Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 2
"Well, I guess I'll go talk to him. See what's up. I'm sorry he's being like this lately. I couldn't imagine treating anyone the way he's treating you all. Lying? Stealing? Breaking your stuff?! It's unbelievable! Maybe he needs a break, just something to think about," Hu said as he got up and walked out. The rest of the members didn't have much to say in response to that. They just knew they were angry. And Hu was loving it. The more and more he saw them all get mad at Jungkook, the more it inspired him to make it even worse. And now he could go make Jungkook feel like his hyung's hated him even more. This is working out perfectly.
Hu walked into Jungkook's room and slammed the door behind him. Jungkook shot up from his bed, his eyes were still drenched with tears. Jungkook didn't know what Hu wanted.
"So, I spoke with our hyungs," Hu started.
Jungkook didn't quite like that statement. OUR hyungs? No. They're MY hyungs!
"Do they believe me? I didn't do it Hu. All the shit going on lately, I haven't done any of it."
"Stop lying. We all know you did it. They are very mad at you. Yoongi hyung asked me to teach you a lesson."
Jungkook tensed up, something about this whole situation made him feel uneasy. "What? Teach me a lesson? What does that mean? And why would he ask YOU to do it?" He wiped his tears, still sitting up in his bed.
"Because you're bad. You've been nothing but bad. They don't even want to look at you." Hu walked towards Jungkook and hovered threateningly above him. "And they figure you won't listen to them. So they have asked me to do it, maybe then you'll stop being so bad. "
Jungkook gulped. "I... I don't understand. I didn't do anything, I'm not lying! I'm not being bad!" He cried. Hu instantly smacked him across the face, leaving him speechless for a moment.
"Why....why ... did you hit me?" Jungkook asked. His voice was trembling, he wanted his hyungs. He barely even knew Hu, what the hell gave him the right to be hitting him?!
"I told you. Yoongi hyung asked me to, and the rest of the members also seemed on board with it." He went to smack Jungkook again but he blocked it with his arm.
"That's not true, you're lying! Yoongi hyung wouldn't tell anyone to do this! None of them ever hit me!"
"I know they haven't, but they decided it's time you learn a damn lesson! They hate you Jungkook! They practically don't even want you in the band anymore!" Hu grabbed Jungkook by his shirt collar and threw him on the floor. "Leave me alone Hu! You're not in charge of me! You have no right hurting me! If Yoongi is so mad then he can do it himself!" Jungkook cried. Hyung couldn't have possibly asked Hu to really do this? That's impossible! My hyungs would never?! Would they?! They really hate me this much?! Over things I NEVER DID?!
"Well he asked me to do it! And unlike you, I do what I'm told!" Hu kicked Jungkook in the face, making the singer let out a whimper as he held his face in his hands.
Hu felt like he wasn't making a big enough impact so he decided to start making stuff up. "They hate you so much!" Hu kicked Jungkook in the stomach, causing him to crumple up into a ball. " They said they'd be better off with a different maknae at this point! None of them trust a thing you say anymore! How could you be so bad?!" Hu picked Jungkook up by his shirt collar and slammed him back onto the floor.
Jungkook was terrified. He had no idea what was going on or why. He wasn't a fighter. He did the only thing he could think to do whenever he was scared or hurt. "HYUNGS!!!" He screamed for them. He didn't care if they hated him, he just wanted someone to come make Hu stop beating on him.
Hu smacked him on the mouth. "SHUT THE HELL UP! I told you! They hate you! So don't waste your time! They don't care about you anymore, you know! They told me! You drew the line when you trashed hyungs guitar, they don't care what happens to you!" He kicked Jungkook in the chest.
Jungkook started to sob uncontrollably. "You're l...lying! That's n..not true!" Was it?
"I bet it was you! Stuff only started to happen after YOU showed up! Maybe this is all YOUR fault!" Jungkook screamed. Before Hu was about to smack him again, the two of them heard footsteps coming. Hu picked Jungkook up and threw him back on his bed and backed away. Jin and Namjoon threw the door open.
"What the HELL is all the screaming in here?!" Namjoon yelled. He was caught off guard by seeing Jungkook look so upset. "Jungkook? What happened?" he asked while also eyeing Hu. What the hell did he say to make him so upset?
"Like you don't know!! GET OUT! EVERYBODY JUST GET OUT!" Jungkook screamed through his tears. Namjoon ignored that request and started walking towards his maknae, but he screamed louder, " I SAID GET THE HELL OUT! STAY AWAY FROM ME!"
"Okay okay, jeez!" Namjoon backed up and the three left Jungkook alone in his room. He buried his face back into his pillow. His tears could have filled an ocean.
