Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 1
"So when is he moving in?" Taehyung asked Jin. Jin had gotten the member's approval to let his distant cousin, named Hu, who he was related to by marriage, stay with them for a few weeks while he looked for a job in Seoul. Jin had never actually met Hu, as they were quite distantly related. However one day he got a call from his grandmother practically begging him to offer Hu a place to stay, just while getting on his feet as he moved to Seoul. Jin didn't have the heart to deny it, and spoke to the members about it. They agreed , as they figured their dorm was more than big enough. Jungkook was the most excited , as Jin told him Hu was the exact same age as the maknae, down to the exact same birthday.
"Sometime this week," Jin said in response.
"This should be interesting. We're basically going to have twin maknae's," Yoongi chuckled.
The members laughed as they sat around their dorm couch hanging out. They had prepared the spare bedroom for Hu, they figured the least they could do was offer him his own room while he was with them.
"Finally someone I won't have to call 'hyung' although Hu hyung would sound kinda cool," Jungkook laughed. He was excited to have someone his exact same age around, quite literally, who he wouldn't need to use honorifics with. As excited as he was, there was still a small part of him that felt a little jealous. He really enjoyed being the youngest, as he was very spoiled by his members, and he loved that. He just hoped they didn't start to treat him differently if there was someone else, especially considering Hu was ACTUALLY related to his Jin hyung.
"Even though there will be two of us, I'm still technically the maknae right?" Jungkook pouted at his hyungs.
"Aww is Jungkookie feeling jealous?" Hobi ruffled the youngers hair.
"No!! Im not!" He honestly couldn't tell if he was lying or not.
"Don't worry Kook-sii! You'll always be Bangtans baby. Golden maknae remember?" Taehyung pinched Junkook's cheek and smiled, making him blush.
A few days later, the doorbell suddenly rang.
"Guys he's here!" Jin shouted throughout the house. He opened the door to greet this long lost cousin he'd never met, and they bowed to eachother. Jin was surprised to see how big Hu was, he was 24 but almost bigger than Namjoon. They embraced in a hug as the rest of the members ran down to introduce themselves. "Bangtan! I love your music, I can't believe I'm related to THE WORLDWIDE HANDSOME!" Jin felt his ears go red. "Ahhh no no," he blushed.
"Your name is Hu right? So I can just call you...Hu? I'm Jungkook!!" He said while giving Hu a firm handshake.
"Ah yes, the baby of BTS! I hear you're good at basically everything!" Hu laughed.
"I wouldn't say that, I'm bad at a ton of stuff," Jungkook said humbly.
"He's our golden maknae," Jimin stated, "Did you know you and Jungkookie are the exact same age and have the same birthday?!"
"I did! That's so cool!!" Hu replied. Looking Jungkook up and down.
The members helped Hu bring in his luggage and unpack his things in his room. It was quickly nighttime so Yoongi and Jin began to make dinner. They were trying to figure out how to cook for 8 people now instead of 7. The rest of the members and Hu were hanging out in the living room, having wrestling matches on the floor. They decided to divide opponents by age bracket. So Namjoon wrestled Hobi. Jimin wrestled Taehyung. And Jungkook wrestled Hu. Namjoon and Jimin both won their matches and now it was time for the two youngest. The members figured Jungkook would win, he won everything.
Hu and Jungkook were laughing as they wrestled, it was a pretty close competition. Until Hu slammed Jungkook down onto his stomach and had his arm wrapped behind his back in a battle to win.
"Ow! Okay okay okay you win! You win!!! Get off!! Please okay you win!! Hyungs help!!" Jungkook cried as Hu wouldn't listen to his plea.
Namjoon ran over and gently grabbed Hu off Jungkook. "Alright hey, we get it you won. Get off him now." He tried to be kind but was slightly annoyed. Usually people get off when someone is screaming in pain.
Hu stood up. "Sorry about that, I can be competitive sometimes."
"That's fine and all but try not to hurt him next time please!" Jin yelled from the kitchen. He liked that the two youngest were having fun but also knew he was technically the only one who had authority over Hu so he needed to make sure to set some boundaries. Which apparently had to include not hurting people, especially his baby Jungkookie.
