Chapter 19 - Stupid and Serious
Chapter 19 - Stupid and Serious
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Dream SMP / Krew
Fundy felt bored so he decided to go ahead and open his communicator.
<Grian> Cods are amazing
<Ghostbur> What about salmon? I like them.
<Grian> No. Cods are the way to go
<SolidarityGaming> Agreed. Joel and I even said it in a diss to Fwhip way back when we played on Empires SMP.
<Slimecicle> What's wrong with salmon? Wilbur or rather Ghostbur, loved them
<ItsFundy> We do not talk about that
<Smallishbeans> We don't talk about Salmon, no no no.
<Sally_theSalmon> What's wrong with me? I'm part salmon
<Ghostbur> Nothing is wrong with you Sally
<Sally_theSalmon> Thank you but I was talking to the people who were dissing off salmon
<SolidarityGaming> Cod forever. Grian even looks like one!
<MumboJumbo> Bread for the bread cod.
<Sally_theSalmon> Still. What's wrong with salmon?
<Smallishbeans> Nothing, it's just that cod is better. Fwhip really was a fool for filling his area with salmon.
<Sally_theSalmon> I say salmon is better
<Ghostbur> I agree
<ItsFundy> I also agree because my mother is a salmon
<Grian> Seems a bit biased if you ask me
<Slimecicle> I prefer salmon too
<Quackity> This is just getting weird
Quackity closed out his communicator when he heard crying. He found Kiera crying with her two siblings hugging her.
"What's wrong Kiera?"
"I can't find mama and papa!" The three year old cried.
"We'll see them again soon," Quackity promised. Kiera sniffed.
"Promise?" Quackity nodded.
"Your right," said a sudden voice.
Quackity spun around to see SamGladiator and Xornoth.
"What are you doing here?!" Quackity said.
"We just need to take action," Sam said.
"You two aren't even a part of the Dream SMP." The twins moved to hug Quackity's legs in fear as Quackity was holding the youngest child.
"So?" Xornoth said.
"What did you mean when you said that we would see Karl and Sap again?"
"We mean this..."
Quackity was slain by Xornoth
Not only was it Quackity, but it was the three girls too.
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
Bdubs didn't mean to release so many Ravagers. But he just couldn't help it.
It was dusk, so Bdubs did the only thing he knew. He slept in a bed.
That's when Ravagers appeared everywhere. A problem for the server to solve.
False called a serverwide meeting. "Okay, who's fault is this?"
"I blame Bdubs." Lizzie said. "I saw him sleep in a bed! Not long after, so many Ravagers appeared!"
"Bdubs what do you have to say about this?" False asked.
False then realized something. "Wait, Dream and Xisuma are supposed to be leading this meeting since they're the admins." She turned to the two admins. "Did you two take any part in this? Where were you two when this happened?"
"I was with George." Dream immediately said.
Xisuma responded with a pretty casual tone. "I was drinking tea while sitting on a chair, thinking about life, and the origin of the universe and our existence in it."
"Wow, X..." Grian murmured. "Are you okay?"
"Just normal admin stuff. I do this quite a lot considering all the chaos and drama that usually happens on the Hermitcraft server."
Everyone stared at Xisuma in silence.
Xavier nervously chuckled. "Dear brother, how much sleep do you usually get? And how many hours of sleep did you get last night?"
"Usually, 4 hours. But I got 2 hours last night."
More silence.
"Stop looking at me like you're gonna send me off to bed, I won't listen. I'm supposed to be here anyway, being a responsible admin and all."
He glared at Dream when he said "responsible admin", implying Dream wasn't responsible.
Dream stuck his tongue out at Hermitcraft's admin, resulting in an elbow from George.
"Don't be rude Dream."
"Well someone had to set up the trap before Bdubs slept in it." Scott said, ignoring the rude gestures Xisuma and Dream were making at each other. "We just need to find out who was the mastermind behind this."
"I mean, the mobs WERE Ravagers..." Mumbo said.
All eyes landed on Tango.
"Why me?"
"You literally airdropped Boatem with Ravagers in Season 8! Not to mention all your Season 7 shenanigans that involved Ravagers!!!"
"Excuse me? Why would you accuse me of anything to do with Ravagers on this server?! I think you should just-"
An argument broke out between Tango Tek and Mumbo Jumbo. Then people started chanting "FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!" Especially Techno.
False stood up on the ridiculously large table and clapped her hands, grabbing everyone's attention. "Enough!!! We need to find a way to get rid of these beasts!! Ideas?"
"Grian could use Watcher magic to make them disappear!" Foolish suggested. The huge totem was sitting on the ground instead of a chair considering his height.
Grian shook his head and put his feet up on the table. "Sorry, but I don't really feel like it."
That got some glares from people who didn't feel like dealing with the Ravagers.
"Grian," Bad started. "If you don't feel like removing them with your Watcher magic to make it easier for everyone, then would you maybe have a part in this mess?"
"Well- Not necessarily-"
Ren turned to look at Bad. "I mean, he is quite the troublemaker back on Hermitcraft. Who says he wouldn't cause trouble here?"
Grian then noticed that George was staring at his communicator with a look of shock.
"What happened Gogy?" Grian asked.
"Quackity was killed by Xornoth..." George whispered. "And Silvia, Kiera and Quin were killed too."
"Not only do we have Ravengers to deal with but murders AGAIN?!" Xisuma said in frustration. He didn't look happy at all.
"It was SamGladiator and Xornoth," George said.
