𝔦 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔬𝔫𝔢
𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐
DIANA SILVERSTONE IS NOT PARTICULARLY AMUSED as she enters Number Twelve Grimmauld Place for the first time. She stands in a long hallway lit with gas lamps and a large overhead chandelier. The dim lighting makes her eyes feel all funny, and the scent that fills her nostrils is not exactly pleasing. It's a smell that one can only describe as 'old', like when you walk into an abandoned building and you can just tell it's been deserted for many, many years.
The only thing that comes to mind as Diana examines the hallway in front of her is, thank fuck I'm not actually living here over the summer.
She glances to the left at her grandmother, whose expression seems to be exclaiming the same thing.
You see, Elizabeth Silverstone, despite her age, is a much too powerful woman to be kept in hiding all summer at the gloomy House of Black - so, whilst she is apart of the Order, there's no need for both her and her granddaughter Diana to reside at Grimmauld Place. Instead they arrive to attend Order meetings, sometimes stay for dinner, and then leave just as everyone is getting ready for bed.
Elizabeth insists on bringing Diana to meetings because she doesn't want to keep her in the dark - and, well, nobody would dare tell her no. She's a notorious, authoritative Auror who can still end any witch or wizard in second, even in her old age - certainly living up to the Silverstone name and the family's reputation for power. When she was thirty, she created the 'lethal fire' spell which sets anything aflame without harming the witch or wizard who cast it, even if they too were to catch flame. If powerful enough, it can even be cast without a wand and is extremely hard to put out compared to usual fires.
Very few people know the words or wand movements to cast this spell, and Diana has the privilege of being one of the tiny percent of the wizarding population to be taught it, although she hasn't quite mastered it herself yet. She is most certainly determined to, though.
The door furthest down the hallway opens and a man appears with flaming red hair. His face brightens at the sight of Diana's grandmother.
"Liz!" The man says. "We were all wondering when you'd arrive,"
"I'm sure you were," Elizabeth replies. "You know of Diana, I presume? My granddaughter?" she gestures to the silver haired girl standing next to her.
Diana gives the man a half smile and a nod.
"Yes, of course!" The man says, giving her a warm smile and holding out his arm. "I'm Arthur, Arthur Weasley,"
Diana shakes his hand politely.
"You might know one of my kids?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm in Ron's year," Diana nods.
She'd already known this question was going to come up - all parents talk about is their kids, nowadays. At least, the good parents do. Hers are probably currently planning some evil shit, but Diana doesn't want to think about that, right now.
"I thought so,"
The young Silverstone doesn't really know Ron, to be fair. He's in a few of her classes, what with the usual mix of Slytherins and Gryffindors, and so she recognises him from those. Other than that, and the weird end of year issues he tends to get himself tangled in, Diana knows nothing about the boy.
The three walk through the long hallway. At one time, this must have been a grand entryway, complete with ornate portraits on the walls - but now, all Diana can see is cobwebs, peeling wallpaper and a worn thin carpet. She grimaces at the sight of it.
Arthur opens one of the doors and a bright light shines through that suggests not the entire house is as poorly lit as the hallway.
"Everyone! This is Elizabeth and Diana Silverstone," Arthur introduces, holding the door open for the two to enter.
Elizabeth walks in confidently, having knowing almost everyone in the Order from the last Wizarding War. Diana follows behind, keeping her head high because the last thing she wants is for anyone to think she is unsure (although she is a bit clueless of where to go, or to look).
Many adults turn and cheerful greetings break out at the sight of the older Silverstone, all clearly knowing her very well. It's safe to say she's a popular woman - but Diana already knows this about her grandmother.
"Liz!" A plump woman with red hair smiles, being the first to walk forward and wrapping her in a hug. "How are you doing? Gosh, I haven't seen you in years!"
"I'm well, Molly, and you?" Elizabeth says, before the woman nods.
Diana scans the room to see if there's anyone she's familiar with - but so far, she hasn't a clue of anyone. Well, except Sirius Black - but she doesn't even know him personally, she just recognises him from the wanted posters. Of course, Elizabeth has explained Sirius' situation to her before and the fact that he's innocent. Poor bloke.
She also recognises Mad-Eye Moody, due to the fact that Barry Crouch Jr. used him as a disguise for the whole previous year as their Defence teacher. It feels weird, actually - Diana feels like she knows this man, due to the fact that he was supposedly her teacher last year. But in reality, she doesn't know him at all.