Jungkook went over and sat between Hobi and Taehyung on the couch. He didn't feel like wrestling anymore, his shoulder hurt now. "You alright?" Hobi asked as he rubbed the younger ones shoulder. Jungkook just nodded as he leaned against his hyung.
Hu was surprised to see how protective they were of Jungkook. He had actually noticed how protective they all were of eachother. Earlier Taehyung simply bumped into the corner of a table and everyone panicked and hugged him. Hobi accidentally burned his hand under hot water and Yoongi held the ice pack to his hand while hugging him. Hu wanted that. He never grew up in a loving home, and he craved that kind of relationship with people. He wanted to be loved like that, he wanted to be coddled like that, especially the way he noticed Jungkook was constantly coddled. He noticed that because Jungkook was the youngest they all paid extra attention to him, making sure he was always cared for and always being hugged. If Jungkook even got slightly hurt the members would freak out like it was WW3 or something.
I'm the exact same age as him.
That could be me.
I can be their beloved maknae instead. I do need a job, maknae of BTS would be perfect!
They don't NEED Jungkook. I basically am Jungkook. I mean we even have the same birthday.
I just need them to kick him out of the picture somehow. I'll be even better than him!
I just want what he has.
He had a plan.
Get them to hate Jungkook.
Yoongi called everyone over for dinner. They all got to know eachother better and had a lot of laughs. After dinner, Jungkook and Taehyung offered to wash the dishes.
"Oh don't worry about it Tae-hyung, let us maknae's wash them!" Hu suggested. He had noticed throughout the day that Jungkook was extremely obedient, so he figured if he was going to get Bangtan to love him, he had to be just like Jungkook.
"Really?! Thanks Hu!!" Taehyung said happily as he ran away with Jimin and Hobi to go play Overwatch. Namjoon went to his room to read. Yoongi and Jin stayed in the kitchen to help clean up while the two youngsters stood at the sink together washing dishes. Jin handed Jungkook one of his favorite porcelain pots he had used to cook.
"Careful washing this, it's sacred," Jin told him. Jungkook was scrubbing the pot down with soap and water while Hu stood next to him drying dishes.
Hu had an idea:
Just how mad would Jin hyung get at his little maknae if he say...broke his sacred pot?
Hu 'accidentally' bumped into Jungkook, causing the pot to slip out of his hand and hit the side of the sink and crash to the floor. "NO!!" Jungkook cried as he tried to grab it, but it was too late. The pot was broken into pieces across half the kitchen.
Hu tried to hide his smirk. Show time.
"Ahh! Jungkook what did you do?!?" Jin yelled at him.
"I'm so sorry hyungie! Hu bumped into me and it accidentally slipped out of my hands! I'm so sorry!" Jungkook felt absolutely terrible and guilty. He knew it was an accident but he felt terrible anyways.
Jin hyungs favorite pot. I broke it. I'm the worst.
"Sorry hyung! I didn't mean to bump into him. I thought he'd have a better grip on it, considering you told him it was a sacred dish and all," Hu said defensively.
"I'm so sorry!!" Jungkook knelt down and started picking up the broken pieces, fighting back tears as he was consumed with guilt.
Yoongi had been standing there watching and then turned to Jin. "Seriously hyung how long are you going to make him suffer?" He turned to the maknae. "Jungkookie, Jin was kidding, it's not a sacred pot!" he laughed.
"Kookie calm down I bought that thing from the dollar store! Clearly it was worth its price!" Jin laughed as he knelt down and rubbed Jungkook's back. "Let hyung clean this up, I don't want you to get cut."
Hu was speechless.
Seriously?!?!!!? Can he literally get away with anything?!?
Jungkook had calmed down and finished up with the dishes. He was headed to his room that he shared with Taehyung when Hu asked if he could hang out with them for a bit. Jungkook agreed and showed him to their bedroom.
"Hi Hu!!" Shouted Taehyung as he shot up from his bed. Hu greeted him and asked them to teach him some of their choreography.
If I'm going to be their new maknae, better practice now!
Hu showed off some freestyle dance moves and his singing.
