Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 4 [Final]
That night, Hobi, Jungkook, and Taehyung decided where to set up some of the secret cameras. One was in Taehyung and Jungkook's room, one was hidden in the kitchen, and one in the living room. They decided to store the fourth one as backup incase any of the others broke.
"There Kookie, now if he does anything we have proof it wasn't you," Hobi said proudly. Jungkook just smiled at him. He really hoped this would work.
However, Hu was aware that Taehyung had been feeling suspicious of him and decided to lay low for a while and not cause any trouble for a few days. He decided to spend the days sucking up to all the members so they'd get to like him more, and reconcile some trust after they found out he had hit Jungkook. This frustrated Jungkook because the members were under the impression that having kicked him out from the dorm made him stop stealing and breaking things, the timing really wasn't in his favor. Taehyung and Hobi were also annoyed, they had finally gotten cameras and now nothing was happening.
Taehyung and Jungkook were hanging out in their room. "Maybe he decided to knock it off after he was scolded by hyungs for what he did to you?" Taehyung suggested.
"It's just weird that it stopped. It just makes it seem even more like it was me doing the bad things. Maybe he knows about the cameras?" Jungkook asked.
"I doubt it considering nobody else knows. He can't keep it together forever, he'll end up doing something but we'll catch him this time," Taehyung reassured.
Jungkook pouted and curled up to Taehyung on the bed. "Yeah, hopefully...I don't want everyone else thinking it was me forever."
The two of them fell asleep for a nap. That is until Jin started screaming from downstairs, startling the two youngest awake.
"JEON JUNGKOOK GET DOWN HERE. NOW!" They both heard their oldest hyung yell, and Jungkook looked at Taehyung with terrified eyes, Jin never used anyone's full name, ever. "It's okay Kookie whatever happened I know you were with me the entire time," Taehyung said reassuringly. Jungkook dragged himself out of bed and made his way downstairs, Taehyung following close behind him. They met Jin in his bedroom where he was standing with his toothpaste bottle in one hand and glue, that Jungkook owned, in the other. Jungkook already felt defeated before Jin even said anything.
"Care to explain?!" Jin yelled aggressively.
"I don't know, what happened?" Jungkook asked innocently.
"Yahh! Don't act all innocent! This is YOUR glue! And my toothpaste tube was filled with YOUR GLUE JUNGKOOK. Tell me WHAT WAS THE REASON?!"
"I didn't touch your toothpaste hyung!" the youngest cried.
"I can confirm he's been with me at least since last night Jinnie hyung. He never came in your room," Taehyung said defensively. Jin shot him a look, completely ignoring what he just said. "Don't get involved in this Taehyung."
"Hyung I was with Taehyungie! I never went in your room! Someone must have stolen my glue! I didn't do it!" Tears started forming in his eyes, of course he was the one who decided to make sure they hadn't put any cameras in any of the hyungs bedrooms. That backfired quickly.
"I thought what happened the other day with being kicked out finally taught you a lesson but apparently it didn't! What are we supposed to do with you?!" Jin yelled at Jungkook.
Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. "Forget it! Why should I try to defend myself when none of you want to listen to me anyways?! Nothing I say or do will ever make you believe it wasn't me! Why do I even bother talking?!" With that, Jungkook turned around and started storming out.
"Don't you dare walk away from me maknae!" Jin yelled after him. Taehyung just watched the two in disbelief. He knew for a fact Jungkook hadn't done anything. Jungkook ignored his hyung and stormed off back into his room, slamming his door behind him.
The rest of the members and Hu had ran into Jin's room after hearing all the yelling. Namjoon asked what happened and Jin told them that Jungkook had put glue in his toothpaste tube. Hobi gave Taehyung a sorrowful look. He also knew it surely wasn't his maknae.
"Seriously?!" Namjoon yelled, "What do we have to do to him to get him to stop?!"
Hobi's and Taehyung's hearts were both breaking for their youngest. Hobi decided to do the only thing he could think of to be protective in that moment.
"It wasn't Jungkookie," Hobi spoke up. Everyone looked at him.
"Then who was it Hobi?" Jin raised his eyebrow at him.
