Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 3
Hobi and Taehyung went to a couple video stores and bought some tiny go-pro cameras that they knew they could easily set up in discrete places around the house before picking up dinner and heading back to the dorm. When they got back, everyone greeted them excitedly and started grabbing their food.
"JUNGKOOK-AHHH COME EAT," Taehyung yelled for his maknae from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone looked at him, "He wasn't outside?" Namjoon asked, a little worried.
"It's freezing out why would he be outside..." Taehyung replied. Everyone looked around at eachother with a worried expression.
"Where's my maknae..?" Taehyung asked while he and Hobi stood there curious.
"Namjoon-ah kicked him out," Jin replied.
"YOU DID WHAT TO HIM?! WHY THE HELL?!" Taehyung filled with anger.
"It wasn't forever! I was going to let him back in later! He stole my laptop and deleted the entire hard drive! All that work gone! So I threw him out!" Namjoon said defensively.
Yoongi spoke up. "Namjoon you never told him you'd let him back in ..." he mentioned with nervousness in his voice. Jimin sat in silence being consumed with guilt.
Taehyung burst out in more anger. "He didn't steal your damn laptop ! Or delete anything!" He looked right at Hu and met his eyes. Hu could tell Taehyung was beginning to suspect him. Hobi grabbed Taehyung's arm. "Tae ..not now," he whispered.
"Then who did it? Was it YOU?!" Namjoon shouted.
"No!...I'm..I'm just saying why would you think Jungkookie did it?!" He frowned.
"My laptop was under his bed!!"
Taehyung's anger turned to sadness, he hated that this kept happening. He knew it wasn't his maknae, and now he's out there alone in the cold somewhere .
"I can't believe you. How could you just throw him out?! It's freezing outside! And now we don't even know where he is!" Taehyung cried.
"I didn't think he would leave! I thought he'd just sit outside!" Namjoon screamed back.
"You all should be ashamed of yourselves! You're the worst hyungs ever! I hate all of you! Me and Hobi-hyung are going to go find him before he freezes to death out there!" Taehyung grabbed Hobi's arm and started dragging him back to the door.
"We will help look," Yoongi offered as he stood up.
"NO! You've all done enough already! If I find him with a single scratch or hair missing from his head I'll never forgive any of you!" Taehyung shouted as him and Hobi stormed out the door, slamming it behind them.
The rest of them sat down in silence, guilt eating away at them.
Hu finally spoke up. "They're overreacting, Jungkook will be fine."
"You don't know that. He was thrown out with nothing, in the cold, thinking we just want him gone," Jin replied as he began to cry.
"What if he's dead?" Jimin cried while staring at the floor. "It's been hours. What if someone hurt him ..or what if he...hurt himself..." he threw his head into his hands and began sobbing.
Nobody replied, they continued to sit there and silently cry. Please be okay Kookie, we're all so sorry.
"If they don't find him soon I think we should go look too," Hu stated. He wanted the members to think he was on their side, even if that meant pretending to even slightly care about their maknae. The members agreed to go and search too if they weren't back within about half an hour.
Taehyung and Hobi drove around to all the places they knew Jungkook liked to go, but with no luck.
"Maybe he's at the park," Hobi suggested.
"But it's freezing out," Taehyung said sadly.
"All the more reason to check."
Taehyung drove them to a park they knew Jungkook frequented often and were relieved to find him sitting on a bench. They walked up and Taehyung instantly took his jacket off and wrapped it around him.
"Why are you here?" The maknae pouted as both Hobi and Taehyung wrapped him in a warm hug.
"To bring you home, let's go. You'll freeze to death out here." Taehyung went to pull Jungkook up but he escaped the grip.
"I don't have a home anymore. Hyung's kicked me out." He stared at the ground.
"They were wrong for that and they know it. We all want you home now. Come on." Taehyung went to pull Jungkook up again with no success.
"Jaykay?" Hobi started, "Why don't you want to come home?"
"Wow.. I don't know maybe because I'm being blamed for things I don't do but nobody will believe it's not me and everyone hates me now. I know what you all told Hu to do."
Hobi was surprised. "What we told Hu to do? What did we tell Hu? We never told Hu anything?" He was honestly confused.