"Wow you're really good! Hobi hyung would be impressed with your moves!" Exclaimed Taehyung. Not long after, Jimin had come back to the room to hang out too. They were all tired so sat around on the beds chatting away.
"I can't help but notice how close you all are with eachother. That's rare in a band," Hu stated.
"Well we've lived together for over ten years. We consider ourselves a family before we consider ourselves a band," Jimin told him.
Hu glared at Jungkook, who was laying down on his bed with his eyes closed, already half asleep. "Can I count as family?" he asked.
"Of course, any family of Jinnie hyungs is a family of ours! Anyways, I'm ready to call it a night." Taehyung stretched and layed back onto his bed.
"Yeah me too. Goodnight TaeTae."Jimin planted a kiss on Taehyungs forehead before walking over to Jungkook, who was now snoring. "This one is already asleep. How cute. Goodnight Kookie." He also planted a kiss on his maknae's forehead before leaving, Hu following him out.
Hu was walking behind Jimin when he noticed Jimin's wallet was sticking halfway out of his back pocket. He quickly stole it without Jimin noticing. He had a lot of experience in theft.
Hu found a wad of cash in Jimin's wallet. In the middle of the night, he snuck back into Jungkook's and Taehyung's room. He hid the wallet under Jungkook's bed, and took the wad of cash and placed it inside one of Jungkook's pants pockets that was laying on the floor.
Everyone woke up in the morning to the sound of Jimin stomping around the house, "Ahh! Help! I can't find it anywhere!" He screamed with panic while throwing all the pillows off the couch.
"What can't you find ? Must you be so loud?!" Namjoon complained.
"My wallet!! I can't find it anywhere!! I swear I just had it in my pocket yesterday and now it's not there!!! What if someone stole it or I left it somewhere?! I had a lot of money in that and all my credit cards!! Hyung!!!" Jimin panicked.
Yoongi came over. "Will you relax? If you had it yesterday it couldn't have gone far. We didn't leave the house. Just retrace your steps."
So Jimin did. Searched around everywhere he remembered being.
"Well where's the last place you would've had it before you went to bed?" Jungkook asked innocently.
"I was in your room," Jimin answered, "I'll go check your room." Jimin ran to the maknae's room, followed by Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hu. He searched high and low and found his wallet under Jungkook's bed.
"Kookie how'd my wallet get there?"
"I don't know you must have dropped it."
"Yeah, maybe." Jimin noticed his wallet felt lighter. He opened it, confused to see it quite empty. "Uh...where's my money?"
"How should I know? Maybe you spent it on something," Jungkook replied defensively.
Taehyung and Hu just watched the two.
"The money was in here last night."
"I dont know, I'm sorry. Maybe it fell out."
"Yeah.... maybe..." Jimin went to leave when he stepped on the pants Jungkook had on the floor and kicked the wad of money out of the pocket.
Jimin and Jungkook both stared at eachother in disbelief.
"You...what the hell?! You stole my money?!"
"No hyung I don't know how that got there! I didn't take it!"
"Didn't take it?! It was literally in your pants pocket!!"
Taehyung also stood there in disbelief, "Jungkookie?? You really took his money...?"
"No!!! I swear I didn't! I never even touched your wallet!" He screamed.
"Well your name is written all over the evidence!!!! Whats wrong with you?! If you wanted cash you could've just asked me!" Jimin stormed out angrily and ran back to his room, slamming the door behind him.
"Wow Jungkook, I didn't take you for a thief," Hu scoffed. He tried to hide his smirk.
The rest of the members ran into the room. "What's all the yelling in here?" Hobi asked.
"Jungkook stole Jimins wallet and also stole the cash out of it," Hu quickly told the group.
Everyone let out a gasp. "You did what....?" Namjoon asked. He was quite surprised.
Jungkook fought back tears. "I didn't!! I didn't do anything, hyungs! You all know I would never steal. I don't know what happened!!"
All the members turned to Taehyung instead. "What happened?" Jin asked him.
"All I know is Jimin's wallet was under Jungkook's bed and his money was in Jungkook's pocket," Taehyung answered. Taehyung was in shock, he knew Jungkook never stole anything so this was extremely out of character for him.