Remus Lupin's here, too - Diana also knows him from school. He taught her when she was in her third year - he was quite a decent teacher, actually.
In fact, seeing both her old Professors make her feel like she's in some sort of weird school reunion. She wouldn't be half surprised if Gilderoy Lockhart rolled up completely out of his mind - although he'd be shit for the Order. Elizabeth had called him useless from the start, even before it came out that he was a massive fraud. Diana's grandmother was good at detecting what people were really about. Nothing gets past her - Diana assumes she gets it from the many years of being an Auror. Or perhaps it's just Silverstone blood.
The woman named Molly turns to Diana and gives her a smile.
"And you must be Diana!" she says sweetly. The girl smiles and nods in return. "I'm Molly, Molly Weasley,"
"Nice to meet you," Diana nods politely, wondering where all the Weasley children could be. In fact, she wonders if she's the only teenager here - she can't spot any, so far.
Not long after she and her grandmother arrive, the Order begins their meeting. Diana does stay for it, and she can tell Molly doesn't agree with the idea of a teenager listening in - especially since she's technically not in the order. But Elizabeth is a strong believer in the fact that her granddaughter should be aware of the 'cold hard truth' and so Diana has the pleasure of sitting quietly as the Order speaks.
In all honesty, she finds the meeting quite boring, anyway. A man called Mundungus falls asleep in the middle of it - Diana can't blame him. All they talk about is Harry Potter - and to make it more awkward Snape turns up because apparently he's in the Order too.
Diana knows if she liked her Head of House, it would make life a lot easier. But she just doesn't like him, and that's not on her - it's not her fault he's a prick. It's difficult not to dislike him, what with his tendency to bully children (creepy, much?). He does favour her a bit sometimes because she's good at Potions, and a Slytherin. But whatever, Diana doesn't care if he favours her. She's an ideal student, why shouldn't he?
Plus she's pretty sure he's afraid of her grandmother anyway so it's not like he would want to get on the bad side of the Silverstone family. Diana finds this hilarious.
Elizabeth and Diana are invited to stay for dinner once the meeting finishes, of which they accept, and so not long after, Diana's question that wondered if she was the only teenager here is answered.
The Weasley twins make an entrance by apparating behind Molly, receiving a scolding for doing so. The rest of the Weasley clan also enter, with some additions - Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. There's also a brunette girl and boy that follow in behind. The boy, Diana recognises - he's in her house. Jaeden, she thinks his name is. But the girl? She has no idea. Probably a friend of his.
Whoever it is, one of the twins (Diana can't tell which is which) seems to have a bit of an obsession with her, as it looks like he feels as though it's his duty to introduce everyone to her. And then Diana hears them go off on a ramble about one of their brothers and decides to stop eavesdropping, because she honestly doesn't care about the adventures of Percy Weasley. He was a Gryffindor Prefect before he left school and Diana had always thought he was a bit stuck-up.
"Sit down, Harry," Sirius tells his godson. Diana's stomach does a small rumble at the smell of the food. "You've met Mundungus haven't you?"
"Some'n say m'name?" Mundungus said sleepily, only just reawakening again. "I 'gree with Sirius,"
"Me too!" The brunette girl says with a playful tone.
"The meeting's over, Dung," Sirius said. "Harry's here,"
"Blimey, so 'e is..."
"Jesus Christ," Diana's grandmother says, rolling her eyes. "Because the poor boy wants to listen to Mundungus Fletcher's drunken drawls,"
Diana knows her grandmother wants to speak to Harry herself - she used to work at the Ministry, of course, and with all these rumours of a Dementor attack - Elizabeth wants to know the truth about everything. Especially since she would be a good help - she might be able to get some inside information of her own, due to her positive reputation at the Ministry thanks to her work as an Auror before she retired.
The Weasley twins try to be clever and use magic to serve their food, but instead send a knife flying towards Sirius and smash up a flagon of butterbeer. Molly yells at them, and Diana can't help but let a smirk slip because she finds it quite funny.
"None of your brothers caused this much trouble!" Molly sighs, giving them a cold stare. "Bill didn't feel the need to apparate every few feet! Charlie didn't charm everything he met! Percy-!"
