Chapter 8 - Happy Times and Stories
Chapter 8- Happy Times and Stories
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Dream SMP / Krew
Lucid. Please.
Please what?
Just make Xena control me instead!
And why should I? I rather enjoy watching everyone be scared of Grian.
Please! I'll do anything!
Listen. If you make Xena control me instead, I'll let you and Nightmare take over my entire mental state!
Are you sure?
Deal. But, oh Dream...You made a big mistake Dream...
Clay was now 20 years old. He and his little sister, Drista was adopted by a nice female named Puffy. Clay was grateful for Puffy and never wanted to disappoint her. She took care of him and Drista. So how could Clay repay her?
Years. Its been years since he and his sister left their abusive mother. Clay suddenly came up with an idea. Start a world in which he could live in with his friends. He first started with his crush, George Davidson. And being the gay idiot he was, he continously flirted with George when starting off the world.
It wasn't long before Clay added Nick. Not too long after, more people were added. No one used their real names anymore...Correction: Most people didn't use their real names anymore. Clay now went by Dream. George still uses George, but instead of George Davidson, he used Georgenotfound. Nick went by Sapnap. The trio was known as the Dream Team. Dream had added Puffy too. Puffy graciously accepted. Drista was now living with Toby, now Tubbo's sister, Lani and Ranboo's friend, Aimsey. Of course, Drista comes to visit every now and then. Puffy and Dream go to visit Drista too.
No one knew about Nightmare. No one has to know...Right?
But it wasn't long before Dream had another one of those dreams. This time, instead of Nightmare, it was another replica of him, but instead of red, he was...Purple...
"Who are you?" Dream asked.
"Lucid," the person said.
"Why are you here?"
"You don't get it don't you?" Lucid asked. "You don't know why you're meeting yourself but with different personalities."
"Do you know?"
"Of course I do dumbass." Lucid scoffed.
"Then why?"
"That is for you to figure out."
. . .
All those wars...Was it Dream? Was it? Everyone thought it was. But really, it was Lucid and Nightmare. Dream's decision to wear a mask was in their favor. No one could tell whether Dream was being controlled or not...Well...Most people at least...
George was suspicious of Dream. Sapnap, at first, was too. But when he saw how brutal 'Dream' was acting, he became blind with rage. George on the other hand, worked hard to figure out why Dream was acting so strangely.
Then came the day...The day Dream and Techno destroyed L'manberg. Dream was sent to the prison. George tried to save him countless times. Times when Dream was in control of his own body, he told George to stop. Why? Dream thought he deserved to be in the prison. He thought that everything was his fault because he made that deal with Nightmare. Dream didn't agree with Lucid, but Nightmare did. Nightmare had more control over Dream than Dream had over himself, so as a result, Lucid also controlled part of Dream. When Nightmare or Lucid was in control, they would urge George to release Dream.
George had always found this weird. So one day, when Dream was urging George to not set him free, George questioned him.
"Dream. Sometimes you tell me not ot let you free. Other times you tell me to. Why is that?"
"I..." Dream began. "I don't want to talk about it." George didn't intrude any further. But the British was still curious.
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
Everyone was afraid of Grian now. Even his cats, Maui and Pearl, cowered behind Jimmy's legs.
The worst part about all this though, Grian still had his own mind. Grian had to watch as he himself, killed his friends.
It was painful.
People were scared of Grian. They didn't trust him anymore. All because he was born with the destiny to become a Watcher...
Xena looked like she was having fun. "Everyone's terrified of you, Xelqua. Give up now. The server will be destroyed and taken over anyway. And we won't stop there. We'll take over Dream SMP and your precious Hermitcraft."
She was about to make him blast Mumbo.
Grian's eyes widened as he was about to kill one of his longest and closest friends. "MUMBO MOVE!!!"
Mumbo swiftly dodged the blast. Grian let out a sigh of relief.
Xena finally decided to let Grian go. He went over to hug Mumbo, but he slowly backed away from Grian. Kubo jumped in front of Mumbo to protect him from the small Hermit.
"Mumbo?" Grian sobbed. "It's me, I'm back."
Mumbo shook his head. "No, and even if you were, I don't care. You killed your own friends! So what if it wasn't your fault? You kept the secret that you were a Watcher! You could've prevented this!"
Grian's tears were acting like a waterfall now. He removed his Watcher mask. "Mumbo, please!"
Mumbo's arm lowered towards his belt, and his hand grasped to the hilt of his sword. Next thing he knew, Mumbo was holding a sword to his neck.
"Stay back!"
Grian looked down, clearly in emotional pain, as one of his best friends was threatening to kill him.
He nodded, and he grabbed his other arm. He turned away from Mumbo and walked in the other direction.
Now, Grian had no friends. They all hated him.
He walked for about half an hour before he was stopped in his tracks by someone. A white-haired and red-eyed Hermit, that had an x-shaped scar across his face, similar to his brother's.
