Okay so maybe it was stupid for Todoroki to ignore all of his dad's messages because now his phone was lit up with his dad's contact.
He'd been calling nonstop for over an hour. It was actually nonstop.
It had not gone dark once in over an hour and Bakugo was over it so he snatched it from where it was next to Todoroki and answered the call, walking a bit away from the other teen because of mental health reasons
"Yes?" Bakugo answered, sounding unbothered.
He hung up right after, not giving him another chance to speak.
How annoying.
Bakugo was definitely not going back, so he texts Endeavor as much, telling him he's staying with a friend and won't be going home during the weekend.
Todoroki just watched anxiously from where he was on the couch, obviously stressed and nervous about his dad.
"You're not going back to him anymore. If Mr. Aizawa can't do anything about keeping you away still, then you're just coming back to my house and living here until we take legal action. Even after we're switched back."
Picking at his nails, Todoroki nods.
He's definitely overthinking right now.
Todoroki's phone starts buzzing like crazy and that sets him off.
He starts crying, looking at Bakugo in embarrassment.
"Bakugo just please go back. He might beat you, but it's better than dying. Please, I don't want you or me to die. He'll find out where we are and he'll make it so much worse if he has to be the one to come get you. Bakugo I'm-"
He's having a full on breakdown, sobbing and hiccuping harshly, barely even breathing as he explains how scared he is for the both of them.
Bakugo doesn't let it go on, stopping him immediately with another hug, holding him tightly.
Todoroki does stop talking, but he cries.
He cries into his shoulder and eventually hugs him back. He's crying way too hard for it to be about this.
Bakugo knows it's about so much more.
Years of repressed emotions and his tired mind finally let loose.
The wails are heart wrenching.
Bakugo doesn't even know if he's ever cried like this and it's his body.
"I've got you. Just let it out," Bakugo whispers to him.
That forces more cries from Todoroki, and by the time it stops, Bakugo notices that he's passed out.
Pulling out his phone, he sees it's been three hours.
Holy shit.
Well, Todoroki definitely needed that.
Although he'd helped Todoroki through that, he was anxious the whole time. Worried about Endeavor actually finding him and dragging him back to the Todoroki residence to be beaten or killed.
Or maybe beaten to death.
Either way, the thought was there and no matter how much Todoroki hated his life, the wish for death was never actually there.
Bakugo was jealous of that, but also glad. Wanting to die is mentally draining.
He turns off Todoroki's phone and ends up detaching himself from the other in order to go shower and contact Mr. Aizawa while Todoroki was asleep.
Sure showering is fucking weird, but his system is full proof. Don't look down and wash as fast as possible.
So that's what he does. It only takes about fifteen minutes max.
Then, after checking that Todoroki is still asleep, Bakugo steps outside towards the backyard and dials Mr. Aizawa's number.
"Bakugo, is everything alright?"
Bakugo doesn't even get the chance to say hello or anything.
"Yeah, sir, we're fine. Mostly."
There's an exasperated sigh on the other end of the phone at the vagueness of Bakugo's answer.
"What is it?"
He's just worried about how the case against Endeavor is going.
"How fast can you get Todoroki out of that guy's hands?"
It's a little quiet for a while as Mr. Aizawa thinks.
"A week or two with some more evidence."
What? A week at least? With more evidence? Fuck. What else do they need?
"What could speed that process up to a few days?"
Another sigh from the man on the other end has Bakugo cringing. He feels bad for rushing him but Todoroki cannot continue living with him. Not now that Bakugo knows.
"We have pictures, but videos would definitely quicken the pace. We've already spoken to a judge and we have lawyers. Is there anyone Todoroki can stay with or would even want to live with?"
No family is available.
Maybe his sister, but even then, they have no relationship. None at all.
"Todoroki is completely alone," Bakugo answers.
Once he's cleared his throat, Mr. Aizawa starts talking.
"Do you think he'd want to- or would like for me to get custody of him?"
Holy shit, Mr. Aizawa was really in this.
The man is fully committed to keeping Todoroki safe. Even going as far as wanting to adopt the teen for crying out loud. That's not something simple and that just comes to mind. He's been thinking about it for who knows how long.
