Ok, so I wanted to clarify something.
When I write my stories I always try to make them different from each other
One of the things I do (you probably already noticed) is picking new pet names
Such as Louly-pad in LIB , My knight in shining armor in By accident, or Bunny in DUIH. So I don't get bored while writing.
Here they are going to be Little Ocean and Curly 💚
The other thing I do is finding catching phrases or things to make their personalities.
Such as 'you can kiss me if you want to' in By accident or 'you're dismissed' in DUIH.
In LIB I made Harry fan of how I met your mother, and a lot of things had to do with that.
I try to find patterns, you know?
Here, Louis will have a thing for flowers and their meanings.
I hope this clarify how my mind works.
It's weird. But I like it weird.
(That was kindergarten catching phrase if you don't remember.)
Hope you like this chapter 💜✨
Mag 🦋
"Take my hand."
"Take my hand, Harry." - He said, extending his hand towards me before entering the hotel.
I did as he told me and he intertwined our fingers.
"It's weird."
"I know, but I need you to follow my lead in this. I know what I'm doing, it's my job, remember?"
"Sure, Okay."
"I need you to tell me who are the people we are trying to convince."
"My friends, and their partners."
"Mmm, the one who is getting married today is Ed. With his soon to be wife Cherry. Then we have Liam, Zayn, Niall, Nick, Roman and Mitch. Each of them with their partners."
"Okay. What about the family of the groom?"
"I know them, but it's not like they are going to judge. Just focus on my friends."
"Perfect. C'mon." - He said, pulling me inside.
Inside the hotel, an employee guided us to an internal garden where they had made a beautiful flower arch and an altar at the end, plenty of chairs decorated in silver and gold, and a carpet with white rose petals in the middle of the seats, making the aisle look elegant and romantic at the same time.
It was all really beautiful.
"So, where are they?" - Louis asked.
"Harry! You're here!"
There they are.
And they were coming towards us.
I turned to Louis and smiled shyly.
"Just act natural." - He giggled.
"Hey mate! We were waiting for you." - Liam said, approaching us.
"Yeah, well I'm here now."
"Aren't you going to introduce us?" - Niall said and winked at me.
I'm going to kill him.
"Well, everyone. He is William."
All of my friends had wide smiles on their faces and I wanted to drown in a swamp because I knew they wouldn't leave me alone the whole evening.
"Hey, can I call you Will? I'm Niall."
"Yeah, Will is fine." - He laughed.
"Well." - I said. - "He is Liam." - I pointed towards him and he shook Louis' hand. - "He is Zayn, he is Nick." - I pointed and Louis said hello to them as well. - "He is Roman. And he is Mitch." - I finished. - "You're going to meet Ed later. After the ceremony I guess."
"Sure. A pleasure to meet you all." - Louis said, politely.
"The pleasure is ours." - Zayn said.
"Harry never brings anyone. And we have known him since highschool " - Nick added.
"We were worried about him. He needs to get laid." - Roman said and I ran my hands on my face.
Could this be any more embarrassing?
"We were all expecting this moment to meet you, he was being really mysterious about you, Will." - Liam said.
"It's because I wasn't totally ready to meet his friends. All my fault." - Louis said and I looked at him. - "He convinced me though. Right Curly?" - He said, stroking my cheek.
Wow. He was good at lying.
"Yes." - I smiled.
"Yes, I approve of him." - Zayn said.
"Yeah, I really like you already, Will." - Liam added.
"Same goes for you, lads."
"Well, I think we should go take a seat." - I said to Louis.
"No, wait. We want to talk to Will." - Nick said.
I turned to look at them all and I sighed.
"I don't want you to scare him." - I lied.
"We would never." - Niall said.
"We just want to interrogate your first boyfriend ever." - Roman added.
"He is not my boyfriend."
Louis grabbed my hand tightly.
"I'm fine. We can talk until the ceremony starts." - He said, softly.
"See? He likes us too." - Liam said.
"How did you two meet?" - Nick asked.
"Details, please." - Roman added.
I was so tense that I didn't hear the rest of the conversation.
This was such a bad idea.
"Okay, I think that's enough. Leave the poor guy alone." - Mitch suddenly broke his silence and told the group.
I stepped out of my thoughts and looked at him. I mentally thanked him.
That was my cue to escape.
I turned to Louis.
"Little ocean?"
He looked at me and smiled sincerely.
"Do you want to sit? This is about to start."
"Of course."
"You guys should sit next to Amelia and I." - Niall said. - "Promise I won't bother you." - He said, sincerely.
"Yes. Thanks."
Louis took my hand back into his' and we walked towards the seats, finding the one next to Amelia who was already sitting.
Seven more hours to go.
It's not that long.
It was a torture.
But, on the bright side, having Louis' company wasn't that bad.