Grian looked up. "Hi, EX...I mean Xavier-"
He didn't have his helmet on, so it was easier for Grian to tell that he was pissed.
"Hello traitor." He said.
"What do you mean?" Grian asked.
Tears were quickly forming in Xavier's eyes. "YOU KILLED YOUR FRIENDS! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!!!"
He seemed really upset about that last part.
Grian took a deep breath. "That wasn't me, I swear! Xena was controlling my body to murder my friends."
He pushed Grian against a cobblestone wall, and lifted him up against it. He drew a knife, and aimed at Grian's chest.
Grian bit his lip. He didn't have a reason. He deserved to die, after what he did. Even if it wasn't his fault. He should've tried resisting, but he didn't. He was a Watcher. He was dangerous. He could potentially kill even more of his friends. Not to mention he had already killed the admin.
The knife lightly stabbed Grian's chest now, not deep enough to reach his heart. Less than a centimeter deep. Then it dug further into his chest, definitely a centimeter deep now. Blood trickled down his chest, like water on a car window when was raining.
Before Xavier could cut any deeper, he was punched in the face by an Evolutionist. This caused him to let go of Grian, dropping him onto the ground. Grian was now sitting against the wall.
"Leave him alone! He didn't kill anyone on purpose!!"
Taurtis stood protectively in front of Grian. Xavier's eyes narrowed with anger.
Taurtis yelled back, but quieter than Xavier did. "I witnessed it!!! Not to mention I know Grian! I have known him for a while, he's a close friend of mine! We've been through a lot together, and I know Grian would never, ever, kill another human being on purpose! He's kind, and a bit mischievous! But at least he has a heart! You CLEARLY don't if you won't even try listening to him!"
Grian couldn't believe that Taurtis was standing up for him. That he was still on Grian's side, after what Grian did, purposely or not. Maybe Grian still had a friend after all.
Xavier smirked. "Why defend him? He's a Watcher."
"And we should kill him just because he's a Watcher?" Taurtis questioned. "I don't think so! If he was a bad Watcher then why didn't he destroy Hermitcraft ages ago?"
Xavier was left speechless at this.
Taurtis nodded and turned to Grian. "Come on, let's go. Before anyone else tries to kill you for something that's not your fault."
He helped Grian up, and the two walked towards an empty cave.
Grian sat against the wall while Taurtis set up a campfire for warmth and light, as it was nearing nightfall.
"Why did you save me?" Grian asked. "You saw me kill 5 of my friends!"
Taurtis looked at Grian, and sat next to him when the campfire was built. "You're my friend. And I know it wasn't your fault. I know firsthand how terrible Watchers are."
"But I'm a Watcher!" He blurted out. "You saw that I was..."
"I don't believe you would kill on purpose, unless you really had to." Taurtis smiled. "And I know you care about your friends! Didn't the Watchers bring me on this server to torture you?"
Grian sighed. "I guess you're right-"
Taurtis looked down. "But how long have you been-"
Grian cut him short. "I always always destined to be a Watcher, according to Xena and Xylo. After Evo was destroyed, they took me in. They trained me to be a powerful Watcher. A few months later I ran away to the end and cried there. I cried about how horrible my life was, and how I was afraid you and Pearl and the other Evolutionists were dead! That's where Xisuma found me, and invited me to Hermitcraft."
Taurtis nodded. He took out a pen and pencil in an effort to cheer up his friend. "Hey, why don't we draw something random? Like Elmo!"
Grian laughed. "Taurtis! You know we're terrible drawers! And last time I drew Elmo, it looked terrifying."
"That's true, you ruined one of my favorite childhood characters..." Taurtis said.
Grian playfully elbowed him. "Taurtis!"
Taurus laughed, clearly having fun with his friend.
The sun was about to set now.
"I'm about to pull a Bdubs...someone's got to now that he died 5 years ago!" Grian giggled. The Brit pulled out a bed, and rapidly tried sleeping in it until it was the exact time where a person was allowed to sleep.
Grian went to bed. Sweet Dreams
The sunset quickly changed to a sunrise, leaving the small Hermit pleased as he got out of bed.
"Impressive," Taurtis said.
Grian started to smile really wide, and put on sunglasses that looked like Bdubs's huge anime eyes. Much like what happened in Season 7.
He looked directly at Taurtis. "I'm the new Bdubs."
Taurtis grinned. "You certainly are!"
The two burst out laughing.
Grian lost the Hermits' trust and friendship.
But at least he still had Taurtis.
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Some heavy angst we got here...And some friend fluff. Not ship fluff...Friend fluff
- Pleb
BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL BABY- (I am not calling up the Fourth Wall Rebuilder -Pleb) BUT IT NEVER EXISTED. I think of the fourth wall as the back of a build. And there's a certain Hermit that comes to mind when I think of not building the back. My favorite Hermit, actually. *Cough* Grian- *Cough cough*
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