Chapter 1 - We Meet Again
Chapter 1 - We Meet Again
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Dream SMP / Krew
The SMP members were confused. Dream, Drista, George, Sapnap, Slimecicle who had died from Purpled, Quackity, Karl, Bad, Skeppy, Ranboo, Purpled, Tubbo, Michael, Tommy, Puffy, Michelle who is Puffy's zombified baby piglin, Eret, Fundy, Aimsey, Yogurt who is Fundy's adopted son that is a snow fox, Technoblade, Wilbur, Sam, Sally, Niki, Tina, Ponk, Philza, Mumza, Foolish, Alyssa, Cally, Ginny, Aspin, Silvia, Quin, Kiera, Carla, Andrew, Funneh, Lunar, Draco, Rainbow, and Gold.
"No way," Tommy whispered.
"Yes way," Lunar said, oblivious to what was going on.
"How-" Skeppy said "All we did was try to go to the nether."
"We tried to get to the end," Xisumavoid said.
"Who are all these new people on your side?" Bad asked, politely, being the polite, innocent demon he was.
"I am Smallishbeans, but you can call me Joel."
"I'm SolidarityGaming but you can call me-" He was cut off by the Hermit's blonde gremlin.
Grian pointed to Solidarity. "THIS IS TIMMY!"
"No, my name is Jimmy. He likes to troll people who don't know my name by saying it's Timmy so they remember me as that. It's Jimmy though."
"I'm LDShadowLady, but you can call me Lizzie."
"And I am Dangthatsalongname, but you can call me Scott." Scott looked at the SMP members. "And I remember some of you from Origins SMP."
"OH! I remember you!" Fundy said. "You tried hunting me down."
Joel is a brunet with a green streak in his hair. His eyes were brown with a slight reddish tint. He was also wearing clothes that looked like Shrek. The SMP members also found out that he was married to Lizzie. Lizzie had pink hair with blue eyes. Jimmy was blond with light brown eyes. Scott had light teal hair and dull blue eyes. He looked different from how he looked on the Origins SMP.
"I see you also have new members," Xavier pointed out.
"Oh-" Funneh said. "I'm surprised you noticed us...Kidding! I'm Funneh. These are my siblings, Draco, Lunar, Gold and Rainbow."
"Are they annoying? Siblings can get very annoying." Xavier said, as he looked at Xisuma.
"Yes," Funneh said. "Especially Draco."
"HEY!!" Draco exclaimed. He started chasing after Funneh.
"I'm the oldest," Rainbow said.
"Do they always fight like that?" Grian asked,
"You get use to their little fights," Gold said.
"Yea my brother was a bit of a crybaby at times." Xisuma mentioned. "We should get along perfectly if we both think siblings are annoying."
Xavier shot him a glaring look.
"I would say the four of you would really get along," Rainbow said as she watched Funneh and Draco fight with wooden swords that they just made. The Hermits watched, shocked, but the SMP members acted as if this was normal.
"DON'T KILL EACH OTHER!" Phil shouted.
"WHY NOT?!" Draco said.
"Because I'm low!" Funneh said.
"No. Because you can't respawn," Xisuma said, trying to act calm.
"Fineeeee," the two whined.
"I'm guessing this is another new world," Tubbo said, glancing at his platonic husband who was now alive again now that they were in this new server.
"Yea," Tommy said. "Our inventories are empty."
"Ours aren't," Draco said, coming back with Funneh.
"Cause you two made swords already," False said. "Besides, you two wouldn't have a chance against me, combined."
"You wouldn't have a chance against me," Techno said. "I'll kill you in a second."
"Murber?" Lunar suddenly said.
"Can we just go kill off a village together?" False asked, speaking to Techno and Lunar, already finding something that the 3 had in common.
"I don't see why not, as long as I get to kill the orphans," Techno said.
"Sure!" Lunar said.
The three left, leaving everyone else confused at the conversation that had just happened.
. . .
Techno was in the middle of killing villagers so he could kill their kids who were now orphans when he heard a bark behind him. Techno turned around to see a dog behind him. He almost immediately recognized the dog.
. . .
Funneh and Draco went to collect supplies together. Gold and Rainbow went with them to make sure they were behaving. They were mining stone when they heard a meow behind them followed by a meow from another cat.
"Kiaria?! Ezera?!" Rainbow turned around, shocked to see the Krew cats behind the 4 siblings. Then there were 3 barks from 3 different dogs. The siblings quickly figured out that the server was modded. One was white, one was brown and the other was blond.
"Floof! Reinhardt! Dembe!" Funneh said.
"How did our pets get here?!" Gold said as Floof jumped on her.
