Chapter 36 - Souls and Spirits
Chapter 36 - Souls and Spirits
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Dream SMP / Krew
No one knew of the exchange between Dream and Nightmare. Not even Lucid.
Nightmare told him that he was stuck in one of the defenses and need time to free himself, although he did break through all the way to the point where he could control Dream once he was free which was actually half true.
Dream tried not to laugh when Nightmare gave Lucid a long and stupid story for why he couldn't come and help. Nightmare would've made it simpler, but Dream insisted he tested Lucid's stupidity.
Lucid surprisingly fell for the story and left Nightmare to his own devices.
For someone so evil in Dream's eyes, Nightmare was actually really interesting to hang out with.
Nightmare however, soon returned the the task he said he would do. Drista was skeptical when Nightmare told her he needed to go collect some materials, but she let him go anyway, promise to stab him with a fork if he tried anything.
So... what ARE you trying to do anyway?
This is going to require some explaining, so you better be ready to hear me rant in some areas. Nightmare replied. It was strange how he was the one controlling Dream's body and Dream was hanging out in the control space, just talking to him like any normal person would.
To be fair, I'm basic a soul in your mind right now that doubles as a voice in your head, and I don't have any other body to go to, so yeah, I have time. Dream pointed out.
Okay, but first, can you tell me where do you keep your stuff? I know you don't keep it in you house because of your kids, but I've never really paid attention to where place anything.
I thought that you would have that memorized for anytime you take over me.
It's under the house, dummy. There's a trapdoor hidden in the grass. That how I access the hideout. You should find what you need there.
Do you keep your mining stuff there?
Don't tell me you need to go mining.
Would you like me to go ask Tommy for resources? I'm sure I can get him to give me some like the 'friend' he is.
Shut up.
You shut up
No you shut up.
Uno reverse.
Excuse me?
I said Uno reverse Dream. Oh, plus 4 too. Now shut up and let me find that trap door.
That's Tommy's job
He's not a child anymore.
He still acts like he is.
Nightmare sighed. Why was he doing this again. Right. He needed peace for the sake of at least his Blond hair. Finding the trapdoor, Nightmare opened it and jumped in.
Finding what he need, Nightmare left the area and closed the trapdoor. And just to trigger Dream, he messed up all the chests.
I can't believe you did that. My precious storage system is now a big mess!
All's fair in war, Dream.
Child. I still agree with myself.
You are the child.
Excuse me I'm the one with children.
Excuse me no one cared. Back to what I'm actually trying to do.
Which is?
Getting redstone to help with the revival project I told you about. Walking towards the makeshift mines, Nightmare descended into the mines to hunt for redstone.
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
5 days ago...
Xisuma woke up in a strange environment.
Three words kept looping in his head.
I'm sorry X-
X knew he was dead. He still felt the pain in his chest from where he was stabbed.
Why would Scar do this...Why would he kill me...?
Xisuma killed Jellie. That was the hard truth. But he was confused as to why Scar didn't believe that it was an accident.
A tear snuck down Xisuma's cheek, multiple questions flowing through his mind. Do the Hermits not trust me? Have I been a terrible friend? Are they mad at me for declaring war?
The admin scanned his surroundings. Buildings towered above him, it was quite impressive. But the sky was odd. It was a shade of dark purple. What's that about? Before he could completely assess his situation, he fell to the ground on his knees, the pain in his chest growing. No, I'm already dead! My soul can't die too!
But X had no control. He was now lying on the ground, breathing heavily. His eyes shut.
Not long after, he heard an unsettling familiar voice. "Hi Xisuma, you'll be safe. Just relax."
Xisuma couldn't speak or move at the moment. So he did nothing as the figure lifted him up. "I'll make up for everything I did. I promise." Then he blacked out completely.
. . .
Xisuma felt his consciousness returning. He heard another familiar yet unsettling voice. But female this time.
"How are you? I can sense your consciousness returning."
How did she know? X opened his eyes to see Xena sitting on a chair beside him.
He immediately got out of the bed he was in and walked as far away from her as possible, turning to her and raising his fists.
She sighed like she knew this would happen. "I see you still don't trust me..."