Jungkook looked up at them with tears in his eyes. "I know Yoongi-hyungie wanted him to punish me and I know you all agreed to it."
"Punish you? What did he do? Yes Yoongi-hyung was angry but Hu offered to talk to you about it and we all agreed to that," Hobi told his maknae.
"And teach me a lesson..."
"Well yeah but he meant scold you..did he do something besides that?" Hobi asked.
Jungkook just looked up at them as silent tears fell from his eyes.
Taehyung felt his heart sink and his chest fill with anxiety, he held Jungkook's face in his hands. "Kook....did he do something besides that?"
The maknae hesitated before letting out a small whisper. "Yeah.."
Taehyung and Hobi both gave eachother a scared expression.
"What did he do?" Taehyung asked. Please don't say he hurt you. Please don't say he hurt you.
"Told me how much you all hate me while throwing me off my bed and...and kicking me."Jungkook sucked in his breath before more tears started to fall. "I... I believed him. I thought you all wanted him to beat me up." He wiped his tears.
Taehyung and Hobi began to cry. Taehyung wanted to explode. "HE WHAT?!?!?!" He screamed so loudly random other people at the park stared at them for a second. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!! Why didn't you tell someone?!" Taehyung wrapped him tightly in his arms.
"I..I..he said you all hated me and I thought..I thought it was what everyone wanted."
Hobi pulled Jungkook's head into his chest. "No bunny, never think that's what anyone would want. He lied to you! You couldn't possibly think any of us would want you to be hurt like that, do you? Never!!"
"Can we please get in the car and talk? I'm sorry but I'm freezing," Taehyung asked as he couldn't control his shivering anymore. He looked at Jungkook. "I promise we will figure this all out but you have to come home, please Kookie. We won't let Hu do anything else to you."
The youngest followed them to the car. He felt a glimpse of hope shoot through him knowing that at least two of his hyungs cared about what he had to say. Once in the car Taehyung blasted the heat.
"I'm telling Yoongi-hyung what Hu did. If anything he will definitely make sure Jin knows and believes you," Taehyung stated.
"Why bother? It's not like any one of them will ever believe anything I say anyway. I've been telling them the truth for days and it always ends badly for me," Jungkook replied.
Hobi grabbed his hand in his. "I know but there's a big difference between saying you didn't break someone's stuff and saying someone living in the house hurt you, they'll believe you. Just curious but did he leave any bruises on you?"
Jungkook stared at them in silence. "Kook-ah? Bruises?" Taehyung asked. The maknae gave them a nervous expression and without saying a word slowly lifted his shirt to reveal a giant black and purple bruise trailing from his chest across some of his ribs. His two hyungs let out a gasp before Taehyung threw his car door open and threw up on the ground. Hobi's eyes filled with tears. "Jesus Christ Jungkook why didn't you tell somebody?!" Hobi shouted.
"I already told you why."
Taehyung was sobbing. How could he seriously think we wanted Hu to do that to him? What the hell?! And what the hell does Hu think he's doing?!
Neither of the older two quite knew what to say, they were too shocked and heartbroken. Hobi decided they needed to hurry back so they could tell Yoongi. Hobi drove them back to the house, as Taehyung became too upset to drive and had Jungkook wrapped in his arms in the back seat. When they got back, Jungkook was too nervous to go inside but Hobi dragged him in. The members were still gathered in the living room almost about to head out themselves to go look.
"Oh thank God you're okay!!" Jimin ran over and squeezed Jungkook in his arms. The rest of the members ran over and hugged him too, but he didn't hug them back. He was still very upset with all of them.
Namjoon pulled him in closer. "I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm so sorry. Please know I was just trying to scare you I wasn't kicking you out forever. Kookie I'm so sorry."
Jungkook stared silently at the floor, he didn't care for their apologies at the moment but he couldn't deny he was happy to see them care about him. He felt like it was the first time they showed any affection to him in days. However, he was still very upset. "Can I just go to my room please?" he asked everyone. They let him go and Hobi followed him.
