Chapter 3.
Chapter 3.
I lifted her onto my hip and followed Ashton to the kitchen.
“Eat anything you like.” he said walking back into the living room. I set lily down and pulled out a box of cheerios and poured some in two bowls.
“Milk?” I asked holding up a carton of milk. She shook her head and popped a couple cheerios in her mouth. I put the carton back in the fridge and ate my cheerios dry like Lilly. I finished up my food before heading upstairs to change. I tugged on a pair of black skinny jeans and a baggy sweater. I messily put my hair in a bun and coated a bit of mascara on my lashes.
“Where are you going?” I turned around to see Jessica in the doorway.
“I was going to see if I could go to the mall.” I said putting on my worn out converse.
“I can take you. Do you mind if I pick up my little sister on the way. She’s about your age.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
I followed her down the stairs and into the living room. Lilly was curled up on the couch next to the boy with dark brown hair.
“Hayley and I are going to the mall.” Jessica said picking up her purse.
“Have fun” the blue haired one said.
“Before you go I need to introduce you to the boys, this is Michael.” He said gesturing towards the one with blue hair. I smiled and he smiled back.
“The blonde one is Luke.” Luke waved at me awkwardly. I giggled before looking at the boy with dark hair.
“And lastly this is Calum.” Calum turned his head and his dark brown eyes meet mine. I have always been a sucker for brown eyes.
“Nice to meet you Hayley.” He said giving me a breath taking smile.
“Nice to meet you too.” I said.
“Let’s go.” Jessica chirped.
“Wait, here. Have fun.” Ashton said slipping a one hundred dollar bill in my hand. Before I could give it back to him Jessica pulled me out into the car.
“So, you like Calum.” Jessica stated as she pulled out of the driveway.
“What? No.” I said shaking my head. I felt my cheeks flush pink; I turned away so she wouldn’t see.
“Liar.” She giggled.
“whatever.” I said. Twenty minutes later she pulled into a driveway of a small burgundy house.
“Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Jessica said stepping out of the car and jogging up to the front door. Minutes later Jessica came back out with two girls following behind her. I thought she said she was just getting her sister? One of them looked like an exact replica of Jessica only her hair was blonde and curly. The girl next to her had pinned straight purple hair.
“Girls this is Hayley, she’s Ashton’s younger sister. Hayley this is my sister Brooklyn and her friend Kendall.”
“You can call me Brooke.”
“I didn’t know ash had a sister.” Kendall said.
“He has two. Lily is the other one and she’s the cutest thing ever.” Jessica said pulling out of the driveway.
“How old is she?” Brooke asked.
“two.” I said fidgeting with my hands. She nodded her head before placing in her ear buds and cranking up the volume. I had always loved music; I remember making Ashton sing me to sleep every night. He singing was something I looked forward to. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat when “How to save a life” by the fray flowed out of the speakers. At times I swore it was Ashton who was singing instead. Thank goodness that we arrived at the mall before I broke into tears.
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