She glances towards her husband with a frightened expression, and Arthur's face hardens. Elizabeth raises an eyebrow. Diana puts two and two together guesses Percy was the brother they were slagging off earlier. Whatever he did, it must've been bad.
"Let's eat," says another Weasley - Diana thinks she heard her grandmother call him Bill - in an attempt at breaking the tense atmosphere.
"It looks lovely, Molly!" says Lupin.
There's an awkward silence that follows as everyone begins eating, with the clatter of knives and forks being the only sound to fill the room.
Elizabeth takes her chance and finally beckons Harry over.
"Harry! Come and sit with me, just for a moment,"
Harry glances towards Sirius who gives him a smile, and says something like 'Don't worry, Liz is cool. She'll only want to speak for a moment,'.
Harry reluctantly stands up and makes his way over - but not before Diana catches Sirius add,
"Don't feel as though you should spare her any details, either. Only a fool would keep a Silverstone out of the loop,"
Diana folds her lips in order not to laugh at Potter's awkwardness.
"I'm much less boring than the others," says Elizabeth, gesturing to the empty seat opposite both her and Diana. "Do you know my granddaughter?"
"Er... we've had a few lessons together," says Harry with a shrug, glancing at Diana who gives him a polite smile.
"Alright Harry?" she greets. "Shit summer?"
"Pretty much," he replies.
"And I assume you've met my son? Anthony Silverstone?" Elizabeth continues.
Harry frowns. "I... uh... he was at the graveyard. He's a Death Eater?"
Elizabeth nods, casually. "Ponderous oaf,"
Harry's expression eases slightly at this.
"His father was an oaf, as well. My ex-husband, Geoffrey Fisher. He's dead now, of course, no surprise there. He was a stupid man."
Diana glances at Harry, because she knows this is awkward. He gives her a look as if to say, 'Where is this going?'.
"And despite the rumours, no, I didn't kill him. Unfortunately I didn't get the chance," Elizabeth adds under her breath. Diana stifles a laugh. Harry looks horrified.
"Now," Elizabeth continues, folding her hands on the table. "I want you to tell me the truth about your current situation. You did experience a dementor attack, correct?"
Harry nods. Diana takes a sip of her drink.
"And the Ministry? What about them?" Elizabeth asks.
"I..." Harry begins, unsure of what to say. He's quite overwhelmed really, having a stranger speak to him like this. "I..."
"You... you..." Elizabeth mocks. "Who else would know better? We've heard some troubling tales. Are there any truth to them? Are the Ministry mistreating you?"
"Mistreating's a light way of putting it, I'm sure," Diana comments.
Harry blinks.
"Have they ripped out your tongue?" Elizabeth says. "Listen, Harry. I might be a retired Auror, but that doesn't mean I still don't have any ties with the Ministry. It's important for me to know the truth of what they are doing so that I can help you."
Harry sighs and pauses for a moment. He seems to remember what Sirius said - 'Only a fool would keep a Silverstone out of the loop' - because he starts speaking.
"After the dementor attack, they said they were going to expel me for using magic outside of school," said Harry. "But now I'm having a trial, even though it was all self defence. I shouldn't be expelled, should I?"
"Of course not, boy, there's no question about that," Elizabeth says with no hesitation, as if Harry's innocence and the trial surrounding it was the least relevant thing to come out of the entire situation. "It is interesting to know which side the Ministry are taking, however. Very interesting. I wonder what they'd say if I were still working there..."
"But..." Harry says. "What if they do expel me?"
"Well they won't, will they?" Diana speaks up. "Like you said, it was self defence. The Ministry have no reason to, or do they have any real evidence that you should be,"
"But they have evidence I used magic outside of school. They don't have any evidence of the Dementor attack - they've called me a liar all summer, what if they do it again-?"
"They expel you boy, send me an owl," Elizabeth interrupts. "And Fudgey can deal with me."
Harry pauses for a second with a surprised look on his face - which slowly shifts to uncertainty. Diana smirks.
"Underestimating us, Potter?" she says with a cocky tone. "Forgetting our last name?"
Elizabeth's lips curve upwards for a moment.
"Er... right," Harry replies. "Thanks," he nods at Elizabeth.
Diana's bored now. She hopes the conversation will end soon.
