Okay so maybe there were some feelings that Bakugo was feeling.
Particularly for Todoroki.
Romantic feelings.
It's not weird. Okay maybe a little weird, but he's come to learn about Todoroki, even after they swapped back to themselves.
Todoroki is just a kind person. Sure, he's petty, but Bakugo likes that. He likes that Todoroki gets annoyed with him and will push him slightly when Bakugo teases or says something that he doesn't like.
He likes the attitude that Todoroki will display when he's particularly angry.
He likes that the idiot is so picky with his food and always wears mismatched socks like a lunatic.
He likes how when he talks to Bakugo, it's unrestrained and honest. It's just so him and he's not shy about it, and he doesn't feel like a nuisance when he's with Bakugo and Bakugo can tell.
He can tell that Todoroki is so comfortable with him and now that he's been staying at Bakugo's house, his trust has only gotten deeper.
Like the other day, Todoroki fell asleep on his shoulder.
At the beginning, right when they were back to normal, Todoroki wouldn't even yawn in the same room as Bakugo.
The case with his dad has improved and they're finally going to court tomorrow.
It's been exactly one week since they switched back, and Mr. Aizawa already has so much evidence on Endeavor along with testimonies.
It'll be a walk in the park.
No matter what Endeavor's lawyers bring, there's irrefutable proof of the abuse.
Mr. Aizawa was able to find a videos from around ten years ago and some from as recent as this year. It took a lot of digging, but he was able to submit the proof, so now they could use it in court. It was last minute, so there was a low chance that it could be used, but the judge allowed it.
Tomorrow Bakugo would testify, too.
Telling the court that as Todoroki, he suffered immense pain and fatal injuries.
Even though the situation was iffy, Mr. Aizawa would fully take responsibility on why they were switched because it was his fault anyway.
It was still a nerve wracking event and Bakugo was anxious about it.
He couldn't even imagine what Todoroki was going through.
Said teen had been on edge all day. They were excused from school today and tomorrow, which lessened their stress, but Todoroki was losing it.
He'd woken up in a panic, then stayed awake, cleaned the entire downstairs, sat and stared at a blank television, got up, showered for about two hours, had a panic attack when Bakugo dropped a spoon while trying to serve Todoroki ice cream, and then went back to staring at the tv.
Bakugo got him a new spoon after calming him down from the panic attack and served him a new bowl of ice cream.
"Halfie," he said, almost in a whisper when he sat down next to him.
He handed him the bowl, and almost robotically, Todoroki took it and held the bowl in his hands.
"Halfie," Bakugo called again, trying to get his attention.
It didn't seem to be working because he just continued staring straight in front of him. It was starting to freak Bakugo out.
"Okay," Bakugo breathed, "Halfie, come on. You're freaking me out."
After more silence, Bakugo decided that enough was enough. "Halfie, I'm going to touch your arm. Please, for the love of god, don't freak the fuck out."
Slowly, he reaches his arm out, resting his hand in Todoroki's forearm, rubbing his thumb back and forth in comfort. Just then, almost like he shocked him with electricity, Todoroki flinches and his head shoots towards Bakugo.
Wanting to be comforting, Bakugo smiles at him.
"Hey, Halfie."
"Bakugo, I-"
He then notices the bowl of ice cream that he's holding. "Ice cream," he says. He doesn't say it like a question.
"I got you ice cream. You don't have to eat it," he says, reaching to take it.
Todoroki pulls it away from him, almost childishly. "No."
Bakugo's hand retreats and he nods. "Okay, it's just strawberry ice cream. Nothing fucking special. Are-" god talking about feelings is weird, "are you alright? You're like-" he motions to him.
Todoroki is just eating the ice cream now.
"I'm scared and I don't know what to do about it. I feel like I might die with how scared I am. I want to freak out all the time. Just-" he sighs, eating another spoonful of ice cream to collect himself.
Bakugo just listens, knowing that this is big and Todoroki talking about it is important.
"I'm scared of everything. I'm scared that if we win, one day I might bump into my siblings and it'll be awkward. Sure, there are lots of people in Japan and there are lots of places to live, but it's not impossible for me to bump into them. I'm scared that I won't know how to live a normal life. I'm scared that I'll find out I was meant to do everything my dad wanted. That I won't have any of my own goals."
Todoroki is just staring at the bowl of ice cream in his hands now.
"I'm scared of losing this because if we lose," he looks up to Bakugo, making direct eye contact, "I'm scared I won't have the chance to find out."
Bakugo feels like he can't breathe.
"I won't have the chance to run into my siblings and have awkward conversations with them about how it's like living away from him. I'm scared that I won't ever know what I want for myself."
He's tearing up as he looks straight at Bakugo and the blond just stares back.
"I don't know what I want."
The words hit Bakugo hard because for Bakugo, he's always known. He's always wanted to be a hero that people will trust completely to win. He's always known he wants to get better and fix his health.
He's always thought about what he wants, which is the complete opposite for Todoroki because his whole life, he's been living for someone else's dreams.