Hobi gave Taehyung a sad look before turning to Jin. "It...It was me. I'm sorry. I understand if I'm in trouble." He looked at the floor.
Everyone looked at him with a shocked expression. Taehyung knew why Hobi would take the blame, to protect their maknae, but he was still surprised by it. Hu was furious, why the fuck would he take the blame?! Jungkook is the one supposed to be getting in trouble!!
"You? Hyung why would you do that?" Jimin asked.
Hobi looked around at everyone. "It was a....a prank I saw on WeVerse and thought I'd try it. I'm really sorry hyung, I guess it's not as funny as I thought it would be. I didn't mean to make you upset."
Jin's eyes softened. "So ..Jungkook was telling me the truth...?"
"We tried to tell you that but you wouldn't listen," Taehyung spoke up.
Jin felt extremely guilty after that, as did the others for also thinking it had been their maknae trying to pull stunts again. Hobi was staring at the floor, waiting to be reprimanded but to his surprise he wasn't. "Thank you for being honest, yes I am mad but all I'm asking is you go buy me new toothpaste, and no more pranks," Jin asked softly as he hugged Hobi. Hobi nodded his head and said he'd go buy him some new toothpaste right away.
"Now if you'll all excuse me, there's someone I need to go apologize to." Jin headed out and up to Jungkook's room while everyone dispersed back to doing their own things, still all feeling slightly bad. Taehyung left with Hobi to go get new toothpaste.
Jungkook ignored the small knocks on his door and eventually Jin let himself in to find the youngest crying into his pillow. He went over and dropped himself on the bed, pulling the youngest close into him.
"I owe you an apology. I'm sorry." Jin kissed his head. Jungkook was extremely confused, "What?" he asked as he turned to look at his hyung, breaking his hyungs heart more when he revealed his bloodshot and soaking eyes.
"I know it wasn't you, I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"You do? How?"
"Hobi told me what really happened."
"He..did?" Jungkook asked curiously. Was Hobi hyung able to convince him it was Hu?!
"Yeah, he told me he was just trying to follow some prank he saw online. I made him go buy me new toothpaste. I'm sorry I didn't listen when both you and Tae tried to tell me it wasn't you. That was mean of me. Forgive me? Please?" Jin held him tighter.
Wait what?! Hobi hyung took the blame for it?!!?!
"I..uh..yeah, okay.." Jungkook was sad that Hobi was taking the fall for it but also grateful at the same time for what his hyung had done for him.
Jin squeezed onto him for a few minutes. "Alright well I'll leave you alone now I suppose, love you." The oldest got up and left.
Jungkook texted Hobi:
Kookliette: You didn't have to do that for me but thank you:(
HobiiiHyungiie: love uuuuu <3
Kookliette: love you too<3
Jungkook lay in his bed playing on his phone when suddenly Hu opened his door to let himself in, closing it behind him. Jungkook felt his body instantly tense up and anxiety shoot through him. He felt like his fight or flight was kicking in. Do I scream for help? Run?? Where's Taehyungie??
Hu started walking towards him and Jungkook sat up. "Get away from me," he cried. He had his phone in his hand ready to text the group chat asking someone to please come upstairs until he remembered.... the camera. He decided not to cry for help. Maybe he could get Hu to admit everything on camera?
Hu sat down next to Jungkook on his bed. "What? You don't want company since your little TaeTae isn't in here?"
"I'm all set, thank you though. I didn't say you could come in here."
Hu ignored the statement. "So..letting your hyung take the blame for you huh? Pathetic if you ask me. Why don't you ever own up to them about the stupid shit you do?"
Anger shot through Jungkook's body. "It wasn't me. I didn't touch anyone's stuff, ever. In fact I'm 99% sure it's actually been you." He glanced in the direction of the camera.
Hu glared at him. "Oh really? So what if it was?"
Jungkook actually wasn't too sure how to reply for a moment. "Well um...if it was you...then why? Why do such bad things and frame me so I get in trouble? I never did anything bad to you." He hoped and hoped he could get Hu to admit it was him. He just needed him to admit it and he'd be free.
