Chapter 17 - Death
Chapter 17 - Death
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Dream SMP / Krew
Kristin, also known as Mumza is Death.
Many think Death is a man. A man with long, bony fingers, pale skin and a cloak that covers his face. But no. Kristin is a beautiful woman who can increase her height as she wishes. Kristin wears a long black dress and a black sun hat with a black veil attached around the brim. She wears black lipstick, black polish and lightly applied black eye shadow. Her skin complexion is pale on account of her being death.
Death is known to bring people to the other side and stay in the area between life and death. Kristin can go to the other side, the area in between and the real world. The real world is where she met her love life, Philza Minecraft.
But now he was dead. Yes, she knew that he would probably be back on the server of the Dream SMP, but the Watchers still killed her husband and nothing could change that. And he was not only killed by Watchers but by Watcher magic...The most powerful of all magic. But nothing was more powerful than death.
And now Kristin was back. Fueled with anger. And with her...With her were many...Many...Many crows...
. . .
Techno was fighting the Watchers. He had given up on making a plan. In his opinion, it was taking far too long to think of one. And surprisingly, the Blood God was struggling. Very surprisingly. But it wasn't by much. But even though it was tauntingly slow, at the rate that the struggle was increasing...But luckily, Grian had come to help.
Technoblade used his netherite sword and slashed out at Xylo. The Watcher used his magic to attempt in destroying the blood god's sword.
The voices. The voices were urging the Blood God to kill the Watcher.
Guided by the voices, Techno dodged the blast before attacking again. And before Xylo could react, he saw Techno above him, bringing down the enchanted sword. Luckily for the Watcher though, he moved out of the way in time.
"Do you even have a plan?!" Techno heard Grian shout.
"No I don't, but TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!!" Techno roared.
That was when Dream showed up. Dream...Controlled by Lucid...But unfortunately, the Watchers, the Hermit and the Blood God had no idea that Lucid was controlling Dream.
"What are you doing here?!" Xena yelled. "You better get out of here!!"
"And why should I?" Lucid asked, knowing what he was doing.
"I"LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Xena screamed as she dueled with Grian. The Watcher had to shut up so she wouldn't get distracted.
"Fine then," Xylo said. "If you want to stay..."
With a snap of the Watcher's fingers, a short figure had appeared along with a sharp purple jeweled dagger in one hand.
As soon as the figure was revealed to be George, Dream completely took over himself again.
The brunet was surprised at the sudden teleportation but as soon as he found out what was happening, which was rather quick, his face visibly showed that he was scared.
"And what if I do?" Xylo said, pressing the blade against George's cheek which left a cut.
"FUCK YOU," the blond shouted.
"You've made a grave mistake," said a distorted voice from behind Xylo. The male Watcher looked behind him to see a 12 foot man with a striking resemblance to Dream. But instead of a mask with a smile, it was a mask with XD on it. The man was wearing a dark green and gold cloak and instead of two hands, he had four detached hands. Behind the god was a set of wings.
"Who are you-" Xylo said in a weak voice. "The tallest is Foolish! No one is as tall as him!"
"Well I am," XD said.
. . .
A crow flew down from the sky and settled on a mountain where it could see the scene with the SMP members, the Hermits and the Watchers.
One by one, more crows flocked to the mountain and after the crows, about 3 million, the woman who was now much more taller than her regular height, settled on the mountain behind the crows.
— — —
Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
"IT'S OVER XENA!!!" Grian shouted, blasting Xena's magic connection she was using to strangle Taurtis, knocking him back on his feet.
"And what are YOU gonna do Xelqua?"
He blasted her with his bright purple magic, causing her to stumble onto the ground.
"Fine. If that's how you want to play it."
Both Watchers flew up into the air, blasting each other with all their strength.
"How about you give up now, Xelqua? Before you get hurt."
"No thanks, I'd rather sacrifice myself to stop you than give up and let you take control of Hermitcraft AND Dream SMP," Xelqua said, dodging a blast of Xena's magic.