"Someone is messing with me!! I'm telling the truth, I never touched his wallet or his money! I would never do that! I have my own money, why would I take his?!" Jungkook's tears started to fall.
Jin turned to everyone. "Was someone trying to prank him? Who did it?"
Nobody answered. Everyone just looked around confused at eachother. "Okay fine, don't fess up. But whoever did it, you're not funny. Jungkook, come with me to talk to Jimin." Jin grabbed the youngests arm and dragged him to Jimin's room. Jin told Jimin he believes Jungkook didn't do it and they discussed how someone else was most likely trying to prank them. "Well, it's not a funny prank. I'm sorry for getting so angry at you, Jungkookie." The two hugged, and Hu was upset to see the two walk out laughing with eachother.
Seriously what the hell does it take? They don't stay mad at him for anything!!
Jungkook was helping to make lunch when he had to cook something up in a pan. When he wasn't looking Hu snuck over and poured oil into the pan because he knew it could potentially explode. And it did. As soon as Jungkook turned the heat up, the oil popped and caught on an overhead cabinet, setting it on fire.
"Ahh!" Jungkook screamed. Yoongi ran over and pulled Jungkook away from the flame, and immediately grabbed the fire extinguisher they kept under the sink and put the fire out. Thankfully Yoongi had reacted quickly and it didn't cause too much damage. They would just need a new cabinet door.
"Jungkook-ah are you okay?!" Taehyung screamed as he ran over and hugged him. "What the hell happened?!"
"I'm fine, and I don't know hyung! The pan had oil in it but I never even put oil in it!"
Jin walked over. "Clearly you put oil in it Jungkookie..you have to pay more attention when you cook."
"You must've not put oil in it just like you didnt try to steal Jimin's wallet, yeah?" Hu walked over. Everyone looked at him.
"Drop it," Jin said sternly.
Jungkook felt hurt. Why does Hu think I'm lying about the wallet? And does he think I would purposely try to start a fire?
"Can someone else finish cooking? I'm not feeling good, I'd like to go lay down," Jungkook asked. Hobi put his hand to his maknae's forehead but he wasn't warm, yet he could see the sadness on the youngers face so offered to take over. "I'll finish cooking, go get some rest."
Jungkook ran up to his room and threw himself onto his bed. He felt so depressed. He didn't want his members, or Hu, thinking he was suddenly turning bad, especially for things he wasn't even aware of. He couldn't figure out how oil got in the pan. Or how Jimin's money got in his pocket. He started to question his own sanity, was he having memory loss or something? Were hyungs mad at him even more now? His thoughts were broken by a gentle knock on the door. Namjoon walked in and sat on the bed, rubbing Jungkook's back.
"Kookie, are you alright?" The leader asked.
"I don't know, hyung. Maybe I'm going crazy . I don't remember putting oil in the pan or touching Jimin's wallet. What if I'm going crazy? Would you all still love me if I was crazy? Do you even still love me now? I just almost burned our house down."
"Ahh Kook-ah, maybe you're just stressed out from all our work lately. Sometimes stress can make people forgetful. You just need some rest, okay? And we'll love you no matter what, maknae." Namjoon gave him one last rub on his back before leaving the room. Hu quickly hid out of the hallway, not wanting Namjoon to know he'd been eavesdropping. Hu really could not understand or comprehend the love and patience the members all had. It didn't make sense to him.
Jungkook just almost burned down their house and they let him just go TAKE A NAP?!
Hu began walking down the hall when something caught his eye. Yoongi's door had been ajar, and on his bed was his favorite guitar. A guitar Yoongi's grandfather had made him from scratch before passing away. Hu walked into the room and started destroying the guitar. First he ripped all the strings apart, then broke the neck in half before finally stomping on it and cracking it to pieces. He carried the guitar to Jungkook's room, seeing the maknae had passed out in his bed, he snuck in and placed the guitar at the bottom of Jungkook's bed, just below his feet.
Your little hyungie's will definitely hate you after this one, spoiled little brat.