"Xisuma I've changed. If you could maybe give me a second chance and time to explain-"
But the Watcher was cut off by the admin. "SECOND CHANCE?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!!"
Then a figure walked in, and smiled. "Ah, I see you're awake."
"Quit the screaming, would you? I'll allow you to shoot any questions you have."
The admin lowered his voice, still glaring at the Watchers. "Why are you here?"
"This is the afterlife," Xylo responded. "You, Xena, and I are all dead. And Xena HAS changed."
Then Xisuma's expression softened, remembering a memory from a while ago. "Why did you apologise to me before you died?"
Xylo smiled. "Xena let me have control of myself for once."
"You mean you weren't in control?"
"Xena was controlling my body, much like she did to Grian that time." Xisuma winced at the memory as his uncle continued to speak. "I was never evil, and Xena had twisted motivations for the evil she did. But, she's changed a lot since then."
"I still don't trust her."
Xena nodded sadly. "And there's no reason to. So, how are you? Is it still painful?"
X nodded. "It is. But, not as painful as it was. Did you guys use Watcher magic?"
Xena shook her head. "We can't use our magic here. I guess it's punishment for being evil."
"Then what was it?"
Xylo took a breath. "I don't know, we just needed to give you a recovery. You had a fever as well. My girlfriend was helpful in taking care of you."
"Girlfriend?!" Xisuma said in shock. "NOOOOOOOO!!!"
"Why do you have a problem with Xena and I being together?" Xylo asked.
"BECAUSE IF YOU TWO EVER GET MARRIED XENA WILL BE MY AUNT!!!" Xylo and Xena looked at each other, clearly amused at how Xisuma reacted.
"Hey, hey, hey," Xena said. "Slow down. We haven't even been dating for a year yet. I think. Time is out of whack here. For all I know It's been a century back down in the world of the Living."
X gulped in fear. "So, I could've been dead for years?"
The two Watchers looked at each other, and back at Xisuma. They nodded, and said nothing.
X found himself breaking down in tears. "I'm not trying to brag, but the Hermits need me. I can't imagine how lost they are. I'm their admin AND their friend, it's my duty to be there for them and I'm not. And oh my goodness me I can only IMAGINE what Xavier's going through. I'm a terrible friend and a terrible brother."
"Calm down," Xylo said, attempting to comfort his nephew. "You're a good friend and brother. It's not your fault you died."
"So what did you do?" Xena asked, Xylo starting to glare at her.
The admin looked up. "What do you mean?"
Xena sighed. "Well, Xylo and I found out we're here because this is a place for people who've done bad things. Not bad people, just people who've done something that they'd be really guilty over after time. So, what did you do?"
"I don't know! I'm always trying to be a good person!! I don't know what bad thing I could've-" Xisuma paused. He realized what this was about. "Oh, oh gosh. The grudge, the war...OVER NOTHING. Everybody keeps saying Dream wasn't in control but I never listened, much less believe them. I was too angry with him for what happened 5 years ago and...I messed up. BADLY. The Hermits probably hate me for everything..."
Xylo chuckled. "You really think the Hermits would hate you?"
"I'll never get a chance to apologise because I'm dead."
"No matter what you've done, you're still their friend."
"I don't need a speech that's supposed to boost my mood."
Xena groaned. "Well, what else is he supposed to do other than talk? We're gonna be here forever."
"Look, I just need a minute to digest all this. I'm going for a walk."
Xylo nodded. "Take your time."
The admin got up and started walking around the city. Then he heard a familiar voice, clearly American.
Is that...?
The voice sounded scared. "Hello? Where am I?! Is anybody there?!"
Xisuma walked closer to the voice. He peeked around a corner, and much to his surprise, he saw his killer.
The terraformer's head immediately turned to X. He looked relieved, and ran up to the admin. Scar hugged him tightly.
"Scar, please slow down. I can't take in any of what you are saying."
Scar tooked a deep breath before repeating what he said slower this time. "I am so, SO sorry, X. Deep down I didn't want to kill you, but I owed someone a favor. I couldn't back out, or someone I care about would be killed again. I let the anger wash over me and I didn't think. I regret it so much. Please forgive me." Scar looked like he'd start sobbing any moment now.