Taehyung grabbed the food he had bought for Jungkook before heading over to Yoongi and whispering in his ear. "Hyung can you come up with us we need to talk you." Yoongi gave him a confused look but followed Taehyung to Jungkook's room. Jungkook was sitting up in his bed while Hobi sat next to him.
"What's going on?" Yoongi asked as he walked in.
"Show him," Taehyung demanded to Jungkook. Jungkook sat there nervously without moving. "Show me what?" Yoongi asked. "Kookie it's okay, you have to show him," Taehyung persisted. Jungkook suddenly felt really nervous and he wished he'd never even shown Taehyung or Hobi the bruise on his chest. He was scared that as soon as he said Hu did it to him Yoongi would immediately call him a liar or get mad. Hobi decided to not waste any time and lifted his maknae's shirt, showing Yoongi the giant bruise he had.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Yoongi yelled as he ran to Jungkook, kneeling on the floor in front of him. The youngest was too nervous to explain what happened so he just buried his face in his hands and began sobbing. Yoongi placed his hands on Jungkooks knees," Please Kook what happened to you? Tell me." Jungkook didn't reply he just kept crying into his hands.
"Hu happened to him," Taehyung replied angrily.
"What? What does that mean?" Yoongi looked at both the other members confused.
"Hu did that to him," Hobi stated. Yoongi was speechless, he just stared at his maknae who was still crying into his hands.
Yoongi pulled Jungkook's hands away from his face. "Look at me....Hu did that to you?"
Jungkook couldn't make eye contact, his eyes roamed everywhere around the room except at his hyung kneeling in front of him. "Jungkook look at me," Yoongi demanded. Yoongi filled with anxiety, he was hoping he didn't hear Hobi right or there was some big misunderstanding going on. Jungkook finally made eye contact with his hyung.
"Hu did this to you? Why would he do this?" the rapper asked.
"He....he..." Jungkook had a hard time getting the words out through his sobbing, "Said you told him t-to."
Yoongi felt his face go red with anger. What the fuck?!
"Told him to?! Why the hell would he say that?!" Yoongi yelled. "When did this happen? And why? I mean why did he say I told him to hurt you?! Jungkookie I never told him to hurt you you have to believe that right?" Yoongi held Jungkooks hands in his own until Jungkook leaned forward and hid his face into his hyungs neck and cried more. Yoongi wrapped his arms around him and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I never told him to hurt you," Yoongi cried. The older felt so terrible. Did Hu really do that and made Jungkook think I told him to? My poor bunny!!
Hobi spoke up. "Remember when we were all talking and you mentioned teaching Jungkook a lesson and Hu offered to do it? He apparently took that the wrong way and beat him up."
Yoongi was shocked. How could Hu be that stupid? "Oh my God...no Jungkook I didn't tell him to beat you up I thought he was just going to talk to you not hurt you! I'm so sorry!" Yoongi held him tighter.
"So you believe him?" Taehyung asked, a little worried that Yoongi would think they were all lying.
"Yes. Namjoon and Jin said he was really upset after Hu talked to him. Hu said he just talked to him but Namjoon said he couldn't see why that would have been so upsetting. Apparently because he was being hit !" Yoongi pulled out his phone and texted the rest of the members.
Yoongi: Come upstairs. Now. Just you guys.
The members had all quickly gathered in Jungkook's room and all felt nervous when seeing Jungkook in the state he was in.
"What's wrong?" Jimin asked as he went and sat next to Jungkook on his bed and hugged him.
Yoongi immediately lifted Jungkook's shirt exposing the bruise as he pointed to it.
"We tolerate a lot of things but this will not be one of them," Yoongi demanded.
All the members let out a gasp.
"What the hell happened?!" Namjoon yelled.
Everyone gathered around their maknae who was still crying while trying not to make eye contact with anyone, he suddenly wasn't liking all this attention.
Yoongi turned to Jin. "Hu hurt him. Hyung you need to make sure he knows he can't do that." There was a lot of anger in Yoongi's voice. Everyone let out another gasp.
"Excuse me? Hu? What makes you say that?" Jin asked nervously. Yoongi explained the entire situation and everyone really felt like garbage after that. Especially Jin and Namjoon because they were the ones who had walked in on them during the fight but never even bothered to ask their maknae if he had been hurt. Everyone was full of anger wondering why Hu could possibly think doing something like that would be okay. Everyone comforted Jungkook more and smothered him with more apologies about kicking him out along with hugs and forehead kisses. Taehyung wanted to spend time with Jungkook after everything so politely asked everyone to leave after a while.