"Maybe because I'm the real maknae here. It shouldn't be you," Hu stated. This made Jungkook tense up even more than he already was. That wasn't some kind of threat was it? He realized he did in fact want Taehyung to be in there with him.
Jungkook's phone randomly went off.
TaeTaehyungie: do u want banana milk while we're out?
Wait Taehyungie isn't home either??!??
Before he could reply, Hu took Jungkook's phone out of his hands and threw it at the wall, cracking the back of it.
"What the hell was that for?!" Jungkook screamed.
"Aww, why'd you try to throw your phone at me kookie??? Hyungs won't like that!" Hu started laughing menacingly.
"What are you talking about? You literally just took it from me and threw it!" It went off again on the floor.
TaeTaehyungie: speak now or forever hold your peace
Jungkook went to grab it but Hu blocked him. He sat back on his bed, his phone was the least of his concerns right now.
"So it is you that did all those things to hyungs stuff?" Jungkook sighed. He was so emotional he completely forgot about the camera.
"Yup. And I'll do it again, whatever helps get rid of you."
"What? Get rid of me? What do you mean by that??" Tears started falling from Jungkook's eyes. It had been Hu this whole time and now he was even more scared.
Hu stood up in front of him. "Like I said, I'm the real maknae. Not you. Jinnie hyung is technically my hyung not yours. And I need a job. So what better job than being the maknae of BTS? I'm trying to make them get rid of you but that seems to be proving harder than I previously thought! I thought I had won when they kicked you out but of course stupid Taehyung and stupid Hobi just had to go save you!"
Jungkook was speechless. Hu is trying to replace me?
"So yes! I stole Jimin's wallet and put it under your bed! I took Yoongi's guitar and smashed it. I deleted all of Namjoon's songs. And I put the damn glue in the toothpaste. You may have gotten cleared from that last one, but hyungs can't protect you forever. Eventually they'll get sick of you. I'll just have to work harder. Break more stuff. Cause more problems. You'll never have any proof it wasn't you." Hu pointed his finger right in Jungkook's face. "And then once they've officially had enough of you, they'll need a replacement. That's where I step in." Hu smiled eerily.
TaeTaehyungie: kookie??
Jungkook's phone rang, it was Taehyung calling but Hu wouldn't let him answer it.
Jungkook was at a complete loss. How the hell was Hu able to get away with all this? Not to mention, how the hell was someone related to Jinnie hyung so damn crazy?
"Although," Hu suddenly grabbed the collar of Jungkook's shirt, " I was thinking that maybe it would be easier if I just got rid of you myself. It would save me a lot of work, and be a lot quicker."
Tears continued pouring down Jungkook's face as his fear grew. "Like...do ...what?" He asked with a shaky voice. He started to hyperventilate.
"I'm very good at making things look like I'm not the one who did them, as you know. If something terrible happened to you, let's just say I will help them pick up the pieces of losing their precious little Jungkookie."
Jungkook's flight response kicked in. "Get away from me!" he screamed. He pushed Hu out of his way and tried to run out of the room. Unfortunately Hu was very fast and very strong. He grabbed Jungkook's wrist and pulled him backwards, twisting his arm that sent an intense shooting pain through his shoulder. "OW!" Jungkook screamed in pain.
Hu pulled Jungkook backwards and placed his hand over his mouth. "Shut the hell up!" he screamed as he pushed Jungkook to the floor. He sat on top of him and pinned his wrists down. "I'd make a much better maknae than you! They already like me way more than they like you!"
Tears poured out of Jungkook's eyes, not only did that statement break his heart, but he was so scared. "Please just leave me alone! Why are you doing this?! H..hyu..." He started to hyperventilate more, "Hyung already t-t-told you to keep your hands off m-me!" He cried. He wanted one of his hyungs so badly, they were right downstairs, so he tried to scream for help but before he could even get out a sound Hu instantly wrapped his hands around Jungkook's throat and started choking him.
He's really going to kill me. Right here.