As for Todoroki, I'm sure he'd prefer Aizawa over anyone else, especially his father, but they can't really know for sure without Todoroki.
"I'd say he would be completely in favor of this, but we can't know without his say. I'll ask him as soon as I get the chance," he says, so willing to be helpful during this.
Todoroki deserves good things and Bakugo is sure that Mr. Aizawa will be more than capable for the job.
"Thank you, Bakugo. Now, I'm not sure if it's because you're in Todoroki's body right now, but you're acting awfully nice."
Bakugo scoffs.
"Fuck off," is all he says and then briefly hangs up.
Once he's back inside, Bakugo looks around his house.
Usually he's filled with some sort of emotion when he looks at it. It's always been quite empty. Even growing up, there wasn't really any kind of decoration or warm feeling in the house.
It's nothing like Todoroki's, but it's empty and it's depressing. Now, though, Bakugo doesn't really feel that missing feeling that he usually does when he's just taking in the house that he grew up in.
When he was at Todoroki's, even though the teen doesn't really feel as much, he did have a twinge of sadness and anxiety when he was in there.
Quietly, he makes his way further into the house, trying to be quiet so that Todoroki could get some more rest. Three hours of straight crying must have been exhausting.
He wonders if Todoroki would actually like to have Mr. Aizawa adopt him. Would that be a choice he'd make?
Like if he wasn't given any option, would he think about the teacher?
Once he's in the living room, he sees that Todoroki is still out cold. His eyes are beyond puffy and definitely red along with his nose.
For now he'll just scroll on his phone and make sure the other is okay.
He sits down on the other couch, slowly cause he aches all over and the bruises are everywhere so everything hurts. He really hopes he can get all healed up before they switch back because he doesn't want Todoroki to feel this.
Honestly, Todoroki has probably felt this and much worse before, but the more he can prevent him from feeling bad, the better.
Fuck, he feels so protective over this guy. It's fucking ridiculous.
Sighing, he runs a hand through his hair, which is also a shock to go feel because usually when he runs his hands through his hair, it's thick and straight up, but with Todoroki, it's thin and down the back of his head.
Todoroki's hair doesn't go up like his.
As he waits for the other to wake up, he scrolls on his phone, checking for notifications and catching up in the media.
Nothing much has happened, but he does see a few notifications from his parents.
One from his mom and one from his dad.
Like if they had suddenly remembered that they had a child and one of them told the other 'oh yeah I'll send Katsuki a text and you do, too, so that he doesn't feel bad.'
He hates that they don't care as much, but right now he feels like he couldn't care less.
His mom asked him how school was going and his dad asked if he was okay.
At least his dad had the audacity to pretend to care. He was probably the one to remember that he even existed and had to tell Mitsuki that 'oh yeah we have a son'.
Not to mention that the son is suicidal and depressed.
Whatever, though.
After he sends a one word response to each of his parents, he looks up to check on the other. Yup, still out.
So as he continues to pass the time, he wonders if he should text Endeavor that it would be good for him to not go home because he's going to a sleepover and socializing with help him become number one.
People like heroes who know how to interact with others after all.
After weighing the pros and cons, Bakugo finally decides to do it and turns Todoroki's phone back on, nervous about the amount of notifications there will be from Endeavor and Endeavor alone.
Another thing that Bakugo is worried about is the messages from friends that Todoroki has been getting.
He knows for sure that Deku has been texting him like mad.
Bakugo hasn't seen the messages from him, but if he knows that green-haired idiot, then he has definitely bombarded Todoroki with messages. Whether it's messages about him worrying or just stupid shit like animal videos.
He's not going to read the messages, obviously, but he can already see all of the notifications coming in and- yup, there are Deku's messages.
And Uraraka's, and Iida's, and Asui's.
They're mixed in with Endeavor's million notifications, but they're there and that's what matters.
He'll get rid of Endeavor's messages that way Todoroki will be met with only messages from his friends.
He swipes away all of the call notifications and opens up the chat.