"Scar, it's okay. I let anger wash over me too. I really regret declaring war on Dream because of a stupid grudge from 5 years ago."
Then Xisuma realized something as the two released from the hug. "Wait, how are you here? Because you do know you're dead right?"
"Oh," Scar said. "Well, uh-"
"Let me guess. You fell in lava."
Scar shook his head.
"Fell from a high place?"
He shook his head once again.
X put a finger to his chin, thinking of other stupid ways to die.
Finally, the admin smirked. "Pricked to death by a berry bush?"
Then he realized the most common way for Scar to die. "You went to the end, got an elytra, and crashed into something."
"Do you have no faith that I can survive one flight with that thing?"
"Well, on Hermitcraft you die quite often. And in rather stupid ways too. So don't blame me for jumping to the stupid ways to die list."
Scar sighed. He did died for stupid reason quite often back on Hermitcraft, so Xisuma did have a point. "For your information, none of those."
"Then what was it?!"
Scar's expression saddened. "Your brother- Killed me..."
"I knew this might happen. Xavier why are you like this..." The admin muttered under his breath as he looked down. He then looked back up at Scar. "Being dead doesn't bother me as much as it'll bother my brother. And he'll do stupid shit because of it. Geez. Scar, you really messed up."
"Well, you didn't have to say that to my face like that..." Scar huffed, ignoring the fact that Xisuma just swore.
"It's time to change the subject." The admin decided, looking around the city. "There's an arcade over there, wanna play some games?"
"Sure!" Scar said. He looked up at the sky, and spoke soft enough so the admin couldn't hear. "I'm sorry for what I did, I'll make everything right. Somehow, if I ever get out of this place..."
"What are you waiting for Scar? Let's go!"
"Hang on," Scar said, he was sure he heard a meow. "Jellie?"
Meow. Scar walked over to the noise and picked up his cat. "What's she doing here?"
Xisuma was puzzled. "Yeah, this place is only for people who've done something really bad that they'd regret. Maybe pets don't apply?"
Scar smiled. "Whatever the reason, I'm glad she's here."
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How the hell do you get pricked to death by a BERRY BUSH?! (By standing or AFKing in it. Idk if Scar was ever pricked to death by a berry bush, but he does die in stupid ways quite often. -Galactic) "This man can survive 50 hours in hardcore but can't survive 5 seconds in Hermitcraft." (Lol yea I loved when Grian said that -Galactic) AND I DID NOT WRITE THIS DSMP PART- I originally wrote Dreamnotfound Fluff but then SOMEONE removed it. And now I expect the last couple of chapters to not make any sense at all. I was rearranging them for that same someone's liking and now I have no idea what the fuck is going on in these chapters. So I apoligize if the last couple of chapters do not make any sense. Chapter was originally called "Love Kills"
- Pleb
I had no other idea what to do... -w- I love me some 'Suma angst! Scar always be experiencing kinetic energy- LEGIT HE CRASHED INTO A TREE DURING SEASON 8- (Scar-etic Energy -Pleb) PFFFFFFT- THAT IS IT'S NEW CANON NAME AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE- (I agree -Pleb) "Speaking of people suffering, that can be funny! Like watching one of your mates fall over and stack it, I don't know why that's so funny." -Xisumavoid Hermitcraft Season (Was it 6 or 7???)
Galactic legit wrote this and a few other chapters on in a few hours. In those same hours. I was doing math problems and suffering in homework as well as working on the story. I'm so tired... Now I'm editing this mess of chapter (Mumbo -Pleb) jumbo (You are AFK. I'm gonna take that moustache away -Galactic) (Mumbo mumbo mumbo AFK. I'm gonna take that moustache away -Pleb) to make it make much more sense. Pleb instead wants to work on two stories. They are nice (I'm in one of them as well as Galactic), but even my sister was questioning why she chose to work on so many stories at once. My sister loves to write lots of stories at once, for anyone that wants context btw. I completely rewrote the dsmp part of the chapter, and I love everything about it. NIGHTMARE IS CHILD NOW. CHANGE MY MIND. (Woman removed DNF fluff scene -Pleb) it didn't fit in the story. (C'MON- THE TECHNO SCENE I WROTE WAS WORTH IT -Pleb)
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