"Hu what the fuck did you say to him?" Namjoon asked.
"I told you I was just teaching him a lesson."
Jin spoke up. "But what did you say to him?" Why was he SO upset? It's not like Jungkook hadn't been at least YELLED at before.
"Just that you guys are mad and he needs to act right. Don't know why he got so upset. He tried saying it was my fault! He thinks I'm the one stealing and breaking stuff! Can you believe him?!" Hu yelled.
"Seriously?! What is wrong with him lately?!" Jin said as they made their way to the kitchen where the rest had gathered to eat the lunch they had previously made.
"He learn his lesson?" Yoongi asked innocently. He was under the impression Hu just gave him a stern talking to.
" I guess we'll see," Hu shrugged.
"Do you think he's hungry? He hasn't eaten, " Taehyung asked. He felt really bad. He knew Jungkook was acting strange and doing things he shouldn't have been doing, but part of him wasn't comfortable seeing him getting treated so badly for it either. If anything he was more concerned about his best friends mental health rather than being mad at him.
"He's not hungry," Hu replied, " I asked him. He said he wasn't," he lied.
"Oh, okay..." Taehyung pouted. He wasn't comfortable knowing his maknae hadn't eaten.
The members felt bad about the entire situation but tried to put it out of their minds for a bit. They hung out and had a lot of laughs while they ate and sat in the living room. Hu was having a blast hanging out with the members and he could tell they were generally enjoying his company as well.
Jungkook could hear their laughter coming from downstairs. His heart broke into a million pieces. He didn't understand at all. He loved his hyungs so much, he'd never steal or break things. He couldn't understand why they didn't believe him. He couldn't understand why Yoongi would ask Hu to beat him up, and his hyungs all agreed to it? They must really hate me...
He was also trying to figure out how the hell Jimin's stuff ended up in his room, and how a smashed guitar ended up at the end of his bed. He knew himself enough to know there was no way he was crazy. He knew it wasn't him. He also knew all his members, he knew it wasn't one of them. It has to be Hu! But none of them would ever believe that!! He felt so defeated as he lay there with his face in his pillow. He was also really hungry but knew his hyungs always called him to come eat, which they hadn't done all day. They don't care about me anymore.. He curled up into a ball clutching his growling stomach and cried himself to sleep.
Through the laughter and good times they were having downstairs, Taehyung couldn't help but feel uneasy. He kept eyeing the staircase hoping Jungkook would come down and join them or at least come down and grab something to eat. He missed him.
"I'll be right back, gotta pee." He headed upstairs, as there was a bathroom upstairs. He walked into his room instead to check on his maknae. He saw Jungkook curled up in a ball under his covers, fast asleep. His pillow was clearly soaking wet and his face was crusted over with dry tears. Taehyung's heart sank knowing he had been so upset. Hu must've been really mean to him... I don't like that.
He wiped hair off of Jungkook's forehead, startling the younger awake who immediately tried scooting away. "What are you doing? What do you want?" There was panic in his voice.
"What? I was just coming to check on you.." Taehyung replied confused. Why so jumpy?
"Did Yoongi send you in here too?!" He wanted to scream at his hyung to get out, but he couldn't considering this was also Taehyung's room and he had every right to be in there.
"Yoongi hyung? No? I told you I just wanted to check on you."
"Why?" Why the hell would you want to check on me? To make sure Hu did a good job beating me up? Or did you come here to finish what he started? Would Tae hit me too?
"Why? Because you've been in here all day. And how are you not hungry?"
Jungkook looked down at his blanket and started to nervously play with it. "I've been hungry all day," he frowned.
"Why'd you tell Hu you weren't? You know you could've come down and eaten with us."
"I never told him that." Jungkook looked at Taehyung. Why are you being so nice? Why do you even care if I eat? You hate me, remember?
"Oh. He said he asked you.." Taehyung felt some anxiety rise in him. It was hard telling who was telling the truth. Hu or Jungkookie? ...Obviously Jungkookie. He was starting to feel a little weird about Hu, but he wasn't quite sure why yet.
"Well, he didn't ask."
"Come eat then?" Taehyung went to grab Jungkook but he flinched and backed away. "No. Please just leave me alone."
"Kook-ah..." Taehyung looked at him with sad eyes.
"Please." The maknae pulled the blanket over his face, and he felt Taehyung kiss his head before quietly leaving the room. What the hell is going on?! If he hates me so much why is he being so nice?! Is it a trick?!
More tears escaped his eyes as he buried his face back into his pillow.