Jungkook started gripping at his throat, trying to pry Hu's hands off of him but he was losing strength as he couldn't breathe. All he could think about was his hyungs and how he was going to die at the hands of this psychopath, all alone. His nose started to bleed, he felt like Hu was physically squeezing the blood out of him. His vision began to get blurry as tears and black spots clouded his vision.
Just as Jungkook was on the verge of passing out, Jin called for Hu to come downstairs to help him with something.
"Ugh! This isn't over! Say your last prayers before I come back because I WILL finish what I started you good for nothing piece of garbage!" Hu got up to leave and stomped on Jungkook's phone, completely smashing it before kicking it into the corner and slamming the door behind him. He would have finished the job but didn't want Jin to get suspicious.
Jungkook lay there gasping for air while clutching his throat, continuously trying to wipe the blood from his nose with his shirt. He was so out of it and in shock he didnt know what to do. Was he going to die? He didnt know, all he could focus on was the feeling that his head was going to explode off of his body. In his shocked state he got up and crawled into his bed and threw the covers over him. He let his nose bleed all over his sheets and shirt, he didnt care, he was too exhausted and hurt to care. He figured Hu was going to kill him anyway. He felt too weak to go downstairs and ask for help or tell someone what happened. Considering he'd completely forgotten about the hidden camera, he figured Hu would find a way to make himself the victim instead. It'll just be better if I die anyway. His exhausted body gave up and he passed out under the covers.
TaeTae: can someone ask kookie if he wants banana milk
Namjoonie: u ask him
TaeTae: i did he wont answer any of my texts
Jimin: he's probably busy or sleeping
TaeTae: can someone check
Jimin: ok
Jimin ran up to his maknae's room and slowly crept the door open and poked his head in. "Hey you up? Tae wants to know if you want banana milk." Jimin waited for a response from the lump he saw covered with a blanket on the bed, but got nothing. "You and your day naps I swear," he said as he closed the door and headed away.
Jimin: he's taking a nap
TaeTae: oh
Namjoonie: just get him the milk you know he'll drink it
TaeTae: true
About twenty minutes later Taehyung and Hobi returned. Hobi threw the toothpaste into Jin's room.
Taehyung ran up into his room and closed the door behind him. He threw the pack of banana milk at Jungkook's feet. "Here you go bun I got your favorite," he said as he sat on his own bed and took his shoes off. He was a little surprised that Jungkook didn't even wiggle under his blanket, he figured he was in a deep sleep. He went and took the pack of milk off the bed before jumping in it and cuddling his maknae. "I could use a nap too I suppose." He cuddled up for a moment before deciding to also get under the blanket. He went to wrap his arm around Jungkook's chest until he felt something soaking wet. "Ew what did you do drool all over the mattress?!" He pulled his arm back up to see it covered in blood.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! JUNGKOOK?!" He screamed as he ripped the blankets up revealing a passed out Jungkook completely soaked in blood. It was all over his maknae's face, shirt, pillow, and bedsheets.
"OH MY GOD HELP! JUNGKOOK!!" He started shaking him trying to wake him up. "What happened oh my God Kookie what happened??!" Tears fell from Taehyungs eyes as the rest of the members ran in seeing Jungkook and Taehyung both covered in blood.
Taehyung looked at his hyungs full of anger. "What happened to him?! Why is he bleeding?!" He screamed. The rest of the members were at the maknae's side in tears , shaking him trying to wake him up.
"I dont know I literally just checked on him and he was simply sleeping!!" Jimin screamed.
Jin shook Jungkook's face. "Hey okay kookie can you wake up for us please?"
Yoongi shook Jungkook's shoulders. "You need to wake up for us buddy, okay?"
Jungkook's eyes slowly fluttered open and he started coughing.
"Oh he's awake thank God!" Namjoon sighed in relief.
Everyone crowded around him but Jungkook was still in his state of shock and tensed up, until his eyes fell on Hobi and Taehyung. He reached his arms out for them and they both clung to him. Jungkook buried his face into Taehyungs chest.
"Kookie what happened? If you were hurt why didnt you tell someone? You have to tell us if you get hurt," Yoongi said as he wiped blood off Jungkook's face with his sleeve. Jungkook didn't respond, he clung to Taehyung and Hobi for dear life and bawled his eyes out.