"We'll win. And when we do," Bakugo says, taking the bowl out of Todoroki's hand and putting it on the table next to them before grabbing his right hand, "we'll figure out what you want together."
The tears finally fall from Todoroki's eyes, leaving trails down his cheeks as Bakugo squeezes his hand to comfort him.
"Who knows, maybe you'll decide not to be a hero. Maybe you'll decide to become a stripper for fucks sake," Bakugo says, teasing.
It gets a wet laugh from Todoroki as he wipes his tears away with his left hand. "Shut up," he says, shoving him slightly with the hand that he retracts from Bakugo's hold.
Bakugo misses the feeling of their hands intertwined, but this is not about him. It's about Todoroki and comforting him. It's about making sure he's okay and being someone he can rely on so that he doesn't drive himself to his limit. Bakugo has been there before and it's not something that's easy to get through alone.
Although this is about Todoroki, he hopes that because of their newfound friends, he never has to go through that dark phase alone again.
He hopes he can be there for Todoroki if something goes wrong. If he gets into some trouble in the future. Like pulling a prank on a teacher and having it backfire.
Or if one day Todoroki decides to rob his shitty family members, Bakugo hopes Todoroki asks him for help first before anyone else.
It's selfish, he knows.
He's a selfish person, so fucking what?
He gets to be, and for once, so does Todoroki. For the first time in over fifteen years, Todoroki gets to be selfish, and Bakugo hopes he can for the rest of his life. Todoroki deserves it above everyone else.
"Thank you, Bakugo," Todoroki says, squeezing his hand back and giving him a wobbly smile.
"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you," the blond threatens.
"I wouldn't. Especially because it would ruin my reputation just as much as yours."
Bakugo laughs. "Like if you care about your own reputation."
With sarcasm that Bakugo didn't know he had, Todoroki just huffs out a, "Oh yeah, my reputation is my number one priority, actually."
That makes Bakugo snort, shoving Todoroki just as playfully as he does to him all the damn time.
"I hate you."
Todoroki was gripping his dress pants hard. Bakugo could see his knuckles turning white from where he was watching right next to him.
The press outside was insane. The blond was beyond nervous and he knows Todoroki was feeling ten times worse. There's no way he wasn't, and now there was proof because he was sweating and shaking now.
"I think I'm gonna puke," Todoroki says, getting up before sprinting to the nearest restroom.
Bakugo looked around, making sure no one was looking at Todoroki freak out before following him around the corner. As soon as he started following, he saw Todoroki bolting through restroom doors.
In an instant, Bakugo was with him, rubbing his back as he puked harshly, shaking. His gasps echo loudly in the empty restrooms. It's a sad sight, but Bakugo just wants to be here for him. If rubbing his back and saying soothing words doesn't do anything, then he could figure something else out.
"I got you," Bakugo says, trying to be comforting.
That's when he hears a sob that bounces off the walls of the empty bathroom.
"I can't do it."
Bakugo is confused for less than a second before he realizes what he's talking about. Immediately, Bakugo thinks about what would be best to say. Should he encourage him or say he doesn't have to testify and fight against his dad?
This is for the best. This trial is to put an end to Endeavor's abuse once and for all.
"I know it's fucking traumatizing. This guy has put you through actual hell and facing him is gonna be really scary. Once this is over, though, it's over. You'll be done with him. The process is gonna be shit, but think of the after. After you'll start living the life you've always deserved. Aizawa is rough around the edges, but he cares and he's not the kind of guy who will fucking abuse his kids," Bakugo says, still rubbing his back as Todoroki gags every now and then.
By the end of his speech, Todoroki hasn't vomited, and the gagging is less consistent.
"I know you'll probably want to punch me in the face for saying this shit, but you gotta take deep breaths. Preferably not in my direction cause you just fucking vomited and- gross, but big breaths, come on," Bakugo says, coaxing Todoroki away from the toilet bowl and, instead, sitting right next to him on the floor.
Todoroki clings to his arm, holding on tightly as he takes deep breaths, not facing Bakugo.
"I'm joking about facing away," the blond says, voice softening again as he turns Todoroki's head by pressing his pointer and middle finger to his cheek to turn the other his way.
Todoroki's face is red and he's sweating as tears fill his eyes.
"Come here." And with that, Bakugo pulls Todoroki into a hug, wrapping his hands around him securely and squeezing just so.
Slowly, Todoroki hugs Bakugo back, sniffling here and there.
They stay there for a while after that and Bakugo doesn't know how much time has passed before a ringtone snaps them both out of the comfortable zone they were in.
Bakugo notices that it's his phone, so they pull away and the blond takes his phone out of his pocket.
Aizawa's contact is on the screen and he immediately answers.
"Bakugo, where are you and Todoroki?"
Bakugo looks at Todoroki who definitely heard the question because of how quiet it is in the restroom.
"We're in the bathroom, heading back now."
With those words, Bakugo stands up, and helps Todoroki up.
"Are you two okay?"
Helping Todoroki smooth out his suit and fixing his hair for him, Bakugo easily answers the man, "Once we win, we will be."