He sat next to me and smiled, slipping his hand on my thigh and leaning closer to whisper in my ear.
"This is going well, don't panic."
I nodded and he winked at me, turning again to look at the altar where Ed was standing already, waiting for Cherry to make her entrance.
Louis' hand never left my thigh.
During the reception of the wedding, Louis and I were placed on the same table as Niall and Amelia, Liam and Maya, and Zayn and Gigi.
Louis sat by my side and the waiters served us dinner.
It was exquisite.
Liam and Zayn never stopped asking things to Louis. He was their object of entertainment.
They were torturing him.
"What is the thing you like the most about Harry?" - Liam asked.
"His hair." - He said and tug on my curls, to make his point.
"What is the most romantic thing he did for you?" - Gigi asked.
"Well, we have been dating for a short period of time. But I think that inviting me here was pretty romantic, right Curly?"
"C'mon, Harry. Show more enthusiasm." - Zayn said.
"What do we have here?" - I heard a voice coming from behind me.
I turned around to see Ed. My recently married friend.
"Congratulations, mate." - I said.
"Thanks bud. Now, who is he?" - He said, palming Louis' shoulder.
"Hey, I'm William. Congratulations." - He said.
"Oh, So William. What is going on between you and my friend here?"
I tensed.
"Just enjoying ourselves." - He laughed.
"I hope you are having a great time. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"If you excuse me I have some insisting relatives who want pictures with me and my wife." - He said and walked away.
"Stop being so weird." - Louis whispered to my ear when Ed was out of sight.
I swallowed and turned to look at him.
"Yes curly?" - He smiled.
"Would you want to dance?"
"Of course."
We stood up and he guided me to the dance floor. A couple of people were dancing there at the rhythm of some pop song. Between them I saw Sarah struggling with Mitch. He wasn't the dancing type.
Louis and I stayed away from my friends though, he said I needed to relax a bit. So I just focused on dancing and loosen up around him.
I wasn't that nervous after a while, I was actually really comfortable.
We moved along the music for about two songs until it suddenly changed into the Waltz.
Louis stared at me and clearly saw I was getting nervous again.
"Okay, your hands here." - He said, getting closer to me and placing my arms around his neck. - "And mine here." - He wrapped them around my back. - "Now we move."
I laughed and we started swinging at the sound of the music.
"This is so weird."
"Just go with it."
I looked over Louis' shoulder and saw all of my friends staring at us.
"They are watching us." - I said to Louis, almost whispering.
"Okay." - He grabbed me closer to him, pressing our bodies together and he leaned over to whisper in my ear. - "Rest your head in my shoulder."
"Just follow my lead."
I rested my head in his shoulder, facing his neck.
This was so weird.
I was so tense.
He ran his hands on my back in a soothing movement.
"It'll be over soon. It's more believable this way, Harry."
He swung us side to side and I slightly let my eyes close. Letting myself relax under his arms and breathing in his awesome perfume that I hadn't noticed until now.
"You're a really good actor." - I mumbled.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you say you're one in real life. You're so confident." - I mumbled against his neck again.
He laughed shyly.
"I used to be one. But I only did small things. Mostly as an extra in movies." - He said in a low volume while we kept dancing the slow waltz.
"That's cool."
"This is better money, though."
"Do you like doing this?"
"I guess. It's good money, free food, having fun, meeting cool people. So yes. But It has its cons too."
"Like what?"
"People who thinks I'm selling sex. Or the ones that take advantage of me. I always put them in place though. Nothing serious ever happened to me. That's why I bring my own car. That way I can run away if I need to."
"I understand." - I said, accommodating my head to a better position in his shoulder.
We did a couple more steps and then the music ended again, forcing us to separate.
"Let's go back to the table. I'm hungry." - He said, taking my wrists and walking straight to our table.
The hours went by really fast with Louis.
He was indeed a great company.
And it's not small to say that every single one of my friends loved him and asked me to bring him more often.
Louis followed their lead and told them he would make sure to go to our hang out next week. And he also told Zayn that he would try to be at his wedding, which is in two weeks from now.
So I was screwed.
I mean, this was a one time lie. Right?
I can't sustain this much longer.
Louis and I got inside his vehicle and he drove us until he reached my address.
The ride was quiet. I was tired and too lost in my thoughts to make small talk with him.
He got out of the car and walked me to my door.
"So…" - He said.
"I'll probably have to call you in two weeks for Zayn's wedding."
"Yeah, sure. I'm available."
I took my keys out and opened the door.
He stared at me.
"Mmm, sorry, do you want to… come in or something?" - I said, not very convinced.
"No." - He laughed. - "I want you to pay me."
"Oh shit. Right. Yes." - I said, pulling out my wallet. - "Here." - I said handing him the money.
"Thanks. See you, Harry."
"Bye." - I said, before collapsing on my couch.
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