- - - - -
Endeavor: I did not give you permission to miss school and go with someone else.
Endeavor: Get back home this instant.
Endeavor: You'll see what's going to happen because you're ignoring me.
Endeavor: You're going to regret this Shoto.
- - - - -
Jesus Christ.
This guy is just trying to put fear in Todoroki.
So he sighs, thinking about how to reply and also make the man chill the fuck out.
- - - - -
Me: I apologize. My phone died while I was with my friend. I talked to Mr. Aizawa and he excused my absence because I was helping this friend.
Me: I'm sleeping over at a friend's house because I'm helping him and taking part in sleepovers will help me socialize. People like heroes who can communicate with them and provide comfort.
Me: I will await my punishment, but please know I am sincerely sorry.
- - - - -
Being Todoroki is hard. He talks so formally. Fuck it's weird.
He sighs, trying to let out the pent up anxiety at having to text Endeavor. This guy really fucked Todoroki up. He didn't even think anyone could make the teen feel like this and no one except his dad can.
That's so messed up.
For now, he just mutes Endeavor's contact and places the phone by Todoroki.
Just as he does, the teen's eyes shoot open and he jumps at Bakugo's presence.
Once he realizes who it is, he melts back into the couch and throws an arm over his face, yawning. He rubs his eyes for a few seconds before he sighs heavily and sits up, uncovering his face.
"Why were you right at my face?" He asks, annoyed at being woken up.
It's funny to think that Todoroki is that type of person. The type to be annoyed when woken up, even at this hour of the day.
"I was putting your phone back by you. I took it to get Endeavor off your back."
Todoroki just nods, giving him this half smile type of thing.
"Oh, I also called Aizawa and he asked if you would be okay with living with him?"
This makes him freeze and turn to him.
Yeah it's a shocker for Bakugo, too.
"Since you won't be able to stay with Endeavor anymore and your family is a no-go, he wanted to know if you would like to live with him? He seemed like he wanted you to be okay with it, but I told him I didn't know and that he shouldn't make a decision without you," Bakugo explains, hoping that Todoroki sees Mr. Aizawa as a good person to live with.
He doesn't even take a minute before nodding.
"I want that."
This makes Bakugo full on smile.
Yes, even with Todoroki's body. He's smiling and so is Todoroki.
"Should I tell him or do you want to?" Bakugo asks.
Todoroki shakes his head. "That's embarrassing to tell him myself. You do it," he breathes out, almost laughing.
Bakugo nods, taking out his phone and silently understanding why he feels embarrassed. Especially in his body. Bakugo is always embarrassed for things.
He's even embarrassing for having friends.
And it's not even because of who they are. Believe it or not, Bakugo loves them and doesn't find anything wrong with their personalities. It has nothing to do with them. It's all him. For some reason he's always felt that way.
He can't explain why, but it's just his life.
"I'll tell him you can't wait to live with him and are already calling him dad," Bakugo teases.
Todoroki frowns and throws the finger at him.
In the meantime, Bakugo texts Mr. Aizawa the great news.
The weekend passes by quickly, but not quickly enough.
Bakugo and Todoroki have been contacting Mr. Aizawa and getting updates about what will happen and when and how to react to the situation.
They can't lash out and pull all kinds of stunts. They're future pro heroes, it's important that the image they portray is proper.
The two teens just want to switch back and go back to normal.
Bakugo really thought about going back to Endeavor and getting a beating on video, but after thinking about Todoroki's well-being, he decided against it and is just hoping that the photos and documented injuries are enough.
Not only that, but they've gotten other pro heroes to testify against the man.
Todoroki's siblings refused to say anything, and that made Bakugo both sad and mad.
Those cowards.
They go to class, knowing that just after school, they're going to switch back, so they have one last day.
Bakugo goes to Recover Girl first thing in the morning and gets the injuries healed, still feeling guilty about letting Todoroki's body get all beat up.
He shows up late to second period while Todoroki went to class to take notes for the both of them. No one really looks his way as Cementoss has them dead focused on solving the equation for a free homework pass.
He's so grateful for that.
He's also really fucking grateful that no one knows about their switch even now.
