Ch. 5
Please Petit Lion... Hang in there. We are coming for you. We are all worried sick. John looks like he's going to cry. Herc just punched a Wall open because of that stupid habit of his that when he's frustrated or worried, he has to punch something. Then, one of the soldiers yelled at him because of it. I think it was his barrack. Whatever...I guess that kind of lightened the mood. Washington has been pacing for half an hour probably trying to come up with a plan and worrying about you. Lee was being... Un cul total. He kept trying to pursuade us to not come and find you. I hate him. If only you were here. John punched Lee in the face hard enough to make him fall backwards. It was halarious. You should have seen his face. I really hope you are holding up well. Do not fear Mon Ami,
Nous viendrons vous trouver dès que possible
"Laf?" it was Herc. He probably saw my spaced out expression. "Oui?" I asked
"You Alright buddy?"
"I'm just really worried about Alex..." I said with a sigh. "Yeah..we all are. But we will find him." "Yeah." It was John now. "He's one of the strongest soldiers here.... Right sir?" "Yes, He is. I've never seen anyone run into so much danger without hesitation and pull out of some of the injuries he's had doing so." Washington said.
Like remember that one time...
*FLASHBACK* (still in same POV)
(this part is Actually based on a true story that happened to Hamilton in war)
Washington had called us in to talk to him. When I got there, Herc and John were already there. "Sorry guys! I got a bit occupied when-"
"It's alright. I need to talk to you three. It's very important." Washington said with a pained voice. We looked up at him with alarm.
"I'm sorry to be the one to address this but I felt that I needed to be the person to tell you this...sorrowful news... Alexander Hamilton, has been shot by the Hudson river and most likely died drowning." We all gasped at the same time.
I felt as if my heart and everything around me had just...stopped. This can't be real. He can't be dead. I was pulled back to reality by Washington's hand on my shoulder. That's when I realized there were tears running down my face. My friends were in the same state. "He can't be dead!" Herc yelled. "This isn't can't be...there's no way it can be..." John mumbled.
"Charles Lee told me that he, Hamilton and some other soldiers were emptying bags of flower into the river to slow down the British. Then when some redcoats saw them, they retreated but Hamilton was shot and fell into the river in doing so." "Why didn't he go back for him!?"
"He-he didn't know if Alex was dead!" "And now.. it could be too late!" John shouted.
"Well... Although I agree, instead of mourning his death, we should celebrate him." Washington said. We all went to a bar close by called "Sam Adams' bar."
We all got a few pints of Sam Adams. Even though Washington doesn't drink, he decided he'd get "just one." "To Hamilton!" We all shouted. "An amazing friend and a man who blew us all away!" For around an hour, we talked about the great times we had with Alex and some funny stories when we had all turned around to the sound of violent coughing by the door of "Sam Adams."
Alex. " S-surprise..."he said between coughs. "ALEX!" We all ran over and hugged him but he flinched and yelped in pain.
"Petit lion?" I asked. "Are you alrigh-" he passed out but Washington caught him before he hit the floor. "Quick. Let's get him to the army nurse."
*TIME SKIP(still in flashback)*
Hamilton had woke up in his bed after a few hours. "H-hey guys..." " scared the heck out of us!" Herc playfully, but lightly punched Alex in the shoulder. "Heh...sorry...but I'm alive and...ok." "I'm glad you're alright son." Washington said as he put a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Thanks." Wow..He didn't deny Washington saying son...I thought happily.
"Haha yah. And you told Hamilton that he couldn't fight for a few weeks." I said "And then a few days later, I caught him fighting again." Washington said chuckling. "You had to actually drag him back to the nurse at least 3 times!" John said laughing. "The guy just doesn't listen to anyone!" Herc exclaimed also chuckling. "Well..."Washington began. "I think I have a plan to save Alex."
Words- 793
This sucks... So cringy... Look Awayyy!
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