"I have no idea!" Draco said, laughing as Reinhardt licked his face.
. . .
Dream, George, Cally, Aspin and Ginny had built a wooden house in the middle of a forest.
"DADDY! MOMMY!" Cally cried out. The girls addressed Dream as their father and George as their mom.
"Cally?" George asked. "Is something wrong?"
"I found 2 kitties!" And just as she said that, two familiar cats appeared behind her. Patches and Cat.
. . .
"Why are you shouting Bad?" Skeppy asked, turning around to see his demon husband holding up a familiar dog.
"I found Lucy!!"
"I can see that."
"Isn't she adorable?"
"More than me?" Skeppy asked, pretending to be insulted.
"Yes. More than you," Bad said, sticking out his tongue.
. . .
And of course, Funneh and Draco went to go cause some trouble. They managed to give Rainbow and Gold the slip while building a house that the Krew would share in another village.
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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP
Xisuma saw the Dream SMP had new members too.
Funneh had dark blue hair and light blue eyes. Lunar had teal hair and dark gray eyes. Draco had black hair and green eyes. Gold had light brown hair and amber eyes. Finally, Rainbow had pink hair and light brown eyes. The five were quick to remember the Hermits. The only difference about the SMP members was that Niki now had pink hair. There was also Foolish and Fundy, who weren't new, but were in this world this time. Fundy was basically a fox with orange fur. Foolish was a totem of undying with a shark hat and gloves. There was also a second baby zombified piglin along with a snow fox. Ponk was wearing a yellow, black and red mask that covered his entire face except for his eyes. Eret had sunglasses and was wearing a crown. Aimsey had dark brown hair and a red beanie. There were also 8 kids. Three were with Dream and George. There was a girl with dirty blonde and light brown eyes. The second is a brunette with green eyes. Then there was a brunette infant with dirty blonde highlights and brown eyes along with ears that were slightly sharpened at the top. Another 3 were with Sapnap, Karl and Quackity. One is a ravanette with black eyes. Another was like the first with black hair and black eyes. The last looked just like Karl. And finally, there were two kids with Skeppy and Bad. One had black hair and diamond blue eyes. The other has black hair with pure white eyes. The white-eyed boy is part diamond. The diamond blue eyed girl seemed to be part demon.
He was unsure on why they got transported into another world again. Apparently this server also had unknown mods, since he was able to make binoculars. So he decided to be sneaky for once and spy on other Hermits. He climbed a tree in an oak forest and looked for some of them.
He saw Grian, Mumbo, Wels, Jimmy, and Scar chopping wood together in the forest.
Then something caught Grian's eye. "Is that a cat tail? Cats aren't supposed to spawn in a forest..."
Scar immediately recognized the tail. "Jellie!"
He gently picked up his cat, and started petting her. "How'd you get here?"
Grian noticed two more cats who seemed to be cuddling with one another. "No way..."
He went up to the cats only to find that they were indeed Maui and Pearl. Upon seeing Grian, Maui jumped into his arms, startling the blond gremlin.
"Woah, Maui! Calm down!"
"Remi!" Wels said excitedly at seeing his dog.
Soon enough, Mumbo spotted Kubo and Benji. They ran over to Mumbo almost immediately. Kubo allowed Mumbo to pet him. Benji started playing with a water bucket Mumbo had just put down.
"Hey, don't play with that! I need the water to make an automatic sugarcane farm!"
Grian frowned. "Mumbo stop yelling at your cat because you wanna do redstone."
"How are your pets here?" Jimmy asked.
"I don't know," Grian said. "It's a surprise for sure, but a welcome one."
Mumbo laughed. "True, that."
Jimmy looked up a tree and spotted one more cat. "BIG MAN NORMAN!"
He quickly climbed up to get his cat.
Grian just looked confused. "Why do I hear leaves rustling? It's not windy today."
Then a branch from a tree fell, Xisuma coming down with the branch. He was holding a pair of binoculars in his hand.
Wels looked shocked. "X! Were you spying on us?"
"Ah- Maybe I was-" He said guiltily.
"Why?" Grian questioned.
X chuckled. "I guess I just wanted to try something new and cause mischief for a change. Usually I'm 'Oh I'm the admin of Hermitcraft. Behave guys please. Oh I'm the responsible one!' X, not 'Oh yeah I'm a true prankster lemme cause chaos' X."
"Chaos?" A voice behind him asked.
X jumped back with shock. He was not expecting that. The Hermits started laughing, so X turned around. Behind him were Funneh and Draco, laughing their heads off.
"Oh my gosh your face!" Funneh was crying of laughter.
Only then did X realize his expression was terrified. He then got up and angrily looked at the siblings.