"Oh, you've come so far. Shame that'll be put to waste."
"Just TRY and kill me, Xena. You're not gonna win. Not this time."
More and more blasts were thrown.
Xylo was having his own conversation with DreamXD. "Ha! What are you here for? Not even a god can kill a Watcher! Especially not one as powerful as me."
"Oh, but there is one god who can."
Xylo turned around and swiftly blocked a sword with his magic.
The one who swung the sword was Technoblade.
Xylo blasted killing magic at Techno. The Blood God fell to the ground.
Just as Xylo thought he killed him, the pig rose up from the ground. "What? That was killing magic! I killed you!"
"Not even close baby! TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!" The pink haired man slashed out a Xylo, swinging his sword.
The Watcher was blocking every swing, but each swing got harder to block. He thought to himself so Xena could hear.
Please. Just this one moment....
Xylo felt in control. He immediately turned his head towards Xisumavoid. "I'm sorry. I love you, nephew."
And that was when the sword hit him.
He smiled to himself during his last moments.
Thank you, Xena.
Not even I would have such a cold heart.
Everything blacked out.
. . .
Meanwhile, Grian and Xena were getting beaten up badly.
"Giving up yet, young Xelqua?"
"Not a chance." The Brit responded. "You took EVERYTHING from me! And now you're gonna pay!"
He was finally ready to use killing magic. "You took my server."
She dodged.
"You took my friends!" He blasted her again, which she blocked.
Xena continuously blocked and dodged every death blast that Grian threw at her.
"That is enough," said a booming voice. A voice that belonged to a kind woman. The distraction had been enough to end the female Watcher's life.
"NO!" She screamed in her last moments. "Stupid distraction! I can't have been taken down by Xelqua!"
And she perished.
A purple glow appeared around Grian, and he appeared in robes. A more complex design than Xena and Xylo's. And instead of purple and black, they were white and purple.
"What just happened?"
"No one's worn those robes for years..." Xyla murmured.
"But what happened."
"Well, the Watchers need a new leader. Xena and Xylo are gone." She smiled. "Those robes are only worn by powerful leaders. You've proven yourself."
"Alright..." Grian said nervously. Then he turned around and looked up.
There was a tall figure standing in front of him. One with pale skin, black lipstick, a black sun hat with a black veil, and a long black dress. It was the figure the kind voice belonged to.
"Thanks for the distraction so i could land the final blow on Xena." Grian said. "By the way, who are you?"
"I am Death." The woman responded. "But I think you might already know me."
Grian looked confused, until she lifted her veil.
She lowered the veil back down and nodded as many crows began to flock around her, some perched on her hat, some perched on her shoulders.
"How?" Grian continued. "I thought you died!!! We all saw the death message!"
"Death herself cannot die."
Grian glanced down at his new Watcher robes. "So, what happens now?"
Xyla stepped in and smiled. "Now, the Watchers have a new leader. A better leader."
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The story isn't quite over just yet...(Yea, Xornoth and SamGladiator are still on the server. And what do we do about Lucid? -Galactic) And Cheshire Cat Lunar and ItFunneh along with the YHS characters. (Oh yeah! Although I was thinking like evil characters. Which I guess Cheshire Lunar and ItFunneh are. Didn't really think YHS characters to be evil. Dam when I hear YHS I still think of Sam, Grian, and Taurtis. -Galactic) Ahem- Yumi- (Ok...well i never watched Krew's YHS so I wouldn't know -w- -Galactic)
- Pleb
Lmao Pleb and I thought the same exact thing with "Not even close baby! TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!!!" Book 2 isn't over, but i'm pretty sure it's almost done. Maybe now would be a good time to make the cover...
PHIL'S CHAT HAS APPEARED! Fun fact: Kristin was headcannoned in the Death to the point it was basically cannon. The fan couldn't had been happier. I'll likely be writing more to help wrap this up. I have a few ideas~
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