Lost in Translation
Ok so after that whole deal with the creole, now some peeps found it interesting because they could kind of understand it wanted to see what's really different.
So because I'm bored here's another lil bit about creole, it's gender neutral, there's a Spanish version by comparison and present tense adjectives don't exist.
Soh lehgo!
-So Let's go!
Boy- Bway
Girl- Gyal
They- deh, dem
Neutral- ih, 'e
Di bway mi di wahk don di rode
-the boy was walking down the road.
Di Gyal mi di wahk don di rode
-the girl was walking down the road.
Deh mi di wahk don di rode
-They were walking down the road.
Ih mi di wahk don di rode an me noh no weh 'e mi gaan.
(um English doesn't have a neutral term so I guess They will work?)
-They were walking down the road and I don't know where they went
Mother- ma, mah, mamy, mahmy, mammy (each has a different pronunciation, but it's mostly for mood)
Eg. "Ma! I di goh da skool!"- child(5-8)
-"Mom! I'm going to school!"
"Ma, I gwine soh!"-(18+)
-"Mom I'm going out!"
"Mah, why??"- whining teen
-"Mom, whyy?"
"Mamy, weh baybe dem coh fah?" Curious child (5-10)
-"Mommy, where do babies come from?"
"Mahmy, pleez fi dis wahn!"- begging/bargaining child (5-8)
-"Mommy, please can I have this one?"
And this one doesn't really mean mother it's just respect for an older lady.
"Eckscuze mi deh mammy, yo née eny help deh wit yo baag?"
-"Excuse me there mam/mrs./ms./miss, do you need any help there with your purse?"
Father: Dad, Dahdi, Pa, pah
Dad- stepfather( one who raised you from a child)
Dahdi-Daddy (biological father)
Pa- "mih Pa ah wap mi gud, I noh deh pan dat"
-"My father/Dad is going to give me a good arse whooping, I'm not up for that" (non age spesific)
pah- *sounds like a scoff than a word*
Translation- douchebag of a biological father.
"Mih pah gwine dah hativille fi a laang wile, dah gud fi ah"
-"My (douchebag of a) father is going to jail for a long will, serves him right"
Sir: Sah, sa
sa - child
Me explaining why I spell things wrong:
Wrote, Written, Writing, - do NOT exist in creole.
It's Write only.
So we have:
I ah write- I will write
I di write- I am writing
I mi write- I wrote
Same for the word rode
So since it doesn't exist road=rode
I di ride
I ah ride
I mi ride
And I saw written once and automatically went :Write, Written, Writting, Wrote. Don't judge 😝
As for becuase, thier, Veiwers, when it should be becuase, their and Viewers- I also have dyslexia so... yeah lol
Oh for the Spanish it's like saying.
Abuela or Chichi- Grandmother
Pelota or Bola- Ball
Anyone got a sentence they want to see me write in creole?
*Funny it's spelled creole in English but it's Kriol here lol
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