Both his friends and Todoroki's have been a little suspicious about their behaviors, but no one would ever think that they were someone else.
The day passes just like that.
By the time they know it, they're both seated in Mr. Aizawa's office after school, waiting to switch back. Sure, the eyes burning thing sucked, but if they got to switch back, they were ready for anything.
It wasn't like they absolutely hated being each other, it was more like they felt bad that the other had to live their life.
Bakugo hated that Todoroki had to struggle with eating and suicidal tendencies.
Just like Todoroki hated that Bakugo had to deal with his father and the abuse that came from being him.
Neither one of them had wished their struggles on anyone else because both knew how difficult and painful it is to live the life that they do.
Although their own lives are really hard, they're used to it. They know how it feels. It was nothing new. All there was to it was to do it over and over and over until they eventually got real help or they died.
Now, at least one of them was getting real help. Sure, Bakugo's parents got him a therapist and are buying him his pills, but they offer no support and constantly leave him alone, which is something that his therapist told them not to do.
They can't really be taken to court for that.
His mom only hits him here and there and his father never does anything to him.
Sure, his mom says some mean stuff that adds to his depression, but what are they going to say? 'Oh she was mean to me. I'm sad'?
That's not how it works, and, plus, Bakugo is used to it.
Sure he does get even more depressed sometimes, but it's happened over and over. After he found out he survived his attempt, he expected his parents to change and start being there for him.
Instead they made him feel bad and continued leaving him alone.
God he fought the thought of offing himself every day.
But it's not their fault he's fucked up.
They didn't sign up for it.
"Have you guys switched back yet or?"
Mr. Aizawa breaks the silence.
The two teens shake their heads.
Mr. Aizawa nods awkwardly. "Well, it should be any minute now."
Bakugo looks over at the clock at 4:45 and as soon as he looks, he feels a burning sensation in his eyes and squeezes them shut in pain.
When he opens them again, he plagued with all of his usually thoughts and his body feels like utter shit.
The physical pain is the one thing he didn't miss.
It's like he's aching all the time for no reason.
Well, he knows the reason.
It's anxiety and stress.
But it's shitty and he feels it all the time, especially at night when he lays down. All the tension from the day attacks his body and he left almost paralyzed in pain as his body finally relaxes.
"Are you guys switched back, now?"
They both nod.
The one thing Bakugo notices is different from when he was last in his body is the lack of pain in his wrists and throat.
Todoroki must have gotten healed today before classes, too. He definitely did it after Bakugo fell asleep.
"How are you feeling."
In unison the two teens say, "like shit."
The laugh Mr. Aizawa lets out is funnier than their shared hate for being back.
"Well, Todoroki we cleared up a room for you to stay with me already. Would you want to stay tonight? I don't think you should go back to your house with Endeavor there."
Bakugo can see the other turn his head just slightly toward him before shrugging at Aizawa.
It's so weird to see like this again and move around in his body.
Sure, it was familiar, but he had to get used to it again.
"My parents aren't home. He can stay with me for the time being. Just until it's legal for him to stay with you," Bakugo says, noticing Todoroki's subtle body language.
When he finishes speaking, Todoroki's head shoots towards him.
Bakugo just looks at him.
"You were comfortable at my house. Plus, you know I shouldn't be alone," he says, making the situation seem like it would be more beneficial to him rather than Todoroki.
If he's being honest, Bakugo wanted to be alone, but given his past tendencies, he really shouldn't be.
The other teen never gets what he wants, though. It's about time he did. It was obvious he wanted to stay with Bakugo, even if it meant one more night or a few weeks.
You can see the moment Todoroki stops feeling like a burden. His eyes change and his lips do this small twitchy thing.
"What do you mean you shouldn't be alone?"
Both Bakugo and Todoroki turn to the man. Well, shit. The man wasn't notified about Bakugo's mental health or anything related to that. His parents wanted it to stay hidden. Bakugo guesses it's because they're more embarrassed about it than they want to help him.
It's one of the many things that they do that make Bakugo's mental health worse.
"Got a fucked up head," is all Bakugo answers.
