The next few days had passed just like the first one. In the morning, he would wake up in an uncomfortable position with his ankle chained to the wall as two members (one of them usually being Moo) would enter and talk to him before letting him go and bringing him into the dining room for breakfast (it was always empty besides the third day when tons of people were in there. It was weird because they all greeted Evan as if he too was a normal member of their gang and even had him join in on their conversations.) Then once he had finished, he would head back to his room, which had gotten better he would admit, and just sit there as two, sometimes more, people would join them and all sit there as they talked and joked around. Evan would be lying if he said that this wasn't better than a usual day in his life. As evening came, they started to bring him out to join them for dinner and enjoy meals with them. It was weird to be the only one unmasked he had to admit, but he got used to it for the most part. After all, their identities could be in jeopardy if they ever let Evan see their faces. Though, after all of this, if Evan had seen their faces at any point, he felt like he wouldn't be able to report them in.
Evan had gotten close with Moo for the most part, seeing as though Moo was the most motherly which had given Evan a sort of safe zone. Evan could comfortably talk with Moo and let his guard down, knowing Moo wouldn't do anything. Moo, in return, would tell Evan about himself. Evan had found out Moo's real name is Brock, though Evan could only call him that when they were alone because if the rest found out that Moo and Evan had gotten closer, the gang might feel in jeopardy and might have to take out Evan to protect themselves. Moo nor Evan wanted that. But back to what Evan had learned, Brock was the oldest of the group and was the third person to join, after Wildcat the creator and Basically his right hand man. The two had recruited the doctor-in-training and from then on the gang grew, soon becoming one of the infamous gangs in the wonderful city of Los Santos.
Brock had convinced him they weren't a bad gang, they didn't kill people nor try to harm any of the city. They mainly just wanted control of the city, seeing as though the mayor along with other popular politicians were corrupted and only wanted the money for themselves, even if it meant running this city into the ground. Evan had met the mayor, along with some of those politicians he bet, a few times at some fancy parties and he would admit that the man had been a bit creepy, only talking about young women and money. Never about changes he wanted to make that could benefit this city. Brock said if the gang could have some form of control of something in this city then they would try their best to at least help it. Brock then explained more of the gang, the logistics, etc. He talked a bit more about him, and when Evan asked him about his love life, remembering the surgical dick conversation from a couple days ago, Brock's body language completely changed from his usually confident, back-arched self to more timid and even warm (Evan could tell because the parts of skin Evan could see on Brock had started to turn more pink.)
Brock had started to stutter and fidget as he talked about how he was dating Terroriser, one of the tech guys in their group and the usual guy to go undercover. With him going undercover a lot, he would tend to come back bruised and bloodied, so he was usually in Brock's medical office. Therefore the two had begun to talk, grown closer, then soon Brock had developed feelings for the other guy. Then one day, on a mission that everyone had considered suicidal, he had come to Terroriser before the mission and told him that he loved him. Terroriser had been in shock and before Brian had gotten to say anything in return, he was called by the others on the mission to go. Brian promised to return and Brock nodded, smiling softly as the boy he fancied left.
When Brian returned, he dropped his stuff and rushed towards Brock's office. Brian was minorly injured but his priorities were set straight as he talked about his feelings for Brock as he got his damages cleaned up. The two had started to date after that office trip and kept it secret for a while until they accidentally revealed themselves by Brock kissing Brian's cheek, in front of almost everyone in their group, before the latter left for a mission with the others. The two had begun to blush as everyone gasped and said their comments about their relationship. The most supportive was Basically., who was a close friend of both and had for a long time thought that they would be cute. From then on, they were known as the two lovers of the gang.
Evan had smiled the whole time and said that they seemed cute, even though he had never met Terroriser. Evan had then begun to think about his parents' story (which he had heard countless of times when he was younger. His sister found it adorable while him and his brother would roll their eyes, staying silent about how they found adorable too) and he had begun to wonder if he would find someone like that. Someone who he could slowly fall in love with and find happiness and inspiration within. Familiar blue eyes popped up in his mind and Evan shook his head slightly, wanting to get the sound of the clown boy's laughter out of his ears and the messed up face paint which had seemed so attractive that day. Now that Evan thought about it, he hasn't seen Delirious in those few days. Maybe he went out on a mission?
Forward to present time to whatever number day it was with Evan sitting in the dining room, across from Delirious, as about seven other people joined them. The conversations were loud and Evan for once actually wanted to crawl back in his room away from this noise. He was, for the most part, good with being in loud situations, mainly parties, but Evan wasn't sure if it was because of the fact that he had suddenly been pushed into a small room with little interaction to any other human beings or the fact that these guys just didn't have a limit to how loud their voices could go. Or maybe it was both.
Evan watched as Lui took a piece of bacon that had been sitting on his plate and threw it across from him at Daithi, who was currently wearing his paper bag. Moo hadn't caught it, currently caught up in a conversation with a guy named Mini, so Daithi took advantage of the situation and threw a piece of sausage back at Lui who yelled a profanity back. The food throwing continued until Daithi screwed up his aim and the piece hit Wildcat who was currently sitting next to Lui and Ohm. Wildcat threw back some food, hitting Daithi and Delirious, causing a war of food to begin. Moo had begun to yell at everyone to stop but as soon as a piece of scrambled eggs had hit him, he started to laugh and participate.
Evan took this time to sneak away back into his room, knowing that he'd probably get fucked up by Ohm if he tried to step outside, even if was just to take a breather. Plus, Evan didn't know this building's layout at all so he'd probably get lost on the way to find some fresh air.
As he entered his room, the noise from the guys had gotten quieter but was still apparent, even with the thick door being closed behind him. Evan was just happy that the loud noise that surrounded him before was now gone and that he could actually think. What did he even want to think about?
Evan sat himself down on the mattress and as he began to let his head fall on the end of the thing you could pathetically call a bed, he was reminded of his own apartment. It was a fairly large apartment but he really only kept things he truly needed, no expensive decorations that just took up space and added no contribution. Sure he had some vases and paintings, but they had come with the apartment from the previous owner. The only thing he contributed that he really didn't need was the big plasma tv which sat against the wall in his open living room area. He mainly watched the news and movies, occasionally playing some video games on the systems he had. It wasn't much, but besides his phone that was most of the technology he owned.
Wait — where was his phone? Evan began to worry, knowing that some of his friends and clients had probably tried to contact him. He wondered if any of his had family had been noticed of this. On a daily he talked to his mother, but if he had received a worried text from Nathan or Emily, he would honestly be surprised. The two haven't talked to him since the last time they all had to visit their mom after she had a heart attack, miraculously surviving it in Evan's opinion. The three siblings decided to grab some coffee in the hospital cafeteria and talk about whatever things had come up since last time. Emily had gotten a boyfriend and was working for a successful company somewhere in Texas, Nathan was improving and expanding the shoe company, and Evan had just signed more people onto his label, improving his company too. There had been some tension between the three, but if you didn't know them, you wouldn't have even noticed. Since then, Nathan nor Emily had contacted Evan.
Sure, Evan and his siblings weren't complete strangers but Evan did feel estranged from the two, especially with how close they seemed. Maybe it was because Evan had moved far away? Then again Emily had too, leaving Nathan to take care of the business at home and across the country. Maybe it was an older and smaller sibling thing where they left out the middle. If so, wouldn't they have matured by now?
Evan shook his head and let his eyes close, not in the mood to deal with the fact that his head hurt at the thought of everything and his heart aching at the fact that the same pair of blue eyes kept bothering him.
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