"The food is ready, I'll go wake Kookie," Yoongi said as he headed to the maknae's bedroom. He knocked on the door and opened it. "Jungkook-ah the f.." Jungkook woke up and they both saw the destroyed guitar at the end of the bed at the exact same time. They both stared at eachother, completely speechless.
"I .. I didn't do this..." Jungkook replied instantly. He stared at his hyung with terrified eyes. He knew how important this guitar was to Yoongi. And he also knows he didn't touch it. How the hell?!
Yoongi slowly walked over and gasped as he stared at the destroyed guitar with his mouth wide open. He truly had no words. He was shocked, stunned, frozen.
"I swear hyung I didn't do this! I never touched your guitar I came straight to bed!" Tears fell from his eyes.
"You...you....my guitar....it's....you broke...my guitar....my grandfathers guitar...it's..broken..."
"It wasn't me! I didn't! I swear I didn't! I don't know what happened!" He cried.
Yoongi's anger finally caught up with him, " You didn't?! IT'S IN YOUR FUCKING BED JUNGKOOK! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU 'DIDN'T'?! JUST LIKE YOU DIDN'T ALMOST BURN OUR HOUSE DOWN AND TRY TO STEAL FROM JIMIN RIGHT?! IT JUST WASNT YOU WAS IT?!" Yoongi screamed at him. His face had gone beat red. He didn't think his body could contain this level of anger, he felt like he was going to explode. He put his fist in the air in a blind rage ready to punch Jungkook. Jungkook backed up. However, Yoongi stopped himself from hitting him and grabbed his guitar. "NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN YOU LITTLE FUCKING BRAT!" He screamed one last time before running out of the room and into his own, slamming the door. Jungkook buried his face into his pillow and started bawling his eyes out.
Why doesn't he believe me?! I didn't do it! I didn't do it!I would never! Hyung I didn't do it please believe me! I love you hyung!! Who is doing this to me?!
The members heard the yelling and ran upstairs to Jungkook's bedroom and saw him screaming and crying into his pillow. "What the hell happened? What's wrong?" Hobi asked.
"I...I.." Jungkook tried speaking through his tears, " Hyungs...guitar... it's broken and he thinks I did it...but I-I-I didn't!" he cried.
"His guitar?! Why does he think you did it?" Taehyung asked.
"It was in my bed, broken."
Everyone gave eachother a concerned look.
"How was it not you ...if it was in your bed.." Namjoon asked.
"I DONT KNOW! IT WASN'T ME!! You have to believe me! I never touched his guitar!"
Jimin felt himself fill with anger again. " Hm? Wasn't you, huh? You mean just how my money ending up in your pocket wasn't you either, right?" he turned and walked away. He didn't care to comfort Jungkook anymore. He went and checked on Yoongi instead.
Hu was watching all this unfold, and he was loving every second of it. They're all turning on him, excellent.
"Just stay in your room, " Jin demanded.
"But..but hyung..."
"Don't 'but hyung' me ! Just stay in your room Jungkook!" Jin yelled at him before slamming his door closed and going to Yoongi's room with everyone else. Jungkook threw himself back onto his bed and continued to cry into his pillow. I'm sorry! I don't know what is happening but I'm sorry!!
The members found Jimin hugging Yoongi, the rapper was crying over his broken guitar. Everyone sat around the room. " I don't understand," Jimin started, "Why is our kookie doing this shit? What do you think the problem is?"
"Maybe he's jealous that I'm here and he's acting out?" Hu said.
"No, he was extremely excited for you to come," Taehyung told him.
"Well then maybe he just needs to be taught a lesson. I can't help but notice he's never in trouble for anything," Hu stated.
"Because he's never had to be. He's a great maknae. This is the first time he's ever acted up," Namjoon said.
"Well, maybe I could whip him into shape," Hu suggested.
Yoongi let out a chuckle. "Ha, good luck. He's acting fucking crazy! Whip him into shape? More like just whip him in general at this point!!"
Hu smirked. Let me take care of that for you.
"I'm sure I can knock some sense into him," Hu said.
"Be our guest!!Clearly he doesn't care about what any of the rest of us have to say!" Yoongi shouted.
Yoongi didn't realize that Hu meant he was about to quite literally knock some sense into him.
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