Taehyung made his way back downstairs and couldn't help but feel uneasy around Hu after discovering he lied about asking Jungkook if he was hungry. He had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. He sat down next to Hobi on the couch and leaned on him. He was trying to relax but couldn't, he thought he was going to have a panic attack. "Hyung...can I talk to you alone?" He whispered in Hobi's ear. He felt like he could talk to Hobi about his concerns. He didn't want to talk to Jimin or Yoongi because they were too angry, he didn't want to talk to Jin considering it was about his cousin, and he felt too intimidated by Namjoon. He knew Hobi had a really soft heart for Jungkook just like he did, Hobi ..was his only hope.
Hobi looked at Taehyung concerned. "Everyone. Tae and I need some air, we'll be outside." Nobody questioned it. The two stepped out and sat on the front steps. "What's going on? Are you alright?" Hobi asked.
"Hyung...I..um.. I don't know how to go about saying this but I don't think Jungkook is lying."
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is... I don't think he took Jimin's stuff or broke Yoongi hyungs guitar."
"Can I be honest with you Tae?"
"I don't think he's lying either."
Taehyung was quite surprised, " Really? Who do you think is doing it?" he asked.
"Well....who do YOU think is doing it?" Hobi asked back.
"Hu," they both said in unison and stared at eachother.
They both let out a sigh of relief knowing they both were in agreement. Taehyung was curious. "What makes you think so?"
"It just makes sense. Jungkook never does anything bad . Then Hu shows up and all this bad stuff happens that point to Jungkook. It just doesn't make sense. He keeps claiming he didn't do anything, and I can't help but actually believe him. He's not a thief, he doesn't break stuff, and he's not a liar. He's always very honest, if he did those things he would have admitted to it by now you know? And Hu just has been weird. Saying he'd go teach him a lesson ? Like why was he so eager about it? It was strange. Joonie hyung said kookie was extremely upset when they checked on him and Hu. I wonder what he said to him." Hobi looked at the ground trying to hide his sadness. "What about you? Why do you think it's Hu?"
"Well, everything you just said. And I also just found out Hu lied to us earlier. So who knows what else he lies about."
"He lied to us? About what?"
"I didn't actually go to the bathroom. I went to check on Kookie. Hu never actually asked him if he was hungry, but lied to me and said he asked and that Jungkook said no. Well he never actually asked, Jungkook has been starving all day but now he's too upset to eat."
Hobi was shocked. "Our poor Kookie! We need to tell Jin! And let Jungkook know we believe him! He's probably so hurt by all this!"
"I don't know how to tell Jin! He'll be so angry and won't believe us! After all, Hu IS his cousin! And Jungkook doesn't want to be bothered anytime soon. But we can talk to him later. What if instead of telling Jin we think it's Hu, we actually catch him doing something?" Taehyung suggested."I just don't know how we would prove it.."
Hobi grabbed Taehyungs knee and squeezed it, "I have a plan! Come with me!"
Hobi dragged Taehyung back inside. "Everyone. We are going to pick up dinner tonight. Write down your orders!" Hobi commanded his members.
Taehyung whispered to him. "What are you doing?"
"Just trust me."
Everyone was super excited and placed their orders down, thanking the two for offering to get dinner. Taehyung wrote down what he knew Jungkook would want to eat, as he ordered the same exact thing every single time. The two hopped in the car and Hobi started driving.
"Hobi hyung? What are we doing? I mean...aside from getting dinner."
"Video cameras."
"We're getting videos cameras. If we catch Hu doing bad things on camera and then he tries to blame our kookie, that's all the proof we need. Everyone will have to believe Jungkook is innocent after that."
"Oh hyung! You're a genius!"
At the dorm, Hu decided he wanted to continue with his antics. It would be easier to do that now with two members out and about. He told the members he was going to go take a nap. While heading to his room, he snuck into Namjoon's room and stole his laptop off his desk, bringing it with him. He sat in his bed and opened it, it was password protected. However, Hu knew how to hack into it no problem. He started browsing through it to see what might be on there that was important. He went through files and found unreleased song demos and unreleased versions of songs. He decided to delete a few, but as fate would have it, he clicked the wrong button and wiped out Namjoon's entire hard drive. Deleting absolutely EVERYTHING from the laptop.
Oh look, whoops!
He took the laptop and quietly walked to Jungkook's room, seeing the maknae still fast asleep he slipped the laptop under his bed and left.
He went back downstairs. "Actually, I couldn't sleep. Hey Joonie hyung, didn't you say you had some songs you guys were currently working on? Could I maybe hear some? I could give you some feedback!"