The man looks to Todoroki for more specific answers.
"His mental health is very bad and with his parents gone all the time, it's harder for him."
Bakugo just leans back into the couch, sighing and acting unaffected.
He didn't want the man to know, but he knows that he should have been one of the first people to know about this. Recovery Girl was number one, obviously. With being the nurse and all.
"Why wasn't I made aware of this?"
Bakugo sighs heavily and rubs his hand over his face dramatically.
"My parents wanted it to stay on the down low."
Again, he turns to Todoroki for a better response.
"His parents have always been neglectful. When they found out, the first thing they were worried about was how they looked. They wanted it to stay hidden."
Bakugo shoots a glare at Todoroki and lets his eyes fall over to their teacher.
Todoroki just shrugs. "I told you they were assholes. I had to tell you straight out what they did without your bias."
"Bakugo, is this true," the man says, pointing at Todoroki.
The blond nods. "Yeah. So what? I'm doing fine."
He sees Todoroki roll his eyes and shake his head at Mr. Aizawa.
"Bakugo, be honest," Todoroki says.
Fuck this guy.
"I'm trying," Bakugo finally yells, snapping as he turns to Todoroki, holding back tears.
He clears his throat, sitting back. "I got a therapist and I got pills. That's more than what most people get."
After some more silence, he continues, "I'm getting better," he stresses. "Believe it or not, I have. I used to get really bad."
At this point, he just sounds defensive and desperate for them to understand.
"And- okay, recently I got really bad again, but they switched my medicine and now it's better ag-"
He was headed towards a panic attack.
He sits back, trying to get his breathing under control.
Fuck, he got used to not feeling a lot, to feeling too much.
"You clearly aren't safe with your parents," Mr. Aizawa says.
"What? But they don't even hit me or anything-"
"Physical abuse isn't the only kind of abuse, Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa interrupts.
Bakugo instantly stops.
He doesn't know how to defend them.
"They're good people. They love me and- and," he falls short.
There's this feeling in his chest that makes him hate himself.
He feels awkward as the room falls silent and the other two just look at him, probably feeling bad for him.
"It doesn't fucking matter. I'm staying with my parents and there's nothing you can do about it. They have money. I like money. They're able to give me whatever I want and need. And now this idiot is safe, so I don't give a shit," he finally says, standing up.
He grabs his bag and goes to leave the room.
"I'll wait outside the gates for you," he tells Todoroki and leaves.
When the door closes, everything except anger consumes him.
Embarrassment, sadness, longing, confusion, fear, etc.
What do those two idiots know?
His parents have given him some happy memories. They've gotten him therapy and paid for his pills like he said in there.
They took him out all the time when he was younger.
Hikes and picnics in playgrounds were normal and constant.
That all stopped when he turned ten.
He remembers that they weren't even there for his birthday once he turned ten. And it was like that every year after.
Did they not like him anymore?
He doesn't know what to think as he finally makes it outside, pushing the doors harder than needed, but eager to get fresh air. To get out of the building now.
Did they know he was messed up already when he was ten?
He knows he's been feeling like this for most of his life, but it definitely started before he was ten. It was just more manageable because his parents were present. His depression got worse when they stopped giving him any sort of attention. When they gave up on trying to be good parents.
Once they stopped being so present, his mind got darker than ever and he's been fighting it ever since.
He stops, freezing in the middle of the walkway as he realizes.
They never cared and they always knew he was not okay.
He bets they don't even know they're why it got to this point. To the point where actually hurting himself felt good and the thought of killing himself got stronger and more appealing.
Gripping his bag, he shakes his head.
Thinking about this is bad.
He's just waiting for Todoroki.
And he said he'd wait outside the gates.
So he heads for the gates, already halfway there from the building.
He clears his throat and shakes his head again, hoping he doesn't spiral. He has to prove to these two idiots who know nothing that he's getting better and just because his parents don't baby him nothing is wrong.
The rest of the time he's alone, he spends it trying not to overthink, instead, replying to his friends' messages.
He'd lacked in that department: the department of answering his friends.