"Please bunny tell us what happened ..." Jimin cried while he rubbed his maknae's back.
Hu suddenly walked in and Taehyung felt Jungkook's body tense in his arms as the color drained from his face.
"Oh, whats going on? What happened to him?" Hu asked extremely casually.
"We dont know," Jin replied.
Taehyung filled with anger realizing Hu must've done this to his baby.
Yoongi sat down next to Jungkook on the bed. "Bunny it's okay.. tell hyungs what happened. How'd you get hurt?"
Jungkook had never heard Yoongi's voice be so gentle. He looked directly at Hu, which everyone noticed. He didn't dare say a word because Hu still scared the hell out of him and his throat was on fire, so he rather not speak.
This especially caught Yoongi's attention. "Hu? Do you know something we dont?" he asked firmly.
"I have no idea what happened to him, I was downstairs helping Jin hyung."
Hobi turned his head and remembered when he saw the little recording device. "Tae!! The camera!"
Jungkook perked up, oh my god I forgot about the camera!!
"Camera?" Everyone said in unison.
Hobi got up and grabbed the hidden camera. "Yes. Me and Taehyung got these to try and help find out what was really happening with everyones stuff because unlike the rest of you we actually believed our maknae when he said it wasn't him. This says its been recording for the past four hours so whatever happened to him could be on here."
Jungkook looked at Hu again, and Hu looked like a deer in headlights. "Wait just a minute," Hu tried grabbing the camera from Hobi but Hobi pulled away, "Isn't that an invasion of privacy? I have rights," Hu scolded.
"I don't care," Taehyung spoke up. "It's our own room so we can do what we want and besides Hu, if you didn't do anything wrong then it shouldn't matter should it?" Hu and Taehyung glared angrily at eachother. Hobi started fast forwarding the tape until he got to the part where Hu walked into Jungkook's room.
Hu went to leave out the door but Namjoon grabbed him. "Hold up. So you were in here earlier?"
Hu shook Namjoon off and tried to leave again but Jin grabbed him. "I think maybe you should stay here while we watch this."
"No," Hu demanded.
Yoongi took a firm grip of Hu. "Let's see what you were doing in here, shall we?" The rapper asked. Jungkook buried his face into Taehyungs chest, covering his ears. He didn't want to relive the situation at all. Taehyung rocked him in his arms and rested his cheek on Jungkook's head. Hobi started the video. Hu kept trying to bolt out of the room but Yoongi wouldn't let him.
Although silence filled the room, the shattering of everyone's hearts was loud and clear. They watched as they saw their precious maknae get scared the second Hu had walked into his room. Taehyung's tears flowed faster when he realized Jungkook hadn't been responding to his texts because Hu threw his phone and broke it. They could barely watch as they heard Hu threaten their babies life and almost break his arm, throwing him to the ground, trying to literally kill him by choking him to death. Nobody knew what hurt worse, the guilt of seeing their little one be almost murdered or the guilt of discovering he really had been telling the truth about absolutely everything yet they had treated him so poorly.
While this was happening Namjoon had discreetly pulled his phone out and dialed 911 and hung up. He knew they'd come even if he didn't say anything.
The video ended and for a moment nobody moved. That is until Jimin ran straight for Hu, jumping on him and tackling him to the ground. "YOU TRIED TO KILL HIM!?" Jimin punched Hu in the face, "MY BABY?! MY JUNGKOOKIE?! OUR LITTLE JUNGKOOKIE?!? YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" Jimin punched him again. Honestly nobody planned on stopping Jimin, Hu deserved it. It took every ounce of everyone's being to not murder Hu right then and there.
Jin was absolutely speechless as he sobbed into Jungkook's hair. He was filled with guilt beyond compare for letting Hu live with them. Everyone was sobbing while some were screaming profanities at Hu while others cradled and planted kisses on their maknae. Hu pushed Jimin off of him and stood up. Jimin got up ready to throw fists again but Hu threw him across the room, causing him to land on Taehyung's bed.
"STOP!" Cried Jungkook, his voice was hoarse, "Please Hu stop !! Dont hurt my hyungs please!!" He begged.