"That was very immature!" X said.
"X, stop being such a buzzkill! Have a little fun!" Grian moaned.
X was taken aback by Grian's comment. "I do have fun! And, I'm NOT a buzzkill."
Grian looked at him. "Really?"
X sighed. "Do you even know what buzzkill means?"
"Uhhhhh- Why should I tell you?"
X rolled his eyes. "Buzzkill means to have a depressing or negative effect. I'll tell you right now, buzzkill is not the correct term."
Grian smiled. "Party pooper."
X angrily looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"You ALWAYS act like you're the most mature person here. You ALWAYS act like we're the immature ones when we're just trying to have some fun! You ALWAYS do this!" Grian snapped.
X snapped back. "Me?! YOU'RE the one making a big deal out of this for no reason! And I have every right to be angry! Funneh and Draco startled me for no reason!"
Dream was leaning on a tree, pretending to yawn. "You're one to talk X, seems to me like you're also making a big deal out of this. Just like with everything..."
"Everything? If you're talking about the way you brutally murdered by friends for no reason, I was not overreacting." X glared at the Dream SMP admin.
"Yeah, you kinda were. You threatened to kill George and I over it. Might I remind you, George never did anything bad to you."
"Oh, I'm sorry!" X said sarcastically. "I have a right to be angry with you. You killed my friends AND my brother."
"And you're complaining? Wasn't that the very same brother that tried to destroy your server? The same brother that manipulated you and exploited the Hermits? I think I might've done a favor. Besides, they look like they're alive now, so stop complaining."
"Not all of them are alive." X snarled. "And how do you even know what he did?"
"I have my ways." Dream said as he left.
Wels took a deep breath and looked at X. "Please stop fighting with everybody..."
"Why? I think it's perfectly fine to have a small bicker."
Mumbo spit out his water, laughing. "Small bicker?! That's an understatement for sure! It might as well have been a full out war, mate!"
Wels sighed. "Yes it was an understatement, Mumbo. But now you're over exaggerating."
Jimmy looked confused. "C'mon now, why don't we find something that will distract us from all this?"
As if it was perfectly timed, everyone's communicator dinged.
<Smallishbeans> Does anyone want to help me kill chickens?
<Technoblade> Nah, I prefer killing orphans.
<Grian> Wait a minute- Joel you wanna kill me?!
<Tommyinnit> Grian, what are you talking about? He said kill chickens, not kill Grian.
<Smallishbeans> Yeah that is true.
<Xisuma> Oh I think Grian's talking about Season 6.
<falsesymmetry> Oh why did you remind him of that. Now I feel like eggs will be thrown at all of us.
<Georgenotfound> Wait a minute, why would Grian throw eggs at people?
<Grian> No reason...
<MumboJumbo> Because Grian's, Poultry Man!
<Grian> What?! I am not! I have no clue what you are talking about...
<MumboJumbo> Mate, you literally revealed it on Hermit News
<Grian> Oh, did I mention that? I don't remember. Hey Tango, Techno, Phil, and Zed. Wanna continue what we started last time we all were in the same world but we didn't get to do much of it because of the egg and moon?
<MumboJumbo> Of course you remember it Grian- Stop pretending like you don't-
<Zedaph> Oh yeah let's continue!
<PhilzA> Continue what, exactly? I forgot
<Technoblade> Y'know Phil, the c word for a group.
<PhilzA> Oh, that one
<Xisuma> Club?
<Grian> Sure, X.
<Technoblade> Because 'club' is totally what we were talking about.
Today was good. The Hermits finally met the Dream SMP members again, Grian had his cats, and the cult he created last time they met would continue with a new HQ. And most of the Hermits were happy they could get high in chat again.
Everything was perfect.
He just had to continue hiding his secret. The secret he had been keeping for many years...
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WHY DO I SEE SHREK IN ALMOST EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. DREAM SMP. FANFICTION. AND NOW GALACTIC ADDED HIM TO THIS- WHYY- (IT'S NOT MY FAULT JOEL'S SKIN USED TO LOOK LIKE SHREK. AND HE CHANGED IT BUT STILL HAS THE SHREK OUTFIT- -Galactic) Okay, but still. THE COINCIDENCE OF ADDING SOMEONE WITH A SHREK SKIN- Pets are Galactic's idea. Before this chapter was even done, I already planned out book 3...Well- Now you know there's gonna be a book 3.
- Pleb
The fact that I procrastinated my math hw to work on this...Fanfic > Boring Math Hw on Stupid Precentages. I love this sibling rivalry with Krew and then X and Evil X XDDD siblings are legit the worst tho- X...stop getting into arguments IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. This is not how you do things...
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