Kirishima had texted him all weekend, but he didn't really answer. He just gave his attention to Todoroki who was really struggling.
The red-head didn't seem hurt by his lack of answering, so Bakugo felt both grateful and terrible because here was this amazing guy who acrylics him and still tried to talk to him and here he was. An asshole who can't even be bothered to text his friends.
The bare minimum and he can't even do that.
But Kirishima is still his friend and seeks him out. Man, that guy has done so much for Bakugo and he doesn't even know it.
He owes him of all people an explanation.
"I apologize for what I said in there."
Todoroki's sudden talking makes him jump. He didn't even know the other was coming yet. This guy is so quiet holy shit.
Then Bakugo registers what he's saying, already getting mad before he realizes that he's been Todoroki. He knows how this idiot's mind works and he genuinely wanted to do the right thing and thought that he had.
"I don't want you tellling people shit that I don't want them to know," Bakugo says, holding back his anger as much as possible before continuing, "yeah, you helped me explain some parts, but you went too far when you told him that my parents were bad."
He sees the frustration in Todoroki's eyes.
"You don't deserve to feel like that because of your parents. You deserve better. I apologize for overstepping, but I'm not sorry about possibly getting you the help you actually need. I know that therapy and the pills are doing some work, but you need real support and real people to trust."
It's so awkward talking to Todoroki like this and actually seeing him.
"I don't wanna talk about this. Especially not in the open."
Todoroki just nods before falling into step with Bakugo, staying silent most of the way there.
When they're about halfway, he speaks up again.
"So, did you finally respond to Kirishima?"
This asshole. Acting like he knows everything.
Well, he kind of does.
"Yeah. We're hanging out on Wednesday at my house. You're welcome to join. If you don't want to, you can just stay in a different room in the house. You can even have your nerd friends over. My house is big enough, we have enough food and snacks, and I don't give a shit."
He does give a shit.
He wants Todoroki to feel comfortable enough to be able to do that.
They've just gotten to know each other, so maybe that's too much to expect, but who knows?
Bakugo turns just in time to see the small pull of Todoroki's lips. He's smiling.
Todoroki is smiling.
"I'll think about it. Thank you."
Bakugo almost smiles at him, but refrains.
"Whatever. I just know that you never got the chance to do anything like that for anything, so now I think you should be able. I know you've always wanted to," he says, voice low.
Bakugo looks away as he says this, knowing it's way too personal and probably awkward for Todoroki.
"Yes, well, I've never had friends. Maybe- if it's not asking too much, I could join you and your friends this Wednesday and invite my friends over another day and you can join if you'd like? Obviously, since it's your house. You don't need permission to join a get together at your own house. Actually- I don't even know what I'm talking about., I probably won't even do it. It's just taking advantage of-"
"Halfie, it's okay. I'll do that. If you join my friends, I'll join yours. Deal?"
He's never heard Todoroki ramble like that.
It's kind of cute.
"Really?" Todoroki asks. A tinge of something happy there.
I did that.
Bakugo actually smiles this time, but still doesn't look at the other teen.
"Yes, idiot. God damn. Just don't make it a big deal."
When Bakugo turns, he sees the other already looking back, full-on fucking smiling.
Bakugo blushes.
"Stop being an idiot. Just- fuck off," he says, not even yelling because Endeavor yells for no reason and Todoroki doesn't like that.
"Thank you, Bakugo."
Bakugo starts walking faster as he avoids looking at the other, creating some distance between the two. "If you don't shut up, I'll make you sleep with the strays," he threatens.
Suddenly, he feels a tug at his sleeve. "You don't mean that."
And when he looks- fucking- of course the idiot is smiling.
He has to stop doing that or Bakugo is gonna explode. Physically explode. Boom. Gone. Pink mist. Goodbye forever. Bakugo will die.
Todoroki doesn't let go for the rest of the walk back to Bakugo's house and Bakugo doesn't say anything to put a stop to it. Why would he? He doesn't want it to stop.
He likes having Todoroki hold onto him.
It's cute.
Tuesday morning, after talking to Mr. Aizawa, both teenagers went to class and began walking towards each other's seat.