"Do you feel better?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes. I'm glad they believed me," Jungkook replied.
"I knew they would. But also, they're about to believe you for a lot more than just that."
"What do you mean?"
"Hobi hyung and I believe you've been telling the truth about everything."
Jungkook's eyes lit up. "You do?!"
"Yes, and we think Hu has something to do with it. So to prove it we bought cameras we are going to hide and catch him doing stuff we can show them."
Jungkook pounced on Taehyung pulling him into a tight hug, tears of happiness flooded his eyes. "Oh my God!! Thank you hyung!!"
They both let out a chuckle. Taehyung went over and opened the food he bought for Jungkook. "Now PLEASE eat something will you?!?!" Taehyung laughed.
Jungkook smiled as he sat down and the two shared the dinner. This was the happiest their youngest had felt in days, he couldn't even express how much he loved Taehyung and Hobi for helping him.
The other members had walked downstairs and found Hu in the kitchen. They all looked at Jin signaling that he needed to say something, so he did. "Hu, we need to have a talk."
"About what?" Hu asked.
Yoongi decided to get right to the point. "When I said teach Jungkook a lesson I didn't mean physically hurt him."
"You said he needed a whipping remember? So I gave him one." Hu defended himself.
"I didn't mean that! It was a figure of speech! You can't hit him Hu! Ever! You can't hit anybody!" Yoongi yelled.
Hobi was listening to the back and forth and felt like he needed to make sure everyone knew what really happened. "Hu you didn't just hit him. You threw him off his bed and kicked him and you left a huge bruise across his chest. What the hell were you thinking doing that? That's not a scolding or a whipping, that's a beating. You beat our maknae. How could you possibly think that's okay?"
Hu could see everyone staring at him and he could tell everyone was angry. Shit. I didn't think they'd even find out about that. Why couldn't the kid keep his stupid mouth shut?
"I ... I didn't realize I was being that hard on him. I definitely didn't kick him hard enough to bruise him." Hu looked around. "Where is Taehyung? Maybe Taehyung bruised him and he's trying to blame me."
Everyone rolled their eyes and Jimin let out an annoyed laugh. "You can't be serious? You're really trying to say Taehyung did it? None of us believe that for a second. Just own up to it and apologize."
"Okay. I'm sorry."
"Not to us, to Jungkook. Now. And just so we are clear you understand not to ever do anything like that to him again, right? Not to anyone!" Jin yelled at him.
"Yes, I understand."
"I'll try to be more careful with what I say. Don't take everything I say so literally next time," Yoongi said.
Hu agreed that he'll never do something like that again and made his way to the maknae's bedroom. He knocked and walked in. Taehyung jumped protectively in front of Jungkook sitting on the bed. "What do you want? Get out."
"Relax okay? Can I talk to Jungkook alone please?" Hu asked. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and his hyung could see the fear in his eyes. "No, whatever you have to tell him you can say in front of me too."
"Okay. I came to apologize. Jungkook I'm sorry for hurting you, I misunderstood Yoongi-hyung. I didn't mean to hurt you that badly and don't worry hyungs made sure I understand to never do something like that again." Jungkook didn't believe the apology for a second, he knew the full extent of the things Hu did and said way more than the others did. He knew Hu was only apologizing because hyungs told him to, however he wanted Hu to leave sooner than later. "Okay, thank you," was his only response.
Hu decided that was good enough and left the room.
"I don't trust him for a second. Hobi-hyung and I will get the cameras out tonight. Where do you think we should put them? In hyungs rooms?" Taehyung asked.
"No, hyungs will be mad to find out we were spying in their rooms but we could put one in here considering everything magically shows up around my bed!" the youngest suggested. They talked more about where they could put cameras since Hobi and Taehyung had bought four of them. Jungkook was excited, he knew if they caught Hu on camera stealing or breaking things they'd have no choice but to start believing it wasn't him.
Finally, Jungkook thought.
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