Chapter 27 - Betrayal
Chapter 27 - Betrayal
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Dream SMP / Krew
Michael woke up in a small box made of netherite. Michael was tied up. His hands were tied behind his back and his arms were bound to his sides. The zombified piglin's ankles were also bound together. The piglin made a small, frightened sound.
That was when Michael saw a block being removed. Then another. Sunlight streamed into the dark room. Michael made an inquisitive sound. A person that was wearing full netherite armor came into the room before replacing the blocks, and dropped a five year old girl and a four year old girl next to Michael. Cally and Carla. Michael made an angry sound. He was mad that this person had kidnapped Dream and George's daughter, and Skeppy and Bad's daughter. Two of his friends.
The person ignored the zombified baby piglin and took out a netherite pickaxe. They mined through the wall and replaced the blocks from the other side. But Michael saw what was on the other side. A bunch of dirt. But behind the dirt were wooden planks and he saw stairs. This box is in someone's house...Presumably, the basement...Or maybe this person's house is underground and they were trying to hide...
. . .
"Cally?" George was looking for his five year old daughter. But the eldest child was no where to be found.
"Cally!" Nothing.
George went to check up on Ginny and Aspin who were hugging each other in their sleep. George sighed in relief. One kid missing is enough stress already. When the brunet left the room and closed the door behind him, not even five seconds later, he heard the sound of glass shattering and Aspin crying. George flew the door open in time to see someone leave through the window.
"NO!" George ran to the window and jumped down, taking some damage. He ran after the kidnapper before the Brit got lost in a forest. He had completely lost the kidnapper and his way home.
"Hello?" The only thing the brunet heard was the forest echoing back to him. "Hello? Hello?"
George tried going back the way he came from but everything looked exactly the same to him. That was when he heard running footsteps. George turned around in time to see a certain blonde person's fist. The brunet fell to the ground in pain. Everything went black.
. . .
Bad and Skeppy were stressing. Even Andrew knew something was up.
"Papa?" The small diamond boy looked up at his demon father.
"What's wrong Andrew?" Bad asked in his usual cheerful tone.
"Where's Carly??" Andrew had a habit of pronouncing his older sister's name as Carly instead of Carla.
"Carla- Carla is just out playing with Cally."
"Oh." But the boy knew that his father was lying. Lying. Hiding something.
"BAD!!" Skeppy was calling the demon.
"COMING GEPPY!!" The demon picked up his son and went to find Skeppy.
"What's wrong Geppy?"
"Look what I found." Skeppy showed his husband a piece of green fabric. Lime Green.
"Green? But-"
"The only one I can think of that wears this shade of green is Dream and Drista."
"And Drista wouldn't kidnap a child unless she was just joking!" Bad stared at the green fabric. "And she would leave us a note."
"So the only person has to be Dream."
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
The two servers were at war, Xisuma and Dream attacking each other whenever they could.
Xisuma was aiming an overpowered bow at Dream's head, and fired.
He missed, hitting something else.
Jellie was shot by Xisuma
Xisuma gasped in horror at what he'd done.
<GoodTimeWithScar> X, how could you?!
<Xisuma> Scar, it was an accident, I SWEAR!
<Xisuma> I am, I'm sorry-
<GoodTimeWithScar> I want to leave Hermitcraft
Every Hermit who was looking at their communicator gasped.
<Xisuma> Scar, don't be like that...
<BDoubleO100> Scar please don't!!!
<GoodTimeWithScar> I already made my decision. What does it matter? My cat is dead. Grian is dead.
<BDoubleO100> Why do you care so much about Grian?
<GoodTimeWithScar> It''s complicated...
Then Scar noticed that someone messaged him.
Dream whispers to you: If you hate Xisuma, you can work for me in the war...
You whisper to Dream: And what will I get in return...?
Dream whispers to you: Oh, I think we can work something out...something involving DreamXD...
You whisper to Dream: I'm in.
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Dream kidnapping and manipulating? Or is he?
- Pleb
This is almost twice as long as Book 1...Scar saying he though Xisuma was a friend reminds me of Milly slapping Jake in TMF Ep 9. "I thought you were a friend." Zander legit is the overprotective brother. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE FINALE. Also: "Heya peach dear, it's time to end your career." -RosyClozy 2022
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