a world that will break you
All it took was a single step one single step to change his entire world, one moment he was in a place filled with anxiety and warm sunlight the next moment he was in a cold winded open field.
The cold breeze stinging his skin the moment he stepped out of the portal the winds whistling and tugging at his cloths was the first thing that he felt as he entered this new place.
And soon after tommy opened his eyes being met with tall grass that flickered in the strong wind gusts, tommy curiously turned around to see if the portal was still there but was met with more empty field looking around tall grasses fields where stretched out for miles or as far as the eyes could see.
As soon as tommy realized that he is alone his face dropped a pit in his stomach grew heavy and suddenly the urge to puke was undeniable the facade he put up for his family's sake was gone and now what was left was a crumbling boy scared to death about his new situation.
But the winds tugging at his cloths reminded him that he should be somewhere not wasting time.
The countless preparations for this moment the countless hours practicing hours memorizing should not go to waste beacuse soon tommy was sprinting through the feelds looking for the first thing, wood.
Soon enough he found what he was looking for slowing down to a walk tommy noticed that he was struggling to sprint as if air was taken from his lungs forcing him to slow down and breath.
But a second problem occured as he stood in front of the tree, the realization that he will have to punch the tree with his bare hands, there was a moment of hesitation his mind telling him to not do it to not hurt himself, but the countless lessons he had from his brothers explained that you will not feel pain punching things with your bare fists so with a little hesitation his first punch was made.
And as if magic the wood started to splinter and so he kept going and going and soon the wood suddenly exploded into particles under his punch And in its place was a small cube like thing it looked like the wood that he just finished punching but now pixelated and square and fucking floating and spinning as if magic.
Soon the wood block floated towards him and now was in his hand, and then as if fucking magic eight square shaped slots beacame aperent to his eye above it red hearts and next to it some kind of exp meter and hunger bars that where going down slowly but surely.
He knows about the hotbar he learnt about it from phil but he would never think it whould look so fucking cool.
A small smile beacame aperent on the boys face as he figured out a way to open up his inventory now he could see himself as if looking into a mirror his blond curled hair shining in the sun like nothing else but the hair didn't move with the wind.
Looking next to himself he found the place where you craft things, placing the wood block in the slot it soon showed that you could make four planks, just the right amount, reaching out for the planks the wood magically turned into the four planks and soon he figured out how to make a crafting table holding it in his hands it felt wheightless but then he placed it down and fucking hell it was fucking magic the small pixel like texture grew and now was a pixelated big crafting table around half his own size.
But he couldn't couldn't enjoy the moment for long since the pixels the crafting table touched turned into the same texture before he knew it the grass around the crafting table turned to pixels it freaked him out for a second before he realized that it was normal and whould be easier if he let the pixel infection spread, so as soon as it started spreading more he stepped into it and then he blinked.
The world around him turned all to squares and pixels he beacame I'll soon after head spinning so he decided to just sit down for a moment, his fingers touched the pixelated grass and snap, a whole area of tall grass broke bellow his fingers from the touch but like the wood now there where floating seeds in its place just hovering and spinning as if nothing.
Picking up the seeds he placed the into his inventory and sat down for a moment regaining himself.
He wouldn't let himself think about what had happened so his mind beacame blank as he looked up at the now floating tree having one price removed from it .
"Fucking hell this place is weird" he muttered to no one before standing up and punching down the rest of the tree finally getting the hang of punching trees.
Next step was tools, he had just enough wood for a axe and a pickaxe.
Cutting down the only tree nearby he picked up the crafting table and began to walk in one direction.
As he walked he remembered the time on this arm, checking it he saw that the numbers where in fact going down like usual but he saw that from the first time getting the time he was already in this weird world for a hour, and the numbers bearealy shifted.
Step by step his mind beagn to plague with thoughts and with each step it was harder to walk but with each step he beagn to ignore his plauging thoughts and he just continued forward.
Soon in the distance a forest began to emerge and soon his hands where aching from the amount of wood he had gathered.
Looking around distantly he could hear the sound of water.
Going to the noise he emerged from the dim forest and now was standing next to a big lake running to it he crouched down and felt the water it felt freezing cold so no going into the water then.
Tommy looked up at the sky to see that the sun was already right above him.
Deciding that this is a good looking place with a cave that he passed by nearby he began to slowly place down the oak wood planks in a square.
Soon enough a oak wood square stood in front of tommy as tommy looked way to proud, there was a two block entrence Infront of him, but instead of going in he picked up the pickaxe from his inventory and started digging right under his feet to get the cobblestone.
There where a few patches of coal in-between the stone that he mined so soon he was holding around ten touches in his hand and a furnace in the in the other.
Looking up at the sun he found it setting the world started to become dark so with the ten touches he had he placed eight of them outside evenly place so it lighted up a huge area.
As the world soon started turning to night tommy went inside his 5×5×3 house blocked himself in and fell asleep hungry on the stone floor as the noises of a spider echoed through the forest.
A boy cold hungry alone helpless avoided thinking of his family in order to keep quiet so the outside monsters won't hear him.
At least his house was bright and had a roof and walls even if he slept on a stone floor.
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