"Those two won't be the only murders we'll be dealing with," Funneh said, looking at her communicator.
"Who's Senpai_Kai?" George asked.
"What do you mean Funneh?" Grian asked.
"Yumi is a Yandere for Kai. She's going to kill anyone that stands in her way of getting to him."
"One problem at a time," Mumbo said. "Let's focus on Sam and Xornoth first. In the meantime, no one interfere with Kai."
Everyone turned towards a figure that was slow clapping by the door.
"Well, well, well." SamGladiator said. "You guys are so cute, you think you can stop me!"
Grian looked angry. "GO AWAY SAM!!!"
"No," He said, walking towards Grian. "I don't think I will. You and Taurtis are so pathetic, Grian. The Hermits seem to hate you anyway, as they're always quick to accuse you for any trouble on that server. This meeting is enough to prove it! I think it's high time I do everyone a favor."
He ran a diamond sword through Grian's chest.
Grian was slain by samgladiator.
"GRIAN!!!" Taurtis shouted, tears streaming down his face.
Mumbo looked shocked, and tears started to fill his eyes as well. "Gri?"
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tommy yelled. Even Bad didn't bother correcting Tommy's language. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KILL GRIAN?!"
Pearl covered her mouth with her hands, and Jimmy and Joel just sat in their seats, unsure of what to do.
In fact, everyone was shocked. Sam just smiled.
Xisuma aggressively stood up from his chair and walked up to where Sam was. "You know, I really don't appreciate people who kill my friends. I've dealt with that enough recently. So you may think I'll even give you an option to peacefully leave the server, but I won't. I'll kill you myself. And if you even escape from this meeting room, I'll be sure to hunt you down and end you. I'd do anything to protect the Hermits, I suppose you should have thought about that before killing one of them."
"Ha! What can you do?" Sam asked. "You're a weak admin compared to Dream anyway. He even manipulates people on Dream SMP. What can you do?" Sam paused. "I should probably also take leverage against the SMP."
TommyInnit was slain by samgladiator
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Tubbo screamed.
Sam resumed what he was saying. "Where was I? Oh yeah! What can you do, Xisumavoid? Drink tea while scolding the Hermits for being chaotic? For being themselves? I know you'd scold them for a prank, even if they're the ones on the server known to be pranksters."
"How do you even know so much?" Xisuma asked.
Sam smiled. "I have my ways."
Little did Sam know what was coming.
Little did he know what Grian dreamt a few nights ago.
Grian was in the pitch black void of his dream world. "Hello?"
"Grian?" A familiar voice said. "I've not seen you since Last Life!"
Grian turned to see Martyn. "No way, how can we communicate through a dream?"
"I dunno, but it's cool! So, you're a Watcher huh?"
"Yeah, I am." The Hermit responded. "The new leader now, since Xena and Xylo are dead."
"Well, it's good you're the leader." Martyn responded. "But I knew you were a Watcher."
"After I died in Last Life, the Watchers spoke to me. They said stuff about you. It's also freaky, because the Watcher I spoke to said I was only meant to listen, rather than watch."
Grian's eyes widened. "So the legends are true? Listeners are real?"
"Yes, apparently I'm one too."
"My current server is falling into chaos, Xyla said I could try contacting the Listeners for help, would you lend a hand?"
"No. A server that the Hermits and Dream SMP members are trapped on."
Grian revealed the name of the server.
"Hmmm, Watchers and Listeners hate each other because of Xena. But I'll see what I can do."
"Thank you Martyn."
"Anything for a friend."
Generik glared at Sam. "I suggest you leave before X kills you."
"Oh I don't think so. If he needs to die than let him die." An unfamiliar voice spoke.
Everyone was so busy being angry, that they didn't even see the two new messages in chat.
InTheLittleWood joined the game.
Listener_Zene joined the game.
The figure the voice belonged to was wearing white robes, exactly like Grian's, but everywhere there was purple, was orange instead. She wore a mask much like the Watchers, but with a different symbol that was glowing orange. The same applied to the halo and wings.
Behind her, stood a blond man with blue eyes. He wore a green t-shirt, jeans, and black sandals. He also wore a headband around his forehead.
Sam cowered at the sight of the unknown figure. "Who- Who are you?"
"I am Zene." She said. "Leader of the Listeners."
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A thought that comes to my mind every morning...Why is it that when we go to bed, we wanna get outta bed but when we wake up, our bed just feels like the most comfortable place ever and we don't wanna get outta bed? Why am I now thinking of Eburnean Tommy AU? Should I make an Eburnean Tommy AU book? Not me working on my English homework when it was due the next day because I thought it was due today- ANYWAYS- Clearly, this book is gonna be longer than 20 chapters- (Pages go brrr. Lol Book 1 was so much shorter. -Galactic)
- Pleb
When you realize last chapter had 14 pages (excluding author/editor comments) and the Hermitcraft section was on 12.5 of those pages- (We use Google Slides, font size 8 -Pleb) What is it with this book and leverage?
When your friends work on project past your bedtime... why do I have bedtime again? Oh right, Asain parents. (Why is your bedtime at EIGHT? -Pleb) (I have a bedtime too, but the thing is I don't listen to it. Pretty sure mine is 9 or 10 but I usually stay up 'til midnight and complain I'm tired the next day :> -Galactic) (I have never seen you complain -Pleb) (Oh, I don't complain out loud. But my brain wishes I were at home, asleep. -Galactic) Ask my parents if you want to understand my early bedtime. It's likely because of my siblings.
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