"Ah, sure! Let me just go grab my laptop," Namjoon said as he got up and headed to his room.
What? It was right on my desk? He began searching through his room trying to find it, but it was nowhere. Then he thought, where does everything else that's been stolen end up? Jungkook!!
He stormed into the maknae's room and ripped the blanket off him waking him up, "WHERE THE HELL IS IT JUNGKOOK?!"
Jungkook sat up in bed, completely frazzled and confused as he had no idea what was going on. "Where is what?" he asked innocently.
"Don't even start with that shit! I guarantee if I look in this room I will find my laptop!"
"I..What? Why would I have your laptop?" Jungkook felt the anxiety rise in his chest. Please don't let this be happening to me again.
"I dont know! You tell me why you'd have it?! You've been stealing and breaking shit almost all week!" Namjoon started ripping the room apart and found his laptop under Jungkook's bed. He stood up with it in his hand and just silently stared at his maknae.
"Hyung I didn't take it!" the youngest cried.
"Right! It just grew legs and walked into your room, is that what happened?! Why do you have this?!" the rapper screamed. Jungkook just cried. He knew nothing he said would make Namjoon believe him anyways so what was the point in defending himself.
" I d-din't t-t-take it hyungie," was all he could come up with. He felt so lost and hopeless. He couldn't comprehend how this kept happening to him.
"Still lying to us? Hu said he taught you a lesson but clearly it didn't work! You better pray nothing on this laptop is broken!" Namjoon stormed out and slammed the door closed. Jungkook felt his whole body tense up, he was terrified that Namjoon was going to tell Hu to come back up and beat him harder this time. He wanted protection, but the only people he had to protect him were the ones who were now hurting him. Where's Taehyung? Maybe Taehyung will protect me.
All the maknae could do was continue to cry. Ten minutes later, he heard screaming from downstairs. Angry screaming. VERY angry screaming. Oh no...the laptop..
He heard footsteps running up to his room and he felt himself panic, he wanted to hide but he had nowhere to go. Namjoon threw the door open, his face was red and his eyes were consumed with tears. He looked so angry. Namjoon ran over and grabbed Jungkook's wrist pulling him out of bed. This is it. He's going to beat me too.
"GET OUT!!!!" Namjoon commanded.
" I SAID GET OUT! GET OUT OF THIS FUCKIN HOUSE AND STAY OUT!" He started dragging Jungkook towards the bedroom door.
"N..no hyung please!" he screamed. Namjoon kept dragging him.
"Hyung stop! I didn't do anything! Please believe me!" he cried harder.
"You want to destroy everything don't you?! Well guess what! You can destroy someone elses shit! All my hard work just GONE!!!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about! Hyung I didn't destroy anything!" Jungkook tried breaking out of his grip but couldn't. "Hyung no! Don't throw me out please! I have nowhere to go!"
Oh yes, right, nobody cares about me anymore.
He'd rather have taken a beating instead.
Namjoon was dragging him through the living room.
"Hyungs please someone stop him! Please don't throw me out!" Jungkook pleaded to his hyungs. He noticed Taehyung and Hobi weren't there, which broke his heart more because he figured if anyone would have stopped Namjoon it'd be one of those two. "Jiminie hyung? Jinnie? Yoongi hyung? Please! Please! I'll be a better maknae I promise! I'll be good! Someone please!" Jungkook was begging for his life as he looked around at everyone.
"It's too late we've given you multiple chances and you keep proving to us that you won't listen! Go find someone else to lie to and steal from and someone else's shit to destroy!" Yoongi yelled at him. Jin didn't have words, his heart was too broken and he was too angry. Jimin looked away. He knew at this point Jungkook had to learn a hard lesson, and unfortunately this seemed like the only way to do it. Hu hid his smile.
Namjoon continued to drag Jungkook and pushed him out the front door. "Maybe now you'll learn." He slammed the door in his maknae's face and locked it. Jungkook started banging on it and screaming as he cried.
"No! Hyungs I didn't do anything! You're wrong! I promise it wasn't me! I'm not bad! I promise I'm not bad!" It became harder to scream as he began to hyperventilate. "Hyungs but I..I...I love you!" he screamed and fell to the ground. He gave up trying to get back in. What's the point, they hate me. They want me gone.
Namjoon had heard him, and he couldn't deny it broke his heart, as angry as he was. He threw Jungkook out in a fit of rage and anger, but hearing his maknae scream that he loves him, even after what he had just done, softened him a bit. He decided he'd just let Jungkook back in later tonight, long enough to scare some damn sense into the kid.
I'm sure he won't go very far.
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