"Nobody is going to hurt us," Hobi said reassuringly as he held Jungkook's hand.
Yoongi planted a swift uppercut to Hu, sending him back to the floor. Yoongi and Namjoon both held him down. "I thought we already fucking told you to keep your damn hands off our maknae?! 'Replace him' ?! Who do you think you are?! He's our maknae not you! You're a psychopath!! Maybe it's time someone teaches YOU a lesson!!" Yoongi punched Hu in the jaw.
Everyone heard police sirens getting closer. "By the way I called the police. Hu I think it's safe to say you'll be having a new place to live."
Hu tried escaping out the door again but Yoongi kept blocking him. Then he turned around and saw the camera sitting between Hobi and Jungkook on the bed. He ran towards them.
"Hu no!" Jungkook screamed, thinking Hu was trying to hurt him again. "Don't hurt me! Please!"
Hu went to grab the camera but Hobi grabbed it first. Hu threw himself onto Hobi and they were both fighting over the camera.
"HOBI HYUNG!" Taehyung screamed. Jin and Yoongi both pried Hu off Hobi, making sure their rapper was okay, and once they heard the police knock on the door the two dragged Hu downstairs, bringing the camera with them. They talked to the police and told them what happened and said all the evidence was on the camera. The police took Hu into custody.
Everyone was back in the bedroom cuddling their youngest. Jimin and Namjoon helped clean him up from all the blood and changed him into clean clothes. Yoongi had also grabbed an ice pack for Jungkook's neck, which was now covered in fingerprint bruises.
Jimin knelt in front of Jungkook and squeezed his knee. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" he asked softly. Jungkook shook his head no. He didn't want a hospital he just wanted to be cuddled up and safe with his hyungs.
"Okay well if you start to feel worse or decide you want to go just let us know, okay?" Jimin told him. Jungkook nodded and said okay.
Jin's sobs erupted like thunder, startling everyone. "I am so unbelievably sorry. This is all my fault. I'm the one who let him stay here. Kookie please know I'm so sorry."
"It's okay hyung," the youngest replied.
"It's not okay. We've been so mean. You tried to tell us you were innocent this whole time and we never believed you. Which led to you getting hurt. We never wanted you to get hurt please know that," Namjoon added. Jungkook stared at his hyungs in silence, he did feel a little resentment towards them but also understood their point of view.
"Can you just promise to please believe me next time? The only ones who did were Hobi hyung and Taehyungie. I really thought he was going to replace me..."
Jin held his maknae tighter. "I promise we will believe you next time. I promise."
"Kookie nobody can replace you. No matter what happened we never ever had the thought of kicking you out of the band," Yoongi said.
"You kicked me out of the house." Jungkook looked at Namjoon. He could see the hurt and guilt sitting on his hyungs face. "But I know you didn't mean to."
"I understand if you never want to forgive us but is there anything we can do to at least start making it up to you?" Jimin asked.
"Yes," Jungkook replied. Everyone listened closely for their maknae's next request.
"Can someone pass me a banana milk?" He chuckled. Everyone chuckled, of course that's something Jungkook would say.
They spent the rest of the day still showering their youngest with hugs and apologies. Hobi kept checking Jungkook's bruises to make sure he would be okay. They also had to help Jungkook out a little with his arm as it still hurt from being twisted earlier. Jimin promised to go buy Jungkook a new phone when he was up for it. Taehyung and Hobi were finally able to take down the other two hidden cameras. The members were glad that they hadn't been put in the bathrooms. Jin called his grandma to tell her what happened and she was absolutely devastated. She apologized over and over saying she would have never expected something like that to happen. The members also got a call from the police station saying that after they reviewed the footage, Hu was definitely getting at LEAST a few years in jail. Hearing that was a relief, especially for Jungkook.
Guilt still ate away at everyone, but they knew all they could do moving forward was just try to be better hyungs, even though Jungkook kept insisting that they were already the best. They didn't understand how after everything he could still be so forgiving. Their maknae's heart of gold was truly a treasure and they all vowed to never let him get hurt again for as long as they live.
{The End}
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