CH. 8
I had just gotten in one of the ships and past the British guards. espèce d'idiot. I wanted so bad to just kill them for taking Alex but I didn't want to ruin our chances of saving him. When no one was in sight, I whispered for him to see if he was anywhere around. " Petit lion? Are you here?" There was no answer. I hope the others are having better luck...
I had some pretty good luck getting inside. I started sneaking around when a squeak sounded. Shoot. "What was that?" Oh no...a redcoat heard! I heard footsteps coming towards me. I quickly hid behind a few barrels.
There was a small crack so I could see in front of me. The redcoat was walking and stopped in front of the barrels. I felt as if my heart would burst out of my chest. They looked around for a minute and for some reason they didn't look behind the barrels. Well... I shouldn't complain. They eventually left and I let out a sigh of relief. When the coast was clear, I whispered "Alex? It's John, Are you here?" There was no answer. I wonder how Herc and Laf are doing...
Just my luck... I'm running from some British soldiers. Wait...Why am I running!? I'm not scared of some scrawny redcoats! I turned around and knocked both of them out with a kick and punch. Hah take that!
After a few seconds of me being proud of myself, I went back to looking for Alex. "Hamilton? I whispered. "Are you here bud? It's Herc. I'm here to take you back and the others are looking for you too." There was no answer. I hope we find him soon.
I wonder how the others are doing or if they found Alex. I've gotten past the redcoats that were "guarding" the ship. They aren't very good at their jobs... good for me though. I did a bit of looking around. Then, when I was sure that no one was around, I whispered, "Hamilton?" There was no answer, But I heard a slight whimper coming from a room. I think it's Alex! "Alexander, It's Washington. I'm here to take you back."
For a few moments there was silence.
"S-sir?" I heard a pained voice sound. "Yes...Alex I'm here. I just need to get this door open." I grabbed a pocket knife from my jacket and unlocked the door. "Thank god you're alright!" I said with relief rushing through me. Yeah...My injuries are pretty bad though..."
"I can see that but I'll get you back to camp and to the Army nurse and we'll find out what we can do."I said as I cut the ropes and helped him off the chair. "Ok." He sounded really dehydrated and looked like he hadn't eaten at all. It's probably true. "How long has it been since you've eaten or had a drink?"
"Erm..." he hesitated. " I haven't eaten since I got kidnapped and the Redcoat gave me water yesterday to keep me alive. He thought he could get answers out of me. I had told him repeatedly that I would rather die than give him answers..." Alex said sounding troubled. "Well, if we don't get your friends and get out of here, that will be the case."
"They're here?" Alex's spirits seemed to have lifted a bit. "Yes, they were looking for you too. We'd split up to different ships."
"Heh...I didn't even know if any of you were coming..."
"And leave you in this hell hole?! Your friends and I were worried sick. Lafayette looked like was ready to murder someone. They all did. He rambled in French for a solid 15 minutes when he found out you were in a ship!" I exclaimed. "He only does that when he's really upset." He chuckled. I put an arm around Alex to help him walk. I could tell he was in a lot of pain though. "Son...are you alright?"
"Y-yes sir. I'm doing alright." He was lying.
There was a tree nearby so we waited there for his friends. Soon they came out with upset expressions...that is, until they saw Alex.
"Sir...we didn't see hi- ALEX!" John yelled. They all ran over and hugged him. "Oh my god Alex, you idiot! we were so worried!" Herc said.
"Ne me fais plus peur comme ça, petit lion!" Lafayette yelled with a quick pace. Everyone will as rambling And very happy to have Alex back."I can't believe you guys actually came." said Alex as he chuckled slightly. "What are you talking about? Why wouldn't we?" John asked. "How do I not drive you guys crazy? All I do is talk, I have a sensitive spot on family and my past, and I have panic attacks from storms... Only kids get freaked out by storms!" "None of that is your fault. You've had a hard past." Said Herc. "And that doesn't stop you from being our friend." Laf said. At this point, everyone's eyes were teary. "Alex, we would come for you no matter what." I said.
(Omg so much fluff...I'm choking in it😂)
"Oi!" we all turned sharply to see many angry redcoats.
(you just ruined the moment you as-)
I noticed that mixed emotions of fear, anger, and distress were on Alex's face when he laid eyes on one of them. I'm guessing that he was the one that tortured him. "And what do you think you're doing!" "I'm taking my soldier back." I said sternly, managing to remain calm. I was infuriated at what he did to Alex. He was in critical condition And I needed to get him back to camp. "Ok guys...ready..." I started while the redcoats got closer. "And..." closer...
"Run!" I said quickly and we all ran with my arm still around Alex. He was in so much pain running and didn't even say a thing. He just kept running, using up all the strength he had left. He's probably the strongest person I've ever seen.
After a while of running, we were eventually a few minutes away from camp. "Did...did we loose them?" John asked out of breath. "I...think so Mon Ami" Laf said happily. We all let out a sigh of relief. "I've missed this place. I'm glad I'm back." Alex said. "And we're glad to have you back." His friends said at the unison before laughing. "Let's go mon ami. You need medical assistance. You look as if you'll pass out any second." Laf said. "Feels like it too." Alex said. When we got to camp on our way to the Nurse, Alex got a few stares which obviously made him uncomfortable. He was limping and grunted in pain with almost every movement he made. "Come on son...we're almost there." I said with worry while thinking of how serious the injuries might be.
Words- 1169
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