It was kind of funny, especially because they both realized it at the same time and began waking to their own desks. They didn't have to pretend anymore. It's weird because the switch was also only for a week.
Maybe that's enough time to forget?
Who knows?
Anyway, there were only a few people in the room and even less people who were paying attention.
During training, when Todoroki's turn to fight one of the teachers was over, Bakugo raised his hand up at the idiot, and Todoroki just stared.
Bakugo just pointed at his still raised hand with his free one and that's when Todoroki understood, face lighting up as he returned Bakugo's high five.
"Nice job hitting Midnight square in the face," Bakugo smirked, praising the other.
Apparently, Todoroki liked it when people would compliment his fighting abilities because his father never gave him anything to make him feel like he was doing well. It made him really confused when he was younger because if he was doing what Endeavor wanted, then why did his father mistreat him?
So Bakugo wanted to do that little something for him while also giving him a high five because Todoroki absolutely fucking loves high fives and now Bakugo loves giving him some.
"Thank you, Bakugo."
The blond just huffed and turned to the new match that was currently taking place.
It was Shoji.
He was absolutely killing it out there if Bakugo was honest.
He's big and takes up a lot of space, but he's able to make himself less of a liability and more adaptive on the field. In person, not so much, but at least he does it when it's important.
Bakugo feels Todoroki stay by him, actually getting closer, but still about two inches away from him.
"You know, you don't have to do that stuff for me to want to be your friend."
Holy shit. Is he trying to dive into an important issue in Bakugo's life right now in the middle of class?
Bakugo feels like he has to do extra things to make people want to be his friend.
Growing up, people always told him he was bold and rude and that his confidence was more of a problem than it was a strength, so he never felt like being himself was enough.
He tutors his friends for free when back in middle school he charged people for that. Go doesn't know why else they would want to stay friends with him.
"Whatever, Halfie."
Bakugo puts an end to that conversation right then and there.
The people in class who are paying attention find it extremely weird that they're just talking like normal people when usually Bakugo would be yelling at Todoroki to fuck off or just stomp away.
They don't say anything, though.
And then on Wednesday morning before class, Bakugo tells his group chat that Todoroki will be joining them during their group hang out.
Right after sending the message, Bakugo puts his phone on silent and walks into class just before the bell rings so his friends can't go up to him and bombard him with questions.
At lunch, Bakugo didn't know whether to book it out of the classroom and hide from his idiots until after school because he didn't want to deal with them just yet or to just suck it up and eat lunch with them while the attack him with questions.
He went with the latter.
Boy were they something.
Kirishima was the most curious but Mina asked the most questions, even going so far as to asking if they were a secret couple.
What a weirdo.
Finally, when he got sick of it, he snapped.
"Fuck you. He's coming because he can and it's my house and if you don't like it then you're not invited and you can just forget about talking to me ever again. If you ask one more question I'm going to shove my hand up your ass and set off my quirk."
Complete silence from his friends for a few seconds before the chatter started back up on a completely different subject.
Finally, that day after classes, they all walked to Bakugo's house after school.
They all decided on a sleepover and Bakugo agreed, even giving Todoroki a heads up so that he could decide to join them or leave in the middle of the hang out.
He clarified that by 'leave' he meant go upstairs to his room.
Todoroki said it would depend during the hang out, but he would text him what he decided while they were hanging out.
The walk there was fine, all of his friends talked to Todoroki like he was already one of them and he could tell that the other appreciated it because of the look in his eye when they made eye contact.
Even throughout the night, Todoroki seemed to be having a good time. He eventually texted Bakugo that he would be staying downstairs with them for the sleepover, and, honestly, Bakugo enjoyed himself way more with Todoroki there.
It was perfect.
One of the only problems that Bakugo had was that he could not stop thinking about Mina's question.
"Are you guys a secret couple or something?"
As if.
Word Count: 6039
Y'all this was the final chapter but DONT WORRY there's an epilogue and yes this is a todobaku book so the epilogue will have that todobaku content 😈 anyway I hope y'all liked this chapter. Sorry for posting later. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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