Todoroki gives him a small smile, sniffling.
"Okay, get back here now," the man says, sounding suspicious of Bakugo vague answer.
They hang up, and Todoroki turns around, blowing his nose before throwing the paper in the toilet and flushing.
As they head out to get back to Mr. Aizawa, Bakugo grabs Todoroki's arm. Once the other teen turns around to look at the blond, Bakugo looks him straight in the eye.
"We are winning this."
After weeks, Todoroki and Bakugo are finally back in the blond's house.
His parents have been at home every now and then and they just assume Todoroki is staying over whenever they are there. Bakugo didn't tell them that he's pretty much been living there and he doesn't plan on doing that.
But now, Todoroki and Bakugo are home. The verdict in the trial was finally announced and the fighting was over.
Just like Bakugo said they would, they won.
Todoroki is no longer Endeavor's son. Now he's in Mr. Aizawa's custody.
At court, Todoroki had held Bakugo's hand so tightly it hurt, and when they announced Endeavor guilty and that Todoroki was now under Mr. Aizawa's custody, Todoroki tackled Bakugo into a hug.
It was like the movies, but so much better because it was real and Todoroki was finally getting out of his father's grasp.
Bakugo couldn't be happier for him.
But now they're winding down from the win. Mr. Aizawa had taken them out to eat in order to celebrate and they talked the whole night.
After weeks, the whole class just got used to them being friends.
After hosting a group hang out with Deku and the others at his house, Bakugo only felt closer to Todoroki. They really had gotten closer. It was obvious.
In the way Bakugo would prepare their meals, eating the same amount as Todoroki as many times as he could handle without sending himself into a panic attack. Eating was still hard, even if he knew it was bad that he was starving himself.
It wasn't pretty and it wasn't fun. It was embarrassing and he hated it. He felt horrible every day. Weak and tired.
Slowly, though, as the weeks passed and his friendship with Todoroki grew, he was finally able to start fixing his eating habits. It didn't come easy. With the help of Todoroki and Mr. Aizawa, he was also able to tell his friends.
Because of that, they all helped Bakugo begin to fix his problem.
The point was, Todoroki has changed Bakugo's life for the better and he hopes he's done something positive for Todoroki.
He's trying to be a good person and it's because of Todoroki.
"Bakugo," Todoroki calls from the other side of the room.
They're both in pajamas now and they're about to go downstairs to watch a show they started binging together.
The blond turns around, wondering what Todoroki will say.
"Yeah?" Bakugo asks after a while. Todoroki hadn't said anything after calling Bakugo.
Without a word, Todoroki walks towards him, pretty much striding all the way to him.
Bakugo steps back, preparing for whatever it might be. A hug, a punch, a shove. He doesn't make a move to strike back or anything. His heart does beat at a million miles per hour, though.
Todoroki gets closer and closer until-
Warm lips are pressing against his and Bakugo's eyes widen in surprise as his hands hover over Todoroki awkwardly. Todoroki doesn't falter, though, his grip tightens, which snaps Bakugo out of his shock.
Todoroki, this hot guy, is kissing him.
At the realization, his eyes fall shut and he presses back, resting his hands on the other's hips, squeezing just to feel Todoroki.
Their lips move in synch, but it takes a while because both are inexperienced and clumsy.
When Todoroki tries to introduce tongue, Bakugo feels heat, almost burning, in his body and he accidentally makes a noise that comes from the back of his throat when Todoroki's tongue actually starts sliding across his teeth.
At this, both of them pull away and Bakugo rests his head on Todoroki's chest, looking down at their feet which are covered in mismatched socks.
"Bakugo, be with me? You told me right when we found out I was free that I get to be selfish. So be mine. Please, be with me," he says, sliding his hands up and down Bakugo's sides which- holy fuck is messing with the blond's brain.
Everything. God, his breathing, his hands, his words. Bakugo is done for.
"Yes," he pants.
At the word, Todoroki moves back, using both hands to lift Bakugo's face and kissing him with everything he's got. You can't blame Bakugo for doing the same.
Once they run out of air, they pull away, Todoroki's hands still holding Bakugo's face.
"I'm so mad we wasted so much time hating each other," the taller breathes.
Bakugo smirks up at him. The few inches Todoroki has on him are kind of hot. God he can't wait to brag about this to fucking everyone.
"Me too."
Just like that, Todoroki's face lights up.
"How about we make it up to each other for the rest of our lives?" He asks, taking Bakugo's hands.
This guy is serious.
He wants to spend the rest of his life with Bakugo.
Bakugo's mind blanks, going so crazy everything in his mind shut down.
But he wants this. He wants forever with Todoroki.
"Yes. Yeah, let's spend forever fixing it," he says, smile breaking across his face.
In that moment, it was like Bakugo's mind reset, finding himself unable to let this moment slip away.
Word Count: 2986
Y'all this ending sucked. LMAO 😭😭 uhh even THE FUCKUNG COVER WAS HORRIBLE. I hate the cover. Anyway I hope the few of y'all that read this enjoy it. I love you all and tysm for reading<3
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