A/N: This chapter might get a lil bit angsty and is dedicated to every girl/boy who had a bad day today.
Again. Another day that was just exactly the same. And the lack of any change made you sick. Junmi was holding hands with Hoseok during P.E, and he was treating her like a queen, while you stayed as further from everybody as possible, trying to be invisible. You took a good long look at your own hand and wondered of ever someone would hold it... , and make you feel like a princess too. You would never understand why guys preferred girls like her who were so shallow and mean.
At your job, a customer behaved really rudely towards you but you had no choice other than to just go through it silently. It was a really tiring day, the kind of day when it's hard to breath. When it's hard to keep yourself in one piece and you long to get home just so you can cry your heart out and yell "why me!" at the top of your voice.
As you got home and were in the process of breaking down, lying on your stomach in the bed, your phone screen lit up.
Yeontanxappa: Hey
At least you had someone in this crappy, ugly world where nothing worked for you. Kim Taehyung. In that moment, you just wanted to hug him really, really tight and never let go.
me: hi
Yeontanxappa: How was your day
me: I managed to stay alive.
Yeontanxappa: ???
me: I'm feeling really crappy and sad and
totally negative so idk
if you still wanna talk
Yeontanxappa: And why would I NOT want to talk to you?
me: I d k
Yeontanxappa: Why you sad?
me: I don't know.
It hurt him to know that a girl, who's always trying to cheer him up was sad too, and he wanted to do anything, just anything possible to make it better for you.
Yeontanxappa: Come on.
Tell me.
me: ah
I'm sad
me: and
Yeontanxappa: What are you scared of?
me: becoming a failure
of not being good enough
Yeontanxappa: And disappointed because?
me: because my life isn't the way it should be
you know?
that I don't deserve whatever I'm going through?
Yeontanxappa: And lonely because?
me: because i...
don't have anyone
like rn
when I'm just...
even Junmi can text Hoseok when she's upset.
Yeontanxappa: You have me though
me: I guess so.
And I feel thankful about that tbh
me: how are you today
Yeontanxappa: I'm better than most days
Well, most of the times...
I feel really lonely too.
Even if I have people around me.
But its not like that when I'm with you. Even if you're not here with me physically, I still feel better, just knowing that you're there. He thought.
me: vent out
Yeontanxappa: And I feel like my life is just
Like everything has been pre-arranged and I'm just a character...
Who doesn't control how it should be
I'm just going through it like a weightless straw in a stream?
me: how come
Yeontanxappa: People around me
Are trying to control every single thing'
And I feel frustrated because
I'm letting them do it
You had been through that yourself. Your parents were exactly like that too, trying to control everything about your life. You knew how it felt. And it made you feel sorry for him. But somehow, you felt that he would never accept sympathy from you. So understanding was all you could offer.
me: I know how it feels
my parents tried controlling my life
Yeontanxappa: What did you do?
me: I left home
Yeontanxappa: So..?
me: so I'm living alone rn
I have more part time jobs than I can count.
and I still pay a lot of attention to my studies.
and all of this tires me a lot tbh
me: I wanna study at a prestigious med school
the type you can proudly tell people about, you know?
but I know I'll never make it
me: so I just tell people that I'll become a writer, or this or that
so that if I actually fail, they wouldn't laugh at me.
Yeontanxappa: You won't fail
me: I d k
Yeontanxappa: You won't.
I know it.
You're smart
Yeontanxappa: And amazing
And adorable.
And you'll be a great doctor!
me: I wish.
I'm just...
Yeontanxappa: Come on, cheer up!
Let me send you something funny.
And after a good five minutes, you got this:
You broke into a fit of laughter. Not because it was actually funny, but because he thought it was funny.
me: I guess it worked lol
Thanks for the all the motivation.
you're such a bae!
me: gosh I wanna
squish your cheeks!
take off your clothes!
me: and
take away your virginity
Yeontanxappa: God.
Why did I even.
me: 🤤 😉 🤩🔥
Yeontanxappa: Good night
My angel.
me: did you really just...
Stop harassing my feels Kim Taehyung!
Yeontanxappa: Just
me: good night
you father of all my children.
Maybe, it wasn't such a bad day after all.
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