Thankfully, it does. Potter ditches the Silverstone pair at the first chance he grabs and sits himself safely next to his godfather.
Diana really doesn't know what to make of Harry Potter. He seems a decent boy - but she can't help but notice the saviour complex he seems to have about himself. She's not sure what it is, but something seems to put her off the boy.
Others would probably assume it's from influence of her fellow Slytherins, but if you really knew Diana, you'd realise she doesn't let the opinions of any other person influence her unless their names are Elizabeth Silverstone or Alison Ensley (her best friend and only person she'd ever fully trust alongside her grandmother).
In fact, a lot of the time Diana thinks some of her friends are quite stupid what with the stuff that comes out of their mouthes. She tends to have a strong regular feeling of wanting to grab them by the shoulders and shake some sense into them. Draco's one of the worst of the lot - they get on well, the pair of them, but sometimes Diana wishes someone would punch him like Hermione Granger did in third year, just to bring his ego down. Seriously, that boy has no reason to be such a prick at times. If Diana ever caught him not having at least six negative things to say about someone, after the first five minutes of meeting them, she'd die of shock.
(Then again, she's quite judgmental at times - don't be a hypocrite, Di.)
But perhaps her random annoyance surrounding Harry Potter has something to do with Dumbledore putting him up on a pedestal as well, which doesn't really help the boy's image in Diana's eyes - it makes him look like a bit of a kiss-ass. She feels for him of course, what with Voldemort and the Ministry. But, as a person, she finds him quite annoying - and she's not quite sure why.
Maybe his total obliviousness frustrates her. Or maybe it's his constant need to try and stay modest after saving the day - he always tries to brush it off as dumb luck after another year of fighting something that magically ends up being related to the Dark Lord.
At least own it if you're gonna do it, for fucks sake.
Perhaps she's just a bit of an arrogant person. But, whatever. Diana doesn't care enough to think about all this.
"You know, I'm surprised at you," she hears Sirius Black begin to say to Harry. "I thought as soon as you got here, you'd be asking questions about Voldemort,"
"I have!" Harry retorted. "I asked Ron and Hermione but they said we're not allowed in the Order!"
"And they're quite right!" Molly Weasley says. "You're too young!"
Diana notes another Silverstone perk: Allowed in the Order when others the same age aren't.
"Since when did someone have to be in the Order to get their questions answered?" Sirius argues. "Harry's been trapped in that Muggle house for ages, he deserves to know-"
"Hold on!" One of the Weasley twins interrupt loudly.
"How come Harry gets his questions answered?!" The other says angrily.
"We've been trying to get it out of you for months and you haven't said a single stinking thing!"
Elizabeth exchanges a glance with Diana. They both seem to share the same thought - 'shit's about to hit the fan'
Finally, Diana thinks. Something interesting. A Grimmauld Place brawl is something she can get behind.
"You're too young, you're not in the Order!" says one of the twins, putting on a high pitched voice. "Harry's not even of age!"
"It's not my fault you've not been told," Sirius replies calmly. "It's up to your parents' decision. Harry, on the other hand-"
A huge fight breaks out between Molly and Sirius about whether or not Harry should know about certain things.
Diana zones out, thinking about what she'll do when she gets home (which is hopefully soon). Perhaps she'll paint her nails, or bake a cake... or write to her friends, she wants to fit in another few shopping trips before they get back to school. Alison was on about getting another piercing and wanted to make a day out of it. Diana wants to get her seconds pierced on her earlobe, she's only got one stud on each ear so far. Diana loves earrings. Especially silver ones.
She's snapped out of her trance by her grandmother finally interrupting the sudden outbreak of arguing. And so, all she can think is,
Here we go.
A/N: Reputation is back! I'm sure some of you are all very confused, so long story short, I've rewritten the story! It's not entirely different, I'd just say it's more of a glow up with a better plot which I will defo find a lot more fun to write and easier to update - and I'm sure you'll all love reading it more. It's no longer listed as a Draco Malfoy love story, just because this is more focused on Diana as a character, and I've yet to discover the character she'd fit best with as a love interest. You never know, she might still end up with Draco, but she might not! It's a surprise for us all ;)
That aside, I hope you all enjoy this brand new and improved version of Diana's story and I'm so excited to start writing her character again! Don't hesitate to ask any questions if you're still confused, I'm happy to answer them! <3
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