Miranda ... you were all there, gathered as for a ceremony, around a fifth stone pillar, which presented a symbol in the form of a dragon. I also saw my mother ... she told me that my heritage was finally in front of me and that I had to accept it ... this dragon ... I felt like attracted by him ... I had the feeling, deep in my heart and in my mind, that he could give me all the answers I wanted..."
Mathias had explained as best he could, expecting to receive mocking laughter from Lady Dimitrescu. But not at all. At first, still besides her desk, her back facing him, she remained silent ... Mathias, even though he couldn't see her face, could almost see as if she was thoughtful about something ...
_ "Hmmm, rather unusual as a dream I have to say ..." she said finally after several long seconds, and as if deep down she didn't care, continuing her examination of the different wines.
Mathias was dubious about this reaction. He was not fooled. She knew something, he was sure, but she didn't want to say it, or rather, wanted to make believe that she did not know.
_ "Do you know why I punished you last night?" she asked suddenly, her voice growing firmer again and completely changing the subject of the conversation.
_ "Well ... because I wronged your daughters?" answered Mathias, not seeing what else to say. "But how could I have known that they were so sensitive to the cold?"
Dimitrescu's firm fist slammed hard against the desk, in a shock that echoed throughout the room and immediately silenced Mathias, making him jump in fear. The countess, leaning over her desk, was shaking with anger that she was obviously trying to contain and finally managed to calm down a bit.
_ "Wrong?" she said darkly, finally turning to Mathias. He then saw, with surprise, that Dimitrescu was not only angry. At the corners of her eyes, he thought he could guess traces of rising moisture, like the beginnings of tears that she had managed to contain. "Do you just think you wronged them? By your act you would have killed them, that's what could have happened if the window had been closed too late."
When she spoke, Mathias could feel her still very palpable anger over the incident, but not only ... the way she talked about her daughters, that hint of worry ... she really cared about them ... she loved them, as a mother loves her children and worries about them and can become fierce and ruthless when they are in pain and in danger. This is what Mathias sensed.
It is true that he still remembered the cries of the three girls when the wind of the winter storm had entered the living room, covering them ... they were screaming as if they were in excruciating pain ... Daniela, the youngest of the three, had even ended in tears because she had been in pain ... in a way, he understood Dimitrescu's anger ... what mother would not react like this if someone made her children suffer, at the risk of killing them?
Mathias didn't know what to say or how to react and remained planted where he was, chains on his wrists. For her part, Lady Dimitrescu had calmed down, managing to resume a more dignified attitude.
_ "Anyway, I warn you: if another incident of this kind occurs, the punishment I inflicted on you yesterday will seem mild compared to what you would suffer."
On this final warning which had the merit of being more than clear, Lady Dimitrescu seized the last bottle of wine of the cargo which had been delivered and after having examined it, opened the cork and poured herself a glass to taste it.
But suddenly, Mathias frowned ... a strange sensation came over him, and ... yes, a very slight smell reached his nostrils ... at first confused, he looked for where it came from, and finally, found it ... from the bottle of wine ...
_ "No, wait!" suddenly said Mathias, rushing forward. Lady Dimitrescu did not have time to say a word that with astonishment, she saw Mathias running up to her and tapping with his hand in the glass of wine which she was about to drink and which broke on the ground, spreading the red liquid in one small puddle.
_ "But what are you doing?" Lady Dimitrescu growled angrily.
_ "No, wait, there is something wrong with this wine." Mathias said to her, looking her in the eyes and holding out his chained hands.
She could have chosen to ignore him and correct him for the gesture he had just made, but then she guessed in his gaze and in the intonation of his voice, that he was sincere ... confused, she looked then the young man leaned towards the broken glass and with the tip of his finger, dipped in the wine spilled on the floor, and raised it to his nose to smell it. He winced, sensing that same very discreet but identical scent.
_"Poison." said Mathias, sure of himself.
Poison? Lady Dimitrescu did not at first seem very convinced and in turn, leaned down to come and smell the scent. She winced in the same way at the scent and her confused gaze met Mathias's, who humbly decided to step back and say nothing more. The doors opened and Bela, accompanied by her sisters Daniela and Cassandra, hurried into the office, having heard the sound of broken glass and their mother's voice from the next room.
_ "Mother, what's going on? Are you okay?" Cassandra asked, running with her sisters to the countess.
Immediately, Daniela turned her evil gaze and clenched her teeth at Mathias, who began to back away into a corner of the room, scared.
_ "It's him again, right? What did you do this time, you filfhty human?!" she growled, her hands clenched as if preparing to grab Mathias by the throat and strangle him to death.
_ "Daniela, no!" ordered Lady Dimitrescu, who stopped her daughter in her tracks.
Daniela huffed in frustration but obeyed her mother and stepped back, joining her sisters. Mathias sighed softly, telling himself that he had surely just narrowly escaped death once again. Lady Dimitrescu was plunged into a deep perplexity ... someone tried to poison her ... and she knew it now, it was impossible that Mathias was the culprit, because he had locked all this time in his cell ... but who? Who had done this?
Dimitrescu, scowling, grabbed the poisoned bottle of wine and threw it into the flames of the office fireplace. A small, short burst of flames occurred, forcing Mathias to step back and protect himself. Not at all afraid of the flames that had exploded right in front of her, Lady Dimitrescu was fuming with anger, pacing the room and Mathias felt relieved that this time it was not towards him.
_ "Daughters, send messengers to the other lords." ordered the mistress of the castle. "We need to set up a new meeting. Someone tried to kill me, and I want to find out who!"
_ "Yes, mother. But what do we do with him?" Bela asked then, pointing to Mathias, who still hadn't moved from the corner of the room, and swallowed when he saw all the gazes fall on him. Lady Dimitrescu was thoughtful for a short moment, but not forgetting the gesture he had made for her, decided to be lenient.
_ "Take him back to his cell without hurting him, and give him a hot meal so that he regains some strength." she ordered, which surprised her daughters a bit, but they decided to obey anyway.
Mathias offered no resistance and followed the three girls out of the office. But just before leaving, his gaze met Dimitrescu's one last time as he walked past her, and though she remained silent and unmoved, he saw in